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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007269

No of Pages: 91

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Physiochemical and bacteriological analyses of water samples from three different boreholes located close to a dumpsite at Owerri, Nigeria were carried out to evaluate the level of dumpsite pollution on underground water. Some soil hydraulic properties were analyzed to determine the penetration rate of leachate into the underground water. Borehole locations were at distances of 50m, 100m, and 500m respectively away from the dumpsite. The parameters determined included; turbidity, temperature, pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), Total  Iron, Nitrate, Nitrite, Chloride, Calcium and some metals such as Copper, Zinc and Lead using standard laboratory equipment and procedures. Most of these parameters indicated slight pollution but below the Nigerian Standard for Drinking water quality (NSDWQ) and World Health Organization (WHO) limits permissible for consumption. The pH and turbidity values of 6.95 and 3.5 NTU respectively were obtained indicating the presence of active microorganism. Temperature was peaked at 27.80C. The concentrations of COD, TDS, and TH were highest at 2.2mg/L, 352mg/L and 150mg/L respectively. The maximum observed concentrations of calcium, nitrate, nitrite and chloride were 75mg/L, 56mg/L, 1.1 mg/L and 193mg/L respectively. The metals iron, lead, zinc were peak at 4mg/L, 0.1 mg/L and 0.1mg/L respectively, while copper was only detected in one site with maximum value of 0.2mg/L. Bacteriological analysis ranged from 0-50/100ml MPN for all the boreholes. For soil hydraulic properties the maximum values obtained were as follows; soil infiltration rate (I.R) - 5.6 cm/hr., soil bulk density-1.2 g/cm3, cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.)-1.1% and effective porosity (E.P)-65%. Statistical analyses indicated significant differences in all the parameters tested for, in the samples at (p<0.05) compared to WHO and NSDWQ standards. The results showed that underground water from site 1 and 3 was slightly polluted but still require certain levels of treatment before use while that of site 2 at Aba road was highly polluted and such needed to be thoroughly treated before use. Therefore, the use of advanced water treatment technology and water purification methods such as sedimentation, filtration, distillation and chlorination of drinking water before consumption to prevent infections are recommended also adequate public enlightenment on proper waste disposal management, treatment and siting of boreholes far away from dump sites are encouraged.



Title page                                                                                                                                 i

Declaration                                                                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                                                                             iii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                 v

Table of contents                                                                                                                     vi

List of tables                                                                                                                            ix        

List of figures                                                                                                                          x

List of abbreviations and their meaning                                                                                   xi        

Abstract                                                                                                                                   xii




1.1        Background of the Study                                                                                              2

1.2        Statement of Purpose                                                                                                    3

1.3        Aim of the Study                                                                                                          4

1.4        Objectives of the Study                                                                                                4

1.5        Significance of the Study                                                                                              4

1.6        Statement of Problem                                                                                                   5

1.7        Justification of the Study                                                                                              6




2.1      Aquifer in Ground Water Movement                                                                         7

2.1.1   Formation of aquifers                                                                                                  8

2.1.2   Types of aquifers                                                                                                         9

2.2       Formation of Leachate                                                                                                9

2.2.1    Physical composition of leachate                                                                                9

2.2.2    Chemical components of leachates                                                                             9

2.2.3    Bacteriological components of leachate                                                                     9

2.3       Soil-Leachate Interaction                                                                                            9

2.4       Health Impact of Turbidity                                                                                         10

2.4.1    Causes of turbidity                                                                                                     10

2.4.2    Consequences of high turbidity                                                                                  10

2.5       Health Impact of Temperature                                                                                    11

2.5.1    Cause of increased water temperature                                                                        11

2.6       Health Impact of pH                                                                                                   11

2.7       Health Impact of Chemical Oxygen Demand                                                                        13

2.8       Health Impact of Total Dissolved Solid                                                                     13

2.9       Health Impact of Total Hardness                                                                               14

2.10     Health Impact of Calcium                                                                                          15

2.11     Health Impact of Nitrate/Nitrite                                                                                 15

2.12     Health Impact of Chlorine                                                                                          16

2.13     Health Impact of Iron                                                                                                 17

2.14     Health Impact of Lead                                                                                               18

2.15     Health Impact of Copper                                                                                            19

2.16     Health Impact of Zinc                                                                                                20

2.16.1 Health impact of Escherichia coli                                                                               20

2.16.2  Implications of soil infiltration rate                                                                            21

2.17     Implications of Soil Effective Porosity                                                                      22

2.17.1  Implications of soil bulk density                                                                                 22

2.17.2  Implications of soil organic carbon                                                                             23

2.17.3  Implications of cation exchange capacity                                                                   24



3.1       Materials                                                                                                                      26       

