This study ascertained the performance differentials among male and female employees of Federal Universities in Southeast of Nigeria, with a focus on; Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU), the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) and the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). It was aimed at achieving six specific objectives namely; examine the differences in the workplace-related factors (HR functions, organisational climate, task, training and development, ethical concerns) for the male and female employees; ascertain the male and female employees’ perception of the accuracy and fairness of the performance appraisal system; determine the level of performance differentials between male and female employees in the University System under study; assess the effect of the performance appraisal on the motivation of male and female employees; explore if there are any discriminatory factors (age, childbearing, skills, educational attainment, promotion, training opportunities, unionism, responsibilities and appointment to critical positions) in terms of how male and female employees should perform in their schedule as University employees; identify barriers that mainly affect female employees in the University system The result showed that majority of the respondents were male, the age distribution of the respondents showed that, holistically and collectively for the male and female, a more significant percentage of the respondents where between the ages of 36 and 40 years. The distribution on nature of appointment showed that more were significantly on permanent appointment and also a more significant percentage of the respondents' were non-academic staff. Also, a higher percentage of the respondents had served for about 7 – 11 years. Office space; interpersonal relationship; appraisal; organisational climate; rules; regulations and ethics; nature of employment; training tasks and responsibilities affect the female employees, while all these factors except office space do not affect male employees. The regression results for the workplace factors that affect the employees and their perception towards these factors revealed that out of the eight explanatory variables, five were significant at different levels of significance and also in their relationship pattern. Both genders had a high level of fair perception for the appraisal system adopted in their institutions. Good understanding of job description, a good understanding of tasks and personal rating on performance were used as a yardstick for measuring performance. The motivation types (Salary, overtime, allowance, verbal, appraisal, discipline and personal motivation) have a relevant effect on male employees performance appraisal at the workplace. For the female employees, the number of children, skills, promotion and experience were found to affect the discriminate significant at 10 per cent significance level, while responsibility was significant at 5 percent level of significance. Male employees have all their factors to be positively significant but at a different level of significance. Some recommendations were proffered, which include that gender sensitive performance appraisal method should be encouraged and that staff appointment into positions of authority should be on merit base not on gender biases or discrimination.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abstract x
1.1 Background
of the Study 1
1.2 Statement
of the Problem 4
1.3 Objectives
of the Study 7
1.4 Research
Questions 8
1.5 Research
Hypotheses 9
1.6 significance
of the study 9
1.7 Scope of
the Study 10
1.8 Limitations
of the Study 10
1.9 Profile
of the Organization Under Study 11
1.10 Operational
Definitions of Terms 15
2.1 Conceptual
Framework 16
2.1.1 Performance
in the University 16
2.1.1:1 Measures
for Employee Performance 18
2.1.2 Performance
Differentials in the University 19
2.1.2:1 Mastery-Approach
Orientation and Performance at the Intra-Individual Level 20
2..1.2:2 Performance Orientation and Performance at Both
Levels of Analysis 21
2.1.3 Gender
Focus 23
2.1.4 Gender
Discrimination 26
2.1.5 Gender
Sensitivity 33
2.1.5:1 Gender
Sensitivity in Recruitment Process of Organization in Africa 34
2.1.5:2 Causes of
Gender Insensitivity in The Recruitment of Workers in Organization 34
2.1.5:3 Gender
Sensitivity in the Retention Process of Organizations 35
2.1.5:4 Causes of
Gender Insensitivity in the Retention of Workers in Organization 36
2.1.6 Gender
Parity 36
2.1.7 Laws,
Policies, Rules and Regulations in the University on Gender and
Performance 37
2.1.8 Structure
of Federal Universities in Nigeria 41
