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Product Code: 00008245

No of Pages: 63

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The continuous reliance on advertising by financial institutions, suggests an appreciable level of trust as a communication tool. Advertising media which uses electronic energy to transmit information to the end user is called electronic media advertising. (Radio and Television). Advertising media in form of printed articles is referred to as print media (Newspaper and Magazines). The broad objective of this is to examine the Effect of Advertising Media on Customers’ Patronage for Banking Service in Abia State, Nigeria (A Study of First City Monument Bank PLC). The specific objectives include describing the socio - economic characteristics of the respondents; to examine the impact of electronic advertisement on customers’ patronage; to ascertain the impact of print media advertisement on customers’ patronage and to evaluate the effect of advertisement in promoting banking services. The data was analysed based on the objectives of the study. Questionnaires were administered to 139 FCMB customers including branch managers and customer care personnel. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data. Results from the analysis shows that majority of the respondents 39.56% strongly agree that print media (newspaper and magazines) have positive impact on advertisement of FCMB banking services in Abia state. The study also revealed that electronic media ads were carried out as a competitive strategy to promote the bank and increase its market share and exposure against competitors. It is therefore recommended that FCMB should also increase media for advertising from television and radio (electronic media) to bill board, posters and pamphlets so that advertising message will reach many people.


Tittle Page                                                                                                          i

Research Evaluation                                                                                           ii

Declaration                                                                                                         iii

Certification                                                                                                       iv

Dedication                                                                                                          v

Acknowledgement                                                                                              vi

Table of content                                                                                                 vii

Lists of table                                                                                                       viii

Abstract                                                                                                              xii


1.1          Background to the Study                                                                         1

1.2          Statement of the problem                                                                         3

1.3          Objective of the Study                                                                             4

1.4          Research Question                                                                                   5

1.5          Research Hypotheses                                                                               5

1.6          Scope of the Study                                                                                   6

1.7          Significance of the Study                                                                         6

1.8          Definition of the Study                                                                            6


2.0     Conceptual framework                                                                             8

2.1     Advertising media                                                                                    8

2.1.1  Television advertising and customer patronage for banking services    9

2.1.2  Radio advertising and customer patronage for banking service                    10

2.1.3  Newspaper advertising and customer patronage for banking services    11

2.1.4  Magazine advertising and customer patronage for banking services    12

2.2     Objectives of advertising media                                                              14

2.3       Role of Advertising media                                                                     15

2.4     Theoretical framework                                                                             16

2.5     Empirical framework                                                                               18

2.6     Marketing Efficiency Model/Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)     21

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                               23

3.1     Research Design                                                                                      23

3.2     Area of Study                                                                                           23

3.3     Source of Data/Method                                                                            24

3.4     Population of the Study                                                                           24

3.5     Sampling Techniques and Sample Size                                                   25

3.6     Validity of Instrument                                                                              25

3.7     Method of Data Analysis                                                                         26

3.8     Reliability of Instrument                                                                          26

3.9     Model of Specification                                                                             26

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT AND DISCUSSION                                      28

4.1     Socio Economic Characteristics   of Respondent                                    28

4.2 Impact of Electronic media (Television and Radio) advertisement on     customers’ patronage.                                                                                       31

4.3     Impact of Print Media (Newspaper and Magazines) Advertisement on customers’ patronage                                                                               35


4.4     Effect of Advertisement in Promoting Banking Services                               37




 RECOMMENDATION                                                   42


5.1     Summary                                                                                                  42

5.2     Conclusion                                                                                               43

5.3     Policy Recommendation

REFERENCES                                                                  APPENDIX                                                                                                       50







Table 4.1 Sex Distribution of Respondent                                                          28

Table 4.2 Age Distribution of Respondent                                                         29

Table 4.3 Educational classification of Respondent                                          30

Table 4.4 Customer Account Classification                                                       30

Table 4.5 Do you agree that Television is best medium to advertise banking   31 services?

Table 4.6 Do you agree that Radio is the best medium to advertise banking     32 services?

Table 4.7 Television and Radio (Electronic Media) has positive impact on      32 customers’ patronage

Table 4.8 Regularity of Electronic media advertisement                                   34

Table 4.9 Do agree that Newspaper is the best medium to advertise banking   35 services?

Table 4.10 Do you agree that Magazines is the best medium to advertise         35 banking services?

Table 4.11 Newspaper and Magazine (print media) has positive customers’    36   patronage

Table 4.12 Coefficients of effects of advertisement on banking services          38






1.1     Background to the study

Advertising is a promotional tool that has deep seated roots in the formative period of recorded history. Advertising just like many concepts does not lend itself to single definition. Advertising is any paid massage presented through various media such as television, radio, Magazines, Newspaper, or Billboard by an identified source (Bennet, 2006). Advertising is seen as any form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers, or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon product, services or ideas (Kotler 2006).  Rusel and Lane 2006 also described Advertising as a paid service from an identified sponsor and delivered through some medium of mass communication.

Advertising is the most important tool that facilitates marketing of product and service. Companies all over the world have universally accepted this fact. The expenses on advertising are considered to be a profitable investment that reaps profit both in the short run and long run. Businesses that keep on advertising regardless its costs get a competitive advantage over their counterparts that minimize advertising costs/budgets.