3.1.1   Apparatus                                                                                                                    26

3.1.2    Parameters analyzed                                                                                                    31

3.2       Dumpsite Location and Sampling                                                                                31

3.2.1    Leachate collection                                                                                                      34

3.2.2    Water sample collection                                                                                               34

3.2.3    Soil sample collection                                                                                                  34

3.3       Methods                                                                                                                       35

3.3.1    Preparation of solutions                                                                                               35

3.3.2    Determination of direction of flow of underground water                                           32

3.4        Physical Parameters Analyzed                                                                                                37

3.4.1    Determination of odour                                                                                               37

3.4.2    Determination of taste                                                                                                 37

3.4.3    Determination of colour                                                                                              37

3.4.4    Determination of turbidity                                                                                           37

3.4.5    Determination of temperature                                                                                      38

3.5       Chemical Parameters Analyyzed                                                                                 38

3.5.1    Determination of pH                                                                                                    38

3.5.2.   Determination of chemical oxygen demand                                                                39

3.5.3    Determination of total dissolved solid                                                                         40

3.5.4    Determination of total hardness                                                                                   41

3.5.5    Determination of calcium                                                                                            42

3.5.6    Determination of nitrate                                                                                               43

3.5.7    Determination of chlorine                                                                                            44

3.5.8    Determination of iron                                                                                                  44

3.5.9    Determination of lead                                                                                                  45

3.5.10  Determination of copper                                                                                              45

3.6       Bacteriological Analysis                                                                                              46

3.6.1.   Determination of E. coli                                                                                              46

3.7      Soil Analysis (hydraulic properties)                                                                             47

3.7.1    Determination of soil infiltration rate                                                                           47

3.7.2    Determination of soil effective porosity                                                                      47

3.7.3    Determination of soil bulk density                                                                               48

3.7.4    Determination of soil cation exchange capacity                                                           48

3.7.5   Determination of soil organic carbon                                                                           49

3.8       Statistical Analysis                                                                                                       50



4.1       Results                                                                                                                        51

4.2       Physiochemical and some Biological                                                              51

(Turbidity, Temperature and Bacteriological) Parameters in Site 1   

4.3       Physiochemical and Some Biological                                                                         53

(Turbidity, Temperature and Bacteriological) Parameters in Site 2               

4.4       Physiochemical and some Biological                                                              55

(Turbidity, Temperature and Bacteriological) Parameters in Site 3

4.5       Some Soil Hydraulic Parameters in All Sites                                                              57




5.1      Discussion                                                                                                                   58

5.1.1    Physical result analysis                                                                                                58

5.1.2    Chemical result analysis                                                                                              59

5.1.3    Bacteriological result analysis                                                                                      62

5.1.4    Soil hydraulic properties analysis                                                                                63

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  64       

5.3      Recommendations                                                                                                       64

References                                                                                                                   66



2.1:      Common water pH levels                                                                                           12

4.1a:    Physical analysis result for dumpsite 1                                                                       48

4.1b:    Chemical analytes result for borehole and leachate on dumpsite 1                            48

4.1c:    Bacteriological analysis result for dumpsite 1                                                48

4.2a:    Physical analysis result for dumpsite 2                                                                       50

4.2b:    Chemical analytes result for borehole and leachate on dumpsite 2                            50

4.2c:    Bacteriological analysis result for dumpsite 2                                                50

4.3a:    Physical analysis result for dumpsite 3                                                                       52

4.3b:    Chemical analytes result for borehole and leachate on dumpsite 3                            52

4.3c:    Bacteriological analysis result for dumpsite 3                                                52

4.4:      Soil analysis result for all the dumpsites                                                                     53




1:         Map of site 1 (Imo ENTRACO dump site along Port Harcourt road Owerri)           32


2:         Map of site 2 (Mechanic village dump site along Aba road Owerri)                          33


3          Map of site 3 (Orji market dumpsite   along Okigwe road Owerri)                            33


4.1a:    Graph of physical analysis (Turbidity and Temperature) result for                            72

Imo ENTRACO dumpsite along Port Harcourt road Owerri


4.1b:    Graph of chemical analysis result for Imo ENTRACO dumpsite along                    72

Port Harcourt road Owerri


4.2a:    Graph of physical analysis (Turbidity and Temperature) result                                  73

for mechanic village dumpsite along Aba road Owerri


4.2b:    Graph of chemical analysis result for mechanic village dumpsite along                     73

Aba road Owerri


4.3a:    Figure of physical analysis (Turbidity and Temperature) result for Orji                     74

market dumpsite along Okigwe road Owerri


4.3b:    Graph of chemical analysis result for Orji market dumpsite along Okigwe               74

road Owerri


4.4:      Figure of soil analysis result for all the sites                                                               75






