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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007294

No of Pages: 155

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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In this research we focused on Multivariate Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models for volatility series using response vector of variances.  The work aimed at developing alternative multivariate GARCH models characterised by either autoregressive or moving average process. Isolated Multivariate Generalised Conditional Heteroskedasticity, ISO-MGARCH (p,0) models and Isolated Multivariate Generalised Conditional Heteroskedasticity, ISO-MGARCH(0,q) models are identified from MGARCH (p,q) model under specific conditions. To ascertain the models applicability, the isolated univariate and multivariate GARCH (2,0) models were fitted to volatility measures of Nigeria average, urban and rural consumer price indices from January 1995 to December 2019 after the series were subjected to stationarity checks using the positive definiteness property of the sub-autocovariance or autocorrelation matrices of individual vector processes as components of the cross-covariance or cross-autocorrelation matrix to ascertain the stationarity of the series,. The volatility series were also subjected to autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation checks, as applicable to stationary autoregressive moving average process, where single autoregressive and moving average models are identified under certain conditions. This justified the isolation of pure autoregressive and pure moving average MGARCH models. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and Schwarz’s Information criterion (SIC) compare the isolated multivariate GARCH models with the existing univariate GARCH models, and its simulated values, the results revealed the same comparative advantage in capturing volatility series.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

List of Figures                                                                                                             ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      x


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               9

1.3       Objective of the Work                                                                                    9

1.4       Justification of the Study                                                                               10

1.5       Scope of Study                                                                                               11

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               11


CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                  12

2.1       Review of Models                                                                                          12

2.2       Empirical Review                                                                                            21

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                          28

3.1      Cross-covariances                                                                                           28

3.2       Auto-correlations and Cross-auto-correlations                                               31

3.3       Positive Definitness of Auto-correlations and Cross-

            auto-correlation matrices                                                                                 33


3.4       Univariate Case                                                                                               34

3.4.1        Testing for ARCH Effects                                                                             34

3.4.2    Model estimation                                                                                            36

3.4.3    Post estimation test                                                                                         36

3.5       Multivariate Case                                                                                            36

3.6        Volatility Measure                                                                                         38

3. 7      Conditions for Model Identification                                                              42

3.7.1    Proof                                                                                                               42

3.8       Model Selection Criteria                                                                                 44

3.8.1    Akaike Information Criterion (AIC):                                                             44

3.8.2    Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC):                                                           45

3.8.3    Schwarz’s Information Criterion (SIC):                                                         45


4.1        Numerical Verification                                                                                  46

4.2       Components of the Autocorrelation and Cross-autocorrelations                   47


4.3       Positive Definiteness of 3x3 Component Autocorrelation Matrices              49


4.4       Positive Definiteness of 9x9 Autocorrelation Matrix                                     49

4.5       Graphical Analysis                                                                                          53

4.6       Univariate GARCH (p,0) Model Estimates                                                   55

4.7       Isolated Multivariate GARCH (p,0) Model Estimates                                   57

CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION                                               64

5.1       Summary and Conclusion                                                                               64

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                            66

            References                                                                                                      67

            Appendices                                                                                                     71


