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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008277

No of Pages: 54

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study examined the effect of sales promotion on consumer brand loyalty. In addition, it is imperative to identify some of the problems militating against the issue of brand loyalty. The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between sales promotion incentives. (1) It geared towards determining the premium gift offer on consumer brand loyalty. (2).Sample offer. (3).contest offer. (4) Price packs. (5) Coupon offer. The study was carried out in Umuahia North local Government area of Abia State. In This Study, both the primary and secondary data were used in the collection of the data. A sample size of 383 respondents would be for the study. The data collected for the study will be analysed based on the objectives. Objectives (1), (2), (3) will be analysed using simple descriptive statistics such as tables, percentages and frequencies. In Summary of the finding, it was discovered that sales promotion are relevant in the marketing communication mix campaign for consumer products. Sales promotion is a remarkable channel to make more sales and maintain increase market share. Above all, sales promotion has proved to be a strong tool for combating competition among company’s competitors. From the above findings, the researcher observed that sales promotion is encouraging and recommended it as an appropriate and acceptable marketing strategy for achieving company’s objective.


Title Page……………………………………………………………………  i



Dedication……………………………………………………………………. iv


Table of Contents …………………………………………………………....vi

List of Tables…………………………………………………………………ix



1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….…          1

1.2 Statement of Problem          ………………………………………………          4

1.3 Objectives of the Study……………………………………………..   4

1.3.1 Specific Objectives          ……………………………………………….         5

1.4 Research Questions…………………………………………          ………         5

1.5 Research Hypothesis          ………………………………………………          6

1.6 Significance of the Study……………………………………       ………         6

1.7 Scope of the Study……………………………………          …….............          7

1.8 Limitations…………………………………………………          ………         7

1.9 Operational definition of Term……………………………          ………         8


2.0 Review of Related Literature………………………………..      ………         9

2.1.1 Conceptual Framework          ………………………………………..          9

2.1.2    Factors contributing to sales increase…………………………                   11

2.1.3   Sales promotion planning……………………………….          ………         13

2.1.4   Setting sales promotion objectives……………………………...                   14

2.2   Selecting the sales Promotion Tools……………………..          ………         16

2.2.1   Implementing the sales Promotion Programme………………                   18

2.3   Evaluating the Sales Promotion Results          ……………………………       18

2.4 Literature Review ……………………………………………………. 19


3.0 Research methodology………………………………………………          21

3.1 Research Design……………………………………………………           21

3.2 Population of the study…………………………………………….               22

3.3 Sample and sampling techniques          ………………………………….         21

3.4 Research Instrument          ……………………………………………….         23

3.5 Validation of the instrument          ………………………………………..          24

3.6 Scoring procedure…………………………………………..          ………         24

3.7 Method of data analysis……………………………………………            24

 3.8 Model specification          …………………………………………….             25


Presentation and Analysis of Data................................................      ……..           26

4.1 Introduction..........................................................................          ……..           26

4.2 Questionnaire Distribution and return....................................          ……..           26

4.3 Data Analysis: Presentation and Responds..................................            27

4.4 Test of Research Hypotheses..............................................          ………         35


Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations................                37

5. 1 Summary of findings          ...................................................................               37

5.2 Conclusions................................................................................                     37

5.3 Recommendations.......................................................................                     38

Reference……………………………………………………………                     40

Appendix 1          …………………………………………………………                     42

Appendix 11……………………………………………………………                     43


4.1     Questionnaire Distribution ……………………………………… 26

4.2     Sex of Respondents …………………………………………….. 27

4.3     Marital Status of Respondents ………………………………….. 27

4.5     Usage of Origin Product by Respondents ………………………. 28

4.7     Premium Gift offer and Customer brand loyalty………………… 29

4.8     Contest offer and Customer brand loyalty……………………….. 30

4.9     Sample offer and Customer brand loyalty ………………………. 31

4.10   Game offer and Customer brand loyalty ………………………… 32

4.11   Sample offer and Customer patronage …………………………... 33

4.12   Price pack and Customer patronage ……………………………... 34

4.13   Logistic regression summary …………………………………….. 35












Sales promotion became an essential motivating factor in the area of marketing in any organization whether in the brewery industry or any other company. Up until several years ago, promotions were considered less effective when given the choice of traditional advertising or sales promotions.