B.D. ---- Bulk Density

BOD---- Biochemical Oxygen Demand

C.E.C. ---- Cation Exchange Capacity

Cmol/kg ---- Moles of Electric Charge per Kilogram

COD---- Chemical Oxygen Demand    

E.P. ---- Effective Porosity

[H+]-----Hydrogen Ion Concentration

I.R---- Infiltration Rate

Mg/L ---- Milligram per Litre

ND---- Not Detected

NSQDW---- National Standard Quality for Drinking Water

NTU----Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

pH ---Potential of Hydrogen   

PPM ---- Part per Million

TDH---- Total Dissolved Solid                                       

TH----- Total Hardness          

 S.O.C. ---- Soil Organic Carbon

WHO ----- World Health Organization

µg/dL ---- Microgram per Decilitre




A leachate is any liquid that, in the course of passing through matter, extracts soluble or suspended solids, or any other component of the material through which it has passed. Groundwater pollution is mainly due to anthropogenic activities and the presence of contaminants, organic and inorganic compounds which has infiltrated through the top soil to depth beneath the earth surface. The rate of percolation is relative to various soil parameters such as soil infiltration rate, soil porosity, cation exchange capacity, the solubility of the pollutants and the direction of underground water flow. In recent times, the impact of leachate on  underground water quality and other water resources has raised concern because of the complexity and  high volume of waste generated as a result of  industrialization and urbanization; once in contact  with decomposing solid waste, the percolating water becomes contaminated, and if it then flows out of the waste material it is termed leachate, additional leachate volume is produced during the decomposition of carbonaceous materials such as; methane, carbon (iv) oxide and complex mixture of acids, aldehydes alcohols and simple sugars (Akinbile, 2011).

When water percolates through waste and other particle, it induces, promotes and assists the process of biodegradation by bacteria and fungi. These processes in turn releases intermediates like ethanol, acetate, lactate, methane etc. This may rapidly lead to biotransformation of any available oxygen, creating an anoxic environment. In actively decomposing dumpsites or landfills, the release of pollutants from sediments (under certain conditions) poses a high risk to groundwater resources if not adequately managed (Yusoff, 2011). Protection of groundwater is a major environmental issue since the importance of water quality on human health has attracted a great deal of interest lately. Assessing groundwater quality and developing strategies to protect aquifers from contamination are necessary for planning and designing water resources. Open dumps are the oldest and most common way of disposing wastes, although in recent years, thousands have been closed,  many  are  still being used .Waste management has become increasingly complex due to the increase in human population, industrial, technological revolutions and the processes that control the fate of wastes in the soil. Issues such as nutrients release rate, high activities of anaerobes, leaching of metals through macro pores as suspended solids and sludge organic matter on degradation are often of great threat. Toxic chemicals that have high concentration of nitrate and phosphate derived from waste in the soil can filter through a dump and contaminate both underground and surface water (Akinbile and Yusoff, 2011). Bacteria, pathogens, insects, rodents, snakes and scavenger birds, dust, noise, are some of the opportunistic inhabitants of most of the open dumpsites.


Owerri has a population of approximately 150,000 people according to 2006 population census with area of 134km2. It is located between latitude 4o45N and 5o50N and longitude 6o32E and 7o30E. It experiences heavy rainfall with annual rainfall of about 2000-2400mm/yr. having bimodal superficial rainfall distribution with peaks in July and September and a little break in august. The climate is humid semi-hot equatorial type with relative humidity that oscillates between 75% and 90% in rainy and dry season respectively and average temperature of 20oC. There is rapid urbanization witnessed by continuous expansion of the city and development of sites, also the high influx of tourists orchestrated by lots of tourist sites, especially in the hospitality industry leading to the generation of large volume of waste materials which eventually find their way in the dumpsites. There are several of such dumpsites located at various spots in the city which is a hub of industrial activities in the state and as such portends health danger to the adults, children and unborn babies if not properly checkmated (Encyclopedia Britannica 2009).



