1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Concept and Nature of Organisational Climate
2.3 Forehand and Gilmer (1994) refer to it as the
set of characteristics
2.4 Theories and Concept
Underlying Organizational Effectiveness
2.5 The Importance of Organisational or School
2.6 Determinants Of Organisational Climate.
2.6 Measuring Organisational Climate
2.7 Diagnosing Organisational Climate in
2.8 Halpin and Croft's Descriptive Climate
2.8.1 Teacher's Behaviour
2.8.2 Principal's Behaviour
2.9 School Climate as Organizational Health
2.10 Importance of School
2.11 Approaches to School
2.12 Policy
Evolution, Formulation and Objectives in Nigerian Education System towards
school Productivity
2.13 The Problems in
Educational Management and Implementation For Nigerian School Productivity
2.14 Summary of Literature
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique
3.5 Research Instrument
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection
3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis
4.2 Descriptive Analysis Of Research Questions.
4.3 Testing of Hypotheses
4.4 Summary of Findings.
Conclusions and Recommendations.
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of the
5.3 Conclusions
5.4 Recommendations
to the Study
The term "Organizational Culture" is currently in
vogue, the concept of organisational climate has generated much more research
and until recently was used by most organizational theorists such as Daal
(1995), Firestone and colleagues (l997) and Corbett (1991) to capture the
general feeling or atmosphere of the schools, unlike culture from the
Organisational climate has been tied to the process of
developing measuring instrument (Pace and Pace, 1988).
Climate was initially conceived as a general concept to
express the enduring quality of organizational life. It was noted by Reno
(1999) that a particular configuration of enduring characteristic of the
ecology, Milieu, social system, and culture would constitute a climate, as much
as particular configuration of personal characteristic constitute a
personality. According to George and George (2000) organisational climate
include those characteristics that distinguish the organisation from other
organizations and that influence the behaviour of people in the organisations.
They introduced into their definition of climate a set of measurable properties
of the work environment based on the collective perception of the people who
live and work on the environment and demonstrated to influence their behaviour.
Over the years, there has been some consensus on the basic properties of
organisational climate. Poole and
Marshall (1995) summarized theproperties as follow^
(a) Organisational
climate is concerned with large units, it characterizes properties of an entire
organisation or major sub units.
(b) Organisational
climate describes a unit of organisation rather than evaluates it or indicate^emotional reactions to it.
(c) Organisational
climate arises from routine organisational practices that are important to the
organisation and its members.
(d) Organisational
climate influences members behaviours and attitudes.
School climate is a broad term that refers to teachers'
perceptions of general work environment of the school, it is influenced by the
formal organisation, informal organisation, personalities of the participants
and organisational leaderships.
Bertes (1998) suggests that organisational or school climate
is a set of internal characteristics that distinguish one school from another,
and influences the behaviour of its members, Bertes further stated that school
climate is a relatively enduring quality of the school environment that is
experienced by participants, affect their behaviour and is based on their
collective perceptions of behaviour in schools. According to Kunz (1994), the
definition of Organisational climate^js^a set of internal characteristics, is
similar in some respects to the description of personality. Indeed, the climate
of a school may roughly be conceived as the personality of a school, that is,
what personality is to an individual, is what climate is to the school or
The distinctive feature of the school climate is the open,
closed and climate continuum. The open school climate is characterized by high
degree of trust and esprit and low disengagement. This combination suggests a
climate in which both the principal and faculty are genuine in their behaviour.
The principal sees through example by providing the proper blend of structure
and direction as well as support and consideration - the mix dependent upon the
Arnold (2001) explains that in an open school climate,
teachers work well together and are committed to the task at hand. Given the
reality - centred leadership of-the principal and a committed faculty, there is
no need for burden of some paper work (hindrance), close supervision production
(emphasis) or impersonality or a plethora of rules and regulations (aloofness).
In this type of school, acts of leadership emerge easily and appropriately as
they are needed. The open school is not pre-occupied exclusively with either
task achievement or social needs satisfaction, both emerge freely.
Frankly speaking, the behaviour of both the principal and the
entire faculty is cordial and authentic. In this situation, there is teacher
-principal relationship, principal -students relationship and principal -
community relationship in the school.
This situation of good climate in the school, no doubt,
brings about high teachers' morale and motivation which in any case brings
about an increased-, teacher productivity in the school organisation (Uzomah,
The principal’s vision is logically and intimately tied to
two other premier and frequently cited characteristics of effective schools -
an academic school climate (or
culture) and high
expectations for students achievement (Ajunwa, 1991).
