The study focused on the effect of covid 19 pandemic on Hotel Operations in Umuahia Metropolis. The specific objectives were: to identify the covid 19 Management protocols applied in hotels in the study area; to examine the hoteliers level of awareness of covid 19 Management protocols in hotels in the study area; to examine the level of covid 19 protocol compliance of hotels in the study area; to determine the influence of covid 19 protocol compliance on hotel operations in the study area; to determine the influence of covid 19 pandemic on hotel operations in the study area. To achieve the objectives of the study, survey research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information through the use of structured questionnaire. The sample size of the study is made of 226 customers. In analyzing the data, simple descriptive statistics were used. The results of the analysis show that Covid 19 protocol compliance has significant effect on hotel operations in the study area. Also it was found that Covid 19 pandemic has significant effect on hotel operations in the study area. The study recommends Maintaining social distancing during reception. That will help in avoiding the spread of Covid 19. Providing the necessary instruments used in checking covid 19 before reception. The study also recommends that hoteliers ensure they have got enough stock of cleaning materials and also check the hand washing facilities are working properly.
Cover page i
Title page ii
Certification iii
Approval page iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgements vi
Table of contents vii-ix
List of tables and figures x
Abstract xi
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Research
Questions 6
Research Hypotheses 6
Significance of the Study 7
1.7 Scope
of the Study 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 8
2.1.1 Concept Coronavirus 8
2.1.2 COVID-19
Considerations 10
2.1.3 Coronavirus Symptoms 11
2.1.4 Transmission 11
2.1.5 The effect of Covid 19 pandemic on waiting and
reception management on hotel productivity 12
2.1.6 Hotel
and accommodation establishment staff taking part in the evacuation of a suspected
case 30
2.1.7 General Effects of
the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism and Travel 31
2.1.8 Consequences of
the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Hotel Industry 32
2.1.9 Geographic Context
of the COVID-19 Imapct on the Hotel Industry 35
Theoretical Framework 36
2.2.1 Theory of Constraints Credited 35
2.2.2 Valid theory 36
Empirical Review 37
Research Design 40
3.2 Area of
the Study 40
Population for the Study 40
Sampling and sampling technique 40
Instrument for Data Collection 41
Validity of the Instrument 42
3.7 Reliability
of the Instrument 42
3.8 Method
of data collection 43
3.9 Method
of data analysis 43
4.3 Test of Hypotheses 49
Discussion on findings 52
5.1 Summary 54
Restatement of the Problem 55
5.1.2 Major Findings 56
5.1.3 Description of Methods
Used 56
5.2 Conclusion 57
3.3 Recommendations 57
5.4 Contribution to
knowledge 65
5.5 Suggestion for Further
Studies 65
References ` 59
Appendix 65
Table 4.1: Distribution
of questionnaire
Table 4.2: Socioeconomic Characteristics of staff of
the selected Hotels in Umuahia, Abia State
Table 4.2: Mean responses on
the covid 19 Management protocols applied inn hotels.
Table 4.3 mean responses on the level of hotelier’s
aware of covid 19 management protocols in hotel industry in the study area.