4.1       Parameter Estimates of the Univariate GARCH (2,0) Models          56

4.2       Parameter Estimates of the Multivariate GARCH(2,0) Models         57

4.3       The parameter estimates for 3000 Data Points Simulated Values      59

4.4       Information Criteria                                                                            62

4.5       Information Criteria for Simulated Values                                         62




4.1       Return series of Average CP                                                                          53

4.2       Return Series of Urban CPI                                                                            53

4.3       Return Series of Rural CPI                                                                             54

4.4       Autocorrelation Function of Average Consumer Price Index                        54

4.5       Partial Autocorrelation Function of Average Consumer Price Index             54

4.6       Autocorrelation function the residual of  MGARCH model                    61










In univariate time series analysis, a process, say  is described as a function of its lagged variables, that is  F , k= , . These lagged variables are the predictor time variables, while  is the response time variable. Box and Jenkins (1970) gave a comprehensive summary of linear time series, and models which are indespensible in analyzing stochastic processes. This research is focused on the  univariate and multivariate Generalised Autoregressive conditional Heteroscedasticity MGARCH models with special interest on identification of some special classes of univariate and multivariate GARCH models. The Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model proposed by Engle (1982), was first modeled to assume that variance is not constant, unlike the Autoregressive framework that assumes constant variance for the series.  In the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model, the Autoregressive implies that the series depends on its past values and describes a feedback mechanism that incorporates past observations into the present, while the Conditional Heteroscedasticity is referred to as the time varying volatility, where volatility of time series in econometrics refers to Conditional variance. These two features combine to give the ARCH model. Thus Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (ARCH)  is a mechanism that includes past variances in the explanation of future variance, and a time varying technique that allows researchers to model the serial dependence of volatility.  The approach expects that the series is stationary other than the change in variance, meaning it does not have a trend or seasonal components. In this research, stationarity will be ascertained using a more revealing approach of the positive definiteness of the cross-autocovariance/cross- autocorrelation matrix of the return series. As asserted by Box and Jenkins, the two fundamental process for a stationary time series that have been extensively applied in time series modeling and forecasting are the Autoregressive and moving average processes. The two processes have wide applications in macro-economics such as money supply, interest rates, price, inflation, exchange rates, and Gross domestic products and in financial time series analysis. A change in variance or volatility over time can cause problem with modeling time series with classical methods like ARMA. Conditional Heteroscadasticity (ARCH) model provides a way to model a change in variance of a time series that is time dependent, such as increasing or decreasing volatility. Autoregressive models can be developed for univariate time series data that is stationary (AR), has a trend (ARIMA) and has seasonality (SARIMA). One aspect of a univariate time series that this Autoregressive do not model is a change in variance over time. Classically, a time series with modest change in variance, changes consistently over time. In the context of a time series in the financial domain, this is  called volatility. Financial time series such as stock returns, exchange rates, inflation etc are available at a high frequency, hence exhibit random walk and time varying volatility.  If the change in variance can be correlated over time, then it can be modeled using an Autoregressive process such as the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (ARCH) model.

The Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (ARCH) model proposed by Engle (1982) has superior performance over Autoregressive and moving Average models in the sense that, some time series that are characterized by high variations are well fitted with ARCH models. The ARCH is a method that explicitly models the change in variance over time in a time series, the ARCH model captures variance of the error residuals referred to as Volatility, which is part of  the limitations of the ARMA linear model.

Assuming that the series is volatile from preliminary diagnostic check, the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadsticity (ARCH) series can be modeled by considering two equations, the mean equation and the variance equation;


The Mean Equation;

The Variance Equation;

The stationarity condition is given as;

Combining these two leads to;

The ARCH model as proposed by Engle(1982)


Further studies carried out on the ARCH model revealed some yet basic deficiency in the models, some of which includes, assuming that positive and negative shocks in the models have the same effect on volatility. Again the fact that the ARCH model is restrictive and does not accommodate higher order ARCH model, which limits the ability of the ARCH model to capture excess kurtosis. The ARCH model is also believed to provide only a mechanical way to describe the behavior of the conditional variance without any insight for understanding the source of variation of the financial time series. Amongst these reasons has led to the development of the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (GARCH) model developed by Bollerslev(1986).

 The GARCH model is an extension of the ARCH model which considers the  Autoregressive and moving Average components of the process, variance and error respectively. Specifically the model includes lag variance terms together with lag residuals from the mean process. The introduction of the Moving Average (MA) component allows the model to both model the conditional change in variance over time as well as changes in the time dependent variance, that is the conditional variance equation incorporates lags of the conditional variance as regressors in the conditional variance equation in addition to the lags of the squared error. Conventionally, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model is written in the form ARCH (p). the ‘p’ is the order of the model, which indicates the number of lag errors as the predictor variables of the ARCH model. With the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity GARCH (p,q), ‘p’ assumes the order of the Autoregressive component( the number of lags of the variance to be included as predictors), while the ‘q’ assumes the order of the moving Average component(the numbers of lags of the residual error that predicts the volatility) Gujarati and Porter(1997).

Thus for GARCH models;

Conditional variance = f(ARCH terms, GARCH terms)

The simplest version of GARCH is the GARCH(1,1) model;

The (1,1) in parenthensis is a standard notation for the ARCH and GARCH terms. The first number (1) refers to the AR term, while the second number (1) refers to the first order GARCH term or first moving Average term MA(1)

The ARCH and GARCH models  are volatility models that are found suitable in modeling financial and economics time series characterized by time- varying dispersions from their mean values.