2.1.9 Roles and
Responsibilities of Entities making up the structure 44
2.2 Theoretical
Framework 47
2.2.1 Theories
of Performance and motivation (Frederick Taylor) 47 Goal-setting
Theory (Edwin Locke) 48 Expectancy Theory (Victor Vroom) 49 Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Maslow) 49 Frederick
Herzberg’s Theory (Frederick Herzberg) 50 McGregor
Theory X and Y (McGregor) 51
2.2.2 Theories
of Gender 52
2.2.2:1 Gender
Schema Theory (Sandra Ben) 52
2.2.2:2 Gender
Constancy (Lawrence Kohlberg) 54
2.2.3 Theories
on Gender Discrimination and Equality 55 Theories of
Gender Discrimination 55 The glass ceiling theory/model (The Federal
Glass Ceiling Commission) 55 The
Glass Elevator Theory (Williams) 57 Theories of
Gender Equality 58
2.3 Empirical
Review 62
2.3.1 Empirical Review
on Performance Analysis 62
2.3.2 Empirical
Review on Performance Differences 67
2.3.3 Empirical
Review on Gender Analysis 71
2.4 Gap In
Literature 75
2.5 Summary
of Reviewed Related Literature 75
3.1 Research
Design 77
3.2 Area of
Study 77
3.3 Sources
of Data 78
3.4 Population
of the Study 78
3.5 Sample
Size Determination 79
3.6 Sampling
Technique 82
3.7 Description
of the Research Instrument 82
3.8 Validity
of the Research Instrument 83
3.9 Reliability
of the Research Instrument 83
3.10 Method of
data Analysis 84
3.10.1 Model
Specifications 84
4.1 Data
Presentation 87
4.2 Data
4.3. Test of Hypotheses 92
4.4. Discussion of Results 105
5.1 Summary
of findings 108
Conclusion 110
5.3 Recommendations 110
5.4 Suggestion
for further Studies 112
References 113
Appendix 124
3.1 The Population of the Study 79
4.1 Distribution of the
Respondents According to Gender 87
4.2 Age Distribution of the
Respondents 88
4.3 Distribution of Respondents
According to the nature of the Appointment 89
4.4 Distribution of Respondents
According to Academic/Non Academic Status
4.5 Distribution of Respondents
According to years of Experience 90
4.6 Distribution of Respondents
According to the Number of Children 91
Table 4.7 Perception
of appraisal as fair and accurate by male and female employees 92
Table 4.8 Difference
in the Perception of male and female
employees 92
Table 4. 9 Male
employees’ response to the motivation types 93
Table 4. 10 Female
employees response to the motivation
types 94
Table 4. 11 ANOVA:
differential of the effect of performance appraisal on the
motivation of male and female employees 95
Table 4. 12 Workplace
related factors affecting the male and female employees 96
Table 4. 13 Regression
result on gender ladenness of the workplace factors 97
Table 4. 14 Z-test on
the difference in the workplace factors affecting male and female
employees 98
Table 4.15 Fisher's
linear discriminant functions on factors that discriminate against
and female employees performance in the workplace 99
Table 4. 16 Level of
performance by the male employees 100
Table 4. 17 Level of
performance by the female employees 101
Table 4. 18 ANOVA:
Performance differential among male and female employees 102
Table 4. 19 Barriers that mainly affect male and
female employees in the University
system 103
Table 4. 20 Barriers
that mainly affects female employees in the University system
(test of hypothesis) 104
Figure 1 University Organogram/Organizational structure 43
1.1 Background of the Study
Globally, Universities are critical
institutions for the development of societies; they produce graduates with the
required skills for national development and growth. The number of Universities
in Nigeria has continued to grow, the first University (University College,
Ibadan) was founded in 1948 and currently, there are over 170 universities in
Nigeria (Eboiyehi & Fayomi, 2016). The Federal Government of Nigeria owns
federal Universities in Nigeria with the Governing Councils as the highest
decision-making organ of the Universities. Federal Universities in Nigeria are
non-profit organisations to foster research, teaching and learning. The federal
Universities in Nigeria are expected to follow the principle of federal
character in the recruitment and general administration of the Universities.
Nigeria signed the charter on Convention of Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
(CEAFD) against women and has established some projects for the implementation
of the articles of the CEAFD, but has not enacted the laws and institutional
framework for the implementation of the articles of the convention. Even though
the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria makes provision for
equality of women and men, the administration of Universities is expected not
to discriminate based on tribe, religion or gender.
