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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009419

No of Pages: 119

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Overweight has become a major challenge in our community, and it is a risk factor to some diseases and such diseases can lead to death there by reducing the number of productive and active group of the country and also in the bead to reduce weight, some people tend to use supplements and drugs, but once they stop they tend to gain more weight than the initial weight. A Patibro recipe was developed to provide a solution to the afore mentioned problem. The study carried out was on development of recipes from local foods for weight reduction among adult females in Kogi state. The objectives of the study was to formulate a weight reduction recipe based on calorie level of selected commodities, determine the anthropometric status of female adults with their parity level, determine the meal pattern of the female adults, assess the body mass index of the respondents with their age differences, evaluated the proximate composition of the developed recipe, prepared meals using the formulated recipe, determined the effect of the meal after seven dayon selected respondents. Nine research questions were raised and answered in consonance with the purpose of the study and five null hypotheses were also formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Survey and experimental research design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in Kogi State, which has three geo political zones two of which was used for the study. The population of the study was 408 overweight female adults in selected market and higher institutions in Kogi State. Multi stage sampling technique was used for the study, the sample for the study was 202 overweight female adults. Meals were prepared from the recipe and fed to selected respondents. Data obtained was statistically analyzed and computed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20.0, descriptive statistics was used to analyse data in means, frequencies, and percentages for the objectives. Correlation was used to detect the relationship between BMI, and other variables. The acceptability of the meal was determined using real limit of numbers with 3.50 as the midpoint. The major findings were; that there was no significant relationship between the Body Mass Index and 6 socio-economic characteristics while there was a significant relationship between Body Mass Index, number of children and education. There was a higher increase in weight among married women compared to other categories, there was significant relationship between parity and Body Mass Index (P‹ 0.05), women with less number of dependence has higher weight than those with more number of dependence, age is significantly related to Body Mass Index (P‹ 0.05), Patibro recipe was accepted to a large extent when tested for its sensory characteristics, it also has a significant effect on the weight of selected respondents after seven days of consumption with the mean weight loss being 1.63kg, (3.63Ib). The trend of these results showed that there is need for nutrition advocacy, Seminars as well as campaign set up to accommodate all categories of women to enlighten them on importance of maintaining proper health, effect of junk food, warning signs of what is to come if proper health is not maintained.


Title Page                                                                                                                     i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii                                                                                                

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv 

Acknowledgements                                                                                                     v

Table of Contents                                                                                                        vi

List of Tables                                                                                                               ix

Abstract                                                                                                                       x



CHAPTER 1:   INTRODUCTION                                     1                                                

1.1    Background of the Study                                                                          1

1.2    Statement of Problem                                                                                         6

1.3    Objectives of the Study                                                                                      7

1.4   Research Questions                                                                                             7

1.5   Hypotheses                                                                                                          8

1.6   Significance of the Study                                                                                    9

1.7   Scope of the Study                                                                                              10

CHAPTER 2:   REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                     11

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   12

2.1.1    Overweight and obesity                                                                           12

2.1.2    Prevalence and time trends of overweight and obesity                                   13

2.1.3    Etiology of overweight and obesity                                                                14

2.1.4    Obesity prevention                                                                                              18                                                                                                                                      

2.1.5    Effects of excess weight on health                                                         22

2.1.6   Health consequences of obesity                                                             22

2.1.7    Measuring excess weight, and sensory evaluation                                          23

2.1.8    Dietary assessment methods                                                                           25

2.1.9    Regulation of food intake                                                                               34

2.1.10   Patibro recipe                                                                                                  34

2.1.10   Proximate analysis                                                                                 35

2.1.11   Sensory evaluation                                                                                           36

2.2        Theoretical Framework                                                                            37

2.3         Related Empirical Studies                                                                      40

2.4        Summary of Literature Reviewed                                                           45


CHAPTER 3:    MATERIAL AND METHODS                                            46    

 3.1    Design of Study                                                                                       46

3.2     Area of the Study                                                                                     47

3.3        Population for the Study                                                                                   47                     

3.4        Sampling and Sampling Technique                                                                  47

3.5        Sample Size                                                                                                       48

3.6       Ethical Approval                                                                                                 48                                                                       

3.7        Instrument for Data Collection                                                                  49

3.8         Developing the Recipe                                                                                     49

3.9         Data collection Technique                                                                               53

3.10      Proximate Analysis                                                                                      53

3.11      Sensory Properties                                                                                 56

3.12    Validation of Instruments                                                                                  56

3.13      Statistical Analysis                                                                                 56


CHAPTER 4:   RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                            58

