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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007231

No of Pages: 95

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) is a good source of carotenoid which can be used in Africa to combat a widespread of Vitamin A Deficiency in children. Hence, this study seeks to evaluate how different cooking methods used in the production of puree from Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato affects the chemical and sensory properties of the puree. The experimental design of this study involves 1 variety (Umuspo 1), 2 cooking methods;(boiling  and steaming) and 2 treatments (peeled and unpeeled), the control being the raw sample making it a total of 5 samples. The proximate and sensory properties of the samples were analyzed. All data collected in this experiment were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The cooking methods used had significant effect on the proximate properties of puree samples. Puree samples that were cooked (boiling and steam) before peeling had higher nutrients (crude protein, fat, crude fibre, ash and carotenoid content) than those peeled before cooking (boiling and steam). This study revealed that the total carotenoid content of the sample were significantly different (p<0.05) and ranged from 65.61μg/g (Peeled Boiled) to 92.10μg/g (Raw). Peeling method caused significant differences (P<0.5) in the proximate properties of the samples. The sensory qualities of the OFSP purees varied significantly with the cooking methods with peeled before boiling samples having the highest acceptance. The study of puree from OFSP Variety (Var. Umuspo1) as affected by cooking methods has demonstrated that total carotenoid content was higher in unpeeled steamed samples and least in peeled boiled samples. However, based on the findings of this research work, steaming before peeling OFSP sample is a better cooking method in terms of nutrient retention compared to peeling before boiling sample.




Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

List of Figures                                                                                                             viii

List of Plates                                                                                                               ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      xii


CHAPTER 1:   INTRODUCTION                                                                                   

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                 1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                       4

1.3       Justification of the Study                                                                                 6

1.4       Objectives of this Study                                                                                   6


CHAPTER 2:   LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                   

2.1       Sweet Potato                                                                                                     8

2.1.1    Origin and distribution of sweet potato                                                           8

2.1.2    Botany of sweet potato                                                                                    9

2.1.3    Global situation of sweet potato                                                                     10

2.1.4    Nutrient content of sweet potato                                                                    11

2.1.5   Sweet potato value addition and its importance                                                14

2.1.6   Utilization of sweet potato and its products                                                         16

2.1.7   Challenges associated with the use of sweet potato                                        17

2.1.8    Processing techniques of foods                                                                      19

2.1.9    Processing of sweet potato into different products                                        20

2.2       Factors that Influence Nutrient Content of Sweet Potato                             20

2.3       Carotenoids                                                                                                  21

2.4       Factors Affecting Degradation of Βeta-Carotene                                               22

2.5       Effect of Cooking Methods on Βeta-Carotene Content of Sweet Potato     24

2.6       Effect of Cooking Methods on the Proximate Properties of Sweet Potato   26

2.7       Sweet PotatoPuree                                                                                          27

2.7.1    Sweet potatoes purees processing                                                                   27

2.7.2    Packaging and preservation of sweet potato purees                                       28

2.7.3    Quality and rheology of sweet potato purees                                                 29

2.7.4    Utilization of sweet potato purees in processed foods                                   30

2.8       Sensory Quality                                                                                               31

2.8.1    Perception                                                                                                        31




CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                      

3.1       Collection of Materials                                                                                     33

3.2       Preparation of Sample                                                                                       34

3.2.1    Preparation of peeled steamed orange fleshed sweet potato puree samples    35

3.2.2    Preparation of unpeeled steamed orange fleshed sweet potato puree sample 36

3.2.3    Preparation of peeled boiled orange fleshed sweet potato puree samples        37

3.2.4    Preparation of unpeeled boiled orange fleshed sweet potato puree samples   38

3.3       Determination of Proximate Composition                                                        39

3.3.1    Determination of moisture content                                                                   39

3.3.2    Ash content determination                                                                               39

3.3.3    Crude fibre determination                                                                                40

3.3.4    Fat determination                                                                                              41

3.3.5    Crude protein determination                                                                             41

3.3.6    Carbohydrate determination                                                                             42

3.4       Determination of Total Carotenoid                                                                  43

3.4.1    Carotenoid determination                                                                                 43

3.5       Sensory Evaluation                                                                                           44

3.6       Experimental Design                                                                                         45

3.7       Statistical Analysis                                                                                            45


CHAPTER 4:    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                  46

4.1       Proximate Properties                                                                                       46

4.1.1    Moisture content                                                                                             47

4.1.2    Crude protein content                                                                                     47

4.1.3    Fat  content                                                                                                      48

4.1.4    Crude fibre content                                                                                          49

4.1.5    Ash content                                                                                                     49

4.1.6    Carbohydrate content                                                                                     49

4.2       Total Carotenoid Content                                                                               53

4.3       Sensory Evaluation                                                                                         56



5.1       Conclusions                                                                                                     63

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          63

References                                                                                                                  64

Appendices                                                                                                                 76










4.1: Effect of cooking method on the proximate composition of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Puree                                                                                                           51

4.2: Effect of peeling on the proximate composition of orange fleshed sweet potato

  puree                                                                                                                                  52