The Federal University, as a working
environment, is expected to offer equal opportunities to men and women to
attain their professional goals. Despite this supposed equal opportunity to
both male and female staff of the federal Universities, it has not been a
reflection of the exact position. For instance, there are more male Deans and
Heads of Departments as well as very rare female Vice-Chancellors in the
federal Universities (Ogbogu, 2011). An assessment of the various Nigerian
University Acts, which govern the establishment and administration of each
University in Nigeria shows that, in general, they contain a clause prohibiting
the exclusion of individual on account of "ethnic grouping, sex, place of
birth or family origin or religious or political persuasion from studentship,
employment or membership of any body established by the Act (Odejide, 2015).
A proper university administration with
the required skills and experience abhors gender-based discrimination (Gbrevevbie,
Osibanjo, Adeniyi & Oludayo, 2014). Staff members of the
UniversityUniversity are either academic or administrative staff; they can be
further classified as management staff and non-management staff or senior staff
and junior staff. These classifications are based on the roles,
responsibilities and qualifications, respectively. To achieve set
organisational goals and performance standards in the University system; there
should be equal opportunities for all to reach their potential. A weak
university administration, irrespective of gender results in an inefficient
working environment. The emphasis of women engagement in the universities has
focused on the number recruited instead of the introspection into the roles and
perceptions of women who are staff members of the UniversityUniversity
regarding the impact and the significance of their position in the
UniversityUniversity. Alele-William (1992) and Makarova, Aeschilamann and
Herzog (2019) noted that there are severe gaps in the perception of men and
women in the university system resulting in performance differential among men
and women.
It is noteworthy that gender is not the
same with issues relating to women alone in any society. According to Mitra
(2003), “Gender refers to culturally based expectations of the roles and
behaviour of males and females”. Gender is a term for both male and female in
social context and difference in attitude and roles (Fayomi, 2005). Gender, as a social concept, is deeply
entrenched in social entities and performs a meaningful role in working
organisations. The university norms and values are reflected in the manner the
university deals with the notion of gender role and identity. The management of
gender at workplace appears to be one of the most challenging issues for the
Universities all over the world especially in Sub-saharan Africa because the
gender diversity measures and factors in most of the countries are hampered by
some hypercritical issues like male dominating organisational practice, the
gender-based wage gap, glass ceiling effects and gender-neutral organisation.
Commonly, people are being discriminated on sexual basis throughout their
employment tenure at every level and process of working organisations including
the selection and recruitment process, promotions, salaries specifications,
allocation of responsibilities, working hours etc. There have been
concerted efforts to address structural and cultural gender-related barriers,
but gender discrimination has remained a severe challenge to the performance of
staff employed by the University. There is a need to x-ray the factors and
policies peculiar to gender roles and positions in the University system. The
issue of gender-related policies is critical in determining the performance of
both men and women in the organisation (Odejide, 2015). The gender-based
discrimination in most universities are hinged on ethnicity and religion; and
the attainment of the university mandate revolves around these staff members
that have been mostly influenced by gender-based sentiments (Gberevbie et al.,
Santos and Phu (2018) observed that being
a woman has a negative association with academic rank, position and
performance; this is even after the woman has made many sacrifices in terms of
controlled childbirth and less attention to household chores. The woman does
constrain herself from the society demand to contribute to the organisational
goal and achieve successful career development. Women in the academia tend to
put in more time in research, teaching and administration of the
UniversityUniversity, but their academic ranks and position do not reflect
their level of commitment to ensure enhanced performance. The performance
appraisal in academia is such that gives the superiors the right to determine
if the staff has carried out his/her tasks effectively. This performance
appraisal system has been criticised by many researchers as being gender
insensitive to the peculiarities of men and women in the organisation (Tinuke,
2013; Olomola, 2008 & Ogbogu, 2011). Although the women are more
time-restricted in term of maternity leave and household chores compared to
their male counterpart, their productivity in the University are not well appreciated.
These issues concerning the roles and responsibilities of men and women
employed in the Nigeria universities and their performance are very critical in
building a viable University system.
