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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00001629

No of Pages: 29

No of Chapters: 4

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


  • $


This project covers the design and fabrication of an office file cabinet. The cabinet is to keep and secure files and document for future record.

With the four drawers, it has a storing capacity of over a thousand files.

Detail design of the cabinet, material selection were carried out. This cabinet is mainly for office use.



Title page                                                                                 i

Certification                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of content                                                               vi



1.1      Introduction                                                            1

1.1  Purpose of the Project                                              2

1.1.1       Objective of the Study                                      3

1.1.2       Scope and Limitation                                       3

1.2  Literature Review                                                     3

1.2.1       Hole                                                                         3

1.2.2       Basket                                                             4

1.2.3       Box                                                                  5

1.2.4       Cain                                                                 6

1.2.5       Wood                                                               6

1.2.6       Metal                                                               8



2.0  Selection of Material                                                9

2.0.1       Cost of Materials                                              9

2.0.2       Availability of Materials                                   9

2.0.3       Portability                                                        9

2.0.4       Durability                                                        10

2.0.5       Strength                                                           10

2.1  Main Parts of the Cabinet                                                10

2.2  Materials/ Specification                                           11

2.2.1       Top Cover                                                        11

2.2.2       Top Frame                                                       11

2.2.3       End Frame                                                       11

2.2.4       Front Frame                                                     11

2.2.5       Rear Frame                                                      12

2.2.6       Handle                                                             12

2.2.7       Drawer                                                             12

2.2.8       Drawer Divider                                                 12

2.2.9       Base/ Bottom                                                  12



3.0  Fabrication Process                                                 13

3.1  Marking out Operation                                            13

3.1.1       Qualities of Measuring Tools                           13

3.2  Cutting Operation                                                    13

3.2.1       Orthogonal Cutting                                          14

3.2.2       Oblique Cutting                                               14

3.2.3       Cutting Precautions                                         15

3.3  Welding                                                                    16

3.3.1       Types of Welding                                              16

3.3.2       Welding Safety precautions                              17

3.4  Fabrication Equipment                                            17

3.5  Fabrication Procedure                                              19

3.6  Assembly                                                                 20

3.7  Testing                                                                     20

3.8  Safety Precautions                                                   20

3.9  Maintenance                                                            21

3.10                Cost Analysis                                                   22



4.0  Conclusion and Recommendation                           23

4.1  Conclusion                                                              23

4.2  Recommendation                                                     23

       References                                                               25




All over the world today, file and document keeping can not be overemphasized. It has vertically found acceptable place within the market economy in commercial enterprises such as offices, schools and institutions.


The above therefore resisted the invention of a device such as cabinet for security purposes.

A file is a sequence of bites, information or data as a single unit, typically in a file system in paper, on disk or magnetic tapes.


The term is often used in the narrower sense of keeping information/data in such a way that it will be intact for future references/usage.


These are various techniques in which files can be kept.

(a)         Diskette (floppy disk)

(b)        Hard disk

(c)         Scrolls

(d)        Papers

(e)         Magnetic tapes.


The process which is applicable is aimed at files safety and security for either references or future usage.


In the past different file keeping practices have been invented such as hole, basket, box, Cain, wood etc. But the merits derived from metal cabinet out weights any of the above forementioned inventions. Hence, the design of this metal file cabinet.



        The purpose of the project are as follows;

(i)          To provide the security and safety of files and documents.

(ii)        To design a cabinet which will be effective and maintenance free.

(iii)      To design a cabinet that is of low cost.

(iv)       To improve on the existing design with maximum security value.

1.1.1                OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

A revolutionary design of this cabinet is to have a low rate of file loss with security lock.


1.1.2               SCOPE AND LIMITATION

The design is for office only and not for commercial usage.

1.2                      LITERATURE REVIEW


1.2.1               HOLE

Hole was the first method of file keeping. This dated back to the dark ages as soon as the advent of civilization which started in Egypt say in the 15th century.

During those days, it was a known fact that 95% of the world population were illiterate. The   5% acclaimed literate used the scrolls for writing down of information. In order for acted as today’s file, they dugged a hole in the then muddy wall and inserted the scroll only to bring it out when the occasion demanded.


Looking at this primitive way of file keeping, you wonder what happen to the file if the roof of the house is  leaking, rodents attacking the scroll or even termite. Since the hole was not moveable, the basket method was  introduced.


1.2.2               BASKET

The basket method came in only when the scroll was edged out due to the advent of paper production.

The basket stole the show for some time because everyone can afford to get, since the raw material for its production was locally derived.

Though, the basket better of than the hole only for its being moveable but it was still not a safer means for file keeping as rodents can  eat up the information on the file thereby the need for a closed up method.


1.2.3               BOX

In other to secure the file, a box method was invented. The box was either made of wood or tin. The box method was a little bit better than the previous ones earlier mentioned in the sense that it was covered up thereby safe guarding the files inside. This method was in existence till the early seventy’s (70s) when it was discovered that the tin rusted faster as a result spoiled the documents inside  since it was not coated before using for construction.

The disadvantages was that it can easily be stole (since it was not big in size), easy damage to files due to rusting and limited space or capacity for more files.



1.2.4               CAIN

The cain method solved the problem of capacity  as it was handly made to the size of a normal cabinet or shelve. It came with multiple compactments to accommodate as many files/ document as possible. It’s further advantage is that its free from moisture due to wet floor, from children’s reach as a result of it height but despite all these, it was not still better off as the files were not safe due to the fact that the different compactment does not have a lock. As the day approaches new things began to unfold leading to the construction of a woody file cabinet which can be locked.


1.2.5               WOOD

The wooden method if not of recent was the most used method due to the fact that, it secures the files, gives more space, aesthetically, adds beauty to homes, offices where they  are kept. Wooden type  grained more accelerates s most furniture’s in today’s  home are wooden.

Wooden cabinet longerity is determined by the type of wood used for its construction. Here different types of wood exist ranging from cadar, mahogany to obeche. But despite any type used if the wood is not seasoned, it is still not going to last long. Therefore wood seasoning is simply the process of treating wood in order for its life span to be extended.

Wooden cabinet at times are heavy while some are light depending on the type of  wood, used for its construction.

Nevertheless, wooden cabinet is still en-vogue and as such does not in any way, limiting new inventions which metal method of constructing file cabinet belongs. 

1.2.6               METAL

In the late 20th century, wooden cabinet began to fade away, in order words lost its acceptance globally as wrought iron construction besieged the market economy and since then, it has been taking the lead. Take for instance, 90% of the furniture used in most fast food and confectionery outlets in our environment are mainly wrought iron works. Therefore, metal file cabinet has gain global acceptance and as such, it has come to stay, not only in this century but probably up to the next century. Its features guarantees the prediction as it more spacious, which can accommodate files in its thousands, secondly, safe guard and secures its contents with the aid of a key and lock.

Thirdly, Aesthetically, it is very beautify to behold and finally its ability to last longer than any other type or cabinet. Therefore it is my pleasure to welcome you into the world or metal file cabinet which is indeed the taste of the time.

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