4.1     Results                                                                                                      58

4.2     Findings of the Study                                                                               71

 4.3    Discussion of the Findings                                                                       72



 5.1     Summary                                                                                                          76

 5.2    Conclusion                                                                                                                 76

 5.3    Recommendations                                                                                  77

 5.4    Suggestion for Further Study                                                                  78

References                                        79

Appendices                                                                                               91




2.1     Classification of weight status in adults according to Body Mass Index     24

4.1     Frequency and percentage of socioeconomic characteristics of female

adults in relation with their BMI (150)                                                    58

4.2     Frequency and percentage of the parity level in relation to their BMI (150)      60

4.3     Frequency and percentage of the meal pattern of the female adults (150)      60

4.4     Frequency and percentage of their age in relation to BMI (150)           61

4.5     Patibro weight reduction recipe formulation                                           62

4.6     Basic nutrient content of Patibro recipe                                                   64

4.7     Patibro Weight Reduction Meal Time Table                                           65

4.8     Effect of Patibro recipe on selected respondents                                     66

4.9     Level of acceptability of the meal                                                           67

4.10   Regression analysis for socio-economic status of the adult females in Kogi State.                                                                                                                   68

4.11   Regression analysis for BMI and parity level of the adult females in Kogi State.                                                                                                                       69

4.12   Regression analysis for BMI meal pattern of the adult females in Kogi State                                                                                                                                    69

 4.13  Regression analysis for BMI and age of the adult females in Kogi State.                                                                                                                                 70

4.14     Regression analysis for effect of Patibro recipe                                             70






Overweight and obesity used to be a challenge in developed countries before now, but they are now becoming an epidemic in developing countries of which Nigeria is included. Observations show that one out of every five adult females is either overweight or has the tendency to be overweight, and this tends to be a major issue as being overweight has lots of effects on health. In a review study carried out by Neupane, Prakash and Doku (2016) Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risk for global deaths; at least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. In addition, 44 % of the diabetes burden, 23 % of the ischemic heart disease burden and between 7 and 41% of certain cancer burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity. If nothing is being done about the situation it might lead to diminishing of number of adults in the society, which in turn may lead to a threat in the government and society as the people in this age group are prospective leaders of tomorrow. In order to reduce the likely occurrence of overweight among female adults, the researcher is motivated to seek alternative diets from the local community, develop recipes and seek the acceptability of meals among other commonly eaten meals, therefore the need for a weight reduction meal.

A weight reduction meal is a meal prepared from a developed recipe in order to reduce excess weight in the body and there can only be a need for a weight reduction meal if there is an overweight or obesity which can be determined by anthropometric status.

Anthropometry is the use of body measurements to assess nutritional status; it is used to assess the size, shape and composition of the human body. It primarily involves the description of body size and shape. Anthropometry measurements are series of quantitative measurements of the muscles, bone and adipose tissue used to assess the composition of the body. It is measured using Body Mass Index (BMI), skin fold test, waist to hip ratio and bioelectrical impedance. These measurements are important because they represent diagnostic criteria for obesity. (Ariful, Islam, Asadujjaman, Nuruzzaman, 2017).

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body size. It combines a person’s weight with their height which indicates whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. It is the body weight divided by the square of the body height, expressed in units of kg/m2. Commonly accepted BMI ranges are numbers below 18.5 kg/m2 are underweight, 18.5-25 kg/m2 is normal weight, 25-30 kg/m2 are overweight while 30 and above are obese (WHO 1995).

Overweight is therefore defined as the accumulation of excess fat in the adipose tissue caused by energy imbalance that is energy input being more than energy output. These can be as a result of the types of food consumed, method of its preparation, quantity consumed, nature of work of the consumer and lowered activity level. World Health Organisation (2014) defines overweight and obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

Overweight might be influenced by several factors which include environmental factors, genetic factors and medical factors. Mbah (2008) stated that multiple factors influence weight gain, which includes genetic factors, endocrine level, activity level, metabolic rates, stress and eating pattern. Recent studies also emphasized the importance of other dietary factors that promote weight gain other than fat.

There is solid evidence which demonstrates that sugar rich soft drinks and a diet rich in total carbohydrates (instead of protein) and refined carbohydrates (instead of whole grain and low glycemic index carbohydrates) promotes weight gain, as well as weight regain following weight loss (Larsen, Dalskov, Baak, 2010).

