This work deal with the development of staff performance
evaluation model in registered hotels in Umuahia metropolis, Abia State,
Nigeria. Study had four specific objectives and was guided by four research
questions. The specific objectives; to determine the performance evaluation
models currently in use in hotels in Umuahia metropolis, find out whether
employees of the hotels are satisfied with the way they are being evaluated by
their employers, also find out whether the existing performance evaluation
models as presently used motivates them towards high level of performance on
their jobs and developed a performance evaluation model that can best serve the
need for effective staff assessment in the registered hotels in Umuahia
metropolis. The work also reviewed related empirical framework. Data generated
was analyzed by the use of simple descriptive statistics which involves
percentage and frequency for objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4. Population for the study
was 230. The sample for the study was 146 which comprise of 4 management staff
selected from each the six (6) hotels and 22 staff from the only 3 star hotel
and 20 staff from the other five hotels. Instrument for data collection, the
study used a structured questionnaire. In the findings, the staff performance
evaluation methods did not meet the staff evaluation needs, a model had to be
developed in order to motivate employees towards high level of performance.
This work developed the combination of "halo effect and recent behaviour
influence evaluation models" as perfect model for staff performance evaluation.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
1.1 Background
to the Study 1
1.2 Statement
of the Problem 4
Objectives of the Study 4
1.4 Researcher
Questions 5
1.5 Significance
of Study 5
1.6 Scope
of the Study 6
2.1.1 The
Concepts of Performance Evaluation 7
2.1.2 Importance
of an Employee Performance Evaluation 9
2.1.3 Purpose
of Performance Evaluation Models 11
2.1.4 Performance
Evaluation Model 12
2.1.5 Performance
Evaluation 12
2.1.6 Types
of Performance Evaluation Models 14
2.1.7 Problems
of the Existing Evaluations Models 18
2.2.1 The
Goal Setting Theory 17
2.2.2 Expectancy
Theory 17
2.2.3 The
Equity Theory 18
2.2.4 Need-Hierarchy
Theory 18
2.4 Summary
of Review Literature 19
3.1 Research Design, 20
3.2 The
Study Area 20
3.3 Population
For The Study 21
3.4 Sample/Sampling
Techniques 21
3.5 Instrument
For Data Collection 21
3.6 Data
Collection Techniques 22
3.7 Validation
Of The Instrument 22
3.9 Data
Analysis Technique 22
4.3 Discussion
of Findings 28
5.1 Summary 31
5.1.1 Restatement of the Research Problem 31
5.1.2 Principle Findings 32
5.2 Conclusion 32
5.3 Recommendations 33
5.4 Contribution
to knowledge 33
References 34-35
Table 4.1: Age distribution of the respondents. 23
Table 4.2: Gender distribution of the respondents 23
Table 4.3: Educational Attainment 24
Table 4.4: Do you have any method in your company for staff evaluation. 24
Table 4.5: Which of the staff performance evaluation methods is been used
in your
industry. 25
Table 4.6: Do
the existing performance evaluation models as currently used
motivates employees
towards high level performance on their jobs. 25
Table 4.7: Does
your present evaluation method makes for adequate employee’s
satisfaction in your
company. 25
Table 4.8: Staff performance evaluation methods meets your staff
evaluation needs. 26
Table 4.9: Does the method you are using improve employee’s productivity. 26
Table 4.10: Does the use of the existing evaluation method show true
performance of
staff. 27
Table 4.11: Performance
report of staff are often a true reflection of employee’s strength
and weakness. 27
Table 4.12: Performance
report of staff are often influence by the attitude of boss
towards a particular
staff. 28
Table 4.13: Do
you think developing a performance evaluation method helps to solve
the need for effective
staff assessment in registered hotel in
Umuahia metropolis. 28
1.1 Background
to the Study
The long term viability and competitiveness of any
organization depends on its ability to evaluate the performance of the
employees and to examine their contribution in achieving the goals assigned to
them by managers. Therefore, evaluation of the performance of employees is
always an important management task. The evaluation of employee performance is
also a valuable tool and an essential element of the functioning of any company.
Evaluations are used by managers as a motivational tool to communicate
performance expectations to employees and provide them with feedback. The
evaluation process also identifies areas where an employee needs to improve. It
can also provide opportunities for recognition, positive reinforcement, and
performance improvement of the employees. Employee job satisfaction and
decisions to stay with the organization are associated with his or her
meaningful feedback about performance especially from their direct supervisors.
There are many different models and procedures of the
employee performance evaluation that companies have in form of standard
documents. The focus of this work is to develop one such model from a practical
viewpoint that could serve other companies as an example that they consider
following it. The model is presented in the form of a procedure of how the
employee performance is evaluated by the management of a hospitality industry.
Employee performance evaluation management is a
process for establishing a shared workforce understanding about what is to be
achieved at an organizational level. It is about aligning the organizational
objectives with the employees agreed measures, skills, competency,
requirements, development plans and the delivery of results. The emphasis is an
improvement, leaving and development in order to achieve the overall business
strategy and to create a high performance workforce.
Performance evaluation models are used by hotel
industries to evaluate the performance of staffs or employees of the
establishments. In order to determine the performance standard of each
personnel for the success of the clearly stated procedures and objectives for
its performance standard organization, it is vital to have a formal evaluation
programme to attract the attention of the subordinates on the level of
performance standard that are expected of them to be carried out. Personnel
evaluation tells the individual employee about his performance standard, which
is usually used once in each year to measure effectiveness of employees.