Statement of the Problem
The dilapidated condition
of universities in Nigeria has made gender-related issues to appear less
important, and this is a bane to development of Universities. The military rule
in Nigeria that lasted over thirty years dealt a big blow to the development of
universities in Nigeria; this had a profoundly negative impact on university
education. The culture of the Universities took after the military and became
so bureaucratic (Odejide, 2015). The University autonomy was no longer
guaranteed and a diminution of the humanistic socio-cultural values on which
universities thrive. (Obanya, 2002). The era of military rule manifested an
apparent proliferation of university education in Nigeria. Changing government
policies and a deliberate policy of widening access to higher education led to
a dramatic increase in the number of students. However, it drastically reduced
universities funding, resulting in poor governance as well as increasing level
of misappropriation of funds, job racketeering and favouritism. Despite the
change over to a civilian government in May 1999, underfunding and corruption
within the Universities increased. There
was no practical and visible effort to ensure that men and women have equal
opportunities to perform maximally. Though laws and rules exist on equal
opportunities for men and women, they have not been enforced when necessary.
Women regularly are
challenged with cultural barriers which originate from the way society views
the roles and responsibilities ascribed to them. Besides, their double roles as
wife and mother bring about their inability to compete favourably with their
male counterpart. Consequently, they progress slowly in academia, taking leaves
to rear children and in the process are under pressure in their attempts to
lend academic and domestic roles (Winslow, 2010).
The pace at which women
advance their career alongside their male colleagues is slow. Okurame (2008)
attributes this to the fact that most female academics are at the lower levels
of the academic career ladder. At the same time, the under-representation and
poor promotion of women in University senior management positions remain a
global discussion. The situation in Nigerian Universities is very worrisome and
challenging, with such practices that tend to favour the male folk having
severe manifestations in institutions of higher learning (Olaogun, Adebayo
& Oluyemo, 2015). Previous research has shown that in Nigeria Universities,
women constitute only 13.6 per cent of the academic staff of the
UniversityUniversity, compared to the global figure of 41 per cent (Boakye,
2011). According to Ogbogu (2011), women in Nigerian Universities hold less
than 35% of academic posts and are mainly represented in the lower and middle
level academic and administrative positions. She affirmed that their participation
relative to men decreases at higher levels. In Nigeria, women are not always
welcomed to assume leadership roles in the Universities, even though there are
qualified women with unassuming leadership skills for such positions. In
Nigeria, there are lots of customs, norms, values, traditions and cultural
stereotypes serve as the benchmark for the exclusion of women in leadership
positions (Porter, 2007).
The research findings of Olaogun et al.
(2015), Nwajiuba (2011), Adebayo and Akanle (2014) revealed that the
proportion of male staff is always far much higher than the female staff. For
instance, University of Nigeria Nsukka has 73% male staff to 27 % female staff,
the University of Port Harcourt has 88% male staff to 22% female staff, the University
of Ibadan has 82% male staff to 18 %
female staff while Obafemi Awolowo University also has 82% male staff to 18%
female staff; This shows the level of gender insensitivity and discrimination
in universities in Nigeria. Abiodun-Oyabanji and Olayele (2011) noted with
dismay that men dominate the management of Nigeria Universities. There have
been only 12 female Vice-Chancellors since the first UniversityUniversity was
established in 1948.
In attaining University
goals and ensure better performance, the leadership of the University should be
able to attract competent workforce. The process should be devoid of any form
of discrimination (Gberevbie, 2006). The staff of the University, irrespective
of their gender, is expected to put in their best. The management staff are
responsible for the administration of the University for enhanced performance.
The management staff provides the track for enhanced performance through
effective leadership and management styles to achieve the overall goal, mission
and vision of the UniversityUniversity, and this is where discrimination
against women is most pronounced in Nigerian Universities (Gberevbie et al.
