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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008377

No of Pages: 38

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The research work was carried out to evaluate the assessment on the phytochemical component and antibacterial screening analysis of Cucumis sativus (cucumber).Methods adopted include streak method for inoculation, Agar well diffusion for sensitivity testing and Broth dilution method for the determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration. The morphological and biochemical examinations reveals the bacterial isolates to belong to the genera Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Klebsiella pneumonie,, Escherichia coli.The results showed that  the plant extract with ethanolic extract, hot water extract, cold water extract  produce the highest zone of inhibition with the range 15-18mm followed by 75% concentration of plant extract and ethanol, hot and cold water produces a zone of inhibition at 11mm while the least zone of inhibition of plant extract with ethanolic extract, hot and cold water extract  is 5mm.For individual The Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of the plant extract against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus is 25mg/ml with the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) value is 50mg/ml. The Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of plant extract against Streptococcus species and Klebsiella pneumonie is 100mg/ml and 50mg/ml with the minimum bactericidal concentration 200mg/ml and 100mg/ml respectively. The antimicrobial assay of the seed extract used in this study showed the antibacterial activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The seeds extracts of the plants species under the study were found to contain Alkaloids, Tannins, saponines, phenols, steroids and Flavonoids. The presence of these photochemical compounds in these plants enhances their pharmaceutical and therapeutic potentials.


Title page                                                                                                            i

Certification                                                                                                       ii

Dedication                                                                                                          iii

Acknowledgment                                                                                               iv

Table of Contents                                                                                               v

List of Tables                                                                                                     vii

Abstract                                                                                                              viii



1.0     Background of Study                                                                        1                    

1.1      Aims And Objectives                                                                         2


2.0      Literature Review                                                                                    3

2.1     The Studied Plant                                                                                     3

2.2    Extraction OF Plant Bioactive Component                                               3

2.3   Properties OF Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber)                                              6

2.4    Antimicrobial Secondary Metabolites                                                      6

2.5 Pratical Clinical Application Of Plant Anti Microbial Compounds           7

2.6 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test  (AST)                                                    7       

2.7 Factors Affecting the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test                               9

2.8 Some Control Measures On Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST)  10

2.9  Phytochemicals And Its Medicinal Properties                                            10


3.0 Materials and Method (Methodiology)                                                        12

3.1 Sample Collection and Identification                                                           12

3.2 Method of Plate Preparation                                                                        12

3.3     Identification of Isolates                                                                          12

3.4     Gram’s  Staining Technique                                                                    13

3. 5 Samples Preparation And Extraction                                                          13

3.6 Antimicrobial   Assay                                                                                  14

3.6.1  Sensitivity testing                                                                                    14

3.6.2  Determination Of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration  [MIC]                     14

3.6.3  Determination Of Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)                   14

3.7  Determining Of Phytochemical Component Of Cucumis Sativus         15                                                                                                              

3.8     Detection of Alkaloids                                                                             15

3.9     Detection of Saponins                                                                              15

3.1.0  Detection of Phenols                                                                                15

3.1.1  Detection of Tannins                                                 15

3.1.2  Detection of Flavonoids                                                                           16

3.1.3  Detection of Steroids                                                                               16


RESULTS                                                                                                         17


5.0     Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation                                        24

5.1     Discussion                                                                                         24

5.2     Conclusion                                                                                               25

5.3     Recommendation                                                                                     25




Table     Title                                           Page

1:                 Morphological biochemical test                                                    18

2a:                Diameter of zone of inhibition of ethanolic extract against the test organisms (mm)                                                                        19

2b:               Diameter of zone of inhibition of hot water

                     extract against the test organisms (mm)                                        20

2c:                Diameter of zone of inhibition of cold water

                     extract against the test organisms (mm)                                        21


3:                 Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of the ethanolic extract (Cucumis sativus)            22

4:                 Phytochemical analysis of the extract of the seed of the Cucumis sativus (cucumber)                                                                               23





1.0       Background of study

Plants derived substances have recently become of great interest owning to versatile application (Baris et al.,2006).Medicinal plants are the richest bio resources of drugs of traditional systems of medicine, modern medicine, nutraceuticals, food supplements, folks medicine, pharmaceuticals  intermediate and chemical entities for systematic  drugs (Hammer et al.,1999).It has been estimated that 14-289 of higher plants species are used medicinally and that 74% of pharmacologically active plants derived components were discovered after following up on ethnomedicinal use of the plants. A number of interesting outcome have been found with the use of a mixture of natural products to treat diseases, most notably the synergistic effects and polypharmacological application of plant extracts (Gibbons,2003).The development of pharmaceuticals begin with identification  of active principles detailed biological assay  and dosage formulation followed by clinical studies to establish safety ,efficiency and pharmacokinetic profile of the new drug(Iwu,1999) the same follows for therapeutic agent through biological evaluation of plant extracts vital to these factors are of importance if plant extracts are to be accepted as  valid medicinal agent many plants have been used because of their antimicrobial traits and the antimicrobial properties of plants have been made investigated by a number of researcher’s worldwide.

 Phytochemicals are bioactive non-nutrients plants compounds that have protective or disease preventive properly. The word “phyto” is derived from a greek word phyto which mean plant. They confer plants with odour (terpenoids) pigmentation (tannins and quinines) and flavor (capsacin),  wallikharjuna et al, (2007) and are a part of a plant naturally defence system. These bioactive components are said to be responsible for the antimicrobial effects of plants extract invitro and invivo. They are grouped as flavonoid, alkaloid, tannins, saponins, sterols, glycosides, terpenoid and carbohydrates .Tang et al,(2010)have isolated the antimicrobial sphingolipid from cucumber stem.

Cucurbitaceae is a plant family also knows as gourd family which includes crop like cucumbers, squashes, luffas and melons. Cucurbits from an important and a big group of vegetables crop cultivated extensive in the subtropical and tropics countries. Plants of this family have many medicinal and nutritional benefits. Gill and bali, (2011)


1.              To determine the phytochemical properties of the plant extract (Cucumis Sativus).

2.              To ascertain the antibacterial potential of the Cucumis Sativus (cucumber).

3.              To determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of Cucumis Sativus against the isolated organism.


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  • Anonymous

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