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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008286

No of Pages: 51

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work is the effect of promotional strategies on consumer’s patronage of Corrugated Roofing Sheets in Enugu State (A study of Emenite Nigeria Limited) in this research process the major objective was to determine the effect of promotional strategies on consumer’s patronage of corrugated roofing sheets. The specific objective includes knowing whether consumers of corrugated roofing sheets rely heavily on promotional mix before they make purchase. This also constituted the major research hypotheses which guided the framework. However, the researcher used a population of 3.3 million and a sample of 246 which was arrived through topman’s scientific formula. Thereafter the researcher during this project work, and based on the result of the analysis conducted on the data collected, found out that majority of the respondents were within 27-35 years bracket; majority of the respondents being businessmen/women. Almost all the respondents affirmed that promotional strategy motivated to purchase Emenite Corrugated Roofing sheets. The analysis also revealed that of corrugated roofing sheets more than other promotional elements. Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that since majority of the respondents has basic formal education, effort should be geared towards improving public relation campaigns and publicity. However, the researcher recommend that the firm should continuously be upgrading budgetary allocation on promotional strategies especially publicity, so as to harness the golden opportunities available within the market.


Declaration                                                                                                         i

Certification                                                                                                       ii

Dedication                                                                                                          iii

Acknowledgment                                                                                               iv

Table of Contents                                                                                               v

List of Tables                                                                                                    vii

Abstract                                                                                                              viii



1.1          Background of the Study                                                                         1

1.2          Statement of the Problem                                                                         3

1.3          Objective of the Study                                                                             4

1.4          Research Question                                                                                   5

1.5     Research Hypotheses                                                                              5

1.6     Significance of the Study                                                                         6

1.7     Scope of the Study                                                                                   7

1.8     Limitation of the Study                                                                            7




2.1     Concept of Promotion                                                                              8

2.1.1  Promotional Strategies                                                                             8

2.1.2  Promotional Mix                                                                                      8

2.2.3  Nature and Importance of Promotional tools on Consumers             10

2.2     Roles of Promotional Mix/tools                                                              11

2.2.1  Companies use promotional strategies to achieve many objectives    11

2.2.2  Emenite Limited                                                                                      13

2.3     Promotional Budget                                                                                 14



3.1     Research Design                                                                                       17

3.2     Area of the Study                                                                                     17     

3.3     Population of the Study                                                                           17

3.4.1    Sample, Sampling Technique and Sample Size                                      18

3.5      Data Collection Procedure                                                                 19

3.5.1    Instruments used in gathering data                                                          19

3.5.2: Questionnaire Design                                                                               19

3.6      Source of Data                                                                          20

3.6.1    Primary Data                                                                                            20

3.6.2    Secondary Data                                                                                        20

3.7      Validity and Reliability                                                                       20






5.1Findings                                                                                              40

5.2 Conclusions                                                                                            42

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                        43








Table 4.1.1:            On Questionnaire Administration                                       22     

Table 4.1.2:            On Sex Distribution                                                            23

Table 4.1.3:            On Age Distribution                                                            23

Table 4.1.4:            On Marital Status                                                                24

Table 4.1.5:            On occupation of respondents                                             24     

Table 4.1.6:            Educational Qualification                                                    25

Table 4.1.7:            On whether respondents have bought corrugated Roofing sheets                                                                     25

Table 4.1.8:            If “Yes” which corrugated roofing sheets have you bought before?                                                                     26

Table 4.1.9:            On whether Emenite  the corrugated roofing sheets were of high quality?                                                          27

Table 4.1.10:          On what motivated respondents to purchase the corrugated roofing sheets?                                                  28

Table 4.1.11:          On which of the promotional Mix/Elements that have effect on consumer patronage                                              29

Table 4.1.12: On whether Promotional Mix/Element enhances brand loyalty                                                                       30

Table 4.1.13:          On which of the promotional mix/element that most enhance brand loyalty                                                         31

Table 4.1.14:          On which of the promotional element that have effect on sales volume of corrugated roofing sheets.          32






1.1      Background of the Study

Manufacturing organization adopt various strategies inputs to promote the sale of their products. Some of such strategies make tremendous impact on consumers, in the way of inducing such consumers to make purchase of the company's products, some make the opposite impact. Some strategies constitute almost a repelling factor to the sale of some products; most researchers have tried to appraise the degree of effectiveness of any strategies in the fact of compelling consumers to patronize the purchase of corrugated rooting sheets Donnermult W.P (2012). Promotional strategies refer to the device for accomplishing objectives. The development of promotional strategy refers to the judicious selection of suitable promotion tools and the design of effective promotion mixes for the prevailing conditions Engel J.F (2011).

Ehikwe (2005) defined promotion as any marketing effort whose functions is to inform or persuade actual or potential consumers about the merit of a given product or services for the purpose of inducing either to continue or to start purchasing the firms products or services at some given price.