There is a general
atmosphere of discontent and dissatisfaction by both men and women in the
academia due to rigid nature of performance appraisal, the nature of the
performance appraisal is not gendered sensitive (Ologunde, Asaolu, &
Elumilade, 2006). Nigerian public Universities have witnessed several
industrial unrests over the years due to failure of the Governing Councils to
review their conditions of service, making it flexible to accommodate the
gender dynamics in the university system
(Tamuno, 1999). Many University staff leave because of unfavourable and
rigid conditions of service, lack of adequate teaching and research facilities
and relatively poor remuneration (Sanda, 1991). In Nigeria today, the economic
hardship in which households are subjected to, make it imperative for men and
women to go out to work (Muo, 2007). Since promotion and improved salaries are
the primary motivation for work, improved salaries and promotion are hinged on
the performance appraisal by the management staff of the University (Tessema
& Soeters, 2006; Shahzad, Bashir & Ramay, 2008). The results of the
Performance appraisal have a high motivational impact and are a significant
determinant of employee performance. This approach to performance appraisal
does not consider the dynamics of gender in the workplace. This gender
insensitive way of measuring performance has a way of undermining the
contribution of women in the pursuit of the three main functions of
Universities, which incidentally also define the job description of University
academics, like teaching, research and community service (B-Hert, 2006; Sharyelfu,
1999). This task makes the job in the academia highly demanding, thereby
requiring an effective and highly gender sensitive performance evaluation
system that will motivate both the men and women in academia to perform
efficiently and effectively. (Aslam, 2011). There is, therefore, the pertinent
need to analyse performance differentials among male and female administrative
employees of Federal Universities in South East, Nigeria.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The broad objective of the study was analyses of
the performance differentials among male and female employees of Federal
Universities in South East of Nigeria. The specific objectives were to:
ascertain the male and female employees’ perception of the accuracy and
fairness of their performance appraisal system of Federal
Universities in South East Nigeria;
ii.assess the effects of the
performance appraisal on the motivation and performance of
male and female employees in Federal Universities
in South East, Nigeria;
the differences in the performance workplace related factors (HR functions,
organisational climate, task,
training and development, ethical concerns) for the male
and female employees of Federal
Universities in South East Nigeria;
iv.explore the discriminatory factors
(age, childbearing, skills, educational attainment, promotion, training
opportunities, unionism, responsibilities and appointment to critical
positions) in terms of how male and female employees in the Federal
Universities of South East should perform in their schedule and;
v.determine the level of performance
differentials between male and female employees
in the Federal Universities in South
East Nigeria;
vi. identify barriers that mainly
affect male and female employees in the University system of the Federal Universities of South
East Nigeria.
1.4 Research
This study answered the following research
How do the male and female employees
perceive the accuracy and fairness or of their performance appraisal system of
Federal Universities in South East,Nigeria?
ii. What
are the effects of the performance appraisal system on the motivation and
performance of Federal Universities in South East,Nigeria?
iii. What
are the differences in the performance workplace related factors (HR functions,
training etc) for the male and female employees of Federal Universities in
South East Nigeria?
iv. What
are the discriminatory factors between male and female employees in the Federal
Universities in South East, Nigeria?
v. What
is the level of performance differentials between male and female employees in
the Federal Universities in South
vi. What
are the barriers that mainly affect male and female employees in the Federal
Universities in South East, Nigeria?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formulated and tested;
is no significant difference of male and female employees' perception of the
accuracy and fairness of their performance appraisal system in South East
HO2: There are no significant effects
of performance appraisal on the motivation and performance of
male and female employees of Federal Universities in South East Nigeria.
HO3: There are no significant differences
in the performance workplace related factors for the male and female employees
of Federal Universities in South East,Nigeria.
HO4: Training opportunities and skills
abilities are not among the discriminatory factors between male and female
employees in the Federal Universities in South East Nigeria.
HO5: There is no significant level of performance differentials between
male and female employees in the Federal Universities in South East Nigeria.
HO6: Glass ceiling stereotype culture and
Nepotism are not among the barriers that particularly affect male and female
emplyees in the Federal Universities in South East Nigeria.
