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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00001095

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 4

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Lot of Integrated Circuits (IC has been developed over the years as the technological revolution continues to prosper. These IC pass through a lot of processes before getting to the final consumer, more especially when electronic gadgets needs repair and maintenance due to real time problems that arise out of nature. The basic function of the digital IC tester is to test a digital IC for the correct logical functioning as described in the truth table, before putting it in use.

In this project report, a digital IC tester is built to test a series of 14 pins IC belonging to the 74TTL series. These IC’s are the basic logic gates common in electronics, namely; the AND, OR, EX-OR, NAND, NOR and EX-NOR gates. Our main aim is to design and implement a model IC tester using an LCD, some series of LED, a ZIF Socket, some analogue circuits and a microcontroller (AT89C52) which applies the necessary signals to the inputs of the IC, monitoring the outputs at each stage and comparing them with the outputs in the truth table. Any discrepancy in the functioning of the IC results in a fail indication on the LCD. The testing procedure is accomplished with the help of a series of logically arranged programming codes hard written into the microcontroller, in which case there is no need for manually testing the IC with the aid of input keys. This digital IC tester can find its use in school laboratories, for experimental purposes. The system’s structure is presented in this paper, giving in details the functions of each of the components used sand the subsystem involved also explained is the hardware and software architecture of some major device.










1.0   Introduction

1.1   Motivation

1.2   Objectives


2.0   Literature review

2.1   IC tester introduction

2.2   IC tester in market

2.2.1 SU-300 IC tester

2.2.2 Digital based IC tester

2.2.3 Model 570 analogue IC tester and model 575A digital IC tester

2.3   Syntheses


3.0   Design and Construction

3.1   Design

3.2   The power supply unit

3.3   The MCU oscillation input unit

3.3.1 The reset circuit

3.4   The microcontroller unit

3.5   Liquid crystal display

3.6   Interfacing a 16 x 2 LCD module to AT89SI microcontroller

33    Logic gate

3.8   The principles of operation of the project

3.9   Construction and packaging


4.0   Recommendation and conclusion

4.1   Recommendations

4.2   Conclusion





In any manufacturing industry there are continuous efforts in cost reductions, upgrade quality and improve overall efficiencies. In electronic industry, with dramatic increase in circuit complexity and the need for the higher levels of reliability, a major contributor cost in any product can be in the testing. However we should recognize in the real world that no product is perfect, so that testing and in particular automatic testing will be an essential part of production in the foreseeable future. In industries, research centres and college, some common IC are frequently used; many times people face problems due to some fault in these integrated circuits. So it is very essential to test them before actually using them in any of the applications. Digital IC tester is best solution for these problems. This project has the capability of testing digital IC like AND, OR, X-OR, NAND, NOR and EX-NOR gates of 14 pins.


The IC testers available in the market today are too costly for individuals to own. Therefore we decided to construct an IC tester which is affordable and user-friendly. The motivation is to build an affordable IC tester for testing the function of 74 series TTL Logic Gates and common flip-flop ICs. The test sequence provide in the database facilitates the detection of defective ICs. Furthermore, the IC tester must be easy to operate, compact, lightweight, portable, and low power consumption. Next, the motivation is to provide an IC tester in portable mode which is easy and convenient to carry around.


For this project, the development of a logic IC functional tester will be carried out. The programmable test system will be designed so that the end user has total control over testing of ICs. In which ease, the IC tester must allow users with no programming expertise to generate tests and operate the system quickly and efficiently. This IC tester can simply be used by the user just taking the following few steps.

·        Insert the IC into the IC socket.

·        Press pushbutton to test the IC inserted.

·        The microcontroller will perform testing operation.

·        Result will be displayed on the LCD after test routine is done.

The ICs that can be tested on this IC tester are the basic logic gates. The models basic gates are 74LS00 (NAND), 74LS02 (NOR), 74LS08 (AND), 74L832 (OR), and its equivalent.

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