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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00000897

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 5

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The study examines the influence of Job motivation on the Psychological well being of employees amongst school teachers of some selected schools and staff of Daar communication Alagbado Lagos. The knowledge derived from this study was used to test the three hypotheses.

The findings of the test led to the rejection of the hypothesis that job motivation would influence the psychological well being of employees, no direct relationship was found between motivation and psychological well being. The result of the 2nd hypothesis also rejected the hypothesis that there would be a positive correlation in the participants scores on motivation and psychological well being. It rather revealed a negative correlation between motivation and psychological well being. And finally the 3rd hypothesis also had no significant difference between male and female participants and also no significant difference between low & high motivation in well being.

And based on these conclusion appropriate recommendations were made to both employers and employees.




Page Title                                                                                                                               i

Certification                                                                                                                          ii

Dedication                                                                                                                             iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                               iv

Abstract                                                                                                                                 v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                 vi




1.1       Background to the Study                                                                                        1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                              4

1.3       Objectives of Study                                                                                                 5

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                 6

1.5       Research Hypothesis                                                                                               6

1.6       Significance of Study                                                                                              6

1.7       Scope of Study                                                                                                         7

1.8       Operational Definition of Variables                                                                     7




2.1       Conceptual Review                                                                                                  8

2.2.1   Motivation and Job Performance                                                                          9

2.2       Theoretical Review                                                                                                  16

2.2.1   Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy Needs                                                                  17

2.2.2   Equity Theory                                                                                                           18

2.2.3   Expectancy Theory                                                                                                  19

2.2.4   Motivation – Hygiene, Theory                                                                               20

2.2.5   Hackman and Oldham Job Characteristics Theory (JCT)                                 21

2.2.6   Self-Determination Theory and Well Being                                                        22

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                                                     23

2.3.1   Organization Citizenship behavior                                                                                   23




3.1       Research Location                                                                                                   25

3.2       Sample and Sampling Procedures                                                                         25

3.3.      Research Design                                                                                                       25

3.4       Instruments                                                                                                               26

3.5       Research Procedure                                                                                                 26

3.6       Data Analysis                                                                                                           27




4.1       Results                                                                                                                       28

4.2       Hypotheses Testing                                                                                                 29

4.3       Discussion                                                                                                                 32




5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                                              35

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                35

5.3       Limitations of Research                                                                                          36

5.4       Implications of findings                                                                                          36

5.5       Recommendations                                                                                                   37

References                                                                                                                            38

Appendix: Questionnaires                                                                                                  43




1.1       Background to the Study

A milestone in success of an organization is to fulfill the continuous changing needs of organization and employees; heavy responsibility falls on top management to develop strong relationship between them. Organizations expect employees to follow the rules and regulations, work according to the standards set for them; the employees expect good working conditions fair pay, fair treatment, secure career, power and involvement in decisions. These expectations of both parties vary from organization to organization. For organizations to address these expectations, an understanding of employee’s motivation is required (Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills & Watson 1984).


Organizations need to unleash the talents and motivations of all their employees if they are to achieve peak performance (Burke & Cooper, 2007, Katzenbach, 2000, Ulrich, 1997). There is considerable evidence, however, that many organizations are falling short (Burke & Cooper 2008; Sirota, Mischkind & Melzer, 2005). Recent efforts to improve organizational performance have begun to emphasize positive organizational behavior concepts and positive emotions (Cameron, Dutton & Quinn, 2003; Leiter & Bakker, 2009; MayGilson & Harter 2004; Bakker & Schaufeli; 2008. This includes concepts such as optimism and engagement, trust.



The problem of occupational stress is particularly relevant for countries undergoing enormous economic and economic change. Nigeria is one of such society, with transformation of the industrial structure from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, as well as rapid westernization in both work and life styles. In this context, it is important for psychologists, occupational physicians, managerial executives and even government policy-makers to understand the problem of occupations stress, and to produce practical guidelines and interventions to enhance employee, well-being.


Usually, work motivations can be revealed by investigating the question “what do people want from their jobs”? Herzberg, Mausner & Snyderman (1959) found two general types of work motivations: intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and further lined these two to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction, respectively, using this dichotomy of work motivations, we may well argue that people who have strongly intrinsic motivations such as self-fulfillment and self-growth will be more seriously affected by lack of control in their jobs. Similarly, people who have strong extrinsic work motivations such as pay and work conditions will care more about demands in their jobs. Hence it is possible that work motivations may alter the job stressor-strain relationship, and not as a moderator.


Within the behavior sciences in general and occupational health psychology in particular, there has been a specific focus on the importance of wellbeing both physical and mental health, in affecting success in many life situations, including the work place. Indeed Seligman Steen, Park & Peterson (2005) challenged the field by asking “can psychologist take what they have learned about the science and practice of treating mental illnesses and use it to create a practice of making people lastingly happier?