4.3: Effect of cooking  method on the total carotenoid content of orange fleshed sweet potato puree                                                                                                          54

4.4: Effect of peeling on the total carotenoid content of orange fleshed sweet potato

 puree                                                                                                                                   55

4.5: Effect of cooking method on the sensory properties of orange fleshed sweet potato puree                                                                                                                  58

4.6: Effect of peeling on the sensory properties of orange fleshed sweet potato  puree     59







2.1: Factors leading to beta carotene degradation                                                      23

3.1: Flow chart for preparation of peeled steamed orange fleshed sweet

potato puree samples.                                                                                                   35


3.2: Flow chart for preparation of unpeeled steamed orange fleshed sweet potato           puree samples.                                                                                                36


3.3: Flow chart for preparation of peeled boiled orange fleshed sweet

potato puree samples.                                                                                             37


3.4: Flow chart for preparation of unpeeled boiled orange fleshed sweet potato puree Samples.                                                                                                            38







1: Orange fleshed sweet potato variety (Var. umuspo 1 (king J)                               33

2: V1ps (umuspo 1- peeled steamed) sample                                                              60

3: V1ups(umuspo 1- unpeeled steamed) sample                                                         60

4: V1pb (Umuspo 1- peeled boiled) s ample                                                              61

5: V1upb (umuspo 1- unpeeled boiled) sample                                                          61

6: V1r (umuspo 1- peeled raw) sample                                                                       62











Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) originated more than 5000 years ago in South America or Central America (Rosse et al., 2001). In the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) Nigeria is among the prime cultivators of sweet potato with annual production estimated to be around 3.46 million tons   per year (FAO, 2008). 

Orange fleshed sweet potato is a biofortified seasonal crop that is perishable and cannot be stored for a long period of time unless preserved adequately. Orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) varieties which are rich in ß-carotene (precursor for Vitamin A) are now being used in Africa to combat a widespread of Vitamin A Deficiency in 250,000 – 500,000 children (Low et al., 2007). Approximately two-thirds of the children diagnosed with Xerophthalmia, as a result of lack of vitamin A, die nearly a year after losing their sight (Aguayo and Baker 2005).The approach of improving the consumption of orange fleshed sweet potato helps alleviate vitamin A deficiency in Nigeria in which about 30 percent of children under the age of six are scourged by the deficiency of vitamin A (Anderson et al., 2007; Egbe, 2012).

Orange fleshed sweet potatoes are enrich with vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and antioxidants, for instance phenolic acids, anthocyanins, tocopherol and β-carotene. They are good source of vitamin-A, vitamin-C, B-vitamins (B2, B3, and B6), potassium and copper (FAO, 2007; Kosambo, 2004; Welch, 2005; WHO, 2002). Several nutritious food products can be produced from the nutritionally endowed orange fleshed sweet potato (ADA, 2002; Coronel et al., 2005). It has been indicated that breads, chips, cookies, purees, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage can be produced from OFSP with or without the addition of flavour with fruit juices and spices (Dansby and Boyell, 2003, Mills et al., 2003; Ridley et al., 2005; Telcioglu and Kayacier, 2007; Wireko, 2010).


There is occurrence of changes on the nutritional makeup of sweet potato roots during preparation and processing.  Similarly, during product development, processing may induce modification of its nutritional, physico-chemical and organoleptic properties (Akhtar et al., 2010; Chun and Yoo, 2006; Coronel, 2005; Leksrisompong et al. 2011; Salvador and Fiszman, 2004; Serrat, 2004). Cooking process may lessen vitamins (β-carotene, Vitamin C) and Minerals (Zn, Ca, Fe, P, Mn) of sweet potato as a result of degradation and leaching (Avula and Guha, 2007). The extent of loss depends on the cooking method used, temperature and time. Though, the positive advantage of cooking is that it progresses digestibility and accessibility of nutrients and promotes tastiness and shelf-life of the food (Avula and Guha, 2007; Grabowski et al., 2008).


Orange fleshed sweet potato asides serving as a source of energy and nutrients, sweet potato flour can enhance natural sweetness, color and flavor of processed food products. It can also be utilized as a substitute for wheat flour to lower (bakery) expenses and as such reduction in importation of wheat flour, and as an alternative market outlet for those marketing the roots as raw material as well as improve the nutrient content. Each cooking methods results in different changes in the quality features of sweet potato (Takenaka, 2006).


In recognition of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes’ nutrition value, it is sweeter than most varieties of white and yellow fleshed varieties and is especially desired by children. There is concern involving its susceptibility to rotting. In some cases, orange fleshed sweet potato varieties mature early and have low in-ground storability making them predominantly susceptible to rotting, pest damage and drought.


Sweet potato puree (or mash) is a ground, pressed, blended or sieved to the consistency of a soft creamy paste or thick liquid (Larousse, 2000). Purees normally must be cooked, either before or after grinding, in order to improve flavor and texture, remove toxic substances, and/or reduce their water content. Pureeing of sweet potato is performed to improve the transformation of the roots into value-added products. Through processing, production and home utilization, the puree is often heated.  Sweet Potato Puree is easy to prepare, but more difficult to store once made. It often requires a processor to have a refrigerator or freezer or alternatively, to store the fresh roots and prepare when needed.


