The study adopted experimental design which aimed at identifying the effect of different preservatives used in cake making on the shelf of the cakes , different preservatives such as calcium propionate, sodium bicarbonate, rum, brandy were used to prepare different cakes which were preserved under different temperatures and storage, sensory evaluation was carried out and microbial count were carried out fortnightly (2 weeks interval),the soya agar culture plates were used to estimate the (TVC) total viable count of microbial colonies while the sabouraud dextrose agar where used to estimate the (TFC) total fungal count. Findings of the study reviewed that sample 102 which was preserved with Rum and 103 which was preserved with Brandy lasted longer than the other samples, 100, 101and 104 in terms of microbial and chemical deterioration. The two samples (102 and 103) displayed very high antibacterial and antifungal resistance in addition to antichemical spoilage for 70 days a period of about 3 months. The cake sample produced by using chemical preservative did not withstand spoilage agent of microbial and chemical circumstance, cake sample101 made with without the addition of any preservatives began to undergo mixed spoilage on 28th day of storage.it is suggested that bakery industry, consumers, institutions, home makers interested in constant cake production and consumption are advised to embark on the use of rum and brandy as cake preservatives and additives.
Title page i
Approval page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
Abstract vii
1.0 Background
of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Purpose of the Study 5
Research Question 5
Significance of the Study 5
Scope of the Study 6
2.0 Conceptual Framework 7
2.1.1 Benefit of Calcium Propionate Powder 8
2.1.2 Side
Effects of Calcium Propionate 9
2.1.3 Sodium Bicarbonate 9
2.1.4 History of Sodium Bicarbonate 10
2.1.5 Medical Benefit 11
2.1.6 Brandy and Rum (Spirit or Alcohol) 11
2.1.7 History Brandy and Rum 12
2.1.8 Consumption 12
2.1.9 Antimicrobial Additives 13
2.10 Cake Making Process 14
2.11 Baking 15
2.12 Ingredients Used In Cake Making 16
2.2 Theoretical
Frame Work 17
2.3 Review
Related Empirical Studies 18
2.4 Summary
of Literature Review 19
3.0 Materials 20
3.1 Design of Experimental Process 22
3.2 Study Area 22
3.3 Population of the Study 22
3.4 Sample of the Study /Sample Techniques 22
3.5 Methodology 23
3.6 Sensory Evaluation of Cake Samples 24
3.7 Instrument for Data Collection 24
3.8 Microbiological
Analysis of Cake Samples 24
Statistical Analysis 25
4.1 Microbial
Analysis of Cake Samples 26
4.2 Observation
and Result 27
4.3 Sensory
Evaluations 27
5.1 Summary 33
5.2 Conclusion 33
5.3 Recommendation 34
5.4 Contribution
to knowledge 34
5.5 Suggestions
for further studies 35
Background of the Study
preservation has been an essential activity throughout history. The very cycle
of the season creates periods of shortage and abundance of different foods at
different period of the year so there is need for food preservation. Food
preservation is a method of preparing foods, so that it can be stored for
future use, because most food remains edible for only a brief period of time.
Since the earliest ages have experiment with method for successful food preservation.
Preservative is a substance that is added to product such as food,
pharmaceuticals, paint, biological samples, wood, etc. to prevent decomposition
by microbial growth or prevent undesirable chemical changes (Adedeji, and
Ade-Omowaye, 2013). There are many types
of preservatives used in food preservation such as, natural food preventives
which is freezing, boiling, smoking, salting. Chemical food preservatives such
as sodium benzoate, benzoic acid, nitrites, sodium nitries, sulphites, sulphur
dioxide, sorbates, sodium sorbate, potassium sorbate. Artificial preservatives
(Antimicrobial agents, antioxidants, chelating agent. Among the products of each food preservation
were cheese and butter, raisins, pemmican, sausage, bacon and grain (Adedeji et al., 2013). In modern food
preservation, preservatives functions in two ways. One is by delaying the
spoilage of the food while the other is by ensuring that the food retains as
nearly as possible, its original quality. As scientific investigation regarding
the causes of food spoilage were undertaken, they pointed the way to a wider
application of methods already in use and to the discovering of new ones (Mahindru,
first methods include the use of sugar, vinegar for picking meats and
vegetables, salt (one of the oldest preservatives) and alcohol. Good wine will
keep almost indefinitely and fruit placed in a 15% to 20% alcohol solution (brandying)
is well preserved (Dalton 2002). The second method includes the use of ascorbic
acid (which prevents colour deterioration in canned fruits), benzoic acid,
sulfur dioxide, and a variety of neutralizer, foaming agent and bleaching
agents. The excessive or unacknowledged use of these chemical agents has been
registered against by most government. Before 1860 changes in food were
explained on the theory of spontaneous generation. Pasteur demonstrated that
fermentation, molds and some forms of purification were caused by the presence
of micro-organisms widely distributed in the environments. Since these
microorganisms are the main cause of food spoilage.
preservation depends on rendering conditions unfavourable for their growth. In
general there are two types of preservatives used to preserve food
1. Chemical
2. Physical
preservatives is a process of adding chemical compounds to the product.
preservatives is a process of refrigeration and drying (Adedeji et al., 2013).
and physical preservatives are used in foods, cosmetics and many other products.
preservatives reduce the risk of food borne infection and also decrease
microbial spoilage and preserve fresh attributes and nutritional quality. Some
physical techniques for preservation include dehydration, Ultra-violet
radiation, freeze-drying and refrigeration. Although both chemical and physical
preservatives are combined Theron (2003). Preservatives have been used by our
ancestors for centuries ago, throughout history they have been preserving foods
to keep it fresh, through the processes such as, picking, salting, and smoking.
