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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004683

No of Pages: 98

No of Chapters: 5

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The study aims at integrating the organizations activities and focuses on the needs of the market place. However, it is basically concerned with prediction of sales of product among other things. As long as problem exist within the marketing system the need for research cannot be over simplified in marketing. Before customers’ needs and wants can be met organizations must find out: who these customers are? What they want or need? How they want them? etc. This obviously brings about the study into the topic: Role of Marketing Research in Gaining Market Share.

Market share is however, a very vital aspect of organizational growth. It is an indicator of the success of a company’s marketing policy.

The fundamental problem faced by organisations is the challenge and difficulty of market penetration and the difficulty of organizations in gaining market share due to lack of useful information, thus the objective of this research work is to identify the purpose and the effectiveness of marketing research in gaining market share in an organization.

The research work adopts primary and secondary data. The primary data is basically through the mode of a well prepared close – ended questionnaire answered by 40 Globacom staff at Globalcom headquarters, Lagos and 60 Globalcom subscribers at Ojodu, Lagos. The secondary data used are materials adequate to form good value judgment of the work. Amongst which are materials gotten from Globalcom library, internet and website browsing, journals, magazines and literature review gotten from newspapers and textbooks.

The study noted that marketing managers should make it a point of duty that their products are accepted without which chances of survival are very slim. Thus, marketing research is an enabling tool for solving marketing problems as well as a vital tool for gaining market share.

In conclusion, it was deduced that organization can achieve and attain their objectives as well as increase their market share through the effective use or marketing research.





Title Page                                                                                          i

Certification                                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgement                                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                                             v

Table of Contents                                                                              vi



1.1      Background of Study                                                             1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                        3

1.3      Objective of Study                                                                  4

1.4      Research Questions                                                                 4

1.5      Research  Hypotheses                                                             5

1.6      Significance of the Study                                                        6

1.7      Scope of the Study                                                                 7

1.8      Limitation of the Study                                                           7

1.9      Historical Background                                                            8

1.10    Definition of Terms                                                                11

References                                                                                            14                                                                                                     



2.0      Introduction                                                                            15

2.1      Definition of Research                                                            17

2.2      Definition of Marketing Research                                           19

2.3      Reasons for studying Marketing Research                              20

2.4      Application of Marketing Research                                         24

2.5      Marketing Research Process                                                   28

2.6      Marketing Research: Measuring Marketing Productivity           38

2.7      Market Share                                                                          40

2.8      Marketing Research and Globalcom‘s’ Market Share             Acquisition and Development                                                             46

2.9      Organizational Chart of Globalcoms Limited                          49

           References                                                                              50



3.0      Introduction                                                                            52

3.1      Research Method                                                                    52

3.2      Research Design                                                                     52

3.3      Data Collection Instrument                                                     53

3.4      Population                                                                              54

3.5      Sampling Decision and Procedure                                                    54

3.6      Method of Data Collection                                                      55

3.7      Re-statement of Hypothesis                                                    56

3.8      Data Treatment Techniques                                                    56

           References                                                                                  59



4.0      Introduction                                                                            60

4.1      Data Presentation and Analysis                                               60

4.2      Hypothesis Testing                                                                 76

4.3      Interpretation and Result/Conclusion                                      83



5.0      Introduction                                                                            84

5.1      Summary of Findings                                                             84      

5.2      Conclusion                                                                             85

5.3      Recommendations                                                                  86

5.4      Suggestion for Further Studies                                               87

           References                                                                              88

           Appendix A: Questionnaire Cover Letter                                          90                 Appendix B: GLOBALCOM Staff Questionnaire                    91                 Appendix C: GLOBALCOM Subscriber Questionnaire                   94                           










Marketing managers often commission formal marketing studies of specific problems and opportunities. They may request a market survey, a product preference test, a sales forecast by region, or an advertising evaluation. It is the job of the marketing researcher to produce insight into the customer’s attitudes and buying behaviour. Kotler and Keller(2006)

Marketing research department play crucial roles within the organization especially when it comes to gathering and dissemination of vital information that would in the overall be of immense assistance to the marketing goals and objective of the organization.