Today that playing field has changed with sales promotions leading the way in both local and national marketing budgets (Garabian, 2013). Despite the fact that sales promotion has become the most predominant strategy in the marketing of consumer packed goods, accounting for almost a quarter of the marketing budget of consumer product companies, relatively less research attention has been given to the investigation of the consequences of sales promotions for brand preference after promotions have ended.(Del Vecchio, Henard & Freling, 2006). In addition, most sales promotion research studies put emphasis on monetary promotions, it was not until the late 1990s that studies on promotion started to pay attention to nonmonetary sales promotions. Most early research studies on sales promotions concentrated on the effects of sales promotions on sales and profits, the effects of promotions on purchase behaviour during the promotional period, and the effects of a promotional purchase on subsequent choice behaviour. Research thereafter made reference to these but began a different stream. The new research had more emphasis on the role of reference price, which is the internal price a consumer sets for a product based on the worth of the product to the consumer (Yi and Yoo, 2011) and the long-term effects of monetary promotions. Research was devoted almost in its entirety to the utilization of coupons and price reductions (monetary promotions) exclusively. Diamond and Campbell (1989) suggested that not all sale promotions will behave in the same way with regards to their long-term influence to reference price. The price observed at the moment of purchase is a fundamental variable. Consumers perceive again when the reference price is higher than the observed price, and perceive a loss when the reference price is lower than the observed price.

There is empirical research that shows promotion activities have indirect effects on brand loyalty through customer satisfaction, which in turn has direct effects on brand loyalty (Li-xin & Shou-Lian, 2010).

  Nevertheless, most researchers claim that sales promotions yield negative effects, including price sensitivity (Chandon, Wansink, & Laurent, 2000; Neslin, 2002), brand switching, and lower repeat purchase rates (Gupta, 1998).   In addition, societal concerns may add to the preference for instant gratification versus long term gains.  In a study that looked at promotions for cosmetics and toiletry retailers in Hong Kong, monetary rewards such as price packs and premiums considered ‘instant-reward” techniques were preferable to the “delayed rewards” techniques. In this instance, societal norms were sited as a possible influence. This is congruent to the study of Taiwanese (Liao, 2006) consumers. In a study of Indian consumers, several types of sales promotions were studied in relationship to their potential to influence behaviour. It was found that premiums were the most effective tool as well as bonus packs and price discounts, while the more traditional promotional tools, coupons and scratch offs, were not as effective. The authors posit that the consumers are less educated and therefore, more concerned about immediate value for their money and not with promotions that involve active search (Mittal & Sethi, 2011).

In United States, in accordance with the study of Fogel & Thornton (2008) indicated that consumers are “hassle free” disposed when it comes to participating in a sales promotion. Promotions such as rebates, were considered too difficult to redeem due to the higher effort involved.   According to Te’eni-Harari (2008), young people were investigated as to their preferences for premiums. Since they grow up in such a fast-paced environment, and tend to be highly selective, their attention to a premium offer will probably be stronger for a high involvement product than a low involvement product. This may result in a more positive attitude toward the brand.  

Our study adds to the current literature as there is a need for research that includes both nonmonetary and monetary promotions and reports the impact on long-term effects, such as brand loyalty and the type of risk associated with a product or service. Consumer involvement depends on the degree of personal relevance that the product holds for the consumer. It is usually classified as high and low. High involvement purchases are those that are very important to the consumer and are usually associated with high levels of perceived risk.