The final consumers’ gets relevant information about the product; this enable him take a purchase decision. Advertisement makes consumers to be aware of the existence of different brands of commodities and gives the price to make choice among the various brands. These further enable the consumers’ from being exploited unnecessary by middlemen. Advertising is above all, a practical affair (Perner, 2007). A specific advertising massage is targeted at a specific audience; giving them the opportunity to read, hear, and view the massage.  The link between the advertiser and intended audience is the media. Advertising is usually aimed at reaching large audiences; hence, their communicating vehicles are called the mass media. Television has the greatest impact especially for those products or services where a demonstration is essential. It combines the virtues of both the storyteller and the demonstrators. To be effective, these massages must be simple and able to overcome household distraction. Radio advertising has increased greatly in recent years, with the granting of many more licenses. It reaches specific audience at different times of the day. Advertising in the newspaper offers many advantages; though, inherent limitation in reaching out to uneducated audience.

For the effective data generation regarding this study, (FCMB) has been carefully chosen. First City Monument Bank (FCMB) is a financial institution that renders banking services in Nigeria. The entity from which the bank is funded is City Securities Limited which was established in 1978. FCMB was founded in Apirl 1982, by Mr Michael Subomi Balogun.  FCMB was incorporated as a private limited liability company on 20th April 1983, granted a banking license on 11th of August 1983. It was the first bank to be established in Nigeria without government and foreign support. On 15th July 2004, FCMB changes its status from a private limited liability company to a public limited liability company and was listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSC) on 12th of December, 2004. The FCMB headquarters is in Lagos Island; Lagos State, Nigeria, The Company has six segments: Retail banking, business banking, corporate banking, treasury and financial markets, institutional banking and investment banking. Retail banking provides private banking services, private customer, current account, savings, deposits, investment saving product, custody, credit and debit cards, consumer loans and mortgages. FCMB Plc shares were listed on the Nigerian stock exchange in the year 2004; and after wards successfully raised additional capital in excess of N20 billion through private and public offers. FCMB with a nationwide network of 150 branches and several subsidiaries has emerged as one of the leading and most respected financial service institution in Nigeria. The FCMB revenue is roughly (US$72 million NGN, 11.9 billion) and numbers of employees are now over 2,000 staff (FCMB Annual Report, 2013).

1.2     Statement of Research Problem

Advertisement has become an integral part in today’s marketing scenario.  Advertising presents and uphold the ideas, commodities and services of a recognized advertiser, which provides as a communication link between the producer and the potential buyers who are interested in seeking information about a product or services. Advertising is the most efficient means of reaching people with product information.

Despite the bold step taken by FCMB in its continual retention of advertisement as a viable means of reaching out to all its targeted customers, there are some obstacles that hinder the supposed benefit inherent in achieving its set goals and objectives. For instance, television lacks the ability to deliver advertisement to highly targeted customers compared to other media outlet, and also it is somehow deceitful in nature. The lack of visual element in radio advertisement limits the overall significant impact of the massage. In newspaper, there is the problem of poor production and it is not suitable for illiterate people. The problem of magazines is that it is very expensive; and also not suitable for illiterate people.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of the study is to analyze the effect of advertising media on customers’ patronage for banking services in Abia state Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study include to:

i.      describe the socio - economic characteristics of the respondents;

ii.    examine the impact of electronic advertisement on customers’ patronage;

iii.  examine the impact of print media advertisement on customers’ patronage;

iv.  evaluate the effect of advertisement in promoting banking services


1.4     Research Questions

      i.         What is the impact of electronic advertisement   on customers’ patronage for banking service?

    ii.         What is the socio- economic characteristics of the respondent banking 

  iii.           What is the effect   of advertisement in promoting banking services on customers’ patronage for banking services?

  iv.         What is the impact of print   advertisement   on customers’ patronage for banking service?

1.5     Research Hypotheses

HO1:   There is no significant relationship between print advertisement and customer patronage for banking services.

HO2:   There is no significant relationship between electronic advertisement    and customer patronage for banking services.

HO3:   There is no significant relationship between advertisement   and promoting banking services.

HO4:   There is no significant relationship between socio economic characteristics   of respondent and customer patronage for banking services.


1.6     Significance of the Study

This study will be of great importance to marketers, bankers, entrepreneurs, researchers and policy makers; as it will be a source of information about the influence of advertising media to be adopted by firms or organizations. This study will serve as a reference to students, agencies, government bodies, and policy makers in general; about the effect of Advertising Media on Customers’ Patronage for Banking Service in Abia State, Nigeria.

1.7     The Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the effect of advertising media on customers’ patronage for banking services. Respondents for this study will be statistically selected from staff and customers of FCMB for the purpose of data generation. The study will be carried out in Umuahia, the state capital of Abia state.

1.8     Definition of Terms

      i.         ADVERTISING: Is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.

    ii.         ADVERTISING MEDIA: Is a channel by which advertisers convey their message to target group of clientele, thereby informing, persuading or motivating the group about the significance of the product/service.

  iii.         MEDIA: Is the collective communication outlet or tools that are used to store and deliver information;

  iv.         BANK CUSTOMERS’: Is a person  who is utilizing one or more of the services provided by a bank;

    v.         BANKING SERVICES:  Is the various ways in which banks render services to their client.  These include; legal advice, operating accounts, making transfers, paying standing orders, selling foreign currency; etc.


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