According to Abu Zekeri(2008), It is very important to note that marketing embraces different activities such as: finding out what consumers needs and wants are, planning and developing suitable products or service that will satisfy those needs and wants, determining the best way to price, promote and distribute the want and satisfying product or service without hurting the organization. Marketing research is very needful for us to carry out these activities.

Marketing mix elements has several activities or decisions to be made under it. These decisions are product decisions, pricing decisions, distribution decisions and promotion decisions, this decisions could be effectively made with the aid of authenticate information which could only be gotten from marketing research.

An important task of marketing research is to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing activities. According to Kotler and Keller(2006), there are complimentary approaches to measure marketing productivity, they are; marketing metrics to access marketing effect and  marketing mix modeling to estimate causal relationship and how marketing activity affects outcome. Further discussions in the course of this project will give us clear insight to the approaches to measure marketing productivity. Marketers frequently asked questions that warrants the need to imbibe the use of  an effective marketing research to answer these questions. Questions such as:

(1)   How can we spot and choose the right market segments?

(2)   How can we differentiate our offering?

(3)   How should we respond to customers who buy on price?

(4)    How can we compete against lower-cost, lower- price competitors

(5)   How can we grow our business?

(6)   How can we build stronger brands?

(7)   How can we keep our customers loyal?

(8)   How can we measure the payback from advertising, sales, promotion and public relations

All the above questions are culled from Kotler and Keller (2006).

Market Share is an indicator of the success of a company’s marketing policy, the company that has the largest share for a geographical market is said to be the market leader in that market, the importance companies attach to market share varies accordingly to business culture. In United State of America (USA), Canada and many European countries, companies tend to focus on profit although market share is a key factor to determinant of profit. In Japan on the other hand market share can be more important than profit. Encarta  ® 2009.

According to Kotler and Keller(2006) company sales do not reveal how well the company is performing relative to competitors. For this purpose, marketing management needs to track its market share.

However, market share is the proportion of total sales of a product or type of product by a company in a given market. It can be calculated in terms of value or units sold. Encarta ® 2009.Further discussions in the course of this project work will reveal in detail the relationship between marketing research and market share as well as the role of marketing research in gaining market share.            



The research is undertaken in assessing objectively how organizations have been utilizing marketing strategies and programmes in gaining market share.

The study makes to attempt to answer the question often posed to organizations on how they have used their existing and new product to effect the ever changing business environment .One of the fundamental problems that prompt my interest to research into this project topic is the challenge of market penetration i.e. Why does new organizations with same product find it difficult to penetrate into the market? What are the reasons for the difficulty in market penetration?

Another fundamental problem that prompted my interest to research into this project topic is the question of Why some organizations have more market share than other organizations in an existing market. However, this research study is also to give answers to questions usually possed to marketing managers in organizations. Answers to questions like how true is it that marketing research is responsible for high market share? 



The research work is designed to achieve the following objectives:-

1.     To identify the purpose and effectiveness of marketing research in an organization.

2.     To identify the impact of information on organization’s marketing decision making.

3.     To determine the different forms of marketing information available to an organization.

4.     To examine the effect of marketing research on sales volume.

5.     To investigate the relationship between marketing research and gaining market share.

6.     To determine the cost and benefit of marketing research.



Some of the questions that led to this research work can be highlighted as follows:

1.     Why the need for effective marketing research in an organization?

2.     In what manner do marketing research affects a company sales and profitability?

3.     How can an organization improve upon the effectiveness of its marketing research?

4.     How justifiable is the cost of marketing research in an organization?

5.     To what extent is marketing research reliable in gaining market share?

Therefore, for organizations to remain in business and more profitable, they must be more aggressive in their marketing promotional mix strategies.



The following tentative statement can be related to the work study and will be tested later.

1.   Ho =    Marketing research do not increase sales volume.

      H1 =    Marketing research increase sales volume.

2.   Ho =    Marketing research do not lead to increase in market share.

      H1 =    Marketing research lead to increase in market share.

3.   Ho =    The cost incurred by most organization on marketing research does                                  

                   Not justify its purpose.

      H1 =    The cost incurred by most organization on marketing research justify      

its purpose.





