The Nigerian Local Government system has been
fraught with a lot of problems since its inception in the colonial days. This
is informed due to the various reforms that has been carried out by successive
governments both at colonial and post impendence era.
Despite these reform the Local Government has been
characterized by low productivity corruption ineptitude and low morale to work.
The Surulere Local Government Council is not an exception.
Motivation of staff is a pivot to productivity of
nay organization. Therefore, it becomes necessary to motivate workers to enable
them work assiduously towards the goals and objectives of the organization.
Ovation may not necessary be monetary compensation but also favourable
condition of service which may not be quantified in terms of monetary value for
the staff.
During the research, it was observed that there is
deficiency of studies on motivation and productivity in respect of Public
Service organization. This shortage may be explained by the fact that Public
Service has been viewed to be an organization that cannot be productive.
The propose of concentrating on staff welfare scheme as a motivating tool
for productivity in the Local Government is justified by the fact that a good
staff welfare package would attract good caliber of workers to such
organization thereby enhancing its productivity.
Title page 1
Abstract 2
Table of content 3
1.1 Background
of the Study 5
1.2 Statement
of Problem 9
1.3 Objectives
of the Study 11
1.4 Hypothesis
Formulation 11
1.5 Limitation
of the Study 12
1.6 Justification
of Study 12
1.7 Scope
/ Setting of Study 13
1.8 Research
Methodology 14
1.9 Theoretical
Frame Work 15
Literature Review
of Terms 17
2.2 Motivation,
Staff Welfare Scheme and the
Service 20
2.3 The
Real Need for Staff Welfare Scheme
in an
Organization 22
Policy in The Civil Service 23
and Productivity 25
and Effectiveness 26
Welfare and Welfare System 31
Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction 36
3.1 Types
and Sources of Relevant data 36
3.2 Questionnaires 36
3.3 Documentary 37
3.4 Interview 37
3.5 Questionnaires
Administration 38
3.5.1 Problems of Questionnaires
Administration 38
3.6 Techniques
of Data Analysis 39
Data Analysis
Introduction 40
Distribution 41
Monthly Income (Basic Pay) 42
Qualification 43
of Stay in the Organization 44
in Surulere Local Government Area 45
of Adequacy of Transport Allowance 46
on Punctuality to the Office 47
of Health on Reaching the Office 48
4.10 Housing Scheme /
Allowance 49
4.11 Perception on
Adequacy of Medical Allowance 50
4.12 Perception of
Respondent on Condition of the
Office Cooling
System. 51
4.13 Perception on
Provision on Modern Office
Equipment 53
4.14 Perception on
Provision of staff Canteen 54
4.15 Staff
Promotion 55
of finding, recommendations and conclusion
of Findings 56
Conclusion 62
References 63
Questionnaires 66
Human resources is easily recognized as the most
important of the resources required for the production of good and services. It
is the key to rapid social economic development and efficient services
delivery. Without adequately, skilled and well motivated work force operating
within a sound human resources management programme, productivity will be slow
and development not possible. A civil service that underrates this crucial role
and underplays the importance of people in goal achievement can neither be
effective nor productive (Ndiomu 1999:6).
It is a universally altruism that there is a
correlation between motivated employee and productivity. It goes to say that
organization with highly motivated manpower has the potentials for high
productivity while organization with manpower that is de-motivated tends to
affects its productivity. It is obvious, therefore that there can be no
productivity without manpower with job satisfaction and development as
motivating factors.
In other words job enrichment and enlargement in any
organization are concerned with the quality of work life. This involves the
provision of a conductive environment free from physical harm, adverse
psychological effects stress, burnout, etc. Results therefore will depend on
the establishment for the full development of people. Therefore there is an
interface between the motivated employees and the salary fringe benefits and
super annulations on the one hand and productivity has become necessary to
enhance it, so that employees are encouraged to identify with and be committed
to the objective of the organization. (Asieegbu 1991:148).
It is interesting to note that in the productive
work force of any nation, those who have innate interest in the work they do
and takes, pride in being able to do that work well and in a minimum amount of
time, without urging from others to conduct themselves in an efficient manner
are always very few.
Such employees constitute a very small proportion of
the workforce of any organization. Therefore, the bulk of its employees must be
induced to minimize avoidable delays to adhere to prescribed methods of work
and maintain satisfactory pace (Mullins 1999:).
Since irrespective of its capital know how, an
organization depends (for its success on its human resources. The more
satisfied the employees are and the more
readily the organization identifies and satisfies the employees needs, the more
willing the employees are to put in efforts that get the job done (Ajileye
1999: 153).
