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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003307

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examined, the effects of Archives and Museum in the teaching of History in the selected Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State. The study posses four (4) basic research questions centred on the problem of history teaching and learning in the secondary schools. The study has also high-lighted the role museum and Archives can play in improving the performance of the students in history. It has also discussed the teacher – student relationship and how it affects the learning and teaching of history in Nigeria schools, it has also stressed how Museums and Archives can influence students’ acceptability of learning history as a subject. The research question and the interview conducted were discussed qualitatively.  The result of the findings reveals that policy makers have either purposely, accidentally left out the study of history in the secondary school syllabus. It was also revealed that most schools have never visited any Museum or use Archive to teach history in their schools. The study discusses the nature and value of Museums and Archives and in the study of history. The concluding chapter made suggestion for the study of history in all schools. A careful examination of the suggestions, can draw the attention of students to the value of Museums and Archives in the teaching of local history in the secondary schools in Lagos State and Nigeria generality.



                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


Title Page                                                                                          i

Certification                                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgement                                                                             iv

Table of Contents                                                                              v

Abstract                                                                                            vii


Background to the Study                                                                    1

Statement of the Problem                                                                  6

Purpose of the Study                                                                        7

Research Questions                                                                           7

Significance of the Study                                                                 8

Scope of the Study                                                                            9

Definition of Terms                                                                           10


Introduction                                                                                      11

Why study History                                                                                    11

The role of Archives in the Society                                                   12

The importance of Museums                                                            17

Studies relating to the Educational Significance of Archives and 

Museums in History Teaching                   19                                            

New Evolution Resources for Primary and Secondary Schools   22

Summary                                                                                          23



Preamble                                                                                           24

Research Design                                                                                24

Population                                                                                        25

Sample and Sampling Procedures                                                     25

Research Instrument                                                                         26

Administration of the Instrument                                                     27

Methods of Data Collection                                                              27

Method of Data Analysis                                                                  28

Limitation of the Methodology                                                        29


Preamble                                                                                           30

Presentation and Analysis of Data                                                    30

Discussion of Findings                                                                      38

Conclusion                                                                                        41


Introduction                                                                                      42

Summary                                                                                          42

Discussion of Findings                                                                      43

Recommendations                                                                           44

Conclusion                                                                                      46

Implications of Findings for Future Studies                                46

References                                                                                         48­

Appendix                                                                                          50





One may be forced to ask a question such as: why do we consider archives and museums so significant in the teaching and learning of history? It is because of some problems in teaching the subject in such a way that students would learn more easily about their cultural heritage, and also to appreciate it. History should be taught in such a way to, encourage students to appreciate the value of heritage and the need to take cognizance of it.

Although, history reveals that archives and museums have been established in Nigeria since the early 1950s, it is only used at the tertiary levels. It has not been utilized in secondary institution for the teaching of history. The use of Museums and Archives would have been employed to restore back the study of history to the original pride of place, Anah (2006).

Furthermore, Museums and archives help to reduce ignorance about history and improves mans thinking and horizon, about the events of the post. James (2001) notes that history as a subject gives student basic knowledge about the importance of antiquities, images, structures, historical statues of both the contemporary and renaissance personalities in history.

History education is the stability of life experience that people acquire, which enable them to cope and to make a conducive resolution about the past and the present challenges confronting the people of the world. This is because it enables them to achieve historical knowledge, and enhance their individual development.

The availability of Archives and Museums and their utilization constitute the lifeline of the teaching and learning of History in the Nigeria educational system. Among all the educational problems facing all states of Nigeria including Lagos State, none is as persistent as the problem of Archives and Museums in the teaching and learning of History in the educational institutions in Nigeria (Joshua, 1995)

The poor performance of secondary school students in the History subject has been attributed mostly to the problem of teaching resources and quality of teachers. It is either that the resources are in short supply or not available in some schools. While in some schools, the problem is that of shortage of teachers and if the problem is nor arrested the future of history as a subject in Nigerian schools in very black.

Before teachers are posted to schools, they must have been exposed to sound intellectual and professional training. The quality of the teachers to a great extent will dictate their efficiency and productivity in their work.