Effective marketing research to a marketing manager as well as an organization cannot be disregarded or over-emphasized for these enable, proper decision to be made  in order to achieve the aim and objective of the organization.

Among the significant benefits derived from effective marketing research includes the following:-

·       The basic purpose of marketing research is to provide information of data for the purpose of assisting the management in making better and reasonable decision within the domain of their responsibilities.

·       It also provide a chance for the marketing manager to widening his existing level of knowledge by providing such vital information which is required for investigation.

·       The essence of this research study is also to provide relevant information that give an insight into the relationship between marketing research and market share

·       This research study will also produce an insight to customer’s attitude and buying behavior and how marketing managers can channel it towards maximizing market potential.

The contribution of this research to the advancement of academic knowledge is that it will be a foundation for further research studies into the relationship between marketing, marketing research and market share. This research study will also be of use to future researchers wishing to use information gathered in the course of this research for further research study.


This project work is designed to be a wide range of activities as related to marketing research in an organization. It will go a long way to look at how effectively marketing research is being conducted by marketers in Globalcoms Ltd.

The project work coverage area for this research study is at Globalcom’s corporate Headquarter, Mike Adenuga’s Tower, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

The scope will also cover the reasons for studying marketing research, application of marketing research and marketing research process.

In conclusion, the scope of this research project is how effective marketing research is used to achieve profitable consumer response. This research will cover applicable strategies and the possible impact of effective marketing research on consumer response. Information will be sought from past literature (like textbooks and related topic project) and field work (like questionnaires, personal interview etc)



In carrying out this research work, some difficulties were encountered which are listed below:-

(a)  Unwillingness on the part of the Globalcom Ltd Nigeria. Management to disclose that might be of importance because the company believes they are too vital to be released to a student researcher

(b)  Non-challant attitude of some workers of the company in answering relevant questions that pertains to the case study is one major difficulties and constraints of the work.

(c)   Financial difficulties and time constraints were major problems faced in the course of writing this project work.



“We set out from the onset, to build a network that is not only as good as our competitors but the best. We are determined to be world class, pure and ple. Our vision is to build the biggest and the best network in Africa” (Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr, Globalcom C.E.O).

Globalcom Nigeria Ltd. is associated with Globalcom limited company. Globalcom is a Nigeria multinational telecommunications headquarter in Lagos Nigeria. Other Globalcom registered offices are: 54, Saka Tinubu street - Human resource office,   38, Saka Tinubu street- Administrative office, 21, Adeola Odeku Street- Finance/Sales Glo world Head office. The Central Warehouse is situated at Oregun Ikeja, Lagos with over 100 outlets and offices allover Nigeria, over forty offices in Ghana and over 30 offices in Benin Republic.

Glo is a privately owned telecommunications carrier that started operations on the 29th of August 2003. It currently operates in 4 countries in West Africa namely Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast. Globalcom is known throughout Nigeria and the world at large in the telecommunication industry.

The company’s vision is to build Africa’s biggest and best telecommunication network, while their company’s mission is to deliver world class telecommunication solutions and services to all sectors of our society – business, corporate, government, public and private in a manner that will make each and every Nigerian rule his/her world.

Globalcom Nigeria is the second carrier in Nigeria, occupies second position in the GSM sector of telecommunications’ market in Nigeria. The total subscriber’s base of Globalcom is over 30million.

Globalcom Licenses covers:

          Digital Mobile License (GSM)

          National carrier License (fixed and fixed wireless)

          International Gateway License (Regional and international calls)

The above Licenses will enable Globalcom Nigeria to offer voice data and multimedia services to every type of consumer, sub-service provider or enterprise. It has 4 major business unit which are: Glo Broad access (fixed and fixed wireless), Glo Gateway and Glo 1 submarine cable.

Through the above business unit activities, Globalcom Nigeria aims to optimize it market share and continued existence to bring about survival throughout these economic hazards and inconsistencies with the physical and skilled human resources available to its high quality products and services, high standard Integrity, efficient management and accurate sales-forecast, as well as access to the technical know-how of its technical advisers or expatriate.



→   BROAD ACCESS: Landlines phones, ISDN (PRI) lines, leased lines, pre-paid                                                                   landline phones, Centrex, ADSL, voice and data services ( GPRS, EDGE & HSDPA) pre-paid and post paid.


