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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009319

No of Pages: 233

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of melatonin and lighting regime on physiological responses and reproductive traits of two strains of laying birds using 324 laying birds. Each of the experiments consisted of 162 birds.  Experiment I was with Nera Black strain while experiment II was with Isa Brown strain. Each of the experiments was grouped into 9 treatments which were further subdivided into three replicates of six birds each in a 2×3 factorial in a completely randomized design. Melatonin and lighting at three levels were administered to the birds four times weekly for 30 weeks. The three levels of melatonin were 0mg, 5mg and 10mg while lighting were 12 hours, 15 hours and 18 hours daily. Melatonin was dissolved in 2mls warm water and the birds were drenched while 100 watt bulbs were used to provide lighting. Data on physiological, performance, haematological and serum was evaluated. Results from the physiological responses showed that rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HT) were significantly (p<0.05) influenced by both melatonin and lighting regime in the two experiments. Melatonin at 5mg significantly (p<0.05) reduced the RT,  RR and HT with values of 41.55oC, 142.56 and 327.11 respectively in experiment I and 40.55oC, 139.44 and 320.22 respectively in experiment II. Melatonin at 5mg significantly (p<0.05) reduced the dust-bathing, feather pecking and panting in both experiments. Lighting regime increased dust-bathing and panting rate in experiment II but not in experiment I. Performance characteristics were significantly (p<0.05) influenced by both melatonin and lighting regime. The hen day egg production, feed conversion ratio and egg weight of 91.66%, 1.73 and 61.52g respectively for experiment II and 84.77%, 1.61 and 70g respectively for experiment I were recorded. This indicates that melatonin at all levels significantly (p<0.05) had superior effects in both experiments compared to lighting. The weight of the reproductive organs and the number of follicles were significantly (p<0.05) improved by melatonin in both experiments. Large yellow follicles and small white follicles increased significantly with increasing level of melatonin in both experiments. The haematological profiles were influenced by the administration of melatonin in both experiments. Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in most of the serum biochemical parameters in both experiments. Significant (p<0.05) differences occurred in the hormonal profile. 15hrs lighting regime improved the body weight of the birds, size and number of developing follicles in both experiments. Interaction between melatonin and lighting improved the overall performance of the birds as the groups on 5mg of melatonin and 15hrs lighting performed better than the other groups in both experiments. It is therefore concluded that 5mg melatonin and 15 hours of lighting improved hen day egg production and development of follicles in Isa Brown birds. Nera Black on 5mg melatonin and 15 hours lighting had improved body weight gain and immune response thereby enhancing survival rate. It is therefore recommended that 5mg melatonin and 15 hours lighting should be used to enhance egg production and improve the behavioural characteristics of laying birds during thermal stress.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              xiv

List of Plates                                                                                                               xviii

Abstracts                                                                                                                     xix


