The study examined
the Effect of Computer Graphics in Junior Secondary School Students’ Academic
Achievement in Social Studies in Lagos State. Three research question and two
null hypotheses were drawn to guide the study. Related literatures were
reviewed after the conceptual framework on the major variables of the study. A
quasi experimental research design involving pretest and posttest was used for
the study. The population consisted of 80 JSS2 students. Purposive sampling
techniques was applied to select the samples of 1 subject made up of 60 males
20 females students from two intact classes to form the control and
experimental groups. The instruments used for data collection were Graphics
Media Learning Package Social Studies (GMIPSOS), and Computer Graphics
Achievement Test (CGAT) Mean and standard Deviation T-test, frequently,
descriptive statistics were used, 0.5 were used to test the research question
and hypotheses using computer graphics learning package for social studies
(CGLP). Finding from the study revealed that: there was significant difference
in the mean score of experimental and control group in favour of the
experimental group. There was significance difference in the mean scores of
rural and urban students exposed to computer graphics learning media and there
was no significance in the mean scores of male and female social students
students exposed to computer graphics. The study recommended among others, that
computer graphics should be used for teaching both concrete and abstract
concepts to students at Junior Secondary School Level.
Tittle i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Abstract vi
Table of Content vii
1.1 Background to
the study 1
1.2 Statement of
the Problem 4
1.3 Purpose of the
1.4 Research
1.6 Scope and
Limitation of the Study
1.7 Significance of the Study
1.8 Operational
Definition of Term
2.2 Theoretical
2.3 Conceptual
Framework 11
2.1.3 Other
Theories of Computer Graphics 13
2.2.3 Social
Studies in junior secondary school 17
2.4 Rationale for
Integrating Graphics to Teaching and Learning 19
2.5 Static
Graphics Use in Teaching and Learning 23
2.6 Principles and Element of Graphics
Design 26
2.7 Instructional Application of Graphics 27
2.8 Impact of Graphics on learners’ memory
2.9 Summary OF Literature Review 32
3.1 Preamble 33
3.2 Research
3.3 Area of the Study 33
3.4 Population of
the Study 33
3.5 Instrument for
Data Collection 34
3.5 Sampling
Procedure/ Technique 34
3.6 Data
Collection Technique 34
3.7 Validity of
the Instruments 34
3.8 Reliability of
the Instruments 35
3.9 Method of Data
Analysis 35
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analysis of Student Bio-Data 36
4.3 Descriptive Statistic on Students’
social studies achievement test 37
4.4 Test of Hypotheses 40
4.5 Discussion of the study 42
4.6 Finding of Study
5.1 Introduction 44
5.2 Conclusion 44
5.3 Implication of the Study 45
5.4 Recommendation 45
5.5 Suggestion for the further Studies 46
5.6 Students’ academic achievement in
social studies in junior secondary school 47
References 49
Appendix 55
1.1 Background to the study:
Education in
the 21st century has simply become dependent on computer as a necessary tool
for enhancing teaching and learning, communication and access to information
(Mason, 2002). The challenge therefore is to be able to remain relevant in the
competitive education system, through the adoption and deployment of modern
technology as solutions, rapidly over the past decade with development in
electronics, in research on learning, and in the application of system
principles to instruction. Instructional technology helps teachers to make
effective use of the vast array of both old and new resources available to
them. Modern development cannot thrive without emphasis on science and
technology. This explains why Nigeria places premium on education as an instrument
for its scientific, technological and economic development. The importance of
education to the economic, and socio - political development of a multi –
cultural country like Nigeria cannot be over-emphasized. The National Policy on
Education gave prominent place to Social Studies Education within the school
curricular, as a core subject area, which all pupils in primary and secondary
schools cannot dispense within their learning activities. This perhaps, is in
recognition of the potentialities of Social Studies Education to inculcate the
right kind of skills and virtues through unified and integrated disciplinary
study of man.(Faniyi, 2014).
that in spite of the various innovations introduced into the educational
system, the attainment of the desired goals remains an illusion. This
under-performance of students in Basic Social Studies is attributed to many
factors such as; the constant use of the lecture method of teaching, the
attitude of students and teachers towards the subject, difficulty in managing
overcrowded classes due to rapid population growth and so on. The use of the
lecture method by teachers has been criticized by many researchers. (Newby and Lai,
instructional method, according to them, is extremely didactic in approach,
teacher-centered, and does not lead to meaningful learning. It can only
encourage the development of passivity, docile learning and over-dependence on
the teacher and on textbooks. Little effort is being made by teachers to
supplement the oral instruction offered to learners with the integration of
variety of graphic learning resources such as photographs, pictures, cartoons,
to charts, maps, and diagrams.
studies Education programmed of study which has some allocation time on the
time table for instruction. It is considered as a programmer that is a
by-product of the society in which it is to be implemented. It is also a programed
which emphasis the relationships human beings have with their physical and
social environment. From these variables Social Studies Education is defined,
according to Kissock (1981), as a programmed of study which a society uses to
install in students the knowledge, skills, attitude and action it considers
important concerning the relationship human being have with each other, there
would and themselves.
the multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary underpinnings of the content of
Social Studies Education calls for the application of new dimensions and
orientation in planning and synthesizing of a variety of teaching-learning
techniques, such as the use of computers, stimulation technology, role playing
techniques, guided discussion and other methods for the purpose of ensuring an
attainment of appropriate Social Studies Education objectives. The Social
Studies Education must accept responsibility for involving learners in a
variety of classroom activities. These activities should provide opportunity
for the learners to practice appropriate behavior. For example, to learn to
think critically and form sound judgment, the learner must practice forming
judgment. Thus the use of computer assisted instruction, which is multimedia
and student-centered in nature, as a teaching technique in Social Studies
Education, will go a long way to enhancing teaching and learning of the subject
(Akinlaye, 2010). Supports the view that the integration of internet technology
(computers), in the Social Studies Education curriculum will enhance teaching
and learning more effectively. Novak and Gowin (2012)
that, the kind of strategies for teaching and learning which are capable of
achieving the objectives of the school and society are those which emphasize on
learners‟ creative skills and child centered Inquiry-based instruction. The Computer
Graphics based teaching is proposed in this study in order to investigate its
effect, is one of the activity-based teaching strategy in which students work
as a team in small groups while they share ideas and experiences in the
process. This could lead to improved academic performance of students in school.
(Lane, 2014). The incorporation of Computer Graphics
in a lesson enable teachers to present a visual - spatial representation of
learning materials; this combined with oral instruction can facilitate learning
among greater number of students. Also engaging the learners in the actual
production of graphic visuals offer to students the opportunities for hands –
on experience, which is one of the best ways to learn.
and Lyons, (2014) identified differences in learners‟ characteristics such as;
age, sex, and social background among the factors that influence students‟
academic achievements. To this end computer graphic resources could be employed
to remedy some of these disparities among learners via promoting effective
content delivery across the various segments of students. The integration of
this valuable teaching strategy is often a neglected skill among a greater
number of Nigeria junior secondary school teachers. It is against this
background that it becomes imperative to conduct further study on the Effect of
Computer Graphics on Academic performance of Junior Secondary School Students
in Social Studies.
1.2 Statement of problem:
has been observed that some teachers of basic level Nigeria educational system are
not abreast with new trends and developments in the use of computer for
instruction. Social studies in a very vital subject in the JSS2, but student
attitude seem to be declining. It is with this backdrop that this research
intends to investigate the Effect of Computer Graphics in the teaching and
learning of Social Studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Lagos State.
1.3 Purpose of study:
main purpose of this study is to examine the Effect of Computer Graphics in
junior secondary schools student’ Academic Achievement in social studies in
Lagos State. Specifically, the study seeks to:
determine the Effect of Computer graphics
on the Academic Achievement of Students in Social Studies.
2) examine
the Academic Achievement of Students exposed to Computer Graphics and those
taught with the conventional method.
1.4 Research questions:
following research questions guided the study
What is the Effect of using Computer
graphics on the academic achievement of students in social studies?
What is the difference between the
academic achievement of Students taught using Computer Graphics and those
taught using conventional method?
What is the difference in the academic
achievement of the male and female students taught using Computer Graphics?
1.5 Hypotheses:
following hypotheses were tested for possible acceptance or rejection:
1. There
is no significant difference between the Academic Achievement of Students
taught using Computer Graphics and those taught using the conventional method.
2. There
is no significant difference between the Academic Achievement of male and
female students taught using Computer Graphics.
1.6 Scope of the study:
study on Effect of computer graphics in junior secondary school students’
attitude to the academic achievement in social studies is limited to some
selected junior secondary schools in Education District IV of Lagos state. The
study involves Federal College of Education Technical Staff School and Eletu
Odibo Junior High School Lagos State.
1.7 Significance of the Study
this premise this study will be carried out and its findings will be useful to
the following categories of people:
government (federal, state and local)
technologists and other members of the community.
1 For instance, the findings of this study
will give additional knowledge to curriculum planners and designers on the
effect of computer graphics in education, how to arrange and properly introduce
the use of computer graphics to achieve the objectives for effective teaching
and learning.
2 Education students in colleges and
universities may also find the study valuable when they consult it in the
course of their studies.
3 To school administrators, it will bring to
the fore, the vital functions that computer
graphics play in teaching-learning process especially as it relates to
concretizing acquired knowledge and skills for long term memory.
4 Government may also find the study useful
because it attempts to show areas where its intervention is required, such as
greater commitment to issues like; re-training of teachers, provision of
structures, and material resources/equipment that will promote effective
teaching and learning. It is expected that government will further realize the
potentialities of the various instructional materials as crucial tools to
teachers for the attainment of instructional objectives and to that effect
provide the needed financial and moral support to acquisition and proper
utilization of such materials.
5 The findings of this research will also be
useful for the improvement of Nigerian Social Studies education in the
following ways: The study may serve as an insight to researchers, who might
consult in process of carrying out similar study in the future.
1.7 Operational definition of terms:
following terms are defined as related in the context of this study:.
Computer Graphics:
pictures and films created using computer to facilitate the process of teaching
and learning.
Social studies: is to help young people to
develop ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for public good as
citizen of a culturally diverse democratic society in an inter-dependent word.
Academic Achievement:
The score of the students in commerce test.
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