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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008996

No of Pages: 68

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work critically examines combating crime as a public relations strategy using Oredo Local Government Area as case study in Edo State to access the characteristics of Edo State Police Command as a reflection of the political system as well as to determine the impact of the context of violation of human right on the survival of Nigeria nascent democracy. The methodology adopted for the collection of data in this research work is both the primary and secondary source of data collection, for an objective presentation of research findings. In the cause of this research it is discovered that a lot of factors were responsible for the problems associated with the police which are highlighted in the work. In conclusion, recommendations were made after choosing observation of the problems and it is believed that these recommendations were holistically taken into consideration for it will go a long way in re-sharpening the Nigerian Police force and the Edo State Police Command  to be precise.










Certification                   -         -         -         -         -         -          -         iii

Dedication  -         -         -         -         -         -         -         -          iv

Acknowledgements        -         -         -         -         -         -          v

Abstract      -         -         -         -         -         -         -         -          vi

Table of Contents           -         -         -         -         -         -          vii-viii



1.1     Background to the Study

1.2     Statement of the Problem

1.3     Objectives of the Study

1.4     Research Questions

1.5     Significance of the Study

1.6     Scope of the Study

1.7     Definition of Terms




2.1     Literature Review

2.1.1  Public Relations and the Police

2.1.2  Organizational Structure of the Police in Oredo L.G.A.

2.1.3  Police Public Relations in Oredo L.G.A

2.1.4 Police-Community Relations.

2.1.5  Police - Press Relations

2.1.6  Crime Prevention and Control in Nigeria

2.1.7  Effective and Efficient Policing in Nigeria: Inadequacies, Problems and Obstacles

2.1.8  Community/Societal Responsibility for Crime Prevention

2.2     Theoretical Framework




3.0 Introduction

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Population of the Study

3.3. Sample Size

3.4. Sampling Techniques

3.5  Instrument of Data Collection

3.6  Procedure for Data Collection

3.7 Techniques of Data Analysis

3.8. Limitations of the Study




4.1     Data Presentation.

4.2     Data Analysis According to Research Questions

4.3     Discussion of Findings




5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendations


Appendix: Questionnaire










1.1     Background to the Study

Our citizens want protection from criminal assault; they want to be secured in their homes and elsewhere from molestation. The task of crime prevention has been placed on the Police whose members have to risk their lives in order to save others. To prevent crime, the police are posted to areas of the society where crime is high. Since crime occurs when criminals discover the opportunity to do so, the police mission in this regard is to prevent crime by their physical presence or by patrol. The Police responsibility in preventing crime is on a different scale of discovering criminals. In fact, the latter duty operates only to close the stable after the horse has bolted’. It is better to prevent crime using Public Relations strategy than to devote time in discovering criminals. For one thing if crime is prevented then the police have nothing to investigate (Okonkwo, 2010). 

Crime started with man, from man and ends up with man. He plans and executes crime, and he ends up being the victim of his criminal activities. Man, crime and causes of crime, its control or prevention constitute a subject of great concern for the generality of the public.

Preventing crime or eradicating it is the application of deliberate in measures in order to counter the incidents of crime and preventing them from escalating. Crime prevention involves deliberate and progressive set of public relations activities designed and employed in the suppression and eventual eradication of crime and criminality within any community, town or state. Criminals especially youths in Oredo Local Government Area are going out in their hundred in a new turn of high tech crime, robbing, killing and burning houses after taking their loot. The frequency with which the crimes are committed in Oredo Local Government Area is as thought provoking as the ineffectiveness of the police public relations in combating them. The Nigeria police force, like other forces around the world is an organization responsible for maintenance of law and order and above all, crime prevention and protection of life and property of the people. It is charged with the roles of ensuring equality, justice and respect for human right and constituted authority. In fact, the police is a veritable instrument against social vices like bribery and corruption, injustice, victimization, oppression, suppression, violence, disorder, including man’s inhumanity to man (Tamuno, 2010).

By virtue of all these overwhelming powers and responsibilities accorded to the police and its daily interaction and accessibility to the people, every member of this country expects much from it, for the accomplishment of its various roles and responsibilities. However, it must be admitted that the Nigeria police force has tried its best in the realization of its set objectives especially when viewed from the backdrop of the socio-political and economic malice which it is operating. Yet, the performance of these functions has been noted with mixed feelings, feeling of condemnation and appreciation by the general public (Sullivan, 2010).

