This study explains
the effect of Twitter social networking sites on the behaviour of secondary
school students in Essence International schools, Kaduna and the ways it affect
them. The study focuses on social Networking sites, but specifically it focuses
on Twitter social networking sites. Interview as methodology is use to collect
data and questionnaires as instrument of survey using random sampling
techniques. Twitter social networking
site has great impact and effect upon the behaviour of secondary schools
students in both positive and negatives angles. Communicating with others is a key aspect of
using social networks, but most social networking sites are open to all. Social
networking sites are attractive to adolescents in part because it is exclusive
to them. These social networking sites are a relatively new trend, having a population
mostly made up of college and high school students.
page---------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Dedication------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
----------------------------------------------------------- iii
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Research questions
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Brief history of study
Literature review
Theoretical framework
Method of data collection
Population and sample
Data collection instrument
Data collection procedure
Method of data analysis
Data presentation and analysis
Answers to research questions
Discussion of findings
The internet is a global system of interconnected
computers that uses the standard internet protocol suite (TCPT/IP) to serve
billions of users worldwide (Wikipedia, 2011). Castells, (1996) it is a network
of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government computer
networks linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking
Castells, (2001) defines the internet as a
worldwide interconnection of computers and computer networks that facilitates
the sharing of exchange of information among users.
Wikipedia, (2011) explains that the internet
carries a vast range of information resources and services to support
traditional communication media including telephone, cinema and redefined by
the internet, giving birth to new services such as voice over internet protocol
According to the Wikipedia, (2011) newspapers,
books and other print media are adapting to website technology or are reshaped
into blogging and web feeds. The internet has enabled or accelerated new forms
of human interactions through instant messaging, internet for a , and social
networking oppapers. Com/essays/2003.
According to cheong and Morrison, (2008), the
internet is allowing greater flexibility in working hours and locations,
especially with the speed connections, especially with the speed connections
and web applications. Also, the internet can now be accessed almost anywhere by
numerous means especially through mobile internet devices, mobile phones, data
cards, handheld game consoles and cellular routers which allow users to connect
to the internet from anywhere there is a network supporting that device’s
technology (Goldsborough, 2009).
Castells, (2001), asserts that within the
limitations imposed by small screens and other limited facilities of such
pocket-sized devices, services of the internet, including email and web, may be
available. Services offered and wireless data transmission charges may be
significantly higher than other access methods.
The internet is fast becoming the dominant means
of communications and commerce in the 21st century, its play the
main role in changing communication throughout the world and also impacting on
global economic system.
According to McLuhan, (1964) globalization has
forever changed the world in which we live to a world that has become
increasingly interconnected. McLuhan, [1964] also asserts that the internet is
perhaps the most prominent tool that has facilitated the interconnectedness.
Internet network has shortened the communication distance by dimension of time
and places together, giving birth to form of social networks.
A study (Goldsborough, 2008) indicates an
increasing stage in social network usage. This increase is considered as
another important change of the world’s information history. Students were mainly
considered the first group users of social networks, and most white- collar
professionals now also use them (Kim, 2008).
The Wikipedia (2011) narrates that the internet
has enabled entirely new forms of
social interaction, activities, and communication, thanks to its basic features
such as wide spread us ability and access.
There are many social networking sites, such as
face book, twitter, MySpace, HI5, Nimbus, 2go, Blackberry chart (Bbchart), xanga,
yahoo and Bebo has created new ways to socialize and interact.
According to Rehmeyer, (2007) However, the
internet has achieved new relevance as a political tool, leading to internet
censorship by some states. This is however rare, the presidential campaign of
Howard dean in 2004 in the United States was notable for its success in
soliciting donation via the internet.(Rehmeyer, 2007)
networking websites have expanded rapidly over the last few years and have
created new and varied channels of communication via internet, whether through
personal computer or mobile phones. Many people are now members of social
networking websites.
Cooke and Buckley, (2008) predict that the
internet would be the marketing tactics of the future. Also, Cheong and Morrison,
(2008) explain that with technology advances and the growth of digital media
usage advertisers are seeking new ways to reach consumers. Advertisers spend
over N304, 000,000,000,000 billion on social media advertising (marketer,
2009). Predictions indicates that advertisers may be spending almost #532,8064
12291382 trillion ($3.5b).
According to Wikipedia, (2011) the social network
site is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) which are
connected by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship,
kinship, common interest financial exchange or relationships of beliefs,
knowledge or prestige.
However, according to Simmels, (2001) people have
used the idea of “social network” loosely for over a century to connote complex
sets of relationships between members of social systems at all scales, from
interpersonal to international. The type of social network helps determine a
network’s usefulness to its individuals.
Twitter which is the subject matter of this study
is one of the fastest growing social networks in terms of users in the world.
According to shields and Maggie,(2011) Twitter is
an online social networking service that enables its users to send and read
text- based posts of up to 140 characters known as “tweets”. Twitter was
created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched in July of that year (Twitter
search team, 2011).
