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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003409

No of Pages: 39

No of Chapters: 5

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          This research work examined the importance of Branding in the marketing of Unilever products with special reference to Toiletries such as soap and toothpastes.  The study made use of primary and secondary data primary data was sourced from questionnaire and oral interview while secondary data came from textbooks, magazines, newspapers and journals.  The research instrument used in gathering the data was the questionnaire, which was distributed to 200 consumers of toiletries brands of Unilever products in Enugu metropolis out of the 200 copies of the questionnaire issued to the consumers 190 were returned and used for analysis.

The data collected were analyzed using tables, frequencies and percentages.   After data analysis I discovered that:

·                    Brand name makes it for the consumers to recognize Unilever Products.

·                    Branding helps in advertising and promoting Unilever products

·                    Branding helps the consumer to repeat purchases.

·                    Branding enhances the quality of Unilever products.

·                    Branding increases the product image of Unilever products.

Based on the above findings, recommendations were made which the researcher feel will go a long way in helping Unilever to market its products.





Title Page





Table of Contents



1.1            Background of the Study

1.2            Statement of Problem

1.3            Objectives of Study

1.4            Research Questions

1.5            Significance of the Study

1.6            Scope and Limitations of the Study




2.1            Brand Polices

2.2            Characteristics for Selecting a Good Brand Name.

2.3            Types of Branding Strategies

2.4            Branding as an Effective Marketing Strategy for Toiletries

2.5            The Importance of Branding in Manufacturing Industries

2.6            The Impact of branding on Consumer Buying Decision

2.7            Consumer Purchase Decision

2.8            Branding as Tools for Product Posting.



3.1            Sources of Data

3.2            Population of the Study

3.3            Sample Size Determination

3.4            Selection and Construction of the Research Instrument.

3.5            Sampling Procedure

3.6            Administration of the Research Instrument

3.7            Data Analysis Method.


4.1            Allocation and Return of Questionnaires



5.1            Summary of Finding

5.2            Recommendations

5.3            Conclusion


Appendix 1:         Consumer Questionnaire








          Perhaps the most distinction skill of professional marketing is their ability to create, maintain, protect and enhance brands.   Marketers say, “Branding is the art and cornerstones of marketing”.   The American Marketing Association define branding as a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers.  

          In essence, a brand identifies the seller or maker.  It can be a name, trademark or other symbol.

          Brand name is a name given to a product which can be vocalized or pronounced and services to distinguish it from others.   Brand mark is that part of a brand show in front of sign, symbol, letter, design which are not alterable.   A trademark is a brand mark or a brand name with legal protection.   No other seller is given the right to use a trademark except the registered owner.

          For trademark law the seller is granted exclusive right to use of the brand name in perpetuity.   These brands differ from other assets such as patents and copyright which have expiration data.

          A brand is essentially a seller’s promise to consistently deliver a specific set of features, benefits and services to the buyers.   The best brand conveys a warranty of quality.  But a brand is even a more complex symbol.  A brand can convey up to six levels of meaning.  

ATTRISUTES:       A brand first brings to mind certain attributes.

BENEFITS:          A brand is more than a set of attributes customers are not buying attributes; they are buying benefits.

VALUES:      The brand also says something about the producer’s values.

CULTURE: The brand may represent a certain culture.

PERSONALITY: The brand can also project a certain personality.

USER:        The brand suggests the kind of consumer who buys or uses the product.

If a company treats a brand only as a name, it misses the point of branding.   The challenge in branding is to develop a deep set of meanings for the brand.   When the audience can visualize all six dimensions of brand is deeps otherwise it is shallow.

          Given the six level of a brands meanings marketer must decide at which level(s) to deeply anchor identify.   One mistake would be to promote only the brands attributes.   Firstly, the buyer is not interested in the brand benefits. Secondly, competitor 45 can easily copy the attribute.   Third, the current attributes may become less valuable later, hunting a brand that is too tried to specific attributes. 

