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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002966

No of Pages: 47

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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It is obvious in the present technology age that almost all the organization has adopted the use of computer in the operation. This is due to many set back associated with many operations in only business organization. Different organization and establishment have taken the use of computer, which has consequently increased leading to high level of productivity and maximization of profit just mention a few. In view of the benefit from the use of computer, this project work titled DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATED LIBRARY SYSTEM was developed to look into the use of computer to help library Department to find a more reliable, accurate and adequate facilities of storing, accessing and retrieving both books and other functions that is performed in the library to ensure timeliness and efficient output. The content of the chapters explain the introduction description of the existing system, methodology used, conclusion and recommendation. 









Title page                                                                                                                               





Table of content                                                                                                                     



1.0 Introduction                                                                                                                     

1.1 Historical background of the case study                                                                         

1.2 Statement of the problem                                                                                               

1.3 Purpose of the project                                                                                                     

1.4 Significant of the project                                                                                                   

1.5 Scope of the project                                                                                                         

1.6 Limitation of the project                                                                                                  

1.7 Definition of terms                                                                                                          



2.0 Literature Review                                                                                                            

2.1 Review of relevant materials in automation of library system                                      

2.2 Types of library                                                                                                                  

2.3 Role of library in our society                                                                                             

2.4 Circulating system                                                                                                                       

2.5 Analysis of the existing system                                                                                          

2.6 Description of the existing system                                                                                          

2.7 Advantages of the existing system                                                                                  

2.8 Problem of the existing system                                                                                       

2.9 Benefit of the propose system                                                                                         



3.0 System Analysis                                                                                                                

3.1 Characteristics of a good system design                                                                         

3.2 Outline of existing system                                                                                                           

3.3 Problem of the existing system                                                                                       

3.4 Need for a new system                                                                                                    



4.0 System design and implementation                                                                                

4.1 System implementation                                                                                                   

4.2 System requirements                                                                                                       

4.3 System installation                                                                                                           

4.4 System testing                                                                                                                  

4.5 Site preparation                                                                                                               

4.6 Changeover procedure                                                                                                    

4.7 System maintenance and evaluation                                                                              



5.0 Summary, Recommendation and conclusion                                                      

5.1 Summary                                                                                                                          

5.2 Recommendation                                                                                                            

5.3 Conclusion                                                                                                                        


Appendix: Source Code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  





















1.0            INTRODUCTION

A system or computer system can be said to be an electronic device or machine, which accept data, process programs and then produce a result output  from the processed as information.

Moreover, they said system is general purpose in use. It handles more volume of data. It is versatile accurate, efficient, very fast etc. when compared with manual approach of carrying out operation owing to the increase in the rate with which a timely and accurate information are being demanded , there is need to provide a system to supply the necessary information where and when it is needed.

Automated of library system is a computer system for cataloging and retrieval of information in books, journals and other media. Automated library as a digitalized method of storing library resources.

      A library is a collection of resources and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books. It can mean the collection, the building or room that houses such a collection or both [2].

      Library is a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or burrowing [1]  Libraries can be divided into categories by several methods:

a)     By the entity (institution, municipality, or corporate body) that supports or perpetuates them.

·        Academic libraries

·        Corporate libraries

·        Government libraries. Such as national libraries

·        Historical society libraries

·        Private libraries

·        Public libraries

·        School libraries

·        Special libraries

b)     By the type of documents or materials they hold

§  Data libraries

§  Digital libraries

§  Picture (photograph) libraries

§  Slide libraries

§  Tool libraries


c)     By the subject matter of documents they hold

o   Architecture libraries

o   Fine arts libraries

o   Medical libraries

o   Theological libraries


d)     By the users they serve

v Military communities

v Users who are blind or visually /physically handicapped (see national library service for the blind and physically handicapped)




      Osun state polytechnic Iree was formerly a satellite campus of the Ibadan polytechnic, before Osun state was created in 12th, October 1992 by the former Head of state Gen Ibraheem Babaginda RTD) and the polytechnic became an autonomous on 2002 when the Governor of Osun state by then, Alhaji Isiaka Adeleke signed the law establishing the institution alongside and as soon as Osun state polytechnic was established the library commission was also established immediately the polytechnic commenced their operation.




      Due to problem of lack of prompt information retrieval and time wastage in using the library. In addition due to the cumbersome, in this project computer approach will be used to solve these problems. Each of the manual procedure is analyzed and is programmed using Visual Basic 6.0 in module are linked together in order to have a library system and because of its graphic user interface (G U I) feature displaying pictures and other standard objects. It’s choice for the system designing because it make file organization and calculation easy it’s also a popular language to stimulate most design system, most especially the  database facilities so, it can store large volume of data.



The purpose of this project is to examine all the problems that faced both the library personnel especially the librarian, library Assistants, library attendant(s) and the library users, such as provides quick search facility to user who wishes to check for availability of a particular resources, it provides electronic means of storage, It help librarians keep track of library information etc.





      The aim of the project is to automate and integrate system that will give library users opportunity to catalogue and retrieval of information in books, journals and other media and to digitalized method of storing library resources and to have access to different library information. Objectives of the system include:

                                i.            To minimize the cost of traveling from one place to another in visiting one or more libraries.

                              ii.            To give users access to the library information at their own convenient time of the day.

                            iii.            To minimize cost of getting hard copy of relevant materials from the library i.e. the users can view and read the soft copy o f the relevant materials through the displaying unit.



1.5            SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

            The scope of this project is also the range or ambition of this work, which information is needed, the way the proposed system is used, the available technology willingness on the part of commission to change from the existing system to the new and some of this point will be fully explained in the subsequent chapter of the project.

            The proposed system will cover the various kind of operation in the library system, some of the areas which the system will cover are:

Library user log-in page, student information page assessment, student register e.t.c.




            The system being designed is specifically designed to automate the library system. But not all the needed facts are available due to the following reasons:

v Unwillingness on the part of library personnel especially the librarian consulted for the needed information.

v The duration assigned for the project is very small.

v Due to the receiving the lecture in the class, this made me not to go to research centre (library) always to collect necessary information.



1.7            DEFINITION OF TERMS

Ø BIBLIOGAPHY: A list of books and articles to be found at the back of many non-fiction books, or at the end of articles in encyclopedia on the same subject.

Ø ACCESSION REGISTER: A book in which the following information about the book is listed when it is obtained: accession number, title, price and source of supply, date of withdrawal and reason for withdrawal.

Ø BOOK CARD: A card kept in the pocket of a book when the book is on the shelf.

Ø BLURB: Blurb tells what the book is about. It is found either in the front, inside flap of the jacket, or on one of the first few pages of the book or on the back cover.

Ø CATALOGUE: Contain cards with information about each book in the library.

Ø CONTENTS: A list in the front of most books (after the title page) which gives the chapter heading or story titles and their page numbers.

Ø CATALOUGING: The description of each book on to cards as it comes into the library.

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