1.0 Statement of Problem
1.1 Approaches to Decision
(A) Legalism…………………………………………..…5
(B) Antinormianism………………………………………………….…..7
2.0 Literature Review……………………………….…………………..12
a. Kant………………………………………………….…………..….15
b. August Comte……………………………………………………….18
c. Soren Kierkegaard………………………………………………….20
3.0 Situation Ethics…………………………..……………….……24
3.1 Fletcher’s New Morality………………………………….…26
3.2 Presuppositions…………………………………………..….28
3.3 Six Propositions Based on
3.4 Four Working Principles……………………………………42
4.0 Critical
A. Merits of Fletcher’s New
B. Demerits of Fletcher’s New
4.1 Conclusion…………………………………….…………….……..57
ethics, otherwise known as the new morality, states that in every situation
each individual is responsible for reviewing the rules, norms and guidelines
for action, then implementation or setting aside those rules so that love is
best served. This theory exerted its greatest influence in Europe and North America in the twentieth century, although such
influence waned by 1980. According to Joseph Fletcher, “It is an old posture
with a new and contemporary look”.
Fletcher is a major proponent of situation ethics. In his book
entitled: Situation Ethics (the new morality), he presented to us an
individual freedom and individual responsibility within an ethic of love. He
attempts to free man from legalism by providing a system of decision-making,
which presupposes individual responsibility and states that everyman must
decide for himself what is right. He tells us that moral decisions often fall
into three categories: legalism, antinormianism and situationism. These categories
will be elaborated upon in chapter one of this work. Perhaps, because Fletcher
came from a Christian background he describes the ultimate goal of every moral
decision as love, the love of which only God is capable of but which all people
should strive to achieve. For the non-Christians, Fletcher suggests that love
must be defined as some other highest good. With this, he came to the
conclusion that situation ethics is the best course of action to follow in
every moral decision making issue. To set the stage, he defines four principles
namely: pragmatism, relativism, positivism and personalism as contributing to
situational ethics. Together, these principles describe a method, which is
about making decisions rather than looking them up in some identified source.
He supported his situational ethics with six propositions that are based on
love, which is set forth to show how love works in ethical decision-making.
to G. Outka, “Situation ethics accords morally decisive weight to particular
circumstances in judging whether an action is right or wrong”.
We shall now see if situation ethics, otherwise known as the new morality,
is an invitation to anarchy or a potent weapon in the contemporary war to free
man from conformity, from fear and from crippling guilt. At this point a
philosophical appraisal of Joseph Fletcher’s situation ethics becomes
problem to be treated is about moral decision-making. How is one to act when
faced with a moral decisive situation? Life presents us with situations where
decisions are not so clear-cut. Saying yes to one perceived good often means
saying no to another. The question “what ought I to do” in a given situation
raises conflict for us. Making decisions is a part of man’s life. Man tries to
make the right decisions always because a wrong decision taken can be
detrimental to both an individual and the community. Hence, B. O. Eboh observes
that, “It is often difficult to take a moral decision in a given situation
because of the many other facts which may surround such a situation”.
The point is that there are many realities to be taken into consideration in
moral decision-making.
this point, one may ask: “what moral decision am I to take in a moral
are three main alternative routes or approaches to follow in making moral
decisions. They are: (1) the legalistic approach, (2) the antinormian approach,
the extreme opposites i.e. a lawless or unprincipled approach; and (3) the
situational approach. All these three have played their part in the history of
Western morals.
Legalism is the most
common and persistent approach to decision making. It triumphed among the Jews
after the exile and has dominated Christianity constantly from very early days.
There exist a series of well-defined and absolute laws (secular, cultural and
religious) that the individual must implement in every situation. Legalism sees
moral rules and principles not as guides but absolute norms that must be obeyed
at all costs and in all situations. With this approach, one enters into every
decision-making situation armed with already-made rules and regulations.
Fletcher affirms that, “legalism looks at the letter of the law and insists on
its observance while ignoring the spirit of the law”.
However, questions arise as to whether in a particular case the law truly applies
or as to which of several more or less conflicting laws is to be followed. In
this case, the legalist applies casuistry.