          Brand identification has certain advantage.   It enables the seller to build a consumer following and identify a given level of quality with a product from competitions. It expedites the process of communicating to buyers.   Thus, it is impossible to identify some products as those of a particular manufactures without the aids of a brand name.  Moreover, brand identification enables the manufacturer to communicate to buyers not only a point of purchase but through the medium of advertising and occasionally through publicity.   Finally, branding may enable the firm to communicate psychological as well as material values.



          Despite the importance of branding and its un-preventing role and its restrictive (legal) measures on the product policy copy right and patent right, people still devour in product imitation, refinement and passing off image in order to project their product image in the market place.   That is, non-original and unbranded product are placed headlong with the original in the market place committing for the same market share.

          In view of these, branding is important in considering these statements.

a)                 Whether branding creates impulse purchase.

b)                Whether branding helps Unilever Brother Nigeria Plc in segmenting their market.

c)                 Whether it has been enhancing Unilever Brother Nigeria Plc sales volume buyer’s motives.

d)                Whether it has improving the company profit margin.

e)                 If branding has any impact in determining the distribution channels of Unilever Products.



          Brand as the name implies could be seen as a name, term, symbol, design or a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and also shows the distribution from those of competitors.

          This study therefore, seeks to know the effectiveness of branding on manufactured products with a view to establish the extent to which it has helped in the manufacturing companies like Unilever products. 

1)                To identify how the consumer of the entire public react to branding and the impact and impressions it creates in them.

2)                To find out if a well planned branding strategy can make a product of Unilever Brothers Nigeria Plc to lead the market and suppose it’s competitors.

3)                To determine the problems that are association within branding as a strategy and the panacea to it.

4)                To examine the importance of branding as a promotional tools to the Unilever products.  

5)                To examine critically Unilever products.


          The aiding research question used is intended to achieved following:

1)                To find out how branding decision is users and producers.

2)                To asses the knowledge of Unilever Brothers towards their product.

3)                To find out possible strategy towards the branding of Unilever product.

4)                To determine the response of people towards the branding of toiletries.

5)                To find out the factors that influences of branding consumers.



          This research work has significant for both the companies and their consumes it affords the searcher an insight into the role it could play in any firm.   It will bring to the knowledge to the Nigeria entrepreneurs and companies who produce toiletries to appreciate the use of branding of consumers product. Also that they could locate adequate finance of their budget on any major branding decision.

          It is now a common practice that consumers buy most of their product its because of good branding and packaging.   It therefore go along way to suggest the priority that should placed on it by the firm. 



          The survey covers the important role that branding plays in marketing of Unilever Brothers products.

          However, it focuses only on four areas that are stated here.

1)                The objectives of branding

2)                Problems of branding

3)                Sources of fund for branding

4)                Significant of branding.



The research adopts both primary and secondary means to source data used the research.

The data obtained from the questionnaire as regards their individualistic respondents were tabulated and explained in percentages, pie charts and chi-square approach was used to analyze the data after application of the test of hypothesis.


Operational Definition of Terms

Brand: This is a name seen as an integral re-enforcer of a product concept (Paul Ndubuisi; 2002).

Brand Mark: A brand mark is that which can be recognized, spoken or pronounced (Fuller R. M., 2006).

A Trade Mark: A legal name of a company it helps to identify its product at the market (Marcus Okafor, 2001).

A Sales Promotion: Strategy for selling a product (Philip Kotler, 2003).

Exhibition: A public place where you put things so that people can go to see them (Peter Anderson, 2005).

Organization: A group such as a club or business that are from or for a particular purpose (Agnes Jones, 2000).

Customer: Someone who buys goods and services from a shop (Mark Peterson, 2004).

Strategy: A well planned series of action for achieving an aim (David O. Ogie, 2003).

Literature: The production of written works having excellence of forms or expression and dealing with ideas of permanent interest (McCarthy E. J. et al, 2006).

Hypothesis: Assumption made in order to test its logical or empirical consequences (David O. Ogie, 2003).

Appendix: Supplementary matter added at the end of a book (Thomas Davis, 2000).

Uniqueness: Being the only thing of its kind (Macular Jones, 2001).

Authenticity: Something genuine or real (Fuller R. M, 2006).

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