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          

1.1 Background information and knowledge gap                                                      1         


1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     9


1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                    10


1.4       Justification of the Study                                                                                11




2.1       Significance of Additional Light in the Hen House                                       13

2.2.1    Circadian Rhythm                                                                                           15

2.2.2    Circadian Photoreception                                                                               16

2.3.1    Lighting Programs for Layers                                                                         17

2.4       Effect of Photoperiod on Melatonin Production                                            19

2.5       Regulating System of the Melatonin Secretion                                             21

2.6       Mechanisms of Melatonin Production                                                          23

2.7       Endocrine Effects of Melatonin                                                                    27

2.8       Metabolism of Melatonin                                                                               28

2.9       Animal Welfare                                                                                             29

2.9.1    Behavioural Welfare                                                                                      30

2.9.2    Vocalisation Welfare                                                                                      32

2.10     Endocrine Control of Reproduction                                                              33

2.11 Effect of Behavioural Stress on Poultry                                                                         33

2.12     Gonadotropin- Releasing Hormone                                                                34

2.13     Circadian Rhythm in Avian Species                                                              35

2.14     Melatonin Secretion in Avian Species                                                           36

2.15     Physiology of Melatonin Production                                                              38

2.16     Importance of Melatonin in Poultry Production                                            40



3.1       Experimental Site                                                                                           45

3.2       Experimental Animals and Management                                                       45

3.3       Experimental Materials                                                                                  46

3.4       Experimental Design                                                                                      46       

3.4.1    Experiment I: Nera Black Strain (NB)                                                           47

3.4.2    Experiment II: Isa Brown Strain (IS)                                                             47

3.5.1    Experimental Procedures and Data Collection                                              48

3.5.2      Physiological Measurements                                                                          49

3.5.3    Performance Evaluation                                                                                 50

3.5.4    Egg quality characteristics                                                                             50 External egg quality characteristics                                                               51 Interior egg quality characteristics                                                                 51

3.5.5    Follicular Dynamics                                                                                       52

3.5.6    Hormonal Analysis                                                                                         53

3.5.7    Haematological Parameters                                                                            53

3.6       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         54



4.1       Main Effect of Melatonin on Physiological Response of Nera Black   55


4.2       Main Effect of Light on Physiological Response of Nera Black                 56


4.3       Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Physiological Response of

Nera Black                                                                                                      58


4.4       Main Effect of Melatonin on the Behavioural Response of Nera Black   60


4.5       Main Effect of Light on Behavioural Response of Nera Black                         62


4.6       Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Behavioural Response of   

Nera Black                                                                                                      63


4.7       Main Effect of Melatonin on Physiological Response of Nera Black   65


4.8       Main Effect of lighting on Performance of Nera Black and Isa Brown 69


4.9       Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the Performance of

 Nera Black                                                                                                     70


4.10     Main Effect of Melatonin on External Egg Characteristics of Nera Black      73


4.11     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on External Egg Characteristics of

Nera Black                                                                                                      74


4.12     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the External Egg Characteristics

of Nera Black Laying Birds                                                                            76


4.13     Main Effect of Melatonin on Internal Egg Characteristics of Nera Black   78


4.14     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on the Internal Egg Characteristics

of Nera Black                                                                                                  80


4.15     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Internal Egg Characteristics

of Nera Black                                                                                                  81


4.16     Main Effect of Melatonin on Ovarian Traits of Nera Black                         84



4.17     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Ovarian Traits of Nera Black            

of Nera Black                                                                                                 86


4.18     The ovary and follicles from experimental birds                                           88



4.19     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Ovarian Traits of            

of Nera Black                                                                                                 92


4.20     Main Effect of Melatonin on the Haematology of Nera Black                    94


4.21     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Haematology of Nera Black                        99


4.22     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the Haematology

of Nera Black                                                                                                  101


4.23     Main Effect of Melatonin on Serum Biochemistry of Nera Black                        103


4.24     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Serum Biochemistry of Nera Black   106


4.25     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Serum Biochemistry

of Nera Black                                                                                                  108


4.26     Main Effect of Melatonin on Hormonal Assay of Nera Black                     111


4.27     Main Effect of Light on Hormonal Assay of Nera Black                              113


4.28     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Hormonal

Assay of Nera Black                                                                                       114


4.29     Main Effect of Melatonin on Physiological Response of Isa Brown                         117


4.30     Main Effect of Lightening on Physiological Response of Isa Brown             119


4.31     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Physiological Response

 of Isa Brown                                                                                                  120


4.32     Main effect of Melatonin on the Behavourial Response of Isa Brown 123


4.33     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Behavourial Response of Isa Brown 124


4.34     Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Physiological Response

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   125


4.35     Main Effect of Melatonin on Performance of Isa Brown                               127


4.36     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Performance of Isa Brown                  129


4.37     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Lighting Regime on the Performance

of Isa   Brown                                                                                                 130


4.38     Main Effect of Melatonin on the External Egg Characteristics of

 Isa Brown                                                                                                       132


4.39     Main Effect of Lighting on the External Egg Characteristics of

Isa Brown                                                                                                        134


