This study
investigated the effect of training on job satisfaction among the staff of
African Petroleum. Thirty - four (34) employees were selected - from the
organization. Among the employees, 35% were juniors and 65% were seniors, 76%
trained and 24% untrained, 56% male and 44% female, 59010 promoted and 41 % not
promoted. The research design adopted was field survey. Questionnaires were
administered randomly to selected staff of the organization. The data collected
were subjected to independent T -test analysis and the hypothesis tested for
significance. The criteria for rejection of Null hypothesis was 0.5 level of
significance. The results of the study revealed that although there is a
positive relationship between training and job satisfaction, it (and other
variables examined) does not significantly affect job satisfaction and hence,
the result corroborate the fact in literature that job satisfaction is not
determined by one factor, but by an interplay of individuals, socio - cultural,
organizational and environmental factors.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content v
Abstract vii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the Study 4
1.2 Statement of Problem 5
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 7
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study 7
1.6 Research Questions 8
1.7 Research Hypotheses 9
2.0 Human Resources Development 10
2.1 Management Development 11
2.2 Manpower Planning 14
2.3 Training and Development
2.4 Work Motivation 23
2.5i Motivation Concept 23
2.5ii Approaches to Motivation at Work Place 25
2.5iii Employees
Expectation from their Job 28
Job Enrichment 31
2.6 Satisfaction and Work Performance 34
2.7 The Effect of Performance on Job
Satisfaction 37
3.0 Research Design 42
3.1 Population and Sample 42
3.2 Instrumentation
3.3 Procedure for Data Collection 43
3.4 Procedure for Data Analysis 43
4.0 Data Analysis 44
Interpretation of Research Results 54
4.2 Discussion
of Findings 58
5.0 Summary of Findings 61
Conclusion 61
Recommendations 62
Bibliography 64
Appendix A 67
Appendix B 71
When individuals
assume their positions, know what is expected of them and have been chosen with
basic skills and abilities to do the job, their performance may not be
satisfactory. The role of training in the improvement of performance cannot be
over emphasized. It provides skills, knowledge and attitude necessary for
improved performance.
Training and
development is an activity made necessary because of the dynamic nature of the
environment in which organization exist as well as by the changes that occur in
its human resources. The organization and the individual share responsibility
for career development and management. For any organization to protect and
enhance its investment human resources it should designed career “ladders “or
paths people can take to assume greater responsibility, develop new skills and
abilities and attain promotions order for the organization to grow and remain
viable in light of changing conditions in its environment. Its human resources
must adapt to that dynamic environment by continually adding new skills,
knowledge and abilities to their repertoire. It is through training and
development programmes that the personnel department is able to help upgrade
and add existing competence level of an organization’s labour pool. The performance
of a jobholder may not be satisfactory at the entry point, although he may have
the basic skills abilities to do the job. Training provides skills, knowledge
and attitude necessary for improved performance.
The challenge today
in the business world is to develop a much more market-driven organization
without losing reliability and meticulous attention to details underpinned by
sound ethnical principles, which remain essential, continued and sustained
success. Training programmes must be drawn to assist in realizing or meeting up
the above challenges (Prior, 1991).
It is true that an
adequate supply of physical and financial resources with an entrepreneurial
spirit and executive initiative to utilize these resources would ensure the
economic development of the organization Banjoko (1996). However, the human
factor in an organization - be it private or public - is central to the growth,
viability and survival of any organization. Therefore, the effective
acquisition, utilization and maintenance of the organization's human resources
cannot be overlooked.
The appropriate
technology for achieving co-operate growth has been coupled or developed by
people. People also exploit, examine or manipulate their immediate environment
in their various spheres of life and the result is utilized either as
challenges or prospects for the organizations (Banjoko, 1996).
All businesses
require skilled people on various fields for its survival. Training is an
essential method of getting workers equipped with different aspects of skills,
which can lead to increased productivity, Sometimes; this increase can be
achieved by a change in working system or by automation, which will require
training in the use of the system or new equipment.
productivity can also be achieved by helping workers to realize that profit can
be increased by reducing cost through adequate training. Quality of products or
services in any business can only be achieved if workers are exposed to
training that would help them work with quality in mind and implement a given
quality approach. Training to some extent is used to reduce the change of
mistakes and also to instruct workers on the actions they should take when
mistakes occur. Mistakes in business could bring potential cost to the organization.
It can be cost of rectifying the mistakes, dent to the company's image or
compensation if life is involved.
Training has become
an even more important organizational activity in the last few decades. One
such reason for this is that many advances in technology have greatly influence
the work people do in organizations. Many jobs have become automated and
specialized. Furthermore, as organizations become more complex, jobs become
more specialized in all organizational level. Also, as an organization becomes
more interested in providing a career orientation to their members, skills,
ability and knowledge must be added periodically to member repertoires through
formal training programs to enable individuals assume higher-level positions as
their careers advance.
But with this
increasing attention to training must come a concern for training not just for
increased productivity, but also satisfaction of employees; it appears these
two cannot be successfully separated from each other.