Also, the Wikipedia (2011) narrates that twitter
rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with 200million users as 2011, generating
over 200million tweets and handling over 1.6billion search quarries per day.
Twitter inc; the company that operates the service and associated website, is
based in san Francisco, California, with additional servers and offices in san
Antonio, Texas, Boston, and New York (Twitter.com(2010).
According to Twitter blog (2010) the tripping
point for Twitter’s popularity was the 2007 south by south west festival in San
Francisco, during the event, Twitter usage increased from 20,000 tweets per day
to 60,000.
According to compete.com (2010) the company
experienced rapid growth with 400,000 tweets posted per quarter in 2007. This
grew to 100 million tweet posted per quarter in 2008. Johnson (2009) in
February 2010, Twitter users were sending 50 million tweets per day. By March 2010,
the company recorded 750 tweets sent each second.
However, Johnson (2009) described the basic
mechanics of twitter as “remarkably simple”. He further added, as a social
network, twitter revolves around its users.
recent study by Evan[2010] shows that thirteen percent[13%]of Americans on the
web used twitter, making it one of the most popular social networking service
in the united states.
In many ways this social network site (twitter)
continually provides social network for people at all ages. Twitter as a social
network plays a role in communication throughout the world in the sense
providing online services to share information with others and connect with
them by creating a profile that may include a personal web page and a blog. It
has been argued by Rosen (2010) that twitter affects behavior by causing
psychological disorder via addiction to the access of the social network. Also
twitter affects behavior because the network is open to all.
This study accordingly focuses on the effects of
social network (twitter) on the behaviors of secondary school students in
essence international secondary school, Kaduna.
This study is therefore interested in finding out
how twitter as a social network is
changing behavior of secondary school students at Essence international
secondary school, Kaduna.
1.1. BRIEF
Essence international secondary school was founded
in 1982; Essence began as a nursery school and expanded over the years to
include all grades up to the final year of secondary school.
Essence international school is located in quiet
corner of Kashir Ibrahim Road, in Kaduna, a beautiful and dynamic city in
Northern Nigeria. The school is four-tier institution offering quality
education in an educationally
stimulating atmosphere for students in pre-nursery, nursery, primary and
The most recent dimension in Essence is the
African heritage village which houses the play. Village and the bi-lingual
primary school where the student learn in English and students learn in English
and French. They also have an enhanced curriculum with a focus on African
history, geography, and culture.
Source: www.Essenceschool.Com.
Twitter as a social network is not widely used
among many of the student’s in Essence international secondary school, because
the social site to them is not teen’s friendly but is rather a matured social
networking, but it is not like face book. In fact, Twitter works quite
differently from social networks: because instead of indicating a mutual
relationship, twitter focuses on only one – way action, that means you want to
receive information, in the form of tweets from someone (twitter help center,
2011). The students added that Twitter is more advanced in terms of language
structure i.e. the complexity of the use of diction is quite different in
twitter in the sense that you cannot abbreviate spellings anyhow as in the
mobile phone text spelling; rather you spell out and construct standard
Face book is the social networking site that is
mostly preferred by the students in the sense that face book
1. Which is your favorite social networking site on
the internet?
2. Why do you choose that social Networking site?
3. What do you use that social networking site for?
4. In what ways have the social networking site
affected you?
5. Which groups of students at Essence international
use twitter social Networking site?
6. Why do these groups of students use Twitter social
Networking site?
7. Does using Twitter affects students at Essence
international secondary school?
8. In what ways does using twitter social Networking
site affects the students?
This study has eight purposes as follows:-
1. To find out the social Networking sites the
students used.
2. To find out the students reasons for the choice of
the social Networking sites.
3. To find out what the students use the social
Networking sites for.
4. To find out the ways by which the social
Networking site affects the students.
5. To find out the groups of students that uses
Twitter as a social Networking site.
6. To find out why the groups uses Twitter social
Networking site
7. To find out if using Twitter social Networking
site affects the students.
8. To find out the ways by which the usage of Twitter
social Networking site affects the students.
This study is significant to the teachers, parents
and students. First of all, this study will help the teachers of the school to
know the influence social networking site has on their students, so as to
assist them to enlighten and create awareness to the students on the possible
effect it has on them. Secondly, it is of significant to parents in the sense that
they will know the possible effects these social networking sites usage has on
their children, so as to serve as watch-dog to their children on the usage of
the social networking site. Thirdly, it will enable the students of the senior
level so that they will be aware that, apart from the social benefits of this
social networking site, using the sites more than necessary will pose possible
dangers to their health.
This study is limited to affects of Twitter social
networking site on behavior of essence international secondary school Kaduna
students; and of Twitter the students if
focuses on what the students use social networking site for the groups of
students that use Twitter social networking site; the ways the students that
use Twitter and for what purposes. The target population focuses specifically
the senior secondary school of the
Essence international school, Kaduna.
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