The Nigeria Police Force as it is known is the major organ that is saddled with responsibility of crime prevention and control in the country, but the burgeoning crime and the sophistication with which it is executed makes the functions of the Nigeria Police Force very cumbersome and arduous. This situation is aggravating considering the low morale of members of the police force and the numerous external and internal problems confronting the agency which include manpower shortages, lack of essential police equipment and quality of police personnel.

According to Igbinovia (2012) the external factors are those about which the police as an organization have little influence; for example, the overall budgetary allocations which are made in competition with other government organs, by politicians and bureaucrats. Such things as manpower shortages, lack of equipment, funds, etc. are problems that come to the police and limit their capacity to perform the task of crime prevention and control effectively. Yet other problems are much more amenable to police control. For example, police behavior and conduct during their work, the content and extent of the training they receive, the control superiors exercise over patrol men, and the degree of corruption within the agency, all constitute internal factors. Many of the internal factors are actually exacerbated or do bring about the external factors.

The crime problem in Nigeria has assumed a serious dimension despite the fact that official statistics down play the problem to a minimal level. This situation may explain why affluent people have resorted to hiring private security system which was hitherto foreign to the country to protect them, their family and property. Additionally, as a result of the crime situation the confidence people used to have in the police especially in the prevention and control of crime has waned considerably. No governmental agency in Nigeria except the defunct National Electric Power Authority has been so severely criticized as the Nigeria Police for not living to its responsibilities and expectations. Police criticisms in Nigeria generally center on the quality of the police personnel, their ineffectiveness and inefficiency in carrying out their tasks especially in preventing and controlling crime, manpower shortages, poor police attitudes and response to citizens, lack of essential police equipment and facilities and constant conflict and tension between the police and the citizenry. Another area which has also resulted in efficiency in the police ability to effectively carry out its primary assign duties of crime prevention and control and which has further alienated the agency from the citizenry is the amount of corruption that exist in the agency (Igbinovia, 2012).

A former Inspector General of Police, Alhaji Aliyu Atta, identified in his address to the Retired Inspector General forum in Abuja, some ‘Woes and grievances responsible...declining performance of the police force”. He attributed the poor performance of the force in crime control to;


the neglect by the government as well as failure of the public to appreciate the value of the work performed by the officers and men of the force (Igbinovia, 2012).


Obviously, the police as a governmental agency, is meant to serve the public in crime control and prevention. To do this, there should be mutual dependence and co-operation between the police and the public in which it operates. Therefore, the Nigeria police force cannot operate effectively without the understanding, rapport and support of the members of the public but the cat and dog relationship between the members of the police force and the public on one hand and the increasing crime wave on the other hand has cast some doubt and suspicion on the existence and a need for combating crime using public relations strategy.

In line with this observation, Alhaji Aliyu Atta (Igbinovia, 2012) also noted that;

The police act in ways that they do not need the co-operation from the public. To earn the support of the public, the police must behave in a civil manner and abandon the habit of treating everyone they have business with as criminals.

Most often informants are victimized and exposed by the police. This attitude is counter productive as it is capable of discouraging some other willing informants. The assistance of the public and sincerity of the police are quite vital. On the other hand, it is also the responsibility of the public to help the police in preventing crime as the criminals live with the members of the society, the family units, churches, mosques, schools and clubs who are all culprits in crime. According to Frank Odita a Commissioner of Police, “crime is the creation of the society because criminals are being models and opinion leaders” (Igbinovia, 2012). Referring to police, Reuben Abati in his article in the Guardian (Friday, 25, September, 1992), maintained that the police has;


abandoned its traditional profile as a friend of the society and has recast itself and has been accepted as an enemy of the people. We present no other evidence of this than the killing on September 6 of Col. Ezra Rimdan of the Nigeria Army.


It is needless to mention that so many crimes have been nipped in the bud as a result of police public co-operation through mutual exchange of information and communication. It was in realization of these problems and circumstances that this project under took to investigate the need for effectively “Combating crime using Public Relation Strategy with special reference to Oredo Local Government Area”. It examined the various factors responsible for the inherent poor relationship in order to proffer possible and workable solutions to them so as to achieve effective crime control and eradication in the locality. However, a brief history and organizational structure of the Nigeria Police force will be carried out by the study, this will stand in good stead in assessing and understanding the present and predicting future performance of the Nigeria police in terms of crime combat. Ultimately, a critical evaluation of the activities and roles of police - community relations committee as well as press relations will also be studied within the competence of this research work.

