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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009508

No of Pages: 74

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study focused on the strategies for improving hygienic conditions of hostels in universities in Abia State using student’s hostels in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State University and Rhema University hostel. Six research question were formulated. Population of the study consisted of Male and Female students living in the hostels. Data were collected with questionnaire. Mean was used to analyze the data collected. The findings revealed the various hygienic facilities available to students’ residing in the hostel, personal cleanliness adopted by students, environmental cleanliness, and number of cleaning staff employed to clean the hostel. The study further revealed the hygienic problems faced by students were identified such as improper waste disposal, inadequate drainage systems, lack of water facilities, pests and rodents’ infestation, air pollution etc. Finally, practicable strategies for improving the hygienic condition of hostels in universities in Abia State to include provision of adequate facilities by management, good personal and environmental hygiene by students, organizing workshops and seminar concerning environmental hygiene by schools, provision of adequate sanitary facilities by management, employment of more cleaning staffs, provision of adequate refuse disposal units and adequate water facilities by the school management.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Certification Page                                                                                                                   ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   v

List of Figures                                                                                                                         vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix



INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                                 4

1.3       Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.4       Specific Objectives                                                                                                     8

1.5       Research Questions                                                                                                    9

1.6       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      9

1.7       Definition of Operational Terms                                                                                9



LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                                    10

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              10

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              11

2.2.1    Germ theory                                                                                                                11

2.2.2    Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory                                                            12

2.2.3    Public health                                                                                                               14

2.2.4    Miasma theory                                                                                                            15

2.3       Review of Related Empirical Literature                                                                    16

2.3.1    Environmental sanitation                                                                                           16

2.3.2    Importance of environmental sanitation                                                                     17

2.3.3    Disease and environmental sanitation                                                                        18

2.3.4    Foodborne illness                                                                                                       18

2.3.5    Personal hygiene                                                                                                        21

2.3.6    Environmental hygiene of university hostels                                                             27

2.4       Theoretical Framework/Orientation                                                                           30



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                                                        32

3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                                    32

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                                        33

3.3       Population for the Study                                                                                             33

3.4       Sample Size and Sampling Technique                                                                       33

3.4.1    Sample Size                                                                                                                33

3.4.2    Sample Technique                                                                                                      33

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   34

3.6       Validation of Instrument                                                                                            35

3.7       Reliability of Instrument                                                                                            35

3.8       Data Analysis Technique                                                                                           35



DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                                                      36

4.1       Introduction                                                                                                                36



SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                        51

5.1       Summary                                                                                                                    51

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  52

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      52






Fig. 1: The pathways of transmission of pathogens through the fecal-oral route and

Percentage Reduction in Risk of Disease from Improved water, Sanitation and

Hygiene Practices                                                                                                       10




Table 4.1:       Mean Responses on the Hygiene facilities available in hostels in Universities in Abia State                                         36

Table 4.2:       Summary of mean of Personal cleanliness adopted by students in Universities in Abia State                                                 37

Table 4.3:       Summary of mean of environmental cleanliness adopted by students in Universities in Abia State                    38

Table 4.4:       Summary of mean of Number of cleaning staff employed to work in the Hostel                                               39

Table 4.5:       Summary of mean of hygienic problems faced by students in Universities in Abia State                                                                  42

Table 4.6:       Summary of mean of Ways of Improving the Hygienic Conditions of Hostels in Universities in Abia State                        43








1.1       Background of the Study

Education is widely accepted as a major instrument for promoting socio-economic, political and cultural development in Nigeria. Universities educate future leaders and develop the high-level technical capacities that underpin economic growth and development (Odekunle, 2001). Higher education is recorded as an instrument of social change and economic development. According to the National Policy on Education (2004), higher education is expected to:

a.     Contribute to national development through high level relevant manpower training.

b.     Develop and inculcate proper values for the survival of the individual and society.

c.     Develop the intellectual capability of individuals to understand and appreciate their local and external environment.

d.     Acquire both physical and intellectual skills which will enable individuals to be self-reliant and useful members of society.

e.     Promote national and international understanding and interaction.

Despite the immense benefits of university education to nation building, the potentials of higher education and indeed the university system in developing countries to fulfill its responsibility is frequently thwarted by long-standing problems bedeviling the system.

The rapid growth of the Nigerian’s university system doubles every four to five years and probably grows faster than any other country in the world. From a modest enrolment of 3,646 students in 1962/1963, the system has a record of student enrolment of 20,889 in 1972/1973 increasing to 104,774 in 1982/1983. Five years later, in 1987/1988, the total enrolments in federal and state universities in Nigeria jumped to 167,767 students. By 1962, the number of universities in Nigeria increased from four to twenty in 1983.

Today, according to the National University Commission of Nigeria (NUC), the number of universities has grown to a hundred and eighteen (118), comprising of 36 Federal Universities, 37 state universities and 45 Private Universities.