Generally, an organisational climate or culture consists of
shared values, rules, ideology goals, and conceptions regarding the
organisation. Walter and Stanfield (1988) said of the importance of school
culture that ''Culture is the 'normative glue' the consistency in values, that
holds the organisation together".
In an academic climate, staff and students are aware of and
they value goals of high achievement. Researchers agree that principals,
influenced by school boards and district superintendents, play a vital role in
creating such an atmosphere through their beliefs, attitudes, expectations, and
activities, Cohen (1993), for example, reported that effective principals
emphasize high achievement and express optimism about the ability of all
students to meet instructional goals.
Blum (1994), similarly found that effective principals
believe and emphasize, to start, that
learning is the most important reason for students to be in school; that all children can learn, and that school makes
the difference between success and failure. Good and Brophy (1985) also
stressed that effective principals are able to create a strong sense of
community that includes shared values and culture, common goals, and high
expectation for both students’ achievement and the staff’s performance that
creates it. One teacher in a school, with a strong academic orientation, said
"I have taught in other states and other schools, but until I came here, I
never realized how enjoyable teaching could be. It is not that the students are
better, it is just that everyone here seems to value learning". And
another teacher commented, "we're all pulling together" (Rutherfond
In less effective schools, teachers are not to share a common
understanding of school - wide goals and expectations. If goals are mentioned
at all, it usually in regard to personal goals or else department goals in
secondary schools.
There is also an affective side to a favourable school
climate or culture. Cohen (1993), for example, pointed out that a good sense of
community requires not only shared goals but the creation of
a moral order that includes respect for authority, mutual trust, and a genuine
caring about individuals and their feelings and attitude. Odden (1988)
similarly mentioned staff collegiality, staff - student collegiality, and
again, caring attitudes about kids" as important parts of the school
According-to Ayo (2000), principals can take many concrete
steps to aid the development of an academic orientation and high achievement
expectations, virtually all of which reflect their instructional leadership
role. The following eight categories of suggestions stem from research on the
observation of effective schools and effective principals.
(1) Principals
can take an active and personal role in raising awareness of the need for
school improvement and higher achievement expectations and gaining consensus
for the changes. For example, they can communicate the expectation that
instructional programs can and will improve over time. Especially, principals
can empower teachers to work together to plan and incorporate improvements.
They can ensure that instructional improvement strategies are given high
priority and high visibility. Principals also can create procedures from
eliciting parents’ and community’s support for improvement plans by speaking at
PTA meeting (Patty, 2001).
Principals can help build consensus on school rules and patterns of
acceptable behaviour among staff, students and administration that are
consistent with and promote an academic orientation (Mundi, 1994).
(3) Principals can be active
in creating the concrete improvement themselves. For example, they can plan,
secure, and monitor in-service staff development opportunities, obtaining staff
input on the content of the training, be active and supportive in helping
teachers learn to use new instructional approaches, and establish expectations
for good curriculum quality through the use of standards and guidelines. They
can help staff establish priorities and plan instructional improvements
supervise and coordinate implementation of plan components, and monitor the
results (Cobbler, 1999).
(4) Principals also can actively elicit parents’ involvement in the schools' instructional efforts, for
example, by enlisting parents’ time as
office and classroom aides, parents' energy in organising school - wide
festivities and parents' money for expansion of school program (Hallinger and
Murphy, 1987).
(5) Principals
can create reward systems for students and teachers that support an academic
orientation and stimulate excellence in students’
and teachers’ performance. For example, they can help create motivational
devices such as school slogans, buttons, T-shirts or songs emphasizing school
identity and academic achievement. Walter and Stanfieid (1988) described how
school slogans help create proper values for teachers and students: "A
child's right to an education is non - negotiable, "Move out of the
comfort zone", and win with class, lose with dignity.
One popular strategy is the use of posters that
proclaim to anyone entering the building (i.e. students, teachers, parents,
community members and others) the vision, expectations, mission, direction, and
goals of a school.
(6 Principals can make certain reward that student, staff and
school accomplishments and awards are visible in the building and to parents
and the public. Good public relations work through newspapers, radio and
television and strengthen school pride and,. .school identity by praising good
work and individual strengths, and by taking an interest in their personal
well-being, principals can develop and maintain positive staff relations.
(7) A central and well-documented behaviour of
effective principals is monitoring students’ progress, especially as reflected
in test scores for each grade, each class, and each student such behaviour
intrinsically reflects an academic focus and academic values. Principals can
share results with teachers and elicit agreement on standards. Discrepancies
from standards are used to guide corrective action.
(8) Principals can acquire materials and personal
resources needed for effective instruction and use them creatively in
accordance with academic priorities.
