This project of “ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT” gives us the
complete information about the library through internet. We can enter the
record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library.
We can issue the books to the students and maintain their records and can also
check how many books are issued and stock available in the library all through
on line. In this project we can maintain the late fine of students who returns
the issued books after the due date.
Chapter One:
1.1 Statement
of the problem
1.2 Aims
and objectives
1.3 Research
Scope of the study
Significance of the study
Chapter Two
Literature Review
Definitions of library
What is on line library
Primary uses of the library
Project scope
User classes and characteristics
Library electronic catalog database
Advantages of online library over manual
Library Database
What are the advantages And disadvantages of using database
Software requirement Specification
Specific requirement
Document Conventions
Chapter Three
System Analysis
Background of the case study
of the current system
of the current system
of the current system
details of solution to the problem
System Design
of the Proposed Design
Chapter Four
System Implementation and
Choice of programming language
Choice of database management system
System Requirement
Hardware requirement
Software Requirement
System Testing
File conversion
System Change Order
System Documentation
Program Snapshots
Chapter five
Appendix I Entity
Relationship Diagram
Appendix II Source Code
Table 3.1 Members’ Table
Table 3.2 Books Table
Table 3.3 Loans Table
Table 3.4 Issues Table
Table 3.5 Data Table
Table 3.6 Add Books Table
Table 4.4.1 Conversion of Document Format to other
Table 4.4.2 Conversion of Document Format to other
Table 4.4.3 Conversion of Document Format to other
Table 4.4.4 Conversion of Image Format to other Formats
Table 4.4.5 Conversion of Image Format to other Formats
Table 4.4.6 Conversion of Video Format to other Formats
Figure 3.1 Architecture of the Propose System
Figure 4.7.1 Interface Logon Screen Prototype
Figure 4.7.2 Interface Member Registration Screen
Figure 4.7.3 Interface Member Information Once Login
Figure 4.7.4 Interface Main Search Page of Library Catalog
Figure 4.7.5 Home Page
Figure 4.7.6 Snap Shot of Membership
Figure 4.7.7 Snapshot of Issue of Books
Figure 4.7.8 Snapshot of Stock Maintenance
Figure 4.7.9 Snapshot of Returned Books
Lagos state university campuses library maintains
every record of the books and the student details manually. Borrowing books,
returning books or viewing the available books at the library of the local
university is currently done manually where in the students has to go to the
library and check the available books at the library. Students check the list
of books available and borrow the books if the book is a borrow book otherwise
it is of waste for the students to check to the library to come to check for
the books if the student doesn’t get the book. Then the librarian checks the
student id and allows the member to check out the book and the librarian then
updates the member database and also the books database. This takes at least
one or two hours if the member is available at the near by place otherwise it
may take more time.
We have decided to investigate the use of online
library system. This system would be use by members who may be students or
professors of the university to check the availability of the books and borrow
the books, and by the librarian to update the database. The purpose of this
document is to analyze and elaborate on the high-levl needs and features of the
online library system. It focuses on the capabilities and the facilities provided
by a library. They need a computerized system to maintain their daily
transactions more efficiently and accurately.
Information technology has revolutionized the life of
human beings’ and has made the lives easier by the various kinds of
applications. In the light of the rapid changes with the use of IT, there are
many tools, techmologies and the system have been produce and invented. In the
modern world, time is a need for integration for all the processes, creation of
paperless environment also ensures efficient task management. Nowadays all the
businesses are shifting to computer based system. The purpose to having a
computer based system is, it helps to increase the market share and it’s very
easy for customers to use. This project is concerned with developing an “ONLINE
In this system the library management becomes more
efficient & easier to handle with its reliable system components. This
project is aimed at developing an online library management system (LMS) for
the college library. This is an intranet based application that can be accessed
throughout the campus. This system can
be used to search for books/magazines, reverse books, find out who is having a
particular book, put in requests to buy a new book etc. This is one integrated
system that contains both the user component and the librarian component. There
are features like email notifications/reminders, report generators etc in this
The proposed system allows library staff to register
and delete inactive students when needed and thereafter active students can
reserve books online with their password and student id. The period which a
student can borrow a book will be decided by the library staff in accordance
with the library regulations. Return date will be automatically captured by the
system and fines will be applied to students who do not return books on time.
System will not allow students to reserve books if they have any pending fines.
System maintains the records of the books in a database
with Author, Title, ISBN No and Category. The proposed system will have the
feature of searching a book author, title, ISBN no and category. In addition to
this, the new system will give various reports including books in demand,
outstanding book list, student history, missing books etc. Only super
administrator will have the authority to reverse a transaction where as every
library staff can enter the students, books and other day to day transactions.
By implementing the proposed system, students will have
the option of reserving a book online. This feature will help to reduce
unnecessary work load of the library staff. Apart from that, this helps library
staff and the management to make further decision based on the information
provided by the system.
state university (LASU) library systems are operated manually by group of
people. In such situations many people involved in the process of managing the
library such a way that to keep records regarding the books and students
(borrowers), check the books manually, keep records on issued books