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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003973

No of Pages: 65

No of Chapters: 5

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This project titled “Relevant of Local Government in Nigeria: A Way forward (Etsako West as a Case Study)” there is need for local governments in Nigeria as a federal system. Not only that, effective grassroots governance is a sin-qua-non in overall development of any country. Descriptive research method was used to gather information through the use of well structured questionnaire. Chi-square was used to analyze the hypothesis. It was discovered that total autonomy should be granted to the local government administration. It was concluded that lack of autonomy is hindering the speeding development process of the local government affairs. And recommended among others that the local government (25%) twenty five percent of the federation account should be increased to thirty five percent (35%) so that the local government would be able to cope with the herculean task of funding the primary institution as directed by the constitution.    




Title Page                                                                 i

Certification                                                             ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                    iv

Abstract                                                                   viii

Chapter One: Introduction  

1.1      Background to the Study                                                 1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                1

1.3      Research Questions                                                         2

1.4      Research Hypotheses                                               3

1.5      Purpose of the Study                                               4

1.6      Scope of the Study                                                   5

1.7      Significance of the Study                                                 5

1.8      Limitations of the Study                                          6

1.9      Operational Definition of Terms                                       6

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1      Introduction to the Study                                                8

2.2      Current Literature Review                                        13

2.3   Source of Revenue                                                   16

2.4   Revenue Allocation                                                  22

2.5   Special Capital Funds and Charges                         26

2.6      The Roles of Local Government                                        33

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

3.1   Research Design                                                      36

3.2      Population of the Study                                           36

3.3      Sample and Sampling Technique                            36

3.4      Instrumentation/Material                                                36

3.5      Data Collection/Analysis                                                 37

Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion 

4.1      Presentation of Data                                                39

4.2      Data Analysis                                                           39

4.3   Testing of the Hypothesis                                                 47

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1      Summary                                                                         52

5.2      Conclusion                                                              55

5.3      Recommendations                                                   55

References                                                               58

Appendix I                                                               59

Appendix II                                                              60










1.1   Background to the Study

This study examines the relevant of Local Government in Nigeria and the way forward. 

Over the years, efforts have been made to democratize local government and make it more responsive to developmental needs.  The problems of Local Government in Nigeria have been documented and they include among other things inadequate planning, poor implementation of policies, inadequate revenue, corruption and mismanagement, lack of adequate manpower, lack of autonomy, lack of participation by the people and intergovernmental conflict.

Local government is grassroots government recognized by law. It is defined severalty by authors and bodies.     

1.2      Statement of the Problem

The local governments are generally as government of the grassroots level and as a three tiers of government. The 1976 local government act defined local government as a government at local level exercise through representation council established by law to exercise specific powers within defined areas. Deductively, from the above definition it is pertinent to say that local government is a very large extent have important roles to play in their policy formulation and implementation and very significant as a provider and as a promoter of certain values.

Be that as it may, the history of local government in Nigeria has revealed that not much has been achieved in local government administration over the years. Local government have experienced a chaotic situation which scholars and observers have quickly pointed out to be mainly  result of insufficient autonomy, lack of competent personnel and inelastic revenue.      

1.3      Research Questions

Most local government chairman lack the charisma to manage and direct the affairs of the employees/workers.

i.            Does the style adopted by the local government chairman motivate the councilors and the employees towards performance?     

ii.          Does the workers perception of their chairman’s fairness in dealing with them motivate them to better job done?

iii.        Does the workers/councilor perception of their local government chairman encourage them toward delivery of objectives?

1.4      Research Hypotheses

The following hypothesis shall be tested to the study.

Hypothesis One 

Ho:  The chairman style geared towards motivating the needs of the subordinates will not motivate them to high objective performance.

HI:    The chairman’s style geared towards motivating the needs of the subordinates will motivate them to high objectives performance.



Hypothesis Two

Ho:  Good workers perception of their chairman’s fairness is dealing with the subordinate will not motivate objective performance.

HI:    Good workers perception of their chairman’s fairness in dealing with the councilors and the workers will motivate high objective performance.

Hypothesis Three

Ho:  The workers/councilors perception of their local government chairman will not motivate them towards higher objective.

HI:    The workers perception of their local government chairman will motivate them toward higher performance.     

1.5      Purpose of the Study

The concept of local government chairmanship is prevalent in most literature management this is because it has attracted many developmental achievements in most rural area. This study will look at the following objectives.

i.            To look at the relationship between the chairmanship style and workers performance.

ii.          To look at various problem encountered by the local government and the way out.

iii.        To enhance people understands of chairmanship as important concepts in rural development and management.

1.6      Scope of the Study

The tentacles of this study is the relevance of local government in Nigeria and in order to achieve the desired objectives, the researcher critically examine the concept local government power, qualities and theories of good governance.  

1.7      Significance of the Study

This study could be used to explain the relevance of the local government process creativity. This study can also help to generate other researcher’s interest local government process in rural area. Such researcher’s interest generally from the study can lead to more research on the relevance of local government. The outcome of the study will enrich the literature on grass root government and enhance people’s understanding of the concept. The findings and recommendations of this study can be by other local government to improve their developmental attitude.   

1.8      Limitations of the Study

In the course of this study, the researcher encounters insufficient time as a difficult task in combining class activities with going to the field to collect material for the study.

Also encountered is the attitude of the respondent used for the study; some of the respondents were not cooperating.

Finally, the researcher as a student faces financial constraints. 

1.9      Operational Definition of Terms

1.          Chairman: The head of affairs, who direct and give instructions on how to manage local government council activities.

2.          Objectives: This is the aim or goal of any establishment.

3.          Perception: It means the way people view things.

4.          Satisfaction: This refers to a person’s contentment with his job.

5.          Subordinate: A person who is working under someone else.

6.          Creativity: The act of discovery or to be able to create task.

7.          Government: This is a body that comprise of local, state and federal that regulate the affairs of the economy.

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