(9) Principals are responsible for the creation of
a safe and orderly school environment. There are many interrelated suggestions
regarding the actions principals can take. They can protect teaching and
learning time from interruption, for
example, by limiting public time from interruption, for example, by
limiting public address system announcements (or classroom phone calls) to
specified times, preventing class interruptions by message etc.
of the Problem
The close school climate is the antithesis of the open school
climate. In the dosed climate trust
and esprit are low, and disengagement is high in the school. In this situation
the principal and teachers appear simply to go through the motions, with the
principal stressing routine trivial and unnecessary busy work (hindrance) and
the teachers responding at minimal levels and exhibiting little job
satisfaction. The principle of
ineffective leadership in
this situation is
seen in close supervision (production emphasis).
Formal declaration and impersonality (aloofness) as well as a
lack of consideration for the facility and an inability and unwillingness to
provide a dynamic person examples. This misguided tactics, which are not taken
seriously, produce teacher frustration and apathy. The '" behaviour of both principal and teachers in the closed
school climate is least genuine and their relationship least cordial. In fact
in-authenticity pervades the atmosphere of the school; thus there is teachers’
low morale, poor motivation, low interest and the resultant effect is poor work
performance and low productivity in the school,
This research therefore aim/at examining the organisational
climate and teachers' job productivity Lagos State schools.
of the Study
The main purpose of this is to attempt and investigate into
the organisational climate and teachers' job productivity in selected secondary
schools in mainland Local Education District of Lagos State.
Other specific objectives of the study includes:
(1) Examination:
Whether the culture of the school affects teachers' '- productivity.
(2) Investigate whether difference exists between the productivity of
teachers who work in an open school climate and those who work in closed ones.
(3) Evaluate whether there is gender difference in the productivity of
teachers due to school climate.
(4) Identify factors that militate against open
school climate.
(5) Find out factor that cause closed school
(6) Differentiate
between open school climate and closed school climate.
These research questions will help to guide the conduct of
this study.
(1) Will the culture of a school relate significantly with the
(2) Do school
teachers understand the concept of school climate?
(3) Is there any gender difference in the
productivity of teachers due to school climate?
(4) What are the factors that encourage close school climate?
(5) What are the
factors that bring about open school climate?
(6) How
can we differentiate between close and open school climate?
These research hypotheses will be formulated and tested in
this study:
(1) There is no significant relationship between one culture and the
(2) There is no significant
difference between the the understanding of teachers who work in open school
climate and those who work in close school climate.
(3) There is no significant gender difference in the productivity of
teachers due to school climate.
(4) There is no significant
difference between open and closed school climate.
of the Study
This study will be beneficial to the following individuals.
(1) School Principals: The
study and recommendation of this study will be a great benefit to school
principals, who will get more insights and more information on the essence of
school climate in the school as it affects teachers’ overall productivity with
this study many principals who adopt close leadership styles in the school as
it affects teachers overall productivity would have a rethink and turn a new
leap as that style of leadership does not augur well for high productivity of
teachers and even students.
(2) Teachers: Teachers will indeed, gain a
lot in this study because, it will enable them to know the impact of school
climate on their productivity in the school system. The findings and
recommendations of this study will enable teachers have good rapport with their
principals if they want a conducive atmosphere that will be beneficial to the
students. The study will help teachers to
know that the kind of relationship they have with the principals will no
doubt affect the students who are part of the stakeholders in the school
Students:- The findings and recommendation of this study
will give students the impetus to know that without good school climate where
there should be principal-teacher relationship or student-teacher relationship,
there cannot be conducive school atmosphere where meaningful teaching/learning
process is carried out.
Society:- The society will see this study as a veritable resource
materials and a reference materials as well. With the findings and
recommendations in this study, people in the larger society will be able to
differentiate between open climate and the close one in the school. Also
upcoming researcher will find this study a reference maternal too.
of the Study
This study will investigate the effect of organisational
climate on the teachers productivity in selected secondary schools in Mainland
Local Government Area (LGEA) of Lagos State.
of Terms
(1) Hindrance:-
person or thing that makes it more difficult for somebody to do something or
for something to happen.
(2) Intimacy:- The state of having a close
persona! relationship with somebody.
(3) Disengagement:-
free somebody from the person holding them or to become free.
(4) Esprit:- Feeling of pride, care and
support for each other.
(5) Production: The process of growing or
making goods or materials, especially large quantities.
(6) Aloofness:- Not friendly or interested in
other people, to show no interest in people.
(7) Consideration:-
quality of being sensitive towards others and thinking about their wishes and
(8) Thrust:- The main point of an
argument, a policy.
(9) Productivity:-
rate at which a worker produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with
how much time, work and money is needed to produced them.
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