The study comprehensively
delved on the effect of salaries and wages on workers performance in the education sector. The objective of the
study is to examine whether increment in wages and salaries serves as motivator
to retain worker in an organization and to examine whether inadequate pay to
workers can lead to absenteeism,
lateness and strikes etc. the survey research method was employed in this
study, the questionnaire was the major instrument used to collect information
from the respondents. The chi-square test was used to analyze the collected
information from the respondent at 5% level of significance. The result of the
analysis revealed that inadequate salaries and wages may lead to brain in the
education sector. The study also reveals that salaries and wages help employees
to achieve organizational goals and objectives and it was recommended that the
study educational sector should make
sure that the compensation rewards given to the employees is in commensurate
with the labour on service he / she rendered.
Title Page
Table of Content
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of the
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Significant of the
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitation of the
1.9 Methodology'
1.10 Summary of
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Wage
2.3 Theories of Wages
2.4 Salary
2.5 Salary Administration
2.6 How to Design Salary
2.7 Methods of Fixing
Wages and Salaries
2.8 Performance
2.9 Theoretical Work by
Edward 1. Deci
2.10 Performance
2.11 Potential of Performance Pay in Policy Reforms 2.12 Wages and Salary
Policy in Nigeria
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Survey Research Methods
3.4 Characteristics of a Population
3.5 Sampling Techniques
3.6 Data Collection Instrument
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
INTERPRETATION 4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analysis of Personal
4.3 Analysis of Variables
4.4 Test of Hypothesis
5.1 Summary 5.2 Findings
5.3 Recommendation 5.4
Salaries and wages are the main marketing
tolls companies use to attract qualified employees, and it is one of the
largest operating. Costs for large organizations. The long-term success of a
firm perhaps its survival many depend on how well it can control employee cost
and optimize employee efficiency.
For the owners of the company, wages and
salaries represents a substantial part of the total costs of doing business. How
well the company controls these costs and how much employee productivity. If
obtains in return can have an important effect on the success of the
The employee’s view of wages and salaries structure is generally
different in important respects from that of the company. This is one of the
key compensation problems in many enterprises. Even
when the pay programme is sound, well administered, and effectively
communicated, difficulties can arise if employee aspirations are out of phase
with company objectives or if !he employee's concept of a fair and equitable
programme is different from that of the company.
To some extent, there are always some conflicts
between employees aspiration and company need. For instance, employees always
want more; but employers need to control wages costs or at least administer the
pay programme within the restraints of their financial capacity. These criteria
of course are not totally at odds. As cost of living rises and as pay levels in
the labour market increase in an inflationary economic the company must increase
its employee's pay in order to attract and retain the number of people
necessary to run the business. The conflict of view is one of degree; .an employee aspiration typically exceeds
company needs for granting increases (Obikoya, 1996).
An employee's
definition of "fair" wages and salaries will depend upon their
perception of their role and relative importance within the organization
compared to other people for most people, the pay cheque or salary cheque
represents their main source of income and is required to maintain a certain
standard of living. Inflation and using expectations mean that employees will
constantly seek to increase the amount they are paid. Also, most people see
their payment arrangements as part of the reorganization of their contribution
towards the success of the organization. This, trade union might argue that
employees have a 'right' to a share of the wealth of the organization that they
have helped to create in order to boast their mokeices.
The objectives of a compensation plan is to
motivate employees to function at higher level of performance and to attract
and keep employees in the company. If the plan is to accomplish these
objectives, employee must perceive it as equitable. Thus, the inability of
non-equitable or employee been under paid has a negative impact on the
performance of employees. Employees compare their rewards with others who
perform essentially the same kind of task, either in the company or in
competitor forms. The primary basis of comparison is money (wages or salary).
Equity is evaluated in terms of the effort put into a task and the rewards
received for that efforts if the
rewards are perceived as equitable, employees will likely stay and be
productive. However, if they perceive their rewards are not favourable the
employees will not be effective and efficiency in their output.
Hence, an employee who feels underpaid feels
undervalued and is likely to react by withdrawing, or looking for another job.
Absenteeism, carelessness and similar difficulties ma result. Therefore, there
is need for a study of this nature, since pay being about motivation in order
for organizations to make optimum use of their human resources to achieve their
desire goals and objectives.
The main objective of this study is to
examine the effect of wages and salaries on workers performance in the
educational sector. Thus, in order to achieve the above objective the following
specific objectives shall be our guide:
examine whether wages and salaries have a significant relationship with
employee's performance.