The need for good motivation package as a way of
securing and retaining competent workers in the Civil service had always
reflected in the reports of the various commission set up to update police: and
practices of Public Service personnel in Nigeria (Harigis (1946) Gorsuch
1955, Mbanefo (1959) Morgan (1954) Elwood (1966) Adebo 91971) and Udoji
The relationship between organization and its member
is governed by what motivates them to work and fulfilment they derive from it.
The local government commission needs to know how best to elicit the
cooperation of staff and direct their performance to achieving the goals and
objective of the local government. The chairman must understand the nature of
human behaviour and how best to motivate staff as that they can work willingly
and effectively (Mullins Ibdi).
The productivity (efficiency) and effectiveness of
civil Service personnel whether federal, State or local government has always
been the subejct6 of discussion, particularly when comparing it with the
private sector. Along this argument the Civil service has received more
battered. This is not unconnected with the various reforms since 1976 till
date. Every government has been concerned with the low performance of the local
government personnel.
The essence of those reforms is to reduce
absenteeism and tardiness, increase the quality of output reduce the occurrence
of avoidable delays in achieving their set goals and objectives, reduce
corruption amongst others. Therefore in achieving these laudable objectives
more especially in the local government, the
present Obasanjo administration led reform (July, 2003) should consider
the personnel below average performance level against the backdrop of other
vital resources available to the local government personnel i.e office
accommodation, materials and equipment especially technological support
viz-a-viz social welfare scheme available to them.
It is not uncommon to find two senior management
staff say grade level 13 officers sharing a small room so small that they would
be breathing directly into each other’s noses. An expectation of high level of
performance under such condition would be unattainable. The situation as
regards the availability of materials and simple technological machines like
the computer, telephones which could facilitate and enhances performance in
even much more must not be neglected by the local Government Commission. The situation
of housing and transportation in a city like Lagos is very hazardous and precarious. What
effort has the local government management made to ameliorate the suffering of
their staff in Lagos
Nevertheless, this research work is based on the
Surulere Local Government personnel’s and the aspect of motivation which we
seek to address is the non financial aspect. This is the provision of social
welfare packages and fringe benefits as a pivot for productivity.
Local Government system in Nigeria dates
backs to the British colonial authority and this was inherited by a sovereign Nigeria state
in October 1960. Since inception, the local government system as been fraught
with inefficiency and ineffectiveness. To buttress this is the avalanche of
reforms since independence that have taken place all in view to reposition
local government in the administration of the grassroots Dasuki (1976) and
Ndayako (2003). The expectation was that the third tier of government would act
as a catalyst of rapid and sustainable development but what have been seen is a
unworkable local government characterized by corruption, efficiency and
unproductiveness since the 1976 reforms.
The creation of more local government by previous
governments in Nigeria
to ameliorate these problems has not help matters. At the root of this
instability and unproductiveness, however, is the fact that Nigeria itself
has been undergoing rapid socio-economic development which ahs require the
building of new forms of organizations that will face the challenges that tray
its path.
Form the interrogation of historical context, and
nature of the problems of local government in Nigeria a number of point have
emerged. One is that the system of local government has been highly experimental
and unstable (Guardian 2003:74). In the post independence period the system has
been subjected to reforms and several models have been experimented with
ostensibly in the search for efficiency and effective form of local government.
The Nigerian local government system is also facing
acute financial crisis despite the receipt of 20 percent and 35 percent from
the federation account and Vat respectively . Majority of industrial conflicts
in local government today boarders on unpaid salary and fringe benefits and
lack of adequate inceptive. This projects is led to investigate the fundamental
question of work value in Local Government Work has lost its challenges to many
workers at the local government level since there is non-availability of funds
to take care of their needs. In the face of this, how can we talk about
productivity when the local government cannot motivate its workers to work?
Consequently the following research questions are pertinent guide for the
What are the various motivation techniques? How
effective are this instrument of productivity in local government?
How can local government work force as a non-profit
organization can be productive?
What would the government do to make career in local
government service is attractive?
How can the staff of the local government be made
productive like their counterpart in private organizations?
The specific objectives of this research work are as
To identify the
factors that causes low productivity in Surulere local government.
To highlight the
consequences and implication of a due motivated staff to social and economic
development of Surulere Local Government
To suggest the
importance of Staff welfare scheme to productivity.