The ARCH model as proposed by Engle(1982) is


Bollerslev (1986) proposed the GARCH model as


Where  is the conditional variance of the GARCH model,  is the squared error term. Similar to the ARMA model,  and  are parameters of the lagged  variance and squared terms respectively. This implies that the GARCH model subsumes the ARCH. As with ARCH, the GARCH model predicts the future variance and expects that the series is stationary other than the change in variance, meaning it does not have trend or seasonal components. The ARCH(q) model proposed by Engle(1982) could also be expressed as GARCH(0,q) as a component of GARCH (p,q) model Emenogu, Adenomon and Nweze (2009). It follows that GARCH(p,0) is a component of GARCH (p,q). The earlier represents the moving Average component, while the later indicates the Autoregresssive part of GARCH (p,q).

Box and Jenkins (1978) provided a condition for the isolation of AR(p) and MA(q) models from the mixed ARMA(p,q) model, t his is also applicable to the Bilinear Autoregressive moving Average, BARMA and Bilinear Autoregressive moving Average Vector BARMAV model, where BAR, BMA and BARV, and BMAV models were isolated respectively, Usoro, Omekara (2008), Usoro (2017) and Anthony and Clement (2018). In this work, this isolation principle will be applied to the univariate and multivariate cases of the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (ARCH) and the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (GARCH) models to identify some special classes of these models and its application to real life data.

It didn’t take long for the GARCH model to progress from univariate to multivariate settings. Multivariate extentions of ARCH and GARCH models may be defined in principle similar to VAR and VARMA models. In financial economics, its rare to have only one asset of interest, if you are analizing bonds, there are different maturities, of exchange rates, multiple currencies and of course, there are thousands of equities, not only is the volatility for each, likely to be described fairly well by a GARCH process, but within a class of assets, the movements are likely to be highly correlated. As a result, there will be expected to be substancial gain in statistical efficiency in modeling them jointly, hence the need for the Multivariate Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity(MGARCH) model, Kraft and Engle (1982) was the first attempt. Engle et al. (1984) put forward Bivariate ARCH model, the move to financial application was done by Bollerslev et al (1988), who also extended multivariate ARCH to GARCH. The multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) also known as the VEC model, has too many parameters to be useful for modeling more than two assets returns jointly, until a milestone breakthrough with the BEKK model of Engle and Kraft in 1995, the factor model of Engle et al.(1990) and so on . a VARMA representation of the MGARCH model may be obtained in the same way as in the univariate case as;

Where  is a triangular (K x K) matix  and the coefficient matrices  are also (K x K) given the similarity of the MGARCH and the VARMA models it is obvious that restrictions have to be imposed on the coefficients matrices to ensure uniqueness of the parametization.

Engle and Kroner (1995) showed that for the MGARCH to be stationary, all the eigenvalues of the matrix must have modulus less than one.

The multivariate form of the GARCH model can also be given as ;

In this research work, interest is on the identification of some special classes of  multivariate GARCH models. Like the ARMA, BARMA and BARMAV models, the conditions for identification of the Isolated univariate and multivariate GARCH(p,q) model with their proofs and ascertaining the stationarity of the return series, through the positive definiteness condition of the cross-autocovariance/cross-autocorrelation matrix of the return series, before the application of the established model to real life data. 