In any organizational
setting, people develop and change as other factors such as technology, time
etc. changes. The development or changes occur in unsystematic form as people
learn and integrate themselves into the organization, On the other hand, the systematic
fashion is when programmes of planned training and development are organized in
a bid to improve the knowledge and skills that people have.
Training represents a
positive stand for persons or individuals entering the world of work and those
changing from one work to the other. Therefore, it is vital that training
should be well designed so as to provide needed skills and knowledge to perform
in the new function and to obtain needed promotion.
In many organizations
today training is termed to belong to source sections or branches rather than
seen as what every staff should be involved in because of its contribution to
employees and organizational growth. A clear and comprehensive process for
staff growth must be laid out at the start of an employee's career. Many are of
the opinion that training is not necessary in that the time and demand of the
job does not give room for such luxury.
Today's society
agrees that any intelligent person recognizes the necessity for life-long
learning (Kozoll, 1974). The society itself is dynamic with a lot of changes in
processes, new discoveries, and advancement in technology. The individual
performance can be enhanced if the skills and knowledge needed to perform the
job is acquired through systematic training. Most, people regard training as
instrumental for earning entry into and enjoying the satisfaction associated
with the world of work (Goldstein, 1989). In other words, training is seen by
employees, managers and organizations as providing solution to work issues.
This could be seen in the new contracts by labour unions, which demands
provision for continuous training of workers.
Researchers have
found out that without adequate systematic plan for staff training and
development, an organization cannot function effectively (Arnold J., Cooper C.C
and Robertson I. T., 1995). Also, Davies (1972) pointed out that both too
little and too much training could cause problems. Before any meaningful
training can take place, assessment of training needs must be carried out in
needs assessment, and three levels of analysis are involved namely
organization, occupation and perspective for the analysis of training needs.
Experts are agreed that organization progress effectiveness are dependent upon
at least two major factors - increased productivity and employees satisfaction
on their job, Cooper and Robertson observe, staff training and development
essential to effective functioning of organization. In view of these therefore,
coupled with the ongoing burgeoning enquiry into the nature of the
relationships between training and employees job satisfaction, a research of
this kind is both timely and essential.
In order for an
organization to grow and remain viable in the light of changing conditions in
its environment, its human resources must adapt to that dynamic environment by
continually adding new skills, knowledge and abilities to their repertoire. In
many Nigerian organizations employees are expected to perform their tasks
efficiently as soon as they assume their positions with the assumption that
they have already acquired necessary skills and abilities. The performance of
such employees has been average and this has resulted in low performance.
These organizations
want their staff to perform better, to be more efficient, innovative and highly
versatile. These qualities can only come from purposeful and result oriented
training. In many organizations today, training and development is tied to some
sections or branches (Administration or Human Resources) rather than seen as
what every staff should partake of because of its contribution to employees and
organizational growth. Many are of the opinion that training is not necessary
and that the time and demand of the job does not give room for such luxury,
they therefore discourage the staff from going for training. This research work
will centre on determining the role training plays in the lives of workers,
especially their job performance and satisfaction.
1.3 AIM
The broad objective
of the study was to carry out research to uncover the effect of training on job
satisfaction among the staff of African Petroleum PIc. See AP Diary, 2012, for
information about the organization. The specific objective were:
examine the relationship between training and job satisfaction among the staff
of both organizations;
investigate the relationship between the position of staff and their job
investigate the relationship between the gender of staff and job satisfaction;
examine the relationship between promotion and job satisfaction.
The study contributes
in some way to a greater understanding of the relationship between training and
job satisfaction. It among others, draws attention to the for that although
training is an indispensable element and a major determining factor in employee
job satisfaction, it must be carried out in conjunction with other carefully
crafted strategies aimed at meeting the many (individual and collective) needs
of the employees. By showing a positive relationship between training and job
satisfaction, the study lends credence to the ongoing 'campaign' to get the
management of organizations in the country, irrespective of their industry, to
start handling the training of their staff with the seriousness it requires.
The study could not
be extended to the staff of the organization outside Lagos for some reason:
unwillingness of the management of permit the researcher to visit the other
branches for the purpose; time and financial constraints.
Again, apart from the
questionnaires administered to the 68 staff of the organization the staff were
unwilling to respond to oral interviews these could have provided additional
and supporting information to those we got from their responses in the
The researcher intended
to reach a large sample of the staff population, but a large number of the
staff turned in the questionnaires blank (without responses). Suspicion on the
part of the respondents was a major barrier to the study. Very many staff of
the organization approached were afraid to answer a lot of the questions asked
because they feared that the report could get to the management of their
organization and this spite of repeated assurance given by the researcher that
the project is an academic endeavour. In fact, some blatantly refused to be
interviewed because according to them, their company's management might be
sponsoring the project.
The research
questions examined in the study are:
there any difference between trained and untrained staff in terms of job
there any relationship between motivation and job satisfaction?
there any relationship between work environment and job satisfaction?
there any difference between promoted and unpromoted employees in terms of job
is no relationship between appraisal scores of employees before and after
is no relationship between salary and job satisfaction.
is no relationship promotion and training.
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