As a result of expansion in student population, accommodations for university student in Nigeria has become a bother for both students and parents as almost all the universities fail to provide accommodation facility for students. The importance of the social environment in student life cannot be overemphasized.

One of the key features students and their parents are concerned about when enrolling in a university is the availability of student housing. The significance of housing as a major determinant of man’s welfare, life sustenance and survival cannot be overemphasized.

It has and will always be a prime concern to individual, facility, community and the nation at large. Housing is paramount to human existence as it ranks among the top three needs of man. Its provision has always been of great necessity to man. As a unit of the environment, housing has profound influence of the community (Omole, 2001).

Students housing form part of the facilities that students take into consideration before making a choice of the school they intend to attend among other considerations. This therefore makes it imperative for schools to give students having a top priority while enhancing the reputation of the school among other contemporaries.

It is crucial to note that student hotel must not only be adequately provided for in relation to the student population of a university, but it must be able to satisfy their needs if the best is to be appropriated from them. Satisfying users of any facility including hostel facility, should be one of the main objectives of providing such facility in the first instance.

Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the perseverance of health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that helps to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases”. Whereas in popular culture, it can often mean mere ‘cleanliness’. Hygiene in its fullest and original meaning goes much beyond that to include all circumstances and practices, lifestyle issues, premises and commodities that endanger a safe and healthy environment. Some regular hygienic practices may be considered good habits by a society while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even threatening.

Hygiene is a concept related to cleanliness, health and medicine, as well as to personal and professional care practices related to most aspect of living in medicine and in home and everyday lie settings.

Hygiene practices are employed as preventive measures to reduce the incidence and spreading of disease. The term cleanliness and hygiene are often used interchangeably which can cause confusion. Cleanliness is an act of removing dirt and making a place neat and tidy while hygiene is a practice that prevents spread of disease causing organisms. Since cleaning process remove infections microbes as well as dirt, they are often the means to achieve hygiene. Hygiene is also a branch of science that deals with the promotion and preservation of health. Waste are materials that are no longer valuable or useful, they ought to be properly disposed and should not be dumped anyhow to liter or menace the environment.

This study was guided by Maslow’s theory of Motivation as cited in Okumbe (1998) which argues that individuals (in this case students) learn better when all physiological needs are gratified. Maslow further elaborated the theory in Okumbe (1998) and lists the physiological needs like hunger, thirst, sleep and other needs.

The higher institutions of learning in the state and the country at large are supposed to be centers of excellence in all facets, but this is not the case as one crucial area environmental hygiene is seriously lacking in most university hostels precisely universities in Abia state. The very few accommodations that are being provided are not well maintained and also below standard, thereby exposing students to a frustrated life on campus. Abia State University Students presently live under a horrible condition on school campus. Their accommodation is known to be terrible, bad, insanitary and over-crowded thereby impending their capability of learning effectively. Some of the very few universities that provide accommodation do not make enough provision. Rooms that are meant to serve just four students accommodates close to eight students. Hence, it is important that research is conducted to find out the practicable strategies for improving the hygienic conditions of university hostels in Abia State because when these strategies are adopted and accepted, it will lead to enhancement in the academic excellence of the students, it will help in providing an optimal hygienic environment which is safe and conducive for physical, mental and emotional health of the school community in order for students to achieve maximum benefits from educational programmes and also reduction in complaints being filed against the management among others.

Maslow (1972) cited in Kasenene (1999) argues that physiological needs such as food and water are the primary drives which need to be satisfied before a person can realize any need for a secondary desire. According to Kasenene (1999), Maslow advanced a theory of Motivation in 1968 which argued that students will always have the need to learn after all the physiological needs are gratified. Maslow therefore concluded that learning is secondary to bodily needs and any attempt towards learning requires satisfaction of physiological or bodily needs as an unavoidable pre-requisite. In this study such needs included feeding, sanitation and accommodation.

The international policy environment increasingly reflects these issues. Providing adequate levels of water supply, sanitation and hygiene in schools is of direct relevance to the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals on achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and reducing child mortality. It is also supportive of other goals, especially those on major diseases and infant mortality. The UN Millennium Project and the UN Secretary-General have also highlighted the importance of rapidly addressing “quick wins”, identifying specifically provision of services to schools and health-care facilities. Targets promoted by Vision 21 include 80% of students should be educated about hygiene and all schools equipped with facilities for sanitation and hand washing by 2015 (WSSCC, 2000).

The researcher developed the strategies for improving the hygienic conditions of university hostels as; maintenance of drainage and sewage systems, provision of adequate refuse bins for waste disposal, provision of mowing machine to ensure that the grass around the hostels are always kept tidy, provision of adequate hostel materials (i.e. good bunks, mattresses, laundry ropes etc.), provision of hand sanitizers in rest rooms, etc.

This research aims at ascertaining the adequacy of the facilities provided in the students hostels in Universities in Abia State with a view to assess the level of satisfaction of the students with the available facilities.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

It is worrisome to note that Nigerian Universities seem to be fast decaying. All the resources required for education production process seem to be in short supply. Lecture halls, laboratories, library space, books and journals and worst of all, the students’ hostels.