To examine what constitute 'fair' pay to
To examine whether increment in wages and
salaries serves as motivator to retain worker in an organization
To examine whether workers pay is
commensurate with the effort of the workers.
examine whether inadequate pay to workers can lead to absenteeism lateness and
strikes etc
In order to achieve the above stated objectives,
the research study attempts to provide answers to the following research
To what extent do salaries and wages impact
workers performance?
To what extent does increment in wages and
salaries services as a motivator to retain workers in an organization.
Does underpayment to workers leads to
absenteeism, strike etc
To provide answers to the research questions,
the following hypotheses will be tested:
Ho: Salaries and wages do not have impact on the
performance of workers in the education sector.
Hi: Salaries and
wages have impact on the performance of workers in the education sector.
Ho: Increment in wages and salaries do not serve as
a motivator to retain workers in an organization.
Hi: Increment in wages and salaries serve as a
motivator to retain workers in an organization.
Ho: Workers promotion does not bring about
increase in productivity of an organization.
Hi: Workers promotion brings about increase in productivity of an organization.
This study provides a basis for closer
scrutiny of the formulation and application of the different relevant aspects
of wages and salaries structure in existence and in use. Answers could then be
sought regarding contemporary applications of salaries and wages, its relative
importance with respect to employee's performance.
This study is fundamental to the
manufacturing industries, public sectors, private companies and entrepreneurs
who are looking for the way of retain and attract the best hands on their organization
to achieve organizational goals. Also governments, organizations and
individuals concerned with formulating compensation policies can benefits from
this study. Finally, this research study is expected to stimulate
research interests in other aspects of public sector in general, and human
resource management in particular.
The basic premise on which this study is based is that employee's
performance of the educational sector in Nigeria is dependent on effective and
efficient wages and salaries administration. This study concentrates on the
employees of Lagos State University, (Ojo Campus). Employees of this
organization were sampled and data relating to salaries and wages structure
were collected from them.
The level of accuracy of this study depends on the amount of data
or information supplied by the respondents. Also, there can be some elements of
bias in information supplied, which will hinder the generality of the findings
of this study.
Finance and time are other constraints that rob this study of its
perfection. This, undertaking a research study is an Herculean task that takes
intellectual stamina to the limit.
This research study consists of five chapters. Chapter one
centers, on introduction, objectives of the study, statement of problems,
research questions, research hypotheses, significant of study, research
methodology and scope of the study.
Chapter two extensively reveals relevant literatures in the same
thematic areas. Works of authors, researchers and writers related to the topic
were reviewed.
Chapter three, deals with the research methodology used in
carrying out the research study.
Chapter four focuses on data analysis and presentation various
statistical tools adopted in this chapter.
Chapter five draws conclusion on the whole subject matter. It
covers summary, findings, recommendations and conclusion.
The terms may be used or already applied in the research are as
Compensation: This
is monetary worth given to employees in return for inconvenience, suffered in
the pursuit of their job for which they are employed by the organization under
Effectiveness: Optimum
utilization of resources it is the achievement of an end sought to produce a
desired effect.
Fringe benefits: This
are financial employment received by the employee apart from their salaries or
Incentives: This
is monetary force or stimulus that will' impel an employee to do something
which in its absence he would not be interested.
Motivation: it
is an inner state that energizes activates, move and that directs or channels
behaviour towards goals.
Objectives goals: Objectives
are the ends toward which organizations and individual activities are directed.
Organization: This
is a social structure or system consisting of two or more persons who are
interdependent and who work together in a coordinated manner to attain common
Productivity: This
is achievement of efficient use of human physical and financial resources.
It is the measurement of production performance using expenditure
of human efforts as a yardstick it implies relationship between input and
Resources: Are
assets required by a firm for its operations towards goals achievement
Incentives: This is
monetary force or stimulus that will' impel an employee to do something which
in its absence he would not be interested.
Motivation: it
is an inner state that energizes activates, move and that directs or channels
behaviour towards goals.
Objectives goals: Objectives
are the ends toward which organizations and individual activities are directed.
Organization: This
is a social structure or system consisting of two or more persons who are
interdependent and who work together in a coordinated manner to attain common
Productivity: This
is achievement of efficient use of human physical and financial resources.
It is the measurement of production performance using expenditure
of human efforts as a yardstick it implies relationship between input and
Resources: Are
assets required by a firm for its operations towards goals achievement
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