4.40     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the External Egg

Characteristics of Isa Brown                                                                          136


4.41     Main Effect of Light on Internal Egg Characteristics of Isa Brown                         138


4.42     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the Internal Egg

Characteristics of Isa Brown                                                                          139


4.43     Main Effect of Melatonin on Ovarian Traits of Isa Brown                            141


4.44     Main Effect of Light on Ovarian Traits of Isa Brown                                    143


4.45     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Ovarian Traits of Isa Brown 144


4.46     Main Effect of Melatonin on Haematological Parameters of Isa Brown 146


4.47     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Haematological Parameters

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   149


4.49     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Haematological parameters

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   151


4.50     Main Effect of Melatonin on Serum Biochemistry of Isa Brown                         153


4.51     Main Effect of Light on Serum Biochemistry of Isa Brown                         156


4.52     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Serum Biochemistry

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   157


4.53     Main Effect of Melatonin on Hormonal Assay of Isa Brown                         160


4.54     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Hormonal Assay of Isa Brown                         161


4.55     Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on Hormonal Assay

 of Isa Brown                                                                                                  163



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      165

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                           167

            References                                                                                                      169

            Appendixes                                                                                                     192

            Appendix 1:    Administration of melatonin                                                  192

            Appendix 2:    Measuring of Egg Internal Quality                                         192

            Appendix 3:    Measuring of Feed                                                                  193

            Appendix 4:    Taking Physiological Measurement                                       193

            Appendix 5:    Measuring of External Egg Quality                                      194

            Appendix 7:    Blood Collection                                                                    194

            Appendix 8:    Counting of Ovarian Follicles                                                195

            Appendix 9: Student with Supervisor                                                            196

            Appendix 10:  Analysis of Variance Using Mini Tab                                    197.    



 3.1      Experimental Layout                                                                                      46


4.1       Main values of the Physiological Response of Nera Black                           55


4.2       Main of the Effect of Light on Physiological Response of Nera Black   56


4.3       Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Physiological Response         59


4.4       Main of the Effect of Melatonin on Behavioural Responses of Nera Black      61


4.5       Main of the Effect of Lighting Regime on Behavioural Responses of

 Nera Black                                                                                                     62


4.6       Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Behavioural Responses of

 Nera Black                                                                                                     64


4.7       Main of Melatonin on Performance Evaluation of Nera Black                   66


4.8       Main of light on Performance Evaluation of Nera Black                               69


4.9       Main Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the Performance of

Nera Black                                                                                                      72


4.10 Main of Melatonin on External Egg Characteristics of Nera Black                73


4.11. Mean of lighting Regime on External Egg characteristics of Nera Black   75


4.12 Mean of the Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the External Egg

Characteristics of Nera Black                                                                         77


4.13 Mean Effect of Melatonin on the Internal Egg Characteristics of

            Nera Black                                                                                                      79


4.14 Mean Effect of Lighting Regime and Internal Egg Characteristics of

Nera Black                                                                                                      80


4.15 Mean Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the Internal Egg            

Characteristics of Nera Black                                                                         83


4.16     Mean Effect of Melatonin on Ovarian Traits of Nera Black                          84


4.17     Mean Effect of Lighting Regime on Ovarian Traits of Nera Black

of Nera Black                                                                                                 87


4.18     Mean Interactive Effects of Melatonin and Light Ovarian Traits

of Nera Black                                                                                                 93


4.19      Effect of Melatonin on the Haematology of Nera Black                              95


4.20     Mean Effect of Lighting Regime on Haematology of Nera Black                        100


4.21     Interactive effect of melatonin and light on the haematology

of Nera Black                                                                                                 102


