This research study outlines the impact of marketing
planning and control in manufacturing company carried out with Nigeria Bottling
Company Plc, Benin City as a case study. It study the role and importance of
marketing planning and control in the achievement of corporate objective. It is
also intended to analyze some of the difficult marketing managers encountered
in the execution of marketing plans and to suggest possible remedies to these
difficulties. The research method used for data collection was mainly
questionnaire administration and personal interview, which are both primary
source in addition to desk research in area such as objective of effective
marketing planning, scope of marketing planning, the contents and the benefits
of the marketing planning were reviewed. The simple percentage method was used
to test the hypotheses. After analysis of the relevant data collected,
important findings were singled out and conclusions were drawn. Some of the
conclusion among others are that marketing planning was not instituted in the
corporate strategy for profitability and it is the only management that is
capable of integrating the divers marketing activities found in any
organization into a unified programme that is goal-oriented. The findings
reviewed marketing planning and control affect maximization in product,
marketing planning help in achieving the organizational goals and objectives,
motivation of staff affects the successful implementation of marketing planning
and control. From these findings, conclusion and recommendations were made,
that there should be a planning committee in the marketing department, whose
responsibility will be to draw up that plans on which the implementation of the
company sales force should feed the marketing department with constant
information about competitors in the market.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgments iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
One: Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Research Problem 5
1.3 Research Questions 5
1.4 Research Hypothesis 6
1.5 Purpose of the Study 7
1.6 Significance of the Study 7
1.7 Scope of the Study 8
1.8 Limitations of the Study 9
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 10
Two: Literature Review 14
2.1 Marketing Planning 14
2.2 Types of Marketing Plan 15
2.3 Scope of Marketing Planning 17
2.4 The Concept of Planning and Objective for Planning
and Control 19
2.5 Planning Marketing Efforts 21
2.6 The Concept and Benefits of a Marketing Planning 23
2.7 Objective of Marketing Planning and Control 27
Chapter Three:
Research Methodology 30
3.1 Research Design 30
3.2 Population of the Study 30
3.3 Sample/Sampling Technique 30
3.4 Method of Data Collection 31
3.5 Validation of Instrument 33
3.6 Method of Data Analysis 33
Chapter Four:
Presentation and Analysis of Data 35
4.1 Data Presentation 35
4.2 Data Analysis and Interpretation 35
4.3 Test of Hypothesis 55
4.4 Discussion of Findings 60
Chapter Five:
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 61
5.1 Summary of Findings 61
5.2 Conclusion 61
5.3 Recommendations 62
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research 63
References 65
Appendix I 67
Appendix II 68
1.1 Background to the Study
The relevance of
marketing planning and control cannot be over-emphasized as it is necessary for
a manufacturing company.
Looking ahead and
prepare for the future is better than to look back and regret. An organization
especially a manufacturing is very competitive and needs to examine how it can
effectively develop plan and strategies for serving its marketing.
The aim of any
marketing operation is to make the future happier. But this was not well
recognized by most firms initially so job that should be handled by experts in
the field of marketing were given to less qualified personnel and in most cases
this shorten the life of most business.
Planning is the
management function of setting target or objective to be achieved and detailing
out ways by which target will be achieved. In manufacturing organization
(Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Benin City). Marketing planning and control show
who is to do the job (qualified marketing personnel) how the qualified
marketing personnel carryout the job and when the job will be done.
Marketing planning and
control share with the others activities of the marketing mix the distinction
in commerce of being a dynamic element in operation of business. The effective
of marketing planning and control in a manufacturing organization enable the
organization to absorb possible shock emitting from marketing environmental
change. The subject matter is chosen by the researcher to explain the foregoing
marketing planning and control in other to know its effectiveness.
According to Adirika
(2003) in his lecture note “marketing planning is an exercise of analysis for
and to increase the effectiveness of marketing or drawing from the past to decide
in the present what to do in other to achieve the marketing objective
enterprise efficient effective”.
Marketing planning does
not depend on only theory or book knowledge. In other to plan effectively, we
need to understand and know about out own environment (macro and micro
environment) where the marketing plan will operate for marketing planning and
control to be effective, the qualified marketing personnel that carried out the
marketing and control may consider some element or feature such as time.
Marketing planning and control will be effective if the plan has a stated time,
for completion, the estimate of time may be verified depending on the product
or firm. For marketing planning and control to be effective, the money for
materials needed for the effective planning must be available and human
resources. The qualified marketing personnel would have a group of consumers or
target market in mind and then position the organization’s or company’s product
on this target market or segment. Marketing control played a vital role in a
manufacturing organization. If all marketing programme or plans along with
other sub-functions are ideal and well harnessed but lack control, it will be
likened to driving a well structured comfortable vehicle without steering on a
very busy road. Control is the vital follow up process which is complementary
to planning while marketing planning is deciding in advance what needs to be
done, how and when it should be done.
Marketing control is
concerned with establishing and maintaining appropriate procedure and measuring
the implementation of marketing plan and strategies set out to achieve
marketing objective and taking necessary corrective action. Marketing
management has to do with the activities of production, distribution of such
product through appropriate contribution, channel and price are made readily
accessible to consumer marketing planning and control can be briefly
Nwokoye (2004) stated
that is designing on environment for effective market the planer analysis the
market opportunities and competitive environment based on the products strength
develop a way or strategy to achieve the objective plans should be committed to
writing it involves systematic thinking. The most essential task is to see that
the purpose, objective and method of attaining them are clearly defined and
understanding. In management marketing in a production industry planning and
control are especially inseparable unplanned action has been achieved to
determine without the control function. In the case of Nigeria Bottling
Company, focus of this study, the effect of marketing planning and control
should constitute a major management function.