To suggest
practice measures on how to improve on the staff welfare, if need be, of the
personnel of the Surulere local government council.
In line with the research questions raised above the
following hypotheses are formulated.
The more motive a worker is the more productive an
organization is.
The more job satisfaction a workforce gets the more
productive it becomes.
The more focused the goals and objectives of an
organization the more the workforce will
achieve its goals.
Since the information available on government
activities is always scanty and fragmentary it may be difficult and at times,
even unfair, to draw general conclusions. In the first place, there is no plan
setting out in clear terms the objectives and goals to be achieved by Surulere
local government. Secondly there are some problems regarding the laying down of
standards of government activities against which actual performance is to be
measured and compare. Thirdly it has not been easily to collect data from
government organizations and other related agencies operating in the same
locality and providing service of similar nature, so as to give an indication
of relative efficiency and effectiveness of different service agencies. Views
expressed here would therefore be regarded as suffering from these basic
constraints and imperfections.
There is no doubt that the reforms of local
government system currently going on the Obasanjo led administration is
due to the inefficiency and
ineffectiveness of actualizing its goals and objectives as a third tier
government. The gravity of they situation could be seen from the huge resources
so far pumped into the local government system (20 percent and 35 percent from
the federation account and VAT respectively) and the
mal-administration at the grass root level where corruption and ineptitude by
workers have become the order of the day. The consequences of all these on the
national political life is certainly grievous.
In a development country like Nigeria, which is
seriously searching for economic growth and development allowing the workforce
demolished due to non payment of salary and
compensation in the local government system, would likely not only make it
difficult to get out of the conditions of underdevelopment but also hinder the
attainment of the much cherished stable polity that can allow for the
development of the grass roots the absence of concise study of the problem
of unproductively in local government
service which could provide appropriating ground for a policy design and a
possible invention programme is a matter of concern. Here lies the significance
of this study and it justification, which is basically to generate knowledge in
this problem area and attempt to proffer solutions.
The study is on the Surulere local government in Lagos State.
Lagos State alone accommodates over 5% of Nigeria’s total
population of over 120 million and its very rapid growth in a mega city like Lagos in the last three
decades become interesting for any social research.
There are twenty local government areas in Lagos as a September,
2003. One of the local government is Surulere local government.
Surulere local government was created on 27th August 1992, it was carved out of the
Mainland local government Notable area of the local government area are,
Ojuelegba, Lawson, Ijnesha, Bode Thomas. Orile, Igammu industrial layout and
Adeniran Ogunsanya.
The council also houses federal and state housing
estates at Iponri and Lawson which provides accommodation for both the upper
and middle class.
The research methodology that will be sued are both the
primary and secondary data. The primary data will be sourced through
questionnaires would be distributed amongst the work force of Surulere local
government. The distribution will be among the six departments Administration
Health; Finance and Planning, Information and Engineering. Also interview will
be conducted amongst some senior management officers from grade level ten (10)
and above.
The quantitative techniques to be adopted is the
simple percentage analysis., using the programme and performance budgeting
system (P.P.B.S)
While the secondary data will be based on content
analysis of text, journals, magazines and New Papers comments in relation to
local government system in Nigeria.
There are many competing theories which attempts to
exampling the nature of motivation. These theories are all at least partially
true, and all help to explain the behaviour of certain people at certain times.
However, the search for a generalized theory of motivation at work place appear
to be elusive (Mullins Ibid: 414). Handy (1993:16) suggest that the search for
definitive solution to the motivation problems is another endless quest for the
Holy Grial in or organization theory.
It is because of the complexity of motivation and
the fait that there is no ready made solution or single answer to what
motivates people to work well that the different theories are important to the
manager (Mullins Ibid) they shows there which influences people’s behaviour and
performance. Collectively, the different theories provide a framework within
which to direct attention to problem of how best to motivate staff work
willingly and effectively.
Nevertheless these study is based on professor
Abraham Maslow (1954) motivation theory.
To him, man’s need are hierarchical. First there ware physiological needs;
there are need for safety and protection’s third there are need for
companionship affection, and love relationships in the family, work group and
community, forth these are needs for respect, social standing and esteem as
gained through achievement and through recognition by others; Fifth, there are
needs for self actualization which is the filament of one’s potentialities.
According to Maslow, there is no line of demarcation between each level of
needs but generally, when a man gratifies the first level of needs, the second
level becomes more important to him, and so on, Abraham Maslow accepted the
fact that his theory of hierarchy of needs may not be valid for person with
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