4.22     Main effect of melatonin on serum biochemistry of Nera Black                 104


4.23     Main effect of Lighting Regime on serum biochemistry of Nera Black   107


4.24     Main effect of melatonin and light on serum biochemistry of Nera Black   110


4.25     Main Effect of Melatonin on Hormonal Assay of Nera Black                    111


4.26     Main Effect of Light on Hormonal Assay of Nera Black                              113


4.27     Main Effect of Melatonin and Light on Hormonal Assay of Nera Black   116


4.28     Main of the physiological response of Isa Brown                                          117


4.29     Main of the Effect of Lighting on Physiological Response of Isa Brown 119


4.30     Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Physiological Responses

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   122


4.31     Main of the effect of Melatonin on Behavioural Responses Isa Brown 123


4.32     Main of the Effect of Lighting Regime on Behavioural

Responses Isa Brown                                                                                      124


4.33     Interactive effect of Melatonin and Light on Physiological Response

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   126


4.34     Main of Melatonin on Performance Evaluation of Isa Brown                    127


4.35     Main of lighting Regime on Performance Evaluation of Isa Brown                        129


4.36     Main Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Lighting Regime on Isa Brown 131


4.37     Main of Melatonin on the External Egg characteristics of Isa Brown 133


4.38     Main of Lighting Regime on External Egg characteristics of Isa Brown 134


4.39     Main Interactive Effect of Melatonin and Light on the external egg

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   137


4.40     Main effect of melatonin on the internal egg characteristics of Isa Brown 138


4.41     Main Effect of Light on Internal Egg Characteristics of Isa Brown                        140


4.42     Main Interactive effect of melatonin and light on the Internal Egg

Characteristics of Isa Brown                                                                          141


4.43     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Ovarian Traits of Isa Brown                        143


4.44     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Ovarian Traits of Isa Brown

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   144


4.45     Main Interactive Effects of Melatonin and Lighting Regime

Ovarian Traits of Isa Brown of Isa Brown                                                     145


4.46     Main effect of melatonin on Haematological Parameters of Isa Brown 147


4.47     Main effect of lighting Regime on Haematological Parameters

 of Isa Brown                                                                                                  150


4.48     Main Effect of Melatonin and Light on the Haematological

 Parameters of Isa Brown                                                                               152


4.49     Main Effect of Melatonin on Serum Biochemistry of Isa Brown                154


4.50     Main effect of Light on serum biochemistry of Isa Brown                           156


4.51     Main Effect of Melatonin and Light on Serum Biochemistry

of Isa Brown                                                                                                   159


4.52     Main Effect of Melatonin on Hormonal Assay of Isa Brown                     160


4.53     Main Effect of Lighting Regime on Hormonal Assay of Isa Brown                        161


4.55     Main Effect of Melatonin and Light on Hormonal Assay of Isa Brown 163




Plates                                                                                           Page

1.              Ovary and follicles of Nera Black on 5 mg of melatonin                              89

2.              Ovary and follicles of Nera Black on 10 mg of melatonin                            89

3.              Ovary with follicles of Isa Brown on 10 mg of melatonin                            89

4.              Ovary with follicles of Isa Brown on 5 mg of melatonin                              89

5.              Follicles of Nera Black on 15 hours of lighting                                             91

6.              Follicles of Isa Brown on 15 hours of lighting                                               91

7.              Follicular weight of Nera Black                                                                     91

8.              Follicular weight of Isa Brown                                                                       91






1.1       Background information and Knowledge Gap

Population growth, rising incomes and urbanization are the driving forces behind poultry sector growth. Growing demand for livestock products will also have a negative impact on the environment (FAO, 2006). Economic losses are incurred by the livestock industries because farm animals are raised in locations and seasons where effective temperature conditions venture outside their zone of thermal comfort (St. Pierre et al., 2003). Poultry houses that do not have appropriate ventilation during extreme hot conditions, results in overheating of sheds, and thus causes heat stress to birds (Akyuz, 2009). In addition to high ambient temperature, relative humidity also plays an important role in bringing out stress in the chickens leading to production and economic losses (Ajakaiye et al., 2011).  These losses are heavily incurred in animals like dairy cows, dairy heifers, beef cows, finishing cattle, sows, market hogs, broilers, layers, and turkeys and it contribute much economic loss in livestock production. In USA, St Pierre et al (2003) noted that, economic losses, in the layers sector are very high due to heat stress and when the heat stress were reduced, it was observed that the losses also reduced

