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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008234

No of Pages: 114

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Generally, price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. Price is one of the controllable variables which refers to the sum of all the values that customers give up in order to gain benefit. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the pricing strategy for effective marketing of pharmaceutical products, which emphasizes on Juhel Pharmaceutical Limited. The study adopted primary data method of data collection and the variables examined are Penetration Pricing, Effective Marketing. The researcher administered a research questionnaire to each member of the target population since it was the most appropriate tool to gather the information. Descriptive statistics such as percentages and tables were used in the analysis of data and the researcher employed Chi-Square to estimate the relationship of the variables. Data presentation was done by the use of tables for easy understanding and interpretation. The study found that Penetration Pricing Strategy is significant to Pharmaceutical Products at 5% level of significance. In view of the above, the public is recommended by the study to accommodate Penetration Pricing Strategy as tool for effective marketing of Pharmaceutical Products.


Title page                                                                                              I

Declaration                                                                                          II

Certification                                                                                        III

Dedication                                                                                           IV

Acknowledgement                                                                               V

Abstract                                                                                               XII


1.1 Background to the Study                                                          1

1.2  Statement of the Problem                                                        3

1.3  Objectives of the Study                                                           4

1.4  Research Questions                                                                 4

1.5  Research Hypotheses                                                               5

1.6  Significance of the Study                                                        6

1.7  Scope of the Study                                                                  6

1.8  Limitations of the Study                                                               6

1.9  Definition of Terms                                                                 7


2.1 Overview of Marketing                                                                9

2.2 Pricing                                                                                         11

2.2.1 Objectives of Pricing                                                                 12

2.2.2 Technologies in Pricing                                                             13

2.2.3 Nine Laws of Pricing Sensitivity and Consumer

Psychology                                                                                17

2.2.4 Approaches                                                                                18

2.2.5 Pricing Tactics                                                                           19

2.2.6 Pricing Mistakes                                                                        19

2.3 Pricing Strategies                                                                          20

2.3.1 Models of Pricing                                                                      21

2.3.2 Variable Pricing Strategies                                                        35

2.3.3 Yield Management Strategies                                                    36

2.4 Role of Pricing Marketing                                                            37

2.5 Penetration Pricing                                                                       39

2.5.1 Research                                                                                    42

2.6 Pharmaceutical Marketing                                                            43

2.6.1 New PHRMA Code                                                                   45

2.6.2 Free Sample                                                                               46

2.6.3 Continuing Medical Education                                                  47

2.6.4 Pharmaceutical Representatives                                                47

2.6.5 Key Opinion Leaders                                                                 50

2.6.6 Colleagues                                                                                 52

2.6.7 Private and Public Insurers                                                        52

2.6.8 Drug Coupons                                                                            54

2.6.9 Economics                                                                                 55


3.0 Research Design                                                                           57

3.1 Area of the Study                                                                          57

3.2 Sources of Data                                                                             57

3.3 Population of the Study                                                                58

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique                                                 58

3.5 Sample Determination                                                                  59

3.6 Instrument for Data Analysis                                                       59

3.7 Validity of Research Instruments                                                 60

3.8 Reliability of Research Instruments                                             60


4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis                                                    61

4.2 Test of Hypotheses                                                                       75


5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                   86

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                    86

5.3 Recommendations                                                                        87









4.1.1 Questionnaire Administration                                                   59

4.1.2 Sex Population of Respondents                                                60

4.1.3 Age Distribution of Respondents                                              60

4.1.4 Marital Status                                                                             61

4.1.5 Respondents Occupation                                                           61

4.1.6 Educational Qualification of Respondents                                62

4.1.7 Whether Respondents have Consumed Juhel Pharmaceutical products                                                                                     62

4.1.8 If “yes”, which type of Juhel Pharmaceutical Product have you consumed?                                                                          63

4.1.9 Whether the Juhel Pharmaceutical Products were very           effective                                                                                     63

4.1.10Whether penetration pricing strategy encourage patronage of Juhel Pharmaceutical Products                                              64

4.1.11Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy serves as tool for               Competitiveness                                                                         65

4.1.12Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy has effect on the

Increase in Sales Volume                                                          65

4.1.13Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy enhances Market

 Share                                                                                         66

4.1.14Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy enhances Juhel Nig. Ltd. Performance                                                                       67

4.1.15Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy has effect on              Consumer Retention/Loyalty.                                                    67

4.2.1 Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy serves as tool for         Competitiveness.                                                                        70

4.2.2 Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy have effect on the increase in sales volume                                                                          71


4.2.3 Whether Penetration Pricing Strategy have effect on Consumer Retention/Loyalty.                                                                     73