Incidentally, Nigeria has many roofing sheet industries scattered all over the country. Some of these industries try to come up with characteristic strategies to induce the sale of their product.

The corrugated Roofing sheets industries adopts such strategies as distribution,

sample gifts, promotional budget etc.

The strategies have the objectives of inducing larger customer patronages and repeat purchase emphasis. Whether these strategies accomplish any objectives or

which of them make the expected impact on consumers of corrugated roofing sheets or not, is part of the study of this exercise.

Eminite Limited, the focus of this study is one of the best known manufacturers of Corrugated Roofing Sheet in Nigeria they engaged and use some promo tools tocreate awareness of their products.

They also employ promotional budget options which create impacts on consumers purchase; they also use price-cut strategies. This also creates an impact on the consumers because they buy more when awareness is created and also when there is fall in price. These strategies they adopt leads to increase in their market share.

However, when the amount budgeted for promotion is low, there will be low profit but if the amount is high, there will be higher sales reflection. This states to prove that higher the amount budgeted on promotion the greater the impact it creates on consumer". When the price is high there is little or Impact on the sales and also on consumer's purchase.

Belch and Belch (2009) also noted that promotional strategy play active roles pushing products to customers by creating awareness arousing interest, generating acceptance, inducing action and reminding customer of new existing products. Promotional strategies are planned activities which involves the use of the appropriate communication message through (Electronic Media, print media, Bill Board and vehicle and advertising).

The preliminary research carried out shows that the promotional strategies mainly carried out by this Roofing Sheet Organization are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations. Previous research observed - that these strategies are used to influence, persuade and attract the consumers to make a favourable purchase.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to find out the extent to which Roofing Sheets industries carryout promotional activities in their operations. It seeks to know how promotional decision in Corrugated Roofing Sheets Manufacturing Industries are made and how they consequently influence consumers patronage for the products considering the fact that Nigeria is currently experiencing economic depression high devaluation of currency currency (Naira) these situation have seriously affected the and ability to build a home, because shelter, according to Abraham low, is one of the physiological need of man. But it's now seen as what one t afford because of lack of purchasing power.

ier problem that may  Emenite  is that the  Corrugated Roofing  Sheets rise may not have been using aggressive promotional strategies that will 'create impact on consumers by stimulating their purchase. This project seeks to examine the impact of promotional strategies of the company on consumers of its products especially on Corrugated Roofing Sheets and also to find out new strategies that will be helpful and contribute to the objectives of the company.

1.3 Objective of the Study

Any research study undertaken is geared towards achieving certain objectives

which motivates the researcher into action.

The main objective of the study is the effect of promotional strategies onconsumers of corrugated roofing sheet in Nigeria.

The Specific Objective are to;

      i.         determine whether consumers of corrugated roofing sheets rely heavily onadvertising campaign in purchasing their product.

    ii.         examine the effect of sales promotion on the consumers buying motives andpattern,

  iii.         determine the effect of public relations campaign on consumers patronage of Emenite corrugated roofing sheets.

1.4     Research Question

The following research questions will guide the researcher in this study

      i.         To what extent does a consumer of corrugated roofing sheets rely on their advertising campaigns in purchasing their products?

    ii.         What is the effect of sales promotion on consumers buying motives and patterns?

  iii.         What are the effects of public relations campaign on the consumer patronage of Emenite corrugated roofing sheets?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

Ho1: Consumers of Corrugated roofing sheets does not rely on advertising

campaigns in making their purchases. 

Ho2:Sales promotion does not have effect on consumers buying motives andpattern.

Ho3: Public relations campaign does not have effect on consumer patronage of Emenite corrugated roofing sheet.

In this study, the researcher will limit his focus on three hypotheses to elicit the requirement information solutions to the research questions earlier asked in the study.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The finding of this study would be useful to organizations, firms and also toresearchers that would want to know the various promo tools that can be used to ensure profit optimization. The study is also significant because the information would constitute important inputs in the contributions to the field of knowledge. This research work will not only help the firm to maintain its guard against itscompetitors, but also will help the industry to come out with an effective welldesigned and up-to-date promotional strategies that will be capable of keeping the company amidst of all rigours of competition.

Lastly, it is hoped that the findings and recommendations will be of great help to Emenite Limited because it will enable the firm to lay more emphasis on those promotional strategies or elements that attracts consumer's most.

1.7  Scope of the Study

The study is focused on Emenite Limited Enugu and it's limited to Enugu metropolis alone.

1.8  Limitation of the Study

This research work was constrained by academic work load, finance; time constraining and other auxiliary problems were handicaps that limited the scope of the study. Nevertheless, it is hope that the study will show the true promotional strategies adopted and the effect it have on the consumers of corrugated Roofing Sheet Products Nigeria.


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