The economic losses can be estimated from the following:

i.                Decreased performance (feed intake, growth, milk, eggs): Once the feed consumption drops, other production parameters like hen day egg production, milk yield and growth rate of the animals also drops leading to loss of production.

ii.              Increased mortality: adequate feeding improves the immune response of animals as some of the nutrients plays significant roles in improving the health status of the animals. As the health status gets improved mortality rate also reduces, on the other hand compromised immune response leads to high mortality rate leading to production losses.

iii.            Decreased reproductions: lack of conception as a result of poor management leads to indirect production loss.

High ambient temperature is one of the major problems facing poultry production mostly in hot climate areas. Its debilitating effect on egg production is well recognized, but the mechanism involved is not clearly understood. Reduced feed consumption may account for part of the impairment in reproduction; however, the effect of high environmental temperatures on the rate of egg production appears largely unrelated to feed intake (Ayo et al., 2010). When environmental temperature exceeds the limits of thermoneutral zone, body temperature of the animal increases leading to distress in animal. Prolonged heat stress results in dramatic physiological changes in chicken organs especially in broiler birds, these changes are used as indicators of heat stress (Melesse et al., 2011). Research on heat stress in laying hens is not entirely consistent regarding its effects on percent hen-day production, but results show a consistent decrease in egg weight and shell thickness (Muiruri and Harrison, 1991; Wolfenson et al., 2001). Reduction in egg numbers, egg weight and shell thickness has been reported during heat stress. An interesting finding by Wolfenson et al. (2001) was that the productivity decreases only when hens experienced nocturnal heat stress but not experienced during day time. Hen-day egg production was significantly decreased through all 13 weeks for hens exposed to the constant hot temperature compared with those in the control group (Allahverdi et al., 2013). In layers, peak production may not be achieved and the eggs produced will be soft shelled and weigh less with poor egg size quality and shell strength (Faria et al., 2001). Chronic heat stress is either categorized as cyclic chronic heat stress which refers to a limited period of heat stress exposure followed by comfortable temperature for the rest of the day or constant chronic heat stress where by the bird is continuously confronted with high ambient temper. Khan et al. (2012) noted that the physiological, endocrine and productive responses are adversely affected by heat stress. When such physiological disturbances take place, it even leads to increased mortality (Sandhu et al., 2012). There is acid-base (Imik et al., 2013), electrolytes imbalance (Borges et al., 2004) and these disturbances are due to increased respiration rate (Renaudeau et al., 2011). Increased panting under heat stress conditions leads to decreased blood carbon dioxide levels and higher blood pH (alkalosis) that in turn hampers blood bicarbonate availability for egg shell mineralization. Osmotic change and dehydration are due to the result of water imbalance which in turn affects the cell performance negatively (Sahin et al., 2002). This blood alkalosis affects the neuroendocrine system. This system gets stimulated under the effect of stress. The hypothalamic neurons perceive the increases in body temperature and exert an inhibiting influence on cells that are responsible for controlling feed intake. The two major systems are hypothalamic pituitary axis and the sympathetic nervous system. The hormones corticosterone, catecholamines like epinephrine and norepinephrine secreted by the above mentioned systems, act on the immune cells. It is well known that immune cells have receptors for these hormones (El-Lethay et al., 2003). The down regulation of immune response to stress reduces resistance of the body to microbes (Dohms and Metz, 1991). Studies by El-Lethey et al (2003) in White Leghorns revealed that there are stress resistant and stress susceptible antibody responses. Heterophils, granulocytes in chicken exhibit different functions when stimulated such as phagocytosis (Genovese et al., 201) and produce extracellular traps (Chuammitri et al., 2009). The extracellular traps are formed by de-condensed chromatin fibers, contain antimicrobial peptides released by granules of neutrophils (Donis-Maturano et al., 2015) which trap and kill microorganisms. But if this process continues it kills antigen presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells. This is for controlling the inflammatory process (Donis-Maturano et al., 2015). The most reported effect of stress is the suppression of immune organs and immune cells (Shini, 2004; Shini et al., 2008a). The hormone whose concentration gets elevated in plasma due to stress is corticosterone, is well documented in birds resulting in increase in the number of heterophils and decrease in the number of lymphocytes thus, favoring higher ratio for heterophils which has been well studied (Shini et al., 2008). The regulatory mechanisms for the reduced reproductive efficiency in the heat-stressed hen might be modulated at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary or at the level of the ovary as found in mammalian species. Heat stress decreased ovarian function in cattle Wolfenson et al. (1997), suggesting a differential inhibitory effect of heat stress on the functions of granulosa and theca cells by concurrent and delayed effects on the steroidogenic capacity of ovarian follicles. Changes in reproductive hormone secretion represent the final sequence in the neuroendocrine pathway leading to the diminished reproductive performance associated with stress. Rozenboim et al., (2004) demonstrated that stress, in a number of forms and in a number of species, increased and decreased circulating prolactin (PRL) and gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone, LH; follicular stimulating hormone, FSH), respectively especially in cows and goats, turkey poults, laying hens, and turkey hens.