Psychological wellbeing has been found to be related to both work and personal life outcomes. In other words, although co-relational, the inference from this research would prove that one’s psychological wellbeing levels to desired outcomes at work and in life. Worrall & Cooper (2006) recently reported that a low level of well-being at work is estimated to cost about 5-10% of gross National Product per annum, yet quality of working life as a theoretical construct remains relatively unexplored and unexplained within the organizational psychology research literature.


A recent publication of National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2007) emphasizes the core role of assessment and understanding of the way working environments pose risks for psychological well-being through lack of control and excessive demand the emphasis placed by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence on assessment and monitoring wellbeing springs from the fact that these processes are the key first step in identifying views for improving quality of working life and addressing risks at work. Why do people work hard and does their motivation for working long hours in terms of their satisfaction and wellbeing? Several streams of research based on these questions. First, a growing body of research on workaholism has shown that different types of workaholics exist (Scott, Moore & Miceli. 1997; Spence & Robbins 1992) and that some types of seem to be work satisfied and psychologically health while other types are dissatisfied with their jobs and careers, with their family relationships and in psychological distress (Buelens & Poelmans, 2004; Burke, 2007; Machlowitz, 1980; Kanni, Waskabayash: & Fling, 1996; Robinson, 1998; Spence & Robbins, 1992B).


Second, extensive research on sources of motivation (e.g., the effects of intrinsic versus extrinsic goals) and different processes or motivations for realizing these goals (e.g. internal versus external motivations) – the “what” and “why” of goal pursuits – has shown that individuals motivated by extrinsic goals and external sources of motivation report lower levels of satisfaction and psychological health (Deci & Ryan, 1985; 2000, Deci, Koestner & Ryan, 1999, Ryan & Deci 2000). Burke (2007) has shown that different types of workaholics are motivated by different beliefs and fears about people and their larger social and work environment.



1.2       Statement of Problem

What motivated the researcher to carry out this study is because more recently an interest has arisen into the broader concepts of job motivation stress and subjective well-being of employees in the workplace. Job motivation has been more widely studied, while quality of working life and also the psychological wellbeing of employees, remains relatively unexplored and unexplained. Although some authors have emphasized the workplace respects of quality of working life, others have identified the relevance of personality factors, psychological wellbeing, and broader concepts of happiness and life satisfaction.


Another reason for this study is to see if there is a relationship between motivating factors in the workplace and the extent to which an individual or employee feels good or content in themselves, in a way which may be independent of their work situation. It is suggested that general wellbeing of individuals or employee’s both influences, and is influenced by work. Mental health problems, predominantly depression and anxiety disorders are common, and may have a major impact on the general wellbeing of the employees in an organization.

When employees are motivated at work, it make the employees feel they can control their work through the freedom of expressing their opinions and also the opportunity given them to be involved in decisions making at work. Another aim for the study was to understand the relationship between stressful experiences, behavior and health and how motivation comes to play in the experiences.



1.3       Objectives of Study

The main objective of the study is investigating the relationship between employee motivation and their psychological wellbeing. Other objectives include:

i.                    Examine the existence and strength of a positive correlation between participants' scores on motivation and psychological well-being measures.

ii.                 Investigate whether participants with higher scores on motivation measures also exhibit higher scores in psychological well-being measures, exploring the potential relationship between these two factors.

iii.               Assess the impact of gender and levels of motivation on participants' psychological well-being, aiming to determine whether gender and motivation levels significantly influence psychological well-being outcomes.


1.4       Research Questions

1.         Will there be a positive correlation in scores of participants on motivation and psychological well being?

2.         Will participants with high score on measure of motivation also have a high score in psychological wellbeing?

3.         Will gender and level of motivation have significant influence on participants psychological well being?


1.5       Research Hypothesis

1.         There will be a positive correlation in the participants scores on motivation and psychological well being.


2.         Participants with high score on measure of motivation will have significantly high score in measure of psychological well being than those with low score.


3.         Gender and level of motivation will have significant influence on participant psychological well being.



1.6       Significance of Study

The significance of the study is to determine the importance of motivation in the workplace and how this in turn will contribute to the progress of the organization through a high level of performance.

The findings will also contribute to knowledge and enlightenment on the important of motivating employees which would in turn flourish high performance culture in organizations.

The study upon completion will help make clear the relationship between job motivation and psychological wellbeing of employees in the workplace and in the home front.


1.7       Scope of Study

The area of coverage of the study is Alagbado area of Lagos State. The study will take place among the employees of organizations in both public and private schools and among staff of Daar Communication Plc.



1.8       Operational Definition of Variables

Motivation according to this study, is the stimulation that causes the creation of aroused, sustained and directed behavior. This behavior will in turn lead individuals to work and perform better.


Well-Being: In this study, is general health and happiness: emotional and physical. Psychological wellbeing is multi-faceted.


Job Performance: The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed.


Workplace: A place such as an office or factory where people are employed.


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