The typical sedentary lifestyle, which is a result of modern environment and way of living, is problematic with regards to the maintenance of energy balance. Physical activity is no longer a natural component of work and transportation for most people; rather, it is limited to those who are engaged in structured physical exercise in their leisure time. Excessive weight gain is not attributed only to low amount of calories expended, but also that many of the sedentary activities that people are involved in seem to promote overconsumption of food which in turn leads to weight gain (Chaput, Sj ö din and Astrup ,  2010). In order to reduce weight gain, there is need to watch one’s activity level, types of food consumed and the quantity consumed. It was observed from the pilot study carried out by the researcher that most overweight and obese female adult in Kogi State tend to attribute their weight to affluence and good living, hence they tend to be careless in their consumption pattern, no wonder they have large hips and protruded tummy which is obvious among females that are not too tall, hence the need for developing a weight reduction recipe.

A recipe is a standardized and tested procedure for preparing food, in which the ingredients to be used, their proportions, order of mixing and the time and temperature for cooking have all been worked out to produce a uniform and tasty product. A recipe can be newly developed, or edited from an existing recipe, which should be developed to meet the need of a target group, which can either be drink or food. Recipe development can either be altering existing recipe to form something new or getting new inspiration when eating out at a particular eatery. A good recipe can be replicated with or without the developers presence and it will yield the same or almost the same product, that’s why it has to be written out in a clear understandable manner (Style Department, 2014). To develop a new recipe, the developer needs to consider using sustainable and natural ingredients, so as to satisfy the client’s curiosity about what type of raw ingredient is being used, to assess the developer’s impact on the environment, to measure the impact on local businesses, and to create a natural menu to satisfy eco-conscious customers. Developer also needs to cook with ethnic ingredients and provide nutritional balance and documenting nutritional information for menu items and food produced (John, 2012). A Patibro recipe was developed using the standards listed above.

Patibro recipe is a recipe developed by modifying normal diets to develop weight reduction meal referred to as low caloric diet, that is a diet containing calorie content ranging between 1200kilocalorie (kcal) and 1800kcal  per day. The recipe is a recipe developed calculatively by reducing the daily calorie requirement, having more of fruits, vegetable, plant protein and low fat, low carbohydrate diet using staple foods. (Researcher).

Food is one of the basic needs of man, which when prepared and consumed in appropriate proportion it keeps one healthy but if not consumed in appropriate proportion, it may impair health. There are major nutrients in food which are fat, carbohydrate and protein, the quantities to which these nutrients are being consumed has a long way to go on an individual’s health. It’s a fact that the amount of calories people consume either through food or drink has a direct impact on their weight, if the calories consumed are greater than the one the body burns, there will be weight gain, if the calories consumed are less than the one the body burns there will be weight loss, while if the calories consume are equal to the one burnt the weight remains stable (Sacks, Bray and Carey, 2009). Food varies across the globe among nations, ethnic groups, religion, and families and even among family members according to types, processing, methods, and the combinations in which they are served which could be referred to as indigenous diet. Indigenous diets of any group of people are influenced by their socio-cultural practices and types of food crops commonly available in their environment.

Most times the indigenous diet of any group of people influences their meal pattern. Meal pattern is a feeding method which can be imposed by natural behavior, which entails the food constituent and different quantities required for each breakfast, lunch and dinner, (snacks inclusive). The meal pattern of an individual has a role to play in the nutritional status of the individual, and these in turn leads to the health condition of the individual. Just as meal pattern had a role to play in individual, so also do biographical data (bio data) and parity level (Neupane et.,al, 2016).

Bio data is a document which contains all factual information about an individual’s life, work experience, as well as items involving opinions, value, beliefs and attitude that reflects a historical perspective. Bio data’s predictive abilities are the axiom that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior (Lautenschlager and Shaffer, 1987).

Parity is the number of times a woman is being pregnant and also carries the pregnancy to a viable gestational age. (Borton and Chloe, 2009). The parity level of an individual may have a link to the size as stated in Mbah (2008) that women with four children and above have higher body weight than others.

It has been observed that in Kogi State, which is the study area that women are used to giving birth to lots of children, as children are seen as their heritage and they love seeing them in their numbers. Also there are many indigenous diets prepared with many ingredients in their usual traditional methods. The staple foods of these people are mainly cereal grains, including rice, sorghum, millet, and maize; and tubers, including cassava and yam and legume grains such as beniseed, groundnut, beans. Their nutritional value is enhanced through processing into various forms, cooking and then eating varieties of these foods.

Kogi State  is in the North-Central zone of Nigeria with three senatorial districts which are Kogi Central, Kogi West and Kogi East and 21 local government areas. The main ethnic groups are Igala, Ebira, and Okun. The state is referred to as the confluence state as it is the confluence of river Niger and Benue. The major occupation is farming as agriculture is the mainstay of their economy. There are many Farm produce from the state notably coffee, cocoa, palm oil, cashews, groundnuts, maize, cassava, yam, rice and melon.