The number of teachers in the school depends on the availability of teachers. Teacher need to be well trained in their subject areas, for efficient performance. Teachers are in history must be well trained in the techniques of history for effective performance; and learning resources include: books, stationeries, Archives and Museums, laboratories Library and machineries. The teaching materials provided, and made available to the teachers, and for the achievement of educational objectives.

The success of the history as a subject in the education system depends on the availability of the above resources Without them,  it will be very difficult to achieve to achieve success in history in the Nigeria educational system. For this reason, there is a need for an antiquity or object of remembrance that can link the past with the present – an archive or a museum.

An archive is a place where people can go to gather firsthand facts, data, and evidence from letters, reports, notes, memos, photographs, and other primary sources.

Private organizations, government organizations, families and individuals create and acquire documents in the course of their business or personal activities all the time.  Archives are those documents which no longer have an everyday use, yet have been kept because of their historical value.

It is what we call 'primary evidence' - the raw material used by all kinds of researchers to find out about the past (as opposed to ‘secondary evidence’ which refers to books that may have been written using the information found in the archives).

It was well developed by the ancient Chinese, the ancient Greeks, and ancient Romans (who called them Tabularia). However, they have been lost, since documents were written on organic materials like papyrus and paper. On the contrary, many archives founded since Middle Age by churches, kingdoms and cities survive and often have kept their official status uninterruptedly till now. They are the basic tool for historical research on these ages.

Historians, genealogists, lawyers, demographers, filmmakers, and others conduct research at archives. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archive - cite_note-11 The research process at each archive is unique, and depends upon the institution that houses the archive.

Archives are created by many different groups, namely:

      ·        Families

      ·        Individuals

      ·        Businesses And Industry

      ·        Churches

      ·        Schools

      ·        Charities

      ·        Government Departments

      ·        Councils

Most documents are written on either paper or parchment (which is made from the skin of animals).  However, they may also be in electronic format.  For example, e-mails and word-processed documents on your computer are just as much part of an archive today as paper documents are.

Archives can come in many different formats:

Archives are sometimes referred to as ‘records’ but the latter is more accurately used to describe documents that are still in current use. Many keep archives for some reasons which include:

1.                 To learn about the past

2.                 To help us understand who we are and how we came to be the way we are – both as a community and as individuals.

3.                 For evidential reasons

          4.                 Wills are kept as proof of inheritance

          5                   Title deeds as proof of ownership of land or of mineral rights

6             Registers of births, marriages and deaths are kept as evidence of our identity and are needed for a whole range of purposes from passports to pensions

7                   Maps and plans might be used to identify contaminated land or old mines that could cause building subsidence.

8                   For education and learning

9                   For personal reasons that affect individuals’ lives today

10         It contributes to accountability in government. (source: goggle. Com ).

A museum is an institution which collects, documents, preserves, exhibits and interprets material evidence and associated information for the public benefit'. (Erdberg 2006).

It is a building, place or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical or artistic value. Museums collect and care for objects of scientific, artistic or historical importance and make them available for public viewing – through exhibits that may be part of the permanent collection or through temporary exhibits. (Erdberg 2006).

Many people explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. Archives and Museums are institutions that collect, safeguard and make accessible artifacts and specimens, which they hold in trust for society.' Museums can be said to ‘bring the past to life’ and are fantastic representations of the different periods of our cultural history. They enable visitors to touch, feel, see, hear, experience and smell the past. Many museums now offer a programme of events for different groups e.g. families, under fives etc. This is in contrast to the early museums which mainly catered for adult audiences. As useful and important archives and museums are, many are yet to fully utilize its potential to the fullest to affect lives maybe due to its unavailability or the primitive thinking of our people.

The inadequacy of Archives and Museums in the teaching and learning of history in our secondary schools need to be addressed. It is only when this is done that the nation can have trained, knowledgeable and dedicated citizens in different professions. Also, with the availability of Archives and Museums in our schools, the problem of falling standard will become a thing of the pasts

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The focus of this study is on the necessity and usefulness of Archives and Museums in the teaching and learning of history in secondary schools in Lagos State. The problem of this study therefore is to investigate into the necessity and effect of Archives and Museums in the teaching and learning of history in secondary schools in Lagos State. Our school administrators or principals seem to be ignorant of this fact by the way they take history subject with loose hands. In the whole state, students pay PTA levy on yearly basis for the purpose of getting relevance facilities and materials essential for the school better performance in all the subjects. The ignorance (or better still, negligence) of the school administrators over this issue constitutes the problem of this study. Moreover, the standard guide policies have not been properly followed in the implementation of school teaching facility.