Salting has long been used to preserve fish and meet, spices and herbs to enhance
the flavor, food and fruit often preserved with sugar. Pickling has been done
with eggs and other substance.
earliest preservatives were sugar and salt (Nacl), which produced food
environment of high osmotic pressure that denied bacteria the surrounding they
needed to live and reproduced. Jams and Jellies are preserved as solutions of
high sugar contents. Micro-organism such as molds can often withstand the
effect of high salt or sugar concentration in food, fortunately they rarely
cause illness. Smoking is a method used mainly for fish and meat, it combines
the drying action with chemicals produced from the smoke, which form a protective
early method of air removal included the sealing of food inside containers
(such as jars) or the covering of food surface with hot paraffin. The invention
of canning by (Nicolas, 2000) enabled commercial preservatives of food stuffs
in response to prize offered. Appert developed a method of canning and
preserving fruit and vegetable in glass containers for sea voyages. His process
was used commercially in (2002 by Peter Durand) in England. Cake is often the
desert of choice for meals at ceremonial occasions particularly weddings,
anniversaries, birthdays and also sold as snacks in shop. Cake is a perishable
food and rich medium for molds and yeast as such different preservatives are
added in order to maintain its wholesomeness and freshness. Today consumers
demand and enjoy food supply that is flavourful nutritious, safe, colourful and
The oxidation process spoils most foods,
especially those with a high fat content. Fats quickly turn rancid when exposed
to oxygen. Antioxidants prevent or inhibit the oxidation process, the most
common antioxidant additives are ascorbic acid (Vitamin c) and ascorbates. Thus,
antioxidants are commonly added to oils, cheese, and chips (Barrett, 2004)
1.2 Statement
of the Problem
One of today’s challenges for food
industries is to guarantee safe food throughout the supply chain whilst
retaining the same properties that where present when the food where freshly
made. The increasing demand for ready to eat fresh food products has become
serious challenges for food manufacturers, distributors, consumers regarding
the safety and quality of their foods. Mold spoilage is a serious problem for
bakeries, food processing companies and consumers. Mold growth is the major
factor limiting the shelf life of high and intermediate moisture on bakery
products. Mold growth on bakery products is a serious problem that results in
economic losses and health hazards to the consumers. With the use of
preservatives is therefore an attractive means to diminish the spoilage and
ensure the food sanity and prolong the shelf life of the cakes. This will help
in the security of the foods and as well sustain it for the consumers and
1.3 Purpose
of the Study
main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different
preservatives on the shelf life of cakes.specifically the study
Ø Identified
the different types of preservatives used in cake making
Ø Determined
the effect of the preservatives used in the different cake samples produced.
Ø Determined
the shelf life of each of the cakes preserved with the different preservatives.
Question: The following research questions guided the study:
Ø What
are the different types of preservatives used in caking making?
Ø What
are the effects of each preservative used on cakes within the period been
Ø Which
of the preservatives has a longer shelf life on the cakes?
of the Study
study will be significant to the following groups
processing industry, Bakers, Consumers, Road side fast food and homemakers.
Food processing industry; this study will
help them to extend shelf life, maintain high quality and prevent spoilage. It
will also prevent the growth of microorganism reducing moisture content
increasing acidity, preventing the natural ripening process and acting as an
Bakers; the preservatives
will help the product to be slow in spoilage by hindering the growth of microorganisms
and maintain a product appearance and lengthen shelf life.
Consumers; it will benefit the household
to preserve their product such as cooked vegetables, meat, or eggs, because if
you keep those things at room temperature too long, bacteria or micro-organisms
and enzymes will begin to do their job by essentially feeding on the food, that
will result to spoilage or decay.
side fast food; it will help them to know the type of preservative to use on
their product at any giving time.
The preservative will help the food to
remain in a good condition throughout its journey from the factory to the shop
and to the consumer at home.
of the Study
study was limited to effect of different preservatives like Sodium bicarbonate,
calcium propionate, brandy, rum and the shelf life of the cakes. It also
determined the microbial spoilage of the cakes after 2 weeks interval for a
period of 3 months to ascertain the effectiveness of each preservative used.
The study will also revealed the most efficient storage condition for cakes
that ensures no or minimum deterioration over a good period of time (3 months).
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