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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008606

No of Pages: 59

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Locally brewed beer (sorghum beer) is an indigenous alcoholic beverage. It is produced mainly from sorghum grain (Sorghum vulgare) and the process of brewing involves malting, mashing, souring, fermentation and packaging. Locally brewed beer without hops has a short shelf-life. The aqueous extract of a tropical plant, bitter-leaf was used as the hop .Two type of drink were produced, one with hops and another without hops. Chemical analyses were carried out on both drinks, which gave a significant (p≤0.05) difference. Sorghum beer with hops has a total acidity of 0.562±0.03, fixed acidity of 0.203±0.001, Volatile acidity 0.360±0.02, PH 3.93, specific gravity 1.042±0.003, total dissolved solids 1.12×105ppm, total suspended solids 1.65×105ppm, ethanol content of 3.43±0.03 respectively. While sorghum beer without hops has a total acidity of 0.652 ±0.002, fixed acidity of  0.176±0.002, volatile acidity of 0.476±0.03, PH of 3.50 specific gravity of 1.021±0.003,  total dissolved solid of 1.15×105ppm, total suspended solids of 1.5×105ppm and an ethanol content  of 3.65±0.02. The microbial count for sorghum beer with hop had no growth of E.coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus but aspergillus was present from the 4th day and heaviest on the 8th day. While the drink without hop had growth of staphylococcus and aspergillus which was seen from the 2nd day and heaviest on the 4th day but E.coli and streptococcus was absent. From the results, the drink with hops could keep for a longer period of time than the other drink without hops. Thus, the aqueous extract of Vernonia amygdalina could extend the shelf-life of locally brewed sorghum beer.



Title Page                           i

Certification                           ii

Dedication                           iii

Acknowledgement           iv

Table of Contents           v

List of Table                           ix

List of Figures                                                                                                        x

Abstract                           xi


1.0                               Introduction                                                                                        1

1.1                               Aims and Objectives                                                                          2                                             


2.0                               Literature Review                                                                               4

2.1                               General Description Of Cereals                                                         4

2.1.1                            General Characteristics Of Cereals                                                    4

2.2                               Sorghum                                                                                             5

2.2.1                            General Description Of Sorghum                                                       6

2.2.2                            Scientific Classification Of Sorghum                                                 6

2.3                               Some Examples Of Indigenous Beers                                                            7

2.3.1                            Pito                                                                                                      7

2.3.2                            Kunu                                                                                                   7

2.3.3                            Burukutu                                                                                             8

2.4                               Physicochemical And Microbiological                                              9

2.4.1                            Nutritive Value Of Burukutu                                                              10

2.4.2                            Economic Value Of Burukutu                                                            10

2.5                               Brewing                                                                                              11

2.5.1                             History Of Brewing                                                                               11

2.5.2                            Indigenous African Brewing Process                                                 12

2.6                               Raw Materials For Brewing                                                               12

2.6.1                            Starch Source                                                                                      13

2.6.2                            Adjuncts                                                                                              13

2.6.3                           Water                                                                                                  14

2.6.4                            Hops                                                                                                    14

2.7                               Bitter Leaf (Tropical Hop substitute for Beer Brewing)                     17

2.7.1                            Botany                                                                                                19

2.7.2                            Major Uses And Functions                                                                 19

2.8                               Yeast                                                                                                   19

2.8.1                            Baker’s Yeast                                                                                     20


3.0                               Materials And Methods                                                                      21

3.1                               Materials                                                                                             21

3.2                               Methods                                                                                              21

3.2.1                            Collection Of Samples                                                                        21

3.2.2                            Preparation Of Burukutu                                                                    21

3.2.3                            Preparation Of Yeast For Inoculation                                                23

3.2.4                            Fermentation Of Sorghum Wort                                                        23

3.3                               Physiochemical Analysis                                                                    25

3.3.1                            Total Acidity                                                                                      25

3.3.2                            Fixed Acidity                                                                                      25

3.3.3                            Volatile Acidity                                                                                  25

3.3.4                             Total Suspended Solid (TSS)                                                 26

3.3.5                        Ethanol Content                                                                     26

3.3.6                        Measurement of Ph                                                                27

3.4                           Determination Specific Gravity                                              27

3.4.1                        Total Dissolve Solid                                                              27

3.5                          Microbiological Analysis of Burukutu                                    28

3.5.1                       Sterilization of Materials                                                       28

3.5.2                   Media preparation                                                      28

3.5.3                       Isolation of Identification of Bacteria in Treated and Untreated  Burukutu Sample                                                               29