There are inadequate tools and materials to work with, many school buildings are dilapidated and nobody cares, many of the buildings do not have doors, windows and nobody takes care of the sinking toilets, etc. The above inadequacies constitute the problem the research is determined to investigate and find out their impact on the academic performance.

Archives and Museums, its usefulness, effects and efficiency, purpose and achievement are all part of the statement of this research problem. It is an area in which generation coming after could benefit from, its contribution and profiles will form an important aspect of this research.

1.3     Purpose of the Study

This research work is to investigate the importance or relevance of Museums and Archives in the teaching of history in the Nigerian secondary schools and the performance of students in history education in some selected schools of Onike Junior Girls High School in Lagos State and the specific purpose are to:

i.                   Examine the causes of the problems that hinder history teaching and learning.

ii.                 Identify the role Museums and Archives play in the fostering and propelling the Nigeria history education to a greater and acceptable height.

iii.              Access and analyze the level of teachers and students’ participation in the learning and teaching of history.

iv.              This study seeks to investigate whether Museums and Archives will influence the rate of students’ acceptability of learning history as a subject.

1.4     Research Questions

In other to ascertain the importance of this research, these questions are formulated by the researcher for a conclusive result and it is as follow:

i.                   What are the causes of history teaching/learning problems that hinders history learning in the secondary schools?

ii.    What role can museum and Archives play in improving the performance of the students in history education?

iii.   Can the level of teachers / students’ relationship affect the learning and teaching of history in Nigeria schools?

iv.   Can Museums and Archives influence students’ acceptability of learning history as a subject?

1.5     Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the teachers in making the teachers to be aware of where museums and archives are located in their locality. Also, this study will bring out the relationship between archives, museums and education for a better understanding and clear identification.

The museums and archives will develop into a curiosity which brings about experience personal acquaintance with man’s artistic cultural and intellectual evolution and so develops a sense of discrimination in the users. It is worthy of note that the relationship between culture, past and present creates a new understanding for visitors and therefore enhances intelligent sense of connection and understanding.

Archive and museums as resource centres cannot be neglected because students and teachers of history will adequately furnished with historical facts.

Museums and archives are very helpful for understanding history and should therefore, be fully integrated into the teaching methods of local history in Nigerian schools. Their integration should be seen as part of the effort to review the ideas of concepts that should underline the teaching of higher school local history.  

1.6     Scope and Limitation

The research is aware that there are many museums in the federation such museum are located in the following places which includes: Gidan Makama  museum in Kano, National Museum Lagos, Oron Museum in Oron, Museum of antiquities in Oshogbo museum of Ife antiquities, Benin museum etc. Also, there are many archives institution in the country which are: National archives in Lagos, Enugu, Sokoto, Benin, Kano, Ilorn, Calabar etc. But as a result of crowded academic programme the researcher will not be able to visit all the museums and available archives only National museum in Lagos will be visited.

This study will be limited to National museum in Lagos and the focal school which is Onike Junior High School. Therefore, the researcher is limited by many factors like; time, which posse a constraint in writing this study. The study has to be carried out amidst equally compelling university programmes. Lack of easy means of transportation, distance of schools for the study, finance which at this time of economic recession did not allow a more comprehensive study to be carried out. 

Therefore, recommendations and suggestions of this study were based on findings from the selected museum and the school in focus with the result of the conducted interviews.

1.7     Operational Definition 

Archives: A place where public records are kept.

Museum: An institution for the collection, permanent preservation and exhibition of objects of all kinds of illustrations. Especially the development of the arts and sciences, the growth and civilization of all ages and of natural products or the building in which arts collections are kept and preserved for future reference.

History: Is the branch of knowledge or the study of events that have already taken place.

Institution: An established law, custom etc. an organization having some social educational or religions purpose.

Antiquities: Means the ancient period of history or great age: oldness.

Culture: Means improvement by study or training. Or the skills arts etc. of a given people in a given period; civilization.

Generation:  Means a single stage in the succession of descent the average time.

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