There is also a marked alteration in sperm function of broiler breeder males exposed to high temperatures, which results in poor sperm-egg penetration, low fertility and a lower fertilization rate (Karaca et al., 2002). Various methods are available to alleviate the negative effect of high ambient temperature on performance of poultry. Because of the high cost of cooling poultry houses, diet manipulations short term fasting in layers Altan et al. (2000) and broilers acclimation to heat during pre and post natal periods had great interest to reduce heat stress on poultry during the hot dry season. Studies have shown that antioxidant nutrient supplementation such as ascorbic acid and melatonin could be used to decrease the negative effects of high ambient temperature on quails (Sahin et al., 2004). Sinkalu et al. (2008), noted that atmospheric temperature in poultry houses during the hot-dry season in the zone fluctuated markedly between 16-41oC. Consequently, several physiological parameters of broiler breeders raised during the season may vary as the hour of the day increases.

It is pertinent to note that whenever the homeostatic mechanisms of birds are activated, extra energy is expended in the process. The energy so extended is no longer available for production process. Generally broilers both breeders and non breeders react to heat stress condition by eating less feed, thus controlling the rise in deep body temperature caused by digestion.  The resultant effect is impaired growth, decreased egg production, poor quality eggs, low hatchability of the eggs and low quality of semen produced which in turn affect the fertility rate of the egg. The survivability of the progeny of such breeder is also affected.  Broilers whether breeders or broiler chicken normally do not eat during darkness as long as this period does not extend for more than 12 hours. But breeders need additional light to stimulate egg laying. Therefore, it is assumed that feed intake and production are maximal for breeders that are reared in continuous illumination (Aperdoorn et al., 1999). This practice depletes the reserves of the endogenous antioxidant, melatonin in broilers. Seasonal sterility has been observed in mammalian species affected by high ambient temperatures.

Various methods are available to alleviate the negative effect of high ambient temperature on performance of poultry. Therefore, due to high cost of  cooling poultry houses, diet manipulations (Altan et al., 2000a), short term fasting in breeder  layers (Altan et al., 2000b) and broilers (Özkan et al., 2003) , there is a need to investigate use of melatonin as an antioxidant.

 The production and secretion of melatonin encodes a photoperiodic calendar to birds as they exhibit changes in both the duration and amplitude of melatonin secretion corresponding to the duration of night length/ day length (Aperdoorn et al., 1999). Since lighting affect melatonin secretion and light is also necessary to enhance feeding and photoperiod which enhance egg laying, melatonin and lighting will be combined in this study to see its effect on the physiological responses and reproductive performance of the laying birds.