1.6 Significance
of the Study
the distinction in female and male entrepreneurial activity is widely accepted and
acknowledged and researched in the literature, the existence of performance
differentials among male and female employees in the Nigerian Universities are
not yet established, though women may have their peculiarities.
there is need for robust research aimed at making the university
environment gender-sensitive, easily adaptable, dynamic and 'fleet-footed' in
order to deal with dynamic opportunities of the workplace interaction between
male and female employees in the UniversityUniversity. These include
encouraging 'the right kind' of gender-sensitive policies that enable all the
employees in the Universities to attain their career goals.
It is expected that the
result of the study would aid policy makers in the Universities in their effort
to revamp the University system vis-à-vis
enhanced welfare packages and improved conditions of service. Hence, the study
resulted in findings which could guide policy makers in developing and
implementing gender-friendly policies. It will also be of benefits to
researchers and academicians.
1.7. Scope of the Study
study was focused on Federal Universities in the South-East geopolitical zone
of Nigeria. The study considered the employees of the selected Universities.
The study was carried out in the 2019/2020 academic session at Michael Okpara
University, Umudike (MOUAU), Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO)
and the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).The study focused primarily on the Management
of Federal Universities in the South East and employees of these Universities.
1.8. Limitations of the Study
Researcher restricted the research to only some Federal Universities in the
South East Nigeria. It is expected that sometime in future, research would be
carried out in other parts of the Country.
1.9. Profile of the Organization
Under Study
three Universities under study are:
The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN)
The Michael Okpara Univtersity of
Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) and
The Federal University of Technology,
Owerri (FUTO)
a. The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN)
was founded by the administration of the Premier of Eastern Region, Nnamdi
Azikiwe in 1955 and it was formally opened
in 1960, with an enrolment of 220 students and 13 members of staff (www.unn.edu.ng.2019). It is a conventional university. UNN has since grown from its humble
background to become one of the top most
universities in Nigeria with a total of seven thousand, eight hundred (7,800)
employees (unn.edu.ng-2019). The
University has three campuses. These
include the main campus located in Nsukka, the Enugu Campus popularly call
‘UNEC’ and Ituku Ozalla campus which
houses the University’s teaching hospital, the faculty of Medical Sciences and
the College of Medicine. UNN currently
has student population of over 36,000, 15 faculties, 102 academic departments
and 211 postgraduate programmes (www,unn.edu.ng). The vision statement of UNN is to restore the
dignity of man through research and innovation, to become a globally reputed
first-rate school of Postgraduate studies, to create a functional, globally
competitive and research focused university.
The University aims to attract,
educate, train and transform qualified persons to high level manpower that are
thoroughly equipped with adequate and update knowledge and specialized skills
in research and innovation. The mission
statement is to place the university of Nigeria, Nsukka in the forefront of
research and development, innovative, knowledge transfer and human resources
development in the global academic terrain, while promoting the core values
which will ensure the restoration of the dignity of man. The motto of UNN is to restore the dignity of
man. The following are the Principal
Officers of UNN:
i) Visitor:
President Muhammadu Buhari
ii) The Chancellor: His Imperial Majesty, Oba Adeyeye Enitan
Ogwunwusi Ojaja 11, the
Ooni of Ife
iii) The Prochancellor: Chief Michael Olurunfemi
The Vice-Chancellor: Professor Charles Arinzechukwu Igwe
v) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic): Prof. Johnson Urama
vi) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Administation): Prof. Patrick Okpoko
vii) The Registrar: Barrister Christopher
Chukwudi Igwe
viii) The Bursar: Mr Jude Kenechukwu Ede
ix) The University Librarian: Prof. C.N. Ezeani. (www.unn.edu.ng)
b) The Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture, Umudike was one of the three specialized Universities of
Agriculture in Nigeria. They are; The
University of Agriculture, Makurdi, the
University of Agriculture, Abeokute and the Federal Univerity of Agriculture,
Umudike, now known as Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture, Umudike.
While the first two were established in 1988, the latter was established
in 1992, under the leadership of Major General
Ibrahim Babangide. The legal
backing was given to the three Universities of Agriculture by Decree No.48 of
November, 1992. (www.mouau.edu.ng). The first set of students were admitted into
the institution during 1993/94 academic year with a student population of
82. Currently, the University has a total
of four thousand, two hundred (4,200) employees, over twenty four thousand
students and the number is not static, but can change at any time recruitment
is made. (www.mouau.edu.ng).