1.2 Statement of Problem
The rate of
discontinuance of some business have made many and individual to doubt if the
operations such business embark on marketing planning and control. In a
situation like this, when there is doubt surrounding an issue, a study of this
nature becomes imperative especially as it help to clarify issues. And hence
this study, so the problem of this study put in the question form is what the
impact of marketing planning and control is in a manufacturing company.
1.3 Research Questions
1. Are Nigeria companies using marketing
planning and control in their operations?
2. How are the marketing plan being
implemented by the implementation?
3. What method of planning and control do
these companies use in their evaluation of marketing activities?
4. What are the solutions to the problems
encountered during the companies?
1.4 Research Hypotheses
HO: Marketing planning and control does not affect the
profit maximization in production.
HI: Marketing planning and control affect the
profit maximization in production.
Hypothesis Two
HO: Marketing planning and control does not help in
achieving organizational goals and objectives.
HI: Marketing planning and control help in
achieving organizational goals and objectives.
Hypothesis Three
HO: Motivating of staff does not affect the
successful implementation of marketing planning and control.
HI: Motivation of staff affects the successful implementation
of marketing planning and control.
1.5 Purpose of the Study
The study aims at:
To know the
effectiveness of marketing planning and control in a manufacturing
To know some
basic problems that develop in the process of having good marketing planning
and control in a manufacturing organization.
To provide the
researcher some solutions to the problems and reduce bottleneck in planning process
of the particular organization.
To know the
benefit of good marketing planning and control in a manufacturing organization.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The significance of the
study is to draw the attention of other researchers in the field of business
especially marketing to be interested in the conduct of more indebt research in
the area of the marketing planning and control effectively.
The idea will act as a
framework i.e. to put the plan together to direct market manager on how to put
the plan together so as to make it effective in formulating good marketing
planning and control over foreign investor in Nigeria.
The study will also
induce business managers, entrepreneurs, marketing, managers and sales managers
to take proper care to develop a marketing plan and control that will be devoid
of the problem identified by the research in the study.
This write up is also
expected to teach young learners to serve as history for them during their own
time of learning. Based on findings, the researcher will work within his scope
to provide some solutions to the research problem and reduce unavoidable ones.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The project is certain
and centered on the impact of marketing planning and control in a manufacturing
company using the Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Benin City as a Case Study. It
will enable the researcher touch some major problems encountered by marketing
planning and control.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
The major limitation of
this research work is bias on the side of the respondents; most of them felt
that the information needed was for some purpose other than this research work.
There was also the
problem of finance, the cost of getting the materials such as duplicating
papers, running round together necessary information from the respondents
constituted a major problem.
Finally was the problem
of academics; there was high tension and choked-up programme at school, the
time for this research work was too short that the researcher overstretch
himself in the course of gathering the relevant information that will make this
research work worthy of acceptance. But irrespective of these problems, the
researcher has a high degree of reliance of the relevance of the data collected
and assures that the above hurdles did not invalidate the usefulness of this
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
Here are the important
terms in the topic to be defined. These terms are marketing planning and
marketing control.
According to Kotler
(2012), marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and
group obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products
and values with others. The main point to note here is the creation and exchange
of values. Values basically refer to what gives the consumer a high degree of
According to Nwokoye (2004),
marketing is the set of activities that facilitate exchange transaction
involving economic goods and services for the ultimate purpose of satisfying
human needs. The activities implied in the above definition that product have
been designed, development produced, branded, packaged and make available for
According to Institute
of Marketing London, marketing is the management process responsible for
identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer requirement profitably.
According to Kotler (2009),
marketing is getting the right goods and services to the right people at the
right time at the right price with the right communication and promotions.
Generally speaking, marketing is the creation and delivery of a standard of
living. It involves finding out the wants of the consumers planning and
developing a product or service that will certify those want profitability. For
the purpose of this study, marketing can be looked at as a system of marketing
available finished products to the consumer at a reasonable price and profit to
the organization.
As a matter of facts,
planning is the selection of enterprise objective and strategies, policy and
procedure for achieving them.
According to Kotler (2009),
marketing planning is the deciding in the present of what to do in future. It
comprises both the determination of a desired future and the step necessary to
bring it about. It is that process whereby companies reconcile their resources
both with their objectives and opportunities.
Kotler (2009) defined
marketing planning process involving which decide marketing strategic that will
help the company attain it overall strategies objective. It may also be defined
as the process of developing and implementing a plan to identify, anticipate
and satisfying consumer demand in such a way as to make profit. Marketing
planning is also a product specific, market specific or company wide plan that
describes activities involved in achieving specific marketing objective within
a set time frame.
Control can be defined
as a management which involves setting measuring performance against standards,
feedback from result and correcting deviation from standard. Ordinarily, the
control function deals with measuring performance against goals and how it show
negative deviation can be corrected, to ensure accomplishment of plans.
According to Kotler (2009),
marketing control involve three basic steps, measuring of result, analysis the
cause of poor result and taking corrective action.
Shagginess (2006) put
it vividly that “control checks on whether plan are being achieved”. He further
explained that control is necessary because many surprise must have happened in
the marketing place during the execution in the action programme.
Marketing control in a
production concern as the function that ensure the operation are performed
according to the plan and to see whether a better one could be desired in the
light of the experience gained.
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