Low involvement purchases are not very important to the consumer, hold little relevance, and have little perceived risk (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2009). The purpose of this study is to establish the impact of different types of monetary and nonmonetary promotions on brand loyalty and its relationship to product involvement.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

    This era of business competition ushered most business organisation to adopt the most effective promotional tools in marketing their products. The Nigeria origin non alcoholic drink company has tried to adopt sales promotion, and other promotional activities in the sales of products. Though sales promotion have been the most effective tools used by the sales force, producers to market their product. Sales promotion offer incentive for buying their product like, giving free drinks, and other prices that could be won during their promotion period. They have been large sales of origin product performance and sales promotion.

1.3 Objectives of the study    

The broad objective of the work is to analyse the effect of sales promotion on consumer brand loyalty of origin non alcoholic drink in Abia state.


1.3.1 Specific objectives

The specific objectives will include the following;

i. Ascertain the effect of premium gift offer on consumer brand loyalty.

ii. Ascertain the effect of sample offer on consumer brand Loyalty in Abia State.

iii. Ascertain the relationship between contest offer and brand loyalty.

iv. Ascertain the significant effect of different price packs on brand loyalty.

v. Ascertain the coupon offer on brand loyalty.

vi. Ascertain the effect of the sales promotional tools on consumer brand loyalty.

1.4    Research Questions

i. To what extent does premium gift offer effect consumer brand loyalty.

ii. To what extent does sample offer effect consumer brand loyalty.

iii. To what extent does contest offer effect consumer brand loyalty.

iv. To what extent does price discount effect consumer brand loyalty.

v. Examine the effect of sales promotional tools on consumer brand loyalty.

1.5     Research Hypothesis

H1:     There is no significant Relationship between premium gift offer and brand loyalty.

H2:     There is no significant Relationship between sample offer and brand loyalty.

H3:     There is no significant Relationship between contest and brand loyalty.

H4:     There is no significant Relationship between price discount and consumer brand loyalty.

H5:     There is no significant Relationship between coupon and consumer brand loyalty.

1.6    Significance of the study

The fact that sales promotional activities have been on the increase these days portrays its significance in the marketing of consumer products. However, it should be noted that most companies record huge sales during sales promotion .it is now left to the company concerned to conduct a cost benefits analysis. This will afford them the opportunity to know if it is beneficial or not.

Furthermore, the research on sales promotion is vital to the researcher because it enables the researcher to know how sales promotion can boost sales revenue.

In addition, it will enable the company to ascertain the degree of his product acceptance in the university community.

Similarly, the research work is important to the company because it will assist in determining the market share of the firm product.

The study will also be of benefit to the origin drink industry to know the indispensable place of sales promotion in customer brand loyalty and satisfaction.

1.7   Scope of the study

The research study examined the extent of the sales promotion on brand loyalty of food drink. The geographical scope in Abia state. The subject scope is consumer behaviour and marketing management. The courage scope is consumers of orijin drink in Abia state

1.8     Limitations

The limitations associated with this research work can’t be over emphasized. In the first place, the researcher is constrained financially and his militates against extensive research work. A research of this nature generally involves cost in terms of survey, questionnaire administration, collection of data and the production work. As a student with limited financial resource, these costs become more glaring and different to settle and therefore stretched the financial position of the researcher.

There were the problems of illiteracy and prejudice, distrust arising from the ignorance of the respondents on the basis of the study. Some respondents never understood what were required of them and why the research was being carried-out. 

Again, the time frame allocated to the researcher work is grossly inadequate. This issue of poor library facilities like textbooks; journal, magazines, newspapers covering the topic under research posed a grave challenge to the researcher in carrying out extensive research.

1.9     Operational definition of terms

Sales promotion

1.    Sales promotion is one of the components of marketing mix which is usually of short term incentive nature designed to stimulate sales and quick action.

Consumer brand loyalty

2.      This is the extent to which a consumer is committed to a product.


A means of informing, persuading and reminding customers about the nature and availability of a product.

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