Pineal gland acts as a photoneuroendocrine transducer that responds through melatonin release. Melatonin (C13H16N2O2) is the main neurohormone synthesized and released by the pineal gland. This hormone appears to be a potent free radical scavenger opposing the most toxic hydroxyl radical (Webb et al., 1995; Zang et al., 1998). Besides its ability to directly neutralize a number of free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, it stimulates several antioxidative enzymes which increase its efficiency as an antioxidant (Reiter et al., 2000). It is one of the important hormones that prevent metabolic and physiological disorders in poultry but does not attract attention by poultry scientist (Suleyman et al., 2018). It regulates the brain's biological clock, acts on respiration, circulation, excretion, reproduction and immunity system. Melatonin helps regulate feed consumption, energy metabolism and body heat. It also provides elimination of free radicals in the body. It also stimulates growth hormone secretion and, thus, effects growth performance of poultry positively (Suleyman et al., 2018). It sets the internal biological clock that regulates different daily and seasonal rhythms in various physiological systems including the cardiopulmonary, reproductive, excretory, thermoregulatory, behavioural, immune and neuroendocrine systems in birds (Brennan et al., 2002; Melamud et al., 2012) In addition to its ability to scavenge free radicals, melatonin also is involved in many physiological functions such as immune response, energy metabolism and temperature regulation (Sahin et al., 2004). Many studies have shown that melatonin plays an important role in animal reproduction. It could enhance the maturation of oocytes and the development of follicles in mammals and fish (Sahin et al., 2004). Despite the great differences between birds and mammals, melatonin may play a similar role in the maturation of oocytes and the development of follicles in birds as it does in mammals. In other words, it is hypothesized that melatonin is directly involved in the growth and maturity of oocytes as well as in the inhibition of factors which might impair the quality of oocytes. In photoperiodic vertebrates, the annual cycle of reproduction is controlled principally by changing day length, a highly predictive cue of seasonal resource abundance. In all diurnal vertebrates studied, melatonin is synthesized in and secreted from the pineal gland during night (Sundaresan et al., 2009) such that the timing and duration of melatonin secretion provide an endocrine proxy of changes in day length (Sundaresan et al., 2009). In mammals, melatonin stimulates reproductive physiology and activity in short day breeders and inhibits reproductive physiology and activity in long-day breeders. Consequently, manipulating the duration of melatonin secretion experimentally causes changes in reproductive physiology in photoperiodic mammals. Layers have been submitted to genetic improvement to produce more eggs at a lighter body weight and with lower feed intake. As a result, egg operations need to face the challenges of supplying the high nutritional requirements of layers and of designing management practices adapted to the increasingly automated and environmentally controlled facilities and to high stocking densities.

An aspect of the physiology of egg-laying in poultry is that they do not require long and continuous periods of light. This phenomenon is called "subjective day", which indicates that adult hens in lay ignore periods of dark between the 14-16 hours of light stimulation. Subjective day is the period during which the bird is awake and physiologically active, even if it is in the dark. This allows the use of intermittent lighting programs for laying hens, which are programs that include more than one period of light (photophase) and one period of dark (scotophase) within a 24-h cycle (Gewehr and Freitas, 2007; Freitas et al., 2010). In photoperiodic birds, the relationship between melatonin signal and reproductive timing is more complex than in photoperiodic mammals. In seasonally breeding birds, a prolonged exposure to short days induces a physiological state termed “photosensitivity” (Chabot and Menaker 1992). When photosensitive birds experience a critical day length, the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis becomes stimulated, and gonadal recrudescence and initiation of reproductive behaviors occurs (Kumanov et al., 2005; Lewis et al., 2006). Because melatonin provides a measure of changing day length, and day length is a primary cue in mediating the transition to photostimulation (from photosensitivity), it seems likely that melatonin could be involved in the event.