Table 4.3 mean responses on the influence of time
management on customer satisfaction in hotel
1.1 Background to
the Study
Brand switching is a situation where a brand loses once loyal
customer to a competitor. In other words, a shopper changes his/her buying
behaviour, choosing deliberately to purchase another brand instead of his/her usual
choice. Brand switching is a situation in which someone changes from buying one
brand of a product to buying a different brand. Brand switching which is
sometimes known as brand jumping is the process of choosing to switch from
routine use of one brand of a product to steady usage of a different but
similar product (Zineldin, 2016). Brand
switching as ascertained by Anderson, Sweeney and Williams (2009), is the
process in which consumers switch from the use of one product to another of the
same category. Brand switching can also occur based on extrinsic incentives
which are sales promotion, advertisement, among others that persuade the
consumer to change brand through the promotions made by the manufacturer
especially when the sales promotion alter purchase patterns (Dube and Menon,
2010). Ananth, Ramesh and Prabaharan (2011), concluded that consumer’s reasons
for switching is attributed to: customer’s characteristics which are more or
less directed to the connection with the marketer or product. Consumers also
switch when the manufacturer/marketer concerned fails to provide the consumer
with perceived product quality and customer satisfaction. The research on
service quality suggests that most employees have a real customer orientation,
understand customer needs, and possess empathy and respect for their
Thus, the customer loyalty becomes a key
success factor for many vendors. Customer loyalty has been the subject of much
research during recent years because of the belief that higher loyalty leads to
better results in the marketplace (Lee and Bellman, 2008). The importance of
retaining current customers is recognized when markets become more competitive
(McMullan & Gilmore, 2008). Curasi and Kennedy (2002) propose that customer
loyalty exists when the customer exhibits repurchase behaviour and has a
relatively positive attitude or commitment regarding the object (e.g. brand,
product, organization, vendor, service provider, etc.). Therefore, one of the
key aims of food service operations become gaining and maintaining customer
loyalty, which could result in constant sales and positive attitude. Increasing
the market share means persuading competitors’ customers with weak
loyalty-based opinions and beliefs to defect (Fraering & Minor, 2013). Yu,
Wu, Chiao and Tai (2015) argue that as the features, quality, and appearance of
products and services become increasingly similar, customers more and more
exhibit fickle and non-loyal purchasing behaviours – they switch. Moreover,
there is an assortment of complex and interrelated factors that influence an
individual’s choice (Byker, Shanks, Misyak and Serrano, 2012).
Despite the perceived acceptance of fast-food
restaurants in the Nigeria environment, customers are now beginning to be
choosy in the aesthetics, product and service received from fast food
restaurants (Mustapha, Fakokunde and Awolusi, 2014). Accordingly, Arnold, Tae
and Douglas (1983) cited in Ergin and Akbay, 2015) asserted that location,
price, assortment, fast checkout, friendly and courteous service, and pleasant
shopping environment were critical determinants of store patronage. Arguably,
these factors may influence customers’ decision to visit a fast food
restaurant. Fast-food restaurants are said to have their own benefits, which
their customers perceive. According to Liu and Jang (2008), these perceived
benefits are the primary reasons why fast-food restaurants are patronized.
According to Liu and Jang (2009), the relative importance customers
attach to individual benefits can differ significantly and these can be used as
effective barometers in segmenting the markets. Markets consist of various
buyers, and buyers differ in one or more respects. They may differ in their
wants, resources, geographical locations, buying attitudes, lifestyles, and
buying practices. Ahmad, Ghazali and Othman (2013) noted that factors vastly
found to influence switching behavior in most literature include the physical
surrounding, service quality and food quality. Sefian, Jaini, Sharudin and
Abdullah (2013) included food quality, service quality, atmospheric quality,
product price, brand image and perceived value as factors influencing consumers
repatronage intention. Nezakati, Kuan and Asgari (2011) proposed product
quality, customer satisfaction and brand trust as the dominant variable that drives
the customer loyalty to preferred fast food restaurants. In a study carried out
by Ergin and Akbay (2015), brand name reputation, cost, convenience,
consistency and quality were identified as dominant factors that have an impact
on young consumers’ preferences of different brands of fast food restaurants.
1.2 Statement of
the Problem
This study was informed by the perceived growing trend of
visiting fast food restaurants by individuals, households and friends in
Nigeria. With increased competition among fast food restaurants and the growing
health consciousness of customers, the customers are now beginning to be choosy
in the aesthetics, product and service received from fast food restaurants
(Tabassum and Rahman, 2012; Nezakati, et al, 2011). A lot of studies have been
carried out on fast food restaurants from different stand points and
perspectives (UKessay, 2013; Carew, 2010; Park, 2004) and each profiling
different factors influencing customers repurchase intension (Ahmad, et al,
2013; Akbar and Alaudeen, 2012). Factors ranging from food quality, Service
quality, Environment, Price, Quick service (Akbar and Alaudeen, 2012; Tabassum
and Rahman, 2012; Tat , Sook-Min, Ai-Chin, Rasli and Hamid, 2011), Restaurant image
(Ling, Mun and Ling, 2011) and fast food store image factors, customers' value
of eating-out, customers' opinions about the globalisation (Ibrahim and
Vignali, 2005) have been considered to influence customers switching behavior
of fast food restaurants in regions with different cultural, environmental and
socioeconomic specifics. This researcher is worried that operators of fast food
organizations in Enugu metropolis might be ignorant of the factors implicated
as the causes of customer defection particularly in fast food sector.