   Generally price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. More broadly, price is one of the controllable variables which refers to the sum of all the value that customers gives up in order to gain benefit or having or using a product or services (Kotler,2010) according Agbonifoh et all (1998) refers to what the buyers gives and what the sellers get in return for a product or services and more so a product can be defined as anything that can be offered and accepted in exchange for satisfaction (Onyike, 2002) anything offered to the market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that satisfy a want or need (Armstrong, 2010). The focus of this research is on the pricing strategy for effective marketing of pharmaceutical products. In the course of marketing of pharmaceutical products, pricing has placed a significant role for instance, the manufacturer or marketer is able to push the product to the market through the application of any pricing strategy or any other strategy assuming the product has been able to meet the basic requirements for the particular strategy Pharmaceutical Company. Long term strategy might include maximizing its market shares to achieve this, it might include introduction of price point that gaining less profit but increases sales volume, according to Xia at al, (2004) price farmers refers to consumer’s assessment of whether a seller’s price is reasonable, acceptable, or justifiable. And also backed up by another study from Herrman et al, (2009) which include that consumer satisfaction is directly influenced by price perceptions, albeit indirectly, the fairness itself and way it is fixed and offered have a great impact on satisfaction. And of which every current and potential buyer’s primary aim is to gain satisfaction. Research shows that some pharmaceutical companies fails because of wrong placement of price. All this reasons brings us to pricing strategy for effectiveness of pharmaceutical products. Pricing strategy for pharmaceuticals usually change as the product passes through its life cycle. The introductory stage is especially challenging for firms bringing out products that face the challenge of setting prices for the first time they can choose between two broad strategies which are market skimming pricing and market penetration pricing (Kotler, 2010).


A service is the application of specialized competence (knowledge and skill) through deeds, process and performance for the benefits of another entity or the entity itself. Services are economic activities, rather than tangible products offered by one party to another. Service marketing strategy focuses on delivery processes, experiences and intangibles to customers rather than physical products/ goods and transactions. Services which can be defined as deed processes and performances, it falls into several categories.


   Many pharmaceutical companies failed because of wrong placement of pricing of their products. Since we all know that pricing is fundamental to company’s success. It is also difficult to establish in a way that guarantees profitability, some pharmaceutical companies adopt underpricing while some adopt overpricing. There are so many factors companies need to consider before they can win the heart of their consumers. Before the implementation of the pricing strategy, pharmaceutical companies have to determine which strategy to be used in order to convince their consumers. So whatever way one may wish to look at it, marketing of pharmaceutical products must involve several strategy and pricing strategy tend to be one important as the pricing roles may be. Many pharmaceutical companies has failed to understand these hence their products often fails, while some fail at the point of introduction due to wrong pricing, some fail to introduce the product with right price while some fail to adjust the price rightly thereby failing to penetrate the market. In some cases, most of the pharmaceutical companies adjust their pricing policy wrongly while trying to penetrate the market. This act of pushing products into the market wrongly by pharmaceutical companies actually differ from one company to another. Based on the above stated challenges confronting the pharmaceutical companies, the possible solution to any of these problems as identified will be researched into and how pricing strategy can be determined and sustain pharmaceutical products for effective organizational growth and competitiveness.


   The main objective of this study is to evaluate the pricing strategy for effective marketing of pharmaceutical products, which emphasizes on Juhel Pharmaceutical ltd, Enugu. Other specific objectives are to:

i.               Examine how pharmaceutical firms have used penetration pricing strategy as a tool for competitiveness in the volatile Nigeria marketing environment.

ii.             Examine relevance of penetration pricing strategy as a tool to increase sales volume.

iii.           Determine the impact of penetration pricing strategy on customer relation/ loyalty of Juhel Nig. ltd product


1)    To what extent is penetration pricing strategy of pharmaceutical company?

i.               What is the impact of penetration pricing strategy on the competitiveness of Juhel?

ii.             How does penetration pricing strategy impact on increase in sales volume of Juhel Nig. ltd products?

iii.           What is the impact of penetration pricing strategy on consumer retention/ loyalty on Juhel Nig. ltd products?


The following hypotheses will guide the researcher in this study towards finding a solution to the identified problems.

Hypotheses 1

Ho: Penetration pricing strategy does not serve as a tool for competitiveness in    the marketing environment

Hypotheses 2

Ho: Penetration pricing strategy does not impact on the increase in sales volume of Juhel products.

Hypotheses 3

Ho: Penetration pricing strategy does not have any impact on consumer retention/ loyalty of Juhel products.



This research work is very significant to pharmaceutical company. It will alsi be vital to other sectors of the economy  and the society at large. This research tends to reveal the essentiality of effective penetration pricing strategy of pharmaceutical companies.

        Finally, it will also indicate the benefits of effective penetration pricing strategy and how it could be equally for further research work as a reference, considering those who may be writing on similar topic.


         The scope of this research work is the penetration strategy for effective pricing of pharmaceutical companies with special considerations on Juhel Nig. Ltd, Enugu.


         The following challenges is envisaged by the researcher in the course of this study;

a.     Financial Challenges: Due to the harsh economic situation in the country, the researcher encountered insufficient financial resources. This to some extent, made distribution and collection of the questionnaire difficult for the researcher.

b.    Limited Time: The time allotted to this project / research work was insufficient due to the fact that the researcher also has some lecturers to take, and other academic assignments were there equally begging for attention.

c.     Un co-operative Attitude of Respondents: Some respondents were so difficult in reaching as they tried all they could to frustrate the effort of the researcher but for the doggedness/ resilient of the researcher.


Pricing: This can be defined as the act of setting a price.

Strategy: A planned series of actions for achieving something.

Services: Is something that the public needs especially something that everyone in the country needs.

Intangible: Is hard to define, describe and measure.

Inseparability: The service and the service provider is the same.

Perishability: Service is highly perishable. It does not last for a long time.

Standardization: It can be measured and classified.

Variability: It is when something changes.

Posited: When you suggest or assume something as bases for argument.

Doggedness: You determine to continue with something even if it becomes difficult or dangerous.

Penetration: Is the degree to which a product is available or sold in an area.


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