The hostels in universities are known to be terrible, bad, insanitary, congested. So many problems have been identified concerning the hygienic conditions of university hostels. One of the problems is poor waste disposal. The indiscriminate dumping of waste around the campus especially in the hostels has become a serious environmental problem and unhygienic condition facing the hostels. It is very difficult to have fresh air around the hostel and their environment.

Another problem is the poor sanitary conditions of the toilet and bathrooms. As a student living in the hostel, taking one’s bath in the bathroom or even easing oneself in the toilet is usually a hurdle because of the sanitary conditions of the facilities.

Even though there were porters who come daily (apart from Sundays) to clean, the high number of persons using the facilities coupled with the water situation is a major challenge. For instance, in Michael Okpara University old female hostel, about a block of 9 rooms with about 20 students each share just 4 bathrooms and toilets. The toilets are always messed up with tissues, faeces, urine and some other harder papers discarded in it to the extent that the suck-away pit has to be opened for students to use in place of the untidy toilets.

Thirdly, the rooms of the students are kept untidy and dirty. It is penitent to note that hostels built and inhabited for a couple of years have begun to wear off due to lack of maintenance. Some of the walls are cracked with traces of moss and algae growing comfortably on them. Some louvers are either broken or completely off, some windows are either torn off as well and the floors have deep holes in them accommodating rats and other creeping animals or insects.

Most hostels do not have proper wardrobes or no wardrobes at all, some have improvised wooden planks nailed to the walls for students to hang their clothes and towels. Some rooms also have bad bunks and dirty or torn mattresses. They are either flat or torn in different parts such that most student’s return to school with their own bed covers to make the mattress a bit pleasant. Also, the lawns in some of the hostels are most times, left to overgrow for a long time and this could attract snakes and other reptiles to the hostels premises.

Finally, the situation in hostels in many tertiary institutions precisely Abia State, leaves a sour taste in the mouth. Students live under a horrible condition on school campus, their accommodation is terribly unhygienic and disgusting. Therefore, this research explains and finds out the strategies to adopt in improving the hygienic conditions of hostels in Universities in Abia State.

1.3       Significance of the Study

This study is important because it enlightens the provision of safe physical and emotional environments for students and to ensure healthy and safe students and to be able to contribute to national development through effective, healthy and hygienic lifestyles of the students in their hostels. This study will be beneficial to students, universities, the state government and the nation at large.

The students are the first beneficiaries of this research study. They will be able to recognize healthy living as desirable and necessary through-out their lives for their optimum learning environment that will satisfy their physical, mental and emotional needs, a healthy environment ensures that students’ health and academic performance do not suffer because the students will feel comfortable to concentrate fully on their academic work. An ill student cannot give perfect concentration to their education.

Secondly, the university also will benefit from the study. When the management of the university is able to recognize and discover those strategies for improving the hygienic conditions of their school, and they combine these strategies with adequate facilities and education, they will build healthy and strong students which will make investments in education more productive. If they are able to construct and renovate the hostels for students, aspiring students will also want to take a chance and stay in the hostel rather than living in lodges outside school thereby giving the university a good name both in state and federal level.

Thirdly, the state and nation will also benefit from the study. The students are the key resource, future leaders of the state and nation. When the strategies are applied, it leads to the development of the students (physically and mentally) which will lead them to become active participants in the society and country. They can become a change agent in their state and a stimulus for development of the nation.

1.4       Objectives of Study

The main objective of the study determine strategies for improving the hygienic conditions of hostels in university in Abia State. Specifically the study will find out:

1.         The hygiene facilities available in the hostels

2.         The personal cleanliness adopted by students

3.         The environmental cleanliness adopted by students

4.         The number of cleaning staff employed to work in the hostels

5.         The hygiene problems faced by students

6.         The ways of improving the hygienic state of hostels


1.5       Research Questions

1.         What are the hygiene facilities available in the hostels?

2.         What are the personal cleanliness adopted by students?

3.         What are the environmental cleanliness adopted by students?

4.         What is the number of cleaning staff employed to work in the hostels?

5.         What are the hygiene problems faced by students?

6.         What are the ways of improving the hygienic state of hostels?

1.6       Scope of the Study

The research work covers the male and female hostels in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State University Uturu, and Rhema University Aba, all in Abia State.

1.7       Definition of Operational Terms

1.         University: A university is an institution of higher education which provides hostels to accommodate students while providing them with undergraduate education.

2.         Hostels: Hostels are temporary accommodations in the universities for housing of students and it usually requires bunks, beds in a dormitory, bathroom, and toilet.

3.         Hygiene: Hygiene is a set of practices and conditions that can be applied by students in the hostel to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.

4.         Student: A student is a person enrolled at a university who may lodge temporarily in the school hostel to satisfy the need for shelter.

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