Underwood and Siopes (1985) highlighted three reasons why melatonin has been of interest to researchers. These include:

·       Melatonin was the first methoxyindole identified

·       Historically, melatonin was thought to be a unique pineal product since the enzyme responsible for the last step in its synthesis, hydroxyindole-Omethyltransferase (HIOMT) was thought to be confined to pineal tissue

·       Melatonin has been shown to be involved in controlling circadian and photoperiodic systems.

·       Melatonin is involved in physiology of reproduction especially in seasonal breeders.

Therefore, the present study is designed to determine the effect of oral administration of melatonin and lighting regime on physiological responses and reproductive performance of two breeds of commercial laying birds during hot dry seasons.  


1.2       Statement of Problem

Ebonyi State is classified under the Guinea Savannah zone of Nigeria characterized by intensive heat stress during the hot-dry season which usually lasts from October to March (Oformata, 1997). The hot dry season is characterized by long day length and hot dry air which makes it difficult for exotic animals in this micro-environment to survive. This is one of the major reasons why in South-East Nigeria especially Ebonyi state breeder farms establishment is almost a mirage. In warmer regions, high ambient temperature are the major problem facing the egg production industry, since they adversely affects feed intake, egg production, egg quality, antioxidants status, physiological traits and, therefore, the overall profit of poultry farms (Mashaly et al., 2004).

Seasonal decline in production of poultry products like chicken and egg necessitated the need to combine melatonin and lighting to mitigate the effect of hostile environment and improve production within this region.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study was be to evaluate the effect of melatonin and different lighting regime on the physiological responses and reproductive performance of two breeds of laying birds (Isa brown and Nera Black) during hot-dry season.

 The specific objectives were to determine:

i.      the effect of orally administered melatonin on the physiological responses of the two strain of laying birds during hot-dry season.

ii.     the effect of orally administered melatonin and extended light period on the growth and production performance of the two strain of laying birds during hot-dry season.

iii.    the behavioural responses of two the strains of laying birds administered with melatonin and extended light period during hot-dry season.

iv.   the effect of orally administered melatonin and extended light period on the haematology and serum biochemistry of the two strains of laying birds during hot-dry season.

v.     the effect of orally administered melatonin and extended light period on the follicular dynamics of the two strains of laying birds during hot-dry season.

vi.    the effect of orally administered melatonin and extended light period on the egg quality of two the strains of laying birds during hot-dry season. 

vii.  the hormonal profile of selected reproductive hormones of laying birds orally administered with melatonin and extended light period during hot-dry season.

1.4       Justification of the Study

Poultry is fast becoming an important source of income and employment to poultry operators, likewise a sustainable source of animal protein to consumers in Nigeria. With the current security challenges facing the country especially Northern Nigeria, there are urgent needs to expand poultry industry. Poultry meat and egg offer considerable potential for meeting basic animal protein requirement for humans. The prevailing global climatic warming also poses a serious threat to the industry due to thermal stress imposed on the chicken.

Melatonin and its receptors were found to be present in the ovary.  It has been demonstrated that feeding melatonin to 70- 73-week-old layers resulted in a highly significant decline in heat production and increased egg production (Zeman et al., 2001) due to the antioxidant properties present in melatonin. Melatonin may be a key factor in the regulation of seasonal variation in gonadal activity. Exposure to bright light and increasing the concentration of melatonin in circulation is hypothesized to be useful in treatment of both male and female infertility. Experimental studies and clinical trials have shown that melatonin turned out to be effective than classical antioxidants to reduce the oxidation of lipids (Rodriguez et al., 2007; Maldonado et al., 2012). It also preserves the levels of glutathione in cells and mitochondria which helps to suppress oxidative damage at these sites (Acuna-Castroviejo et al., 2011; Escames et al., 2012). In the oocyte, melatonin scavenges free-radicals and acts as an anti oxidative substance, hence the need to combine melatonin and lighting in improving egg production and quality in laying birds.

Results from this study were used in making recommendations to poultry farmers particularly commercial layers farmers on the use of melatonin and extended light period to enhance egg production, improve the welfare of the birds and finally maximize profit.


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