Similarly, this study became necessary on account of perceived literature gap
in this very area of the study. Granted that studies have been studies have
been carried out in this area in developed clime in time past, but research
findings might be influenced by certain variables including but not limited to
geographical and environmental features such that research findings may differ
from clime to clime. Thus, engendering and informing different growth policy
implications. Supporting this view, Tabassum and Rahman (2012) noted that pattern of food
consumption may vary due to the differences in culture, climate, socioeconomic
status among others, etc. In fact, the habit of taking food among the
inhabitants of a country may change due to several factors. However, because of
these differences in the findings of scholars, it is not yet clear which
factors influence consumer switching behavior. Therefore in order to bridge the
literature gap, this study will assess the influencing factors to consumer switching
behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu metropolis.
1.3 Objectives of
the Study
The main
objective of the study is to assess the influencing factors to consumer switching
behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu metropolis. The
specific objectives include:
To determine the influence of
service quality on consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food
brands in the study area.
To assess the effect of food
quality on consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands
in the study area.
To determine to what extent
that atmospheric quality influence consumer switching behavior among patrons of
chain fast food brands in the study area.
To assess the influence of price
on consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in the
study area.
To determine the effect of perceived
value on consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in
the study area.
To determine to what extent that
brand image influence consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast
food brands in the study area.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions will guide the study
What influence has service
quality on consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands
in the study area?
What effect has food quality on
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in the
study area?
To what extent does atmospheric
quality influence consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food
brands in the study area?
What influence has price on
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in the
study area?
What effect has perceived value
on consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in the
study area?
To what extent does brand image
influence consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in
the study area?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
H01: There is no positive relationship between service quality and
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu
H02: There is no significant relationship between food quality and
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu
H03: There is no positive relationship between atmospheric quality and
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu
H04: There is no significant relationship between price and consumer
switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu Metropolis.
H05: There is no positive relationship between perceived value and
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu
H06: There is no significant relationship between brand image and
consumer switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands in Enugu
1.6 Significance
of the Study
study will be of great benefit to the following group of people; fast food
organization, customers, students and researchers.
fast food organizations, the findings from this work will help fast food
operators to know the influencing factors of switching behavior. The findings
and recommendations of this study will enlighten fast food operators on the
dimensions of switching behavior that affects customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty. Also this study will help fast food operators to know the
application of these influencing factors towards achieving the main goal of
their business which is customer satisfaction and loyalty.
customers, the findings of this work
will help customers to know those factors that influences their switching
behavior such as food quality, service quality, price perceived value among
others. However, such will enhance customer satisfaction and hence, brand
loyalty. With the application of these factors, customers will be satisfied by
the product or service that would be given to them. However, the publication of
this work both online and manual publication will play a significant role in
educating managers of fast food establishments on what to do in order to meet
with the demand of customers.
students, this research when published, will also be significant to the
students of this noble institution and other institutions in the field of
tourism and hospitality management as it would enable them to know the influence factors to consumer switching behavior among fast food
brands in Enugu State and Nigeria as whole.
researchers, finally, the publication of this work both manual and online
publication will serve as a reference material to researchers who may wish to
research on a similar topic in future.
1.7 Scope of the
The content scope is accessing the influencing factors to consumer
switching behavior among patrons of chain fast food brands. The geographical
scope is Enugu metropolis while the unit scope is consumers of fast food
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