1. 2 Statement of the Problem

The police seem to neglect public opinion and attitude in the face of the increasing crime wave in the country. The public on the other hand, is virtually indifferent in assisting the police in combating crime. According to Okonkwo (Friday, 25, September, 2010:5);

The public attitude has been that it is suicidal to strike a friendship with the policeman for he would ultimately fall short of trust and expectation. This indictment defeats the essence and ambition of the police force as an organ of civil society.


Therefore, the main problem which the research work will seek to investigate is the effectiveness of combating crime in the country using public relations strategy. Other problems that have been identified are;

i.               Absence of two-way flow of information between the police and the general public.

ii.             Report of bribery and corruption on the part of the police.

iii.           Ineffective police-community relations committee.

iv.           Rampant cases of police brutality, intimidation and victimization against members of the police in receiving public co-operation towards crime/combat and inadequacy of operational logistics for the police.

Professor T. N. Tamuno in his book. The Police in Modern Nigeria (1961- 1965) observes that;

The incidents which lead to friction, (between the police and the public) are usually given much publicity; the instances of friendly relations are often ignored.


Tamuno on the part of the public identified;

The unco-operative attitudes towards the police, incivility against members of the public and unappreciative nature of police’s peculiar activities and problems by the members of the public (pg:22).


All these allegations and counter-allegations between the police and the public have in no small measure compounded these problems as experienced in Oredo Local Government Area.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objectives for this study are as follows;

      i.         To examine the extent to which co-operation and assistance between the police and the public can influence crime reduction.

    ii.         To examine the role the police-community relations committee play in combating crime.

  iii.         To assess and ascertain the extent to which the image of the police affects its relationship with the public in crime combat.

1.4 Research Questions

The investigation is saddled with the responsibilities for finding answers to the following questions:

i.               To what extent can co-operation and assistance between the police and the public influence crime reduction?

ii.             What role can the police-community relations committee play in combating crime?

iii.           To what extent does the image of the police affect its relationship with the public in crime combat?


1.5     Significance of the Study

The main significance of the study among other things are;  

      i.         To eradicate or reduce crime in the country by bringing into limelight the cooperation of the Nigeria police force and the public;

    ii.         To better the image of the police; and

  iii.         Strengthen the mutual relationship with the community.

  iv.         The study at completion will serve a guide to study at completion will serve a guide to students that intend to carry out similar research in the nearest future.

    v.         Finally, the study is expected to provide policy recommendation to the police, government official such as the inspector general of police, parent and guardians on how to tackle the problem of crime among individuals most especially the youth; one main cause for violence is the way families function. Children learn response styles mainly though watching and interacting with the people who care for them frequently. Youth can learn to lead non-violence lives if they grow and develop in positive, caring, supportive inconsistent care giver behaviour and example of anti-social actions.

  vi.         It is expected that appropriate answers to the research questions below will help in making valid conclusions and recommendations for the combat of crime through police public relations.

1.6     Scope of the Study

This project is an intensive and in-depth case study based on Oredo Local Government Area. The investigation will limit itself only to the effectiveness of good relationship between the police and the public and how this relationship can foster crime control in Nigeria.

As already stated, a brief history and structure of the police was done, while the activities and function of the police-community relations committee in Oredo Local Government Area was also studied.

1.7     Definition of Terms

For easy understanding of the research work, it becomes imperative that some operational terms should be properly defined.

The Police: According to Pulling (2007:12) the police is a public institution charged with the responsibilities of protecting and safeguarding the life and properties of citizens within the internal territorial boundaries of a nation.

Crime Prevention: According to Black (2003:37) these are pre-emptive action talking against the perpetration of an act of omission.

Human Rights Abuse: According to Abati (2002:568) human rights abuse is simply the violation or denial of that unique virtue that defines and promotes the dignity of within a given socio-political environment. This could be in form of judicial killing, brutality, genocide discrimination, arbitrary arrest, denial of access to judicial remedy etc.

Public Relations: Public Relations: The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) says “public relations is concerned with or devoted to creating mutual understanding among groups and institutions.” The PRSA recognizes the place of groups and institution s in the public relations process. It admits that these entities have interests that must be protected. It also presupposes a streamlining of these benefits for mutual good. The concept of mutuality in this definition makes you as a public relations man or woman an intermediary between your institution and its publics. This implies that you should be able to align the interests of these two parties for their mutual advantage. You do this by convincing your institution that public relations attempts to put the broad interest of the public first before the special interest of the organization. By doing this, the institution is indirectly serving its own interest; hence PR has what is called “enlightened self interest”.



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