           →     FIBRE OPTIC: For long distance international calls.


Other services of Globalcom include:

               ٭        Virtual Private Network

               ٭        3G Service

               ٭        4G Long Term Evolution (LTE)

               ٭        Business Solutions

               ٭        Mobile Money Transfer

Globalcoms’ product range comes as either prepaid product or postpaid.



Globalcom Nigeria staff strength is over 4,000 and over 200 expatriates inclusive. Continuous attention is given to training and development. Globalcom also uses training facilities through the cooperation of technical advisers. Below is Globalcom Ltd company structure:

As a company, Globalcom recently made history as the first single company to build an $800 million high capacity fiber – optic cable, known as Glo 1. It is the first successful submarine cable from the United Kingdom to Nigeria; and it will decrease telecom process and provide excess bandwidth to all the cities connected to the cable. This historical initiative will also improve teleconferencing, distance learning, disaster recovery and telemedicine among other benefits.

As part of giving back to the community in which it operates, Globalcom Nigeria sponsors the national football teams and premier leagues in Nigeria and Ghana.

In 2010, Globalcom sponsored the African Handball tournament in Benin Republic as well as the biggest cultural festival (FITHEB) held in Benin republic. Globalcom has also sponsored the annual confederation of African football (CAF) awards since 2005.

Finally apart from aiming to be the most socially responsible citizen in all its host countries, Globalcom aims to be recognized as the biggest and best mobile network in Africa.



MARKETING: - “this is a social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others” Kotler, P. and Armstrong G.,Principles of marketing Singapore: Pearson Education, Inc., 2001.

RESEARCH: is the systematic, objective and accurate gathering of relevant information and collating, analyzing and interpreting data in a manner that will make it easier for the management to make useful decision.

MARKETING RESEARCH: “is the systematic and objective search for and analysis of information relevant to the identification and solution of any problem in the field of marketing.” Green, P.E. and Tull, D.S., Research for Marketing Decision S., Englewood Cliffs, N.J:Prentice Hall Inc. 1990.                  

MARKET SHARE: is the proportion of total sales of a product or type of product by a company in a given market. It can be calculated in terms of value of units sold. “Market Share”.Microsoft, Encarta (R) 2009 .Redmond, WA.Microsoft Corporation,2008.

SAMPLING:  is the method by which subsets of population are studied and results obtained from them is used to make inferences about a total population.

CHI SQUARE is a statistical test commonly used to compare observed data with the data we would expect to obtain according to a specific hypothesis.  That is, sum total or the squared difference between observed (o) and the expected (e) data divided by the expected data in all possible categories. X2  = (O – e) 2/ ei

ISDN: (International Standard Digital Number.) is a number used to identify standard in global system mobile.

GPRS: (General Packet Radio Services.) is a packet-based data service for wireless communication services that is delivered as network overlay for GSM, CDMA,(Code Division Multiple Access) and TDMA.(Time Division Multiple Access)

GSM: (Global System for Mobile Communication.) this is a wireless telephone system that allows devices to carry multiple messages, data, sounds, pictures, motion at an incredible speed.

EDGE: (Enhanced Data Rates for GEM Evolution.) is a backward compatible digital mobile phone technology that allows improved data transmission rates as an extension on top of standard GSM. EDGE is also considered as 3G radio technology.

ASDL:  (Advance Digital Subscriber Line.) it’s a technical term used to describe a digitally enhanced lines.

HSDPA: (High Speed Down link Packet Access) it is a telecommunication technology that is used to boost the downlink to 14mbps.

2G (2nd Generation).This is a telecommunication technology that are capable of providing wireless networks to carry voices, limited data, and short messaging services, they emerged in the 90’s when mobile operator developed two computing digital standard namely CDMA, TDMA.

3G: (3rd Generation.) is part on the GSM family, it is an upgrade that provides a potential three fold increase in capacity of GSM/GPRS networks

4G: (4th Generation.) is a “last Mile” broadband wireless access an alternative to cable modem, telephone company digital subscriber lines. It is the latest generation of digital standards.

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