A pilot study was carried out by the researcher during which it was observed that adult women that are overweight tend to attach it to affluence, high education and big lifestyle. Adult females tend not to be aware that overweight and obesity have been researched to have an increasingly adverse effect on health and well-being which might lead to Potential problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetics, cancer and many more (WHO, 2012). Current trends in lifestyle management also promote weight gain and all over the socio media several posts online advocates one supplement or the other for weight loss, the sources of most of these supplements cannot be traditionally ascertained and some adult females that intend to lose weight go for such supplements and once it’s being stopped they tend to gain more weight which in turn it can lead to death of the affected group, which  leads to incapacitation of the country’s active and productive group, which can also affect the growth of the economy, these therefore call for a need for healthy eating habit and lifestyle.

It is on the account of this observation that the conceptualization of evaluating local diets with low caloric value and designing of local recipes becomes pertinent to the researcher. Could these local diets in meal pattern contribute to reduction in weight gain among adult females in Kogi state? This is the problem this study intends to investigate.


The general objective of this study is to develop recipes from local foods for weight    

reduction among adult females in Kogi State.

The specific objectives are to;

1.     determine the anthropometric status of selected adult females in Kogi State

2.     determine the anthropometric status of selected adult females with their parity level

3.     determine the meal pattern of the selected female adult in Kogi State

4.     assess the body mass index of the respondents with their age differences;

5.     formulate a weight reduction recipe based on calorie level of selected commodities;

6.     evaluate the proximate composition of the developed recipe;

7.     Prepare the meal using the formulated recipe;

8.     determine the acceptability of the meal

9.     determine the influence of the meal on weight variation after seven days on selected respondent.


The following questions will guide the study.

1.     What is the anthropometric status of selected adult females in relation with the socio-economic status?

2.     What is the anthropometric status of selected female adult compared to their parity level?

3.     What is the meal pattern of the selected adult females in Kogi State?

4.     What is the BMI of the respondents according to the age difference?

5.     How can a weight reduction recipe be formulated based on calorie level of selected commodities?

6.     What are the proximate nutrient content of the weight reduction recipe developed?

7.     Can the meal be prepared from the formulated recipe?

8.     What effect has the meal on the respondent’s weight after seven days of dietary recall?

9.      To what extent is the meal acceptable?

1.5       HYPOTHESES

HO1: there is no significant relationship between the Body Mass Index and the socio-economic status of the adult females in Kogi State.

HO2: there is no significant relationship between the anthropometry and parity level of the adult female in Kogi State.

HO3: there is no significant relationship between the meal pattern and the Body Mass Index of adult females in Kogi State.

HO4: there is no significant relationship between the ages and Body Mass Index of the adult females in Kogi State.

HO5: there is no significant difference in weight of selected adult females in Kogi State after seven days dietary recall.


The results of this study will be significant to weight reduction therapist, Nutritionist, government, Home Economist and researchers

The findings of the study will be useful to weight reduction therapist as the information from this study will be used in making nutritional guide line for healthier living for clients or patients by counseling them on what to consume to reduce and maintain a standard weight. The study will be available on the internet and accessible by the therapists.

The findings of the study will be useful to nutritionists as it will enlighten them on what food choices, pattern and portion sizes to recommend to adults to enable them maintain normal weight, and help overweight adults lose weight. These details contained in the study will be made assessable for use on internet and journals.

The information from the study may help motivate the government to form and implement good nutrition policies that will enlighten the public on the importance of good food habit in order to boost the nutritional status of the population at large. This will be made possible through seminars and health advocacy.

The result of this study can be used by Home Economists to develop training seminar and educational materials to promote greater nutrition knowledge, healthy attitudes and dietary practice among overweight and obese people in the society. These details contained in the study will be made assessable on internet, seminars and journals

The study provides information on development of recipes from local foods for weight reduction among adult females; researchers will benefit from this study as it will serve as a reference material for them. This work will be made available in libraries and internet.


The study was restricted to developing a seven days weight reduction meal formulated from local foods among overweight Adult females in tertiary institutions and market areas in Kogi State, Adult females are women between ages (18-59) this are women between the reproduction age and the older women. For the study the researcher worked with non pregnant women and non lactating mothers, determined their anthropometric status, described their socio-economic characteristics, determined the food pattern of the study area, formulated a weight reduction recipe, prepared a meal from the developed recipe and determined the effect of the prepared meal on the respondents and the acceptability of the meal. Local food commodities that were used are beans, rice, yam, oranges, watermelon, bread, soymilk, egg, Fluted pumpkin (ugu), wheat, garden egg, okro, jute (ewedu), bambara nut, plantain and maize.



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