According to Joseph Fletcher, legalism in the Christian tradition
has taken two forms: In the catholic line of thought, it has been a matter of
legalistic reason, based on nature or natural law. Hence he says:
These moralists
have tended to adumbuarate their ethical rules by applying human reason to the
facts of nature, both human and sub-human and to the lessons of historical
experience. By this procedure they claim to have adduced universally agreed and
therefore valid natural moral laws.
In the protestant line of thought, it has also followed the same
deductive catholic tactics. From this perspective, Fletcher observes:
They have taken scripture and done with it what the, Catholics do with nature. Their scriptural moral law is, they argue, based on the words and saying of the law and the prophets, the evangelist and apostles of the bible.
As such, for
him it is a matter of legalistic revelation in the protestant line of thought.
However, both the catholic line of thought and the protestant line of thought
are legalistic. Not even the fact that the catholic moralists deal also with
revealed law and the protestant also have tried to use reason in interpreting
the saying of the bible, Fletcher still maintains that both of them, by and
large, have been committed to the doctrine of law ethics, which is legalism.
This is the approach with which one enters into the decision-making
situation armed with no principles or maxims whatsoever. Literally, the term
antinomianism means ‘against law’. Here, each individual enters the decision
making process with no laws, guiding principles or maxims, believing that they
will make the right decisions spontaneously in the moment, and base on the
unique situation. Some antinormianists believe this ‘right decision’
information comes to them from an outside source such as the Holy Spirit or the
combined wisdom of the ages under the guise of intuition. Antinormianism is a
lawless and principleless approach to moral decision-making. It rejects all
moral laws and principles and insist that man is free to take any decision he
deems fit in any situation.
the Hellenistic Jew-Christians, antinormianism took the form of libertinism.
They believe that by grace, by the new life in Christ and salvation by faith,
laws or rules no longer apply to Christians. Their ultimate happy faith was now
assured and it no longer mattered what they did. The negative result of this
form of antinormianism led to an increase of legalism. Another form of
antinormianism was a Gnostic claim to special knowledge so that neither
principles nor rules were needed any longer even as guidelines and direction
pointers. Those who go by it, claimed that they will just know what was right
when thy needed to know. As such, their moral decisions are random and
unpredictable. Making moral decisions is a matter of spontaneity.
third approach to decision making is situationism. If legalism and
antinormianism are the two ends of the spectrum, situationism falls between
them. Here, each individual has an understanding of the general rules and
guiding principles of his or her culture and theology, and uses the information
to evaluate the situation and then adopts or rejects the ‘rule’ so that love or
highest good can be served in the situation. Situationism accepts that there
are universal moral principles but it sees them only as guides in ones decision-making.
The situationist enters into every decision-making situation fully armed with
the ethical maxims of his community and its heritage, and he treats them with
respect as illuminators of his problems. Just the same way, he is prepared in
any situation to compromise them or set them aside in the situation if love
seems better served by doing so. Joseph
Omoregbe observes that for the Situationists, “moral principles are not
directives or absolute laws which must be obeyed at all costs.”
Situation ethics goes path of the way with natural law, by accepting reason as
the instrument of moral judgement while rejecting the notion that the good is
given in the nature of things. It also goes path of the way with scriptural law
by accepting revelation as the source of the norms while rejecting all revealed
laws or norms except the command to love. The decisions taken by a situationist
are hypothetical and not categorical. Only the command to love is categorically
good. Thus, Fletcher says, “Situation ethics aims at a contextual
appropriateness- not the ‘good’ nor the ‘right’ but the fitting.”
are various names for this approach: Situationism, contextualism, occasionlism,
circumstantialism or actualism. These labels indicate of course, that the core
of the ethics they describe is a healthy and primary awareness that
circumstances alter cases. Situationism places emphases on the situation more
than anything else in determining which action is right or wrong in any given
seen the three different approaches to decision making, it is important to
point out at this early stage that there is no one of these approaches that has
the absolute answer to the issue of making a moral decision. The words of Eboh
explained this point better:
What needs to be highlighted
is that in moral spheres, there is always a blending of colours. It is never
one colour, it is always a mixture of colours each colour is a shade of human
factors in moral decision making.
is being stressed here is that there is need for prudence while making any
moral decision, and not to follow one of these approaches fanatically.
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