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike is located in a well known
Agricultural training and research community of Umudike, 10 kilometres east of
Umuahia, the Abia State capital. MOUAU
was established on the premise that national development in agriculture can be
enhanced by properly integrated agricultural education. Thus, the vision statement for the MOUAU is
that the University sees itself as a vehicle for the attainment of the primary
goals of the National Agricultural policy of self sufficiency in food and fibre
production. The University aims to
provide knowledge through which food security will be assured. The mission
statement is that MOUAU is dedicated to the training of students to become
professionally competent and confident graduates. The motto of the university therefore is
“knowledge, food and security”. (www.mouau.edu.ng). The pioneer Vice-Chancellor of MOUAU was
Prof. Placid C. Njoku. This was followed
by the appointment of the University governing Council in 1997 with its pioneer
Chairman/Prochancellor as his Royal Highness, Alhaji Muhammadu Liman. His Royal Highness, Alhaji Muhammadu Wabi
111, the Emir of Jamae’are was appointed the pioneer Chancellor of the
University. The current principal
officers are as follows:
i) Visitor:
President Muhammadu Buhari
The Chancellor: His Royal Highness Alhaji Abubakar Shehu
Abubakar (111)
iii) The Prochancellor: Rt. Hon. Lawal M. Zayyana
iv) The Vice-Chancellor: Prof. M.O. Iwe
v) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Administration): Prof. Elechi Asawalam
vi) The
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic): Prof. Udo Herbert
vii) The Registrar: Mrs Jacinta N. Ogwo-Agu
viii) The Bursar: Mr. Joseph Kalu
ix) The University Librarian: Mr. Uche Arua. (www.mouau.edu.ng)
) The Federal University of
Technology, Owerri (FUTO) was established in 1980. It is the oldest University of Technology in
Nigeria, being the first out of the three such Universities set up by the
Federal Government of Nigeria who sought to establish a university of
technology in each geo-political region.
It is located at Owerri West of Imo State. FUTO began with 225 students and 60 members
of staff. It has total number of five
thousand, three hundred (5,300) employees
over Twenty one thousand one hundred
(21,000) students and the number is not static. The vision statement of FUTO is to
‘re-engineer and reposition the Federal University through recreating,
nurturing and developing promising students and staff in Science, Technology and
enterprise to the benefit of globalized World’’. FUTO mission statement is ‘’to operate
practical training geared towards
transforming the nation’s economy from consumer-oriented to
production-oriented, with a sound technological base” The motto is Technology for Service. (https//futo.edu.ng).
pioneer FUTO Vice-Chancellor was Prof. U.D. Gomwalk (1980 – 1986). The pioneer FUTO Pro-Chancellor was Dr.
Chukumela Nnam Obi 11, the traditional ruler of Ogbaland in Rivers State. The current principal Officers of FUTO are as
listed hereunder:
i) Visitor:
President Muhammadu Buhari
ii) The Chancellor: His Royal Highness Alhaji Muhammadu Barkindo
Aliyu Musdafa
iii) The Prochancellor: Prof. John .O. Offem
iv) The Vice-Chancellor: Prof. Francis
.C. Eze
v) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Administration): Prof. Julius S. Orebiyi
vi) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic): Prof. Nnenna Oti
vii) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research,
Development & Innovation): Prof.
Bede .C. Anusionwu
The Registrar: Mr. John U. Nnabuihe
ix) The Bursar: Mrs. Helen Onuoha
x) The University Librarian: Mr. Chinwe Anunobi. (https://futo.edu.ng)
1.10. Operational Definitions of
An Institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a
degree or do research.
An individual who was hired by an employer to do specific job.He is also a
staff member of the University.
This is defined as the level of activities an employee is expected to achieve
in the University. This could be influenced by motivation, household and
cultural factors.
This could refer to either male or female it is a way of referring to both men
and women. .Gender- specific is connected with either men or women.
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