The major consideration in making this choice is purely economic. One must also consider access to electricity, in many areas of rural Africa this is not available, meaning that whatever product you select must be able to be made with an alternative electricity source and still give quality products. It takes 1.25 kgs of fresh roots to produce kilogram of sweet potato puree. In most Sub-Saharan African countries with sweet potato yields ranging from 5-15 tons/ha on farmer’s fields, sweet potato puree makes economic sense. Processing technologies have been invented worldwide to transform sweet potatoes into the purees form that can be utilized in several food products.

Process procedures for pounding of sweet potatoes  involve washing, peeling, hand-trimming, cutting, steamed blanching or cooking, and grinding into purees which can be canned or frozen for preservation. Finish-cooked puree can be packaged in cans and retorted to produce shelf-stable product. The puree could be packed in plastic containers for refrigeration or frozen storage (Perez-Dfaz et al., 2008).

Sweet potato purees are naturally viscous and thicker than other processed purees from other commodities such as carrots and tomatoes. Sweet potato purees display shear thinning behavior with a yield stress, as most of fruit and vegetable purees. Sweet potato puree has been utilized as a constituent in numerous food products, as well as baby food, puddings, casseroles, pies, cakes, bread, ice cream, yogurt, patties and soups (Yasufumi and Shigeki, 2000). However, the most effective commercial application of sweet potato puree is for baby food.


Utilization of the sweet potato principally controls the varieties to grow, either as food directly or as processed forms, as component of feed or as sources of industrial starch. For utilization as food, a variety preference likewise tends to vary amongst and even within countries (Carpena, 2009). Orange fleshed sweet potato varieties could be promoted for their food security, nutritional value and for their potentials in generating income (Padmaja, 2009).



There are phenomenal changes on the nutritional value of sweet potato roots while undergoing preparation and processing. Correspondingly, processing during product development may induce alterations of organoleptic, nutritional and physico-chemical properties (Akhtar et al., 2010; Chun and Yoo, 2006; Coronel, 2005; Leksrisompong et al., 2011; Salvador and Fiszman, 2004; Serrat, 2004). Cooking process may decrease vitamins (β-carotene, vitamin C) and minerals (Ca, P, Zn, Fe, Mn) of sweet potato as a result of degradation and leaching (Avula and Guha, 2007). The degree of loss depends on the method of cooking, temperature and time. However, cooking has a positive advantage because it improves digestibility and availability of nutrients, it also promotes palatability and shelf-life of the food (Avula and Guha, 2007; Grabowski et al., 2008).


The utilization of orange fleshed sweet potatoes frequently involves processing of the roots into purees which could be afterwards frozen, canned or packed in aseptic conditions to yield shelf-stable products for all year-round product availability. The processing of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato is gradually becoming a welcome development for the food industry. Most people tend to consume Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato majorly for its carbohydrate value, thereby, engage in various methods of processing; such as boiling, frying, baking, steaming, roasting and drying, hence tending to disregard pureeing, which is also an important processed form for Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato. This in turn affects its overall acceptability and utilization of the Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato by the teaming populace. Therefore, it is pertinent to process the Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato into storable product forms to add value to the crop in order to contribute significantly to food security, nutrition, income generation and enhanced livelihoods for the common man (Ndunguru, 2003) and in addition create an avenue to study more about the numerous food properties of the crop when processed in puree form.


Hence, the evaluation of how different cooking methods used in the manufacture of puree from Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato affects the chemical and sensory properties of the puree is the back ground reason for this study being undertaken.



In Nigeria two-thirds of the populations of children are developing Xerophthalmia, as a result of lack of vitamin A, and these children die in not more than a year of losing their sight. The approach of increasing the consumption of orange fleshed sweet potato has aided alleviation of deficiency of vitamin A in Nigeria in which about 30% of children under the age of six are suffering from the deficiency of vitamin A (Anderson et al., 2007; Egbe, 2012). Production of Ready – to – Eat products such as purees from Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato will help to reduce the quantity of sweet potato wasted due to inadequate storage, reduce bulk during fresh root transportation and lead to products that are convenient to serve.


The results of the study will express the effect of cooking methods on the proximate and Sensory properties of purees made from Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Variety (Var. Umuspo 1); thereby recommend the best method of cooking with the highest nutrient retention and best texture. Thus, this will greatly be of interest and benefit to the food industries involved in the production and processing of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato purees, and as well, be of benefit to mothers who can utilize it as a recipe for vitamin A supplement in baby feeding.



General Objective:

The broad objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of different cooking methods on the chemical, and sensory properties of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Var. umuspo 1 (King J).


Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives are to:

        i.            Produce purees from Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato using different modes of preparation (peeled steamed), (peeled boiled), (unpeeled steamed) and (unpeeled boiled).

      ii.            Determine the proximate composition of the purees.

    iii.             Determine the total carotenoid content of the purees.

    iv.             Evaluate the sensory properties of the purees.



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