3.6                          Microbiological Examination Of Isolates                                30

3.6.1                        Gram Staining                                                                       30

3.6.2                        Spore Staining                                                                       31

3.6.3                        Motility Test                                                                         31

3.7                           Biochemical Test                                                                   32

3.7.1                        Catalase Test                                                                         32

3.7.2                        Coagulase Test                                                                      32

3.7.3                        Oxidation Test                                                                       32

3.7.4                        Sugar Fermentation Test                                                        33

3.8                           Fungal Isolation and Identification                                         33

3.8.1                       Preparation of Bitter leaf Extract                                            33

3.8.2                        Statistical Analysis Method                                                    34



4.0                          Results                                                                                  35


Discussion, Conclusion And Recommendation

5.0                          Discussion                                                                            40

5.1                          Conclusion                                                                            43

5.2                          Recommendation                                                                  44


REFERENCES                                                                                                                     45






Tables                                                                                            pages

1:      Shows total acidity, fixed acidity and volatile acidity and pH values of

         Sorghum beer with and without hop substitute for three days.                                     36

2:      Shows Ethanol content, specific gravity (day 1-day 5) and total

         Dissolved and Total suspended solids (day I and day 5) values of

        sorghum beer with and without hop substitute                                                      37

3:      Frequency of distribution of isolates in Sorghum beer with hops.                   38

4:      Frequency of distribution of isolates in Sorghum beer without hops                    39







Figures                                                                             Pages

1:         Sorghum valgare                                                                     5

2:         Hop cone in a Hallertau, Germany, hop yard                        15

3:         Vernonia amygdalina                                                             18

4:        Flow sheet for modified method of Burukutu production from Sorghum grain                                      24







The word beer derives from the Latin word bibere meaning to drink (Okafor, 2007). Beer is the world’s oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverage and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Grossman (1995) defined beer as a general name given to beverages resulting from the germination of a malt or cereal grain. The process of brewing beer is called brewing. It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches mainly derived from cereal grains most commonly malted barley, although wheat, maize (corn), and rice are widely used (Gutcho, 1976). In Nigeria today, barley has been replaced by some locally grown cereals such as sorghum or guinea corn, millet and maize as the principal raw materials. The tropical beers (African local beers) are known by different names in different part of the world; burukutu, otika and pito in Nigeria, maujek among the Nandi’s in Kenya, mowa in Malawi, kaffir beer in South Africa, merisa in Sudan, bouza in Ethiopia and pombe in some parts of East Africa (Okafor, 2007).

Burukutu is an indigenous alcoholic beverage. Burukutu, a popular alcoholic drink among indigenes of the middle belt region of Nigeria, is a local brew made from fermented sorghum and other protein enriched grains (Ekundayo, 1969). The age long drink, also known as BKT, serves as a source of alcohol for those who lack the financial means to patronize refined brew like beer and other foreign or imported drinks it is produced mainly from the grains of guinea corn (Sorghum vulgare and Sorghum bicolor). The process of production of burukutu involves malting, mashing, fermentation and maturation as described by Ekundayo (1969).The production process of these indigineous drinks involves fermentation at its initial production stage and comes out as an alcoholic drink. The microorganisms associated with fermentation include Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces chavelieria and Leuconostocmesteroides (Faparusi et al., 1973).

Sorghum is one of the cereals cultivated in the tropical region of Africa and it is about the largest cultivated crop in the North Guinea Savanna area of Nigeria (Kola Wole, et al., 2007). Worldwide, sorghum is a food grain for humans. It constitute a major source of energy and it serves as a stable food of many of the world’s poorest and least privileged people (Hamad, et al., 2003 and michodjehoun. Mestres. et al., 2005). Sorghum is a large variable genus with many cultivars (Ettasoe, 1972). The method employed in brewing sorghum beer here involves, malting, mashing, wort boiling with hops, fermentation, (using baker’s yeast) and packaging. The tropical sourced hop extracts used here is Vernonia amygdalina (Bitter leaf) which have been found to contain an anti bactericidal agent which is capable of extending the useful life of these indigenous beers (Okoh et al., 1999).

Chemical analysis on the prepared sorghum beer such as; ethanol content, PH value, specific gravity, fixed acidity, total acidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids(TSS) were analysed quantitatively, using different methods.



·       The aim of the project is itemized into the following objectives;

·       To determine the shelf-life of locally brewed sorghum beer.

·       To check the effect of bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) extract on the locally brewed sorghum beer.

·       To compare the results from the chemical analyses of locally brewed sorghum beer with bitter leaf extract and sorghum beer brewed without bitter leaf.


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