The United Nations office on Drug and Crime (UNODC,
2011), evaluation is a systematic and objective assessment of an ongoing or
completed project, programme or policy, its design, implementation and results.
The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives,
efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability as set out in the
evaluation policy.
Furthermore, Chinenye (2007), performance evaluation
as a very difficult for several reasons because; firstly, assessment of
performance itself is a difficult exercise measurement task as many factors
influences performance including environmental, organizational and individual
Secondly, a great number of ethical and emotional issues
arise when performance is evaluated, the result of the process can have a
profound influence on employees job and careers; it can lead to a more
productive output from the employee when the employee is evaluated positively
by his superior or it can lead to a drop in the employees productivity level
because an employee will feel rejected and frustrated in performing his job
when he is not properly evaluated during the period of evaluation and it is
been used against him, it could also be as a result of the employees tribe that
led to a negative evaluation of such employee, this creates a positive or
negative influence on the employee.
Performance evaluation has been affected by many
challenges in Nigeria in most of the hotels in Nigeria, the managers are not trained,
manager are not graduates of the field and they lack the training on how to
assess and give honest feedback. If the process of evaluation includes a career
development component, it is even more likely that managers will not know how
to enhance the career path of the employees because they themselves lacks the
basic training on career development, the same situation is applicable to my
study area which is Umuahia metropolis, the hotel industries within my study
area has been filled with untrained managers, which have also affected the
proper evaluation of the employees who work in this areas.
Furthermore, performance evaluation has also been
influence by corporate culture issues, this indicates that subjective
evaluation can restrict cultural change in hotel industries in Umuahia
metropolis and also in Nigeria at large. In some of the hotels there are
cultural norms and values that influence performance evaluations for example,
in one hotel where the researcher did his Industrial Training (IT) new
employees were automatically given an average rating for their first year,
regardless of their actual performance. One top performing employee I know
abruptly quit his job as a result of this corporate culture issues.
Self-assessment in the hotel organization within
Nigeria and my study area, Umuahia metropolis is not really possible if an
ambitious employee want to self-assess their performance midstream (in order to
improve), most processes do not provide access to the instrument. Providing
each employee with a virtual assessment scoreboard and performance management
process would be an ideal solution.
1.2 Statement of
the Problem
Existing models for performance evaluation has over
the years been used wrongly and employees are partially evaluated to one reason
or the other. The existing models “Recent Behaviour influence model, the Halo
effect model and the like me syndrome model” has a negative effect on the
standard performance evaluation process of any hospitality industry. In view
this challenges in the existing performance evaluation models, there is the
need to develop a model that will give a fair and proper judgment to every
individual employee, following the standard performance evaluation process.
1.3 Objectives
of the Study
The study developed a model for staff performance
evaluation in hospitality, industry. The specific objectives are to:
1. Determine
the performance evaluation models currently in use in hotels in Umuahia
2. Find
out whether employees of the hotels are satisfied with the way they are being evaluated
by their employers,
3. Find
out whether the existing performance evaluation models are presently used to
motivate them toward high level of performance on their jobs, and
4. Develop
a performance evaluation model that can
best serve the needs for effective staff assessment in registered hotels in
Umuahia metropolis
1.4 Researcher
The research questions will be guided by the following
questions formulated from the research objectives:
1. Are
there performance evaluation models currently in use in the hotels in Umuahia
2. Is
the present evaluation models appropriate for the employee’s satisfaction?
3. Do
the existing performance evaluation models as presently used motivates
employees towards high level of performance on their jobs?
4. Will
developing a performance evaluation model help to serve the need for effective
staff assessment in Umuahia metropolis?
1.5 Significance
of Study
The findings from the study of development of staff
performance evaluation model in registered hotels in Umuahia metropolis will be
useful to a great extent to both employees who is to be evaluated and the
management of the hotel industries in Umuahia metropolis to provide an
effective evaluation exercise for the staff performance. Performance evaluation
plays an important role in management and stability of an organization towards
achieving its goals and objectives. This study therefore, ensured ways of
reducing differences that may occur among managers in order to create a
peaceful and harmonious industrial atmosphere in the organization. This study
will be benefit the hotel industries in Umuahia metropolis as a perfect
evaluation model for evaluating the staff performance in the organization. It
will also benefit the management of the industry, for the proper use of the
evaluation model on their subordinates. Finally, the study will be beneficial
to other interested researchers in this subject thereby given them the courage
of going into a fresh study on a related topic.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study focuses on the registered hotel industries
in Umuahia metropolis. It will focus on areas of performance evaluation such as
promotion, salary increment, training and reward for work. The study will cut
across all categories of employees of the hospitality industry in Umuahia
Metropolis in Abia State. Abia State is located in the South-eastern
geopolitical zone of Nigeria. It lies at latitudes 5A0250
north and longitude 7A0300 east. The state shares common
boundaries to the north with Ebonyi State; to the south and south east with
Rivers State and to the east and southeast with Cross River and Akwa Ibom
States respectively to the west is Imo State, and to the northwest is Anambra
State. The state covers an area of about 5,243.7sq.km while is approximately
5.8 percent of the total land area of Nigeria.
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