 There are many statistical procedures which verify stationarity state of a time series. These are carried out through some statistical tests/investigations of some stationarity properties. Assessing the structure of the autocovariances and autocorrelations is very prominent in investigating the stationarity of time series process, Box and Jenkins (1976), Kendall and Ord (1990), Gujarity and Porter (2009). In univariate time series, positive definiteness or semi-positive definiteness property is investigated to ascertain the stationarity of the autocovariance structure with the autocorrelation matrix at different time lags. This procedure has an extension to multivariate time series, Engle and Kroner (1995). In multivariate time series, the n-dimensional cross-autcovariance or cross-autocorrelation matrix composes of sub-matrices of individual vector processes with distributed lags. For a cross-autocorrelation matrix to be positive definite, it is a justifiable assumption that the individual sub-autocorrelation matrices meet the positive definiteness condition. That means, their determinants and principal minors have positive values. Borlerslev et al (1998) considered k=2 ARCH (1) process and symmetric positive definite matrix of cross-covariances. Kiyang and Cyrus (2005) investigated stationarity of multivariate time series for correlation-based data analysis. Carsten and Subba Rao (2015) adopted Discrete Fourier Transform as a tool to test for second order stationarity of multivariate time series. In addition to the assumption of positive definiteness of the n-dimensional cross-autocovariance matrix, it becomes more revealing to look at the positive definiteness of the sub-autocovariance matrices of individual vectors as the components of the cross-covariance and cross-correlation matrix. This is considered the first step of verifying stationarity property before the larger cross-covariance matrix.. This implies, each univariate autocovariance structure making up the cross-autocovariance matrix is verified, and the final verification of stationarity concluded in the cross-autocovariance or cross-autocorrelation matrix. This research uses both the sub-covariance/correlation matrices and cross-autocovraiance/autocorrelation matrix to ascertain stationarity of the multivariate time process.


Considering the multivariate time series from the Heteroscadasticity framework, an intrinstic assessment on the multivariate GARCH, reveals the possibility of a more parsimonious model. Hence, the need to identify some special classes of MGARCH models, through some special conditions. Since there exist conditions for the isolation of the Autoregressive(AR) and moving Average (MA) from Autoregressive  moving average (ARMA), and the isolation of Billinear Autoregessive (BAR) or Billinear moving average (BMA) from the Billinear Autoregressive moving average (BARMA) models. Therefore it is of interest in this research, to carry out further study on Multivariate GARCH models, consider the proof and identify the conditions for the isolation of each of the processes as independent Autoregressive and Moving Average components, which make up the Generalized MGAR CH (p,q) models.

Furthermore, it becomes more revealing to ascertain the stationarity of the return series  as a precondition to the model application by using a more thorough approach ,in this work the   positive definiteness of the sub-autocovariance matrices of individual vectors was used as the components of the cross-covariance and cross-correlation matrix, were the covariances and autocorrelation matrices of individual vector return series constituted the components of cross-covariance and cross-autocorrelation matrices, and the positive definiteness of the sub-autocorrelation matrices were investigated, to ascertain stationarity..



 Our major concern in this work, is amongst others

1.      To identify the conditions necessary to establish special classes  of multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity MGARCH models

2.      Show the proofs and  the special classes of MGARCH models established

3.      To use the positive definiteness property of the cross-autocovariance/cross-autocorrelation functions of the return series to ascertain stationarity, before the  applicability of the established models

4.      To apply these special classes of MGARCH models established to the Nigeria macroeconomic data.

5.      To compare these established models with simulated results.



The existing gap between this research and previous researches is the identification of isolated univariate and multivariate GARCH models from the generalised form whose response vector of variances (volatility measures) could be expressed as linear combinations of its distributed lagged variance from the original series precluding its dependence on the squared errors and simulated values of the standard normal random variable ( ).

The isolation of the established pure Autoregressive and pure Moving Average MGARCH model from the multivariate MGARCH(p,q) model, is justified by subjecting the series to stationarity checks, using the positive definiteness property of the sub- autocovariance or autocorrelation matrix of individual vector processes as components of the cross-covariance or cross- autocorellation matrix to ascertain stationarity of the series. The volatility series were also subjected to the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation checks, as applicable to stationary autoregressive and moving average process.

The revealing of the same comparative advantage by comparing the established model with the existing univariate GARCH model and simulated values, in capturing volatility further justifies this work


1.5       SCOPE OF STUDY

The scope of this research is within the heteroscadasticty framework, that assumes non constant variance for the time series. Unlike the homoscedasticity framework that assumes constant variance for the series. In ascertaining stationarity of the series before application, we will be limiting ourselves to the positive definiteness condition of the cross- autocovariance/cross-autocorrelation matrices of the return series. This research will also examine the multivariate GARCH with special interest in identifying some special classes of this model under, under some specified conditions. The result of the real data approach adopted in this work will also be compared with that of the simulated values for further justification.



The significance of this research work, ranges from filling in the research gap in multivariate GARCH analysis, through the established model, to building a more parsimonious model with interactive advantage, hence modifying Bollerslev (1988), devoid of interactive effects, and further show that a multivariate process can as well be defined by a single independent autoregressive process or an independent moving average process.

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