In recent years it has been observed that indiscriminate dumping of refuse leads to environmental pollution hence; the contaminated sites through infiltration of the contaminants find their way into the underground water. Owerri located in south eastern part of the country over time has experienced exponential increase in the volume of waste generated, which when disposed in the open dumpsites has the tendencies to contaminate the underground water bodies which will indirectly lead to increase in the rate of water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid and have other health impacts like cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney dysfunction. The presence of such dump sites which are mostly located around residential areas attracts various active microorganism especially the coliform bacteria, such that in the process of survival of such organisms, it further leads to the contamination of the environment. Furthermore, the by-products of biotransformation of some compounds are harmful to humans if consumed, because most of those dumpsites have no cemented barriers therefore leading to percolation of the leachates until they get to the underground water. As a result of the alarming level of water contamination in the city it has resulted to the increase in the rate of infections related to water borne diseases such as cholera, especially among children in Owerri as contained in the UNICEF report of 2018 on infant mortality rate in Imo state. Hence the need to carry out this research to ascertain the level of contamination of underground water and its health impact on the residents by evaluating the physiochemical and bacteriological components of the water located close to some of those dumpsites in Owerri municipalities with emphasis on the proximity of the dumpsite to the source of drinking water in the metropolis also suggesting better ways of managing waste disposal and provision of safe drinking water.

1.3           AIM OF THE STUDY

The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of leachate on underground water quality around three dumpsites in Owerri municipalities, in Imo state of Nigeria.

1.4              OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

2.                  To evaluate the appropriate physiochemical characteristics of the leachate from dumpsites.

3.                  To determine the level of pollution caused by dumpsites in Owerri.

4.                  To determine the level of contamination by microbial activities in dumpsites.

5.                  Evaluate the biophysical and related soil parameters within the change in season samples to level of pollution in the underground water and various aquifers

6.                  To suggest possible prevention methods for the leachates infiltrating into underground water.

7.                  To suggest water treatment methods to adopt in the treatment of polluted underground water.



1.         Harness soil and biophysical considerations for contaminated underground water treatment considerations.

2.         Proffer borehole citing criteria in proximity to the dumpsites and household neighbours.

3.         Creates insight on plausible update as requirements for safe households’ water quality and management of water borne infections.

4.         Relates soil qualities as critical pollution parameter.

The study will help to encourage people to analyze the quality of water before drinking not just by mere physical evaluation as the chemical and bacteriological constituent of the water could portend more health risk. It will help in providing template for the individuals, government and organizations on waste disposal management in avoiding underground water pollution. It will also help in proffering treatment measures to be adopted in purification of contaminated water before drinking thereby helping in preventing high rate of diseases being contacted through drinking polluted water. It will further help in the planning and provision of portable drinking water to Imo state citizens and its environment and suggesting lasting measures and conditions in the citing of boreholes around the municipality. The study will also suggest the minimum distance in citing a dump site close to borehole and encourage individuals, town planners and corporate bodies to carry out soil analysis test before citing a dump site as well as drilling a borehole


According to the sustainable development goal (SDG) of United Nations general assembly of 2015, goal number 6 which is provision of clean portable water and sanitation before the end of the year 2030 because according to the report, 6 out of 10 people lack safely managed sanitation services, and 3 out of 10 lack safely managed water services. Safe drinking water and hygienic toilets protect people from diseases and enables the societies to be more productive economically. Water sources are better preserved if open defecation and indiscriminate dumping of refuse are ended and sustainable sanitation systems are implemented. Therefore the provision of clean and portable water is not negotiable in Owerri Municipalities and its environment to mitigate the level of disease contamination (United Nations, 2016). Owing to flagrant disregard for town planning templates by successive government by way of funding and supervision. This conversion of mapped out sites for dumpsites into building structures, over time, has led to poor management of refuse. In most cases open dumpsites are indiscriminately cited without proper planning which by way of leaching find their way into underground water causing pollution to aquifers. This has negative health impact in the populace that primarily depends on underground water for the source of drinking water. Furthermore, climatic changes have further elevated the percolation rate of the leachate through increased exerting hydraulic pressure and rise in temperature (APHA, 2005). Also the steady decrease in underground water level and rise in temperature has encouraged the breeding of new strains of microorganism that causes various diseases. This may soon lead to epidemic if adequate measures are not taken to mitigate this health challenge (Udosoro, et al., 2004). Hence the need for this research to evaluate the associated health impact of leachate in underground water quality.    


According to Imo city watch 2007, the volume of solid waste generated in Owerri, in Imo state south eastern Nigeria increased significantly over time from estimated quantity 70,000 metric tons per year in 2006 to 100,000 metric tons in 2016 because of the increasing population, industrial and economic development especially in construction and hospitality sector also the proliferation of indiscriminate dumpsites all over the state is quite alarming. The total assessment revealed that about 40% of the waste is organic in nature, plastics/bottles 20%, metal scraps 20%, building materials 15%, other 5% and all these waste end up in dumpsites which when leached through the soil leads to underground water pollution hence the need to provide clean and portable water free from suspended particles and germs as prolong consumption of these contaminated water over time has alarming health impact  leading to the loss of life and resources in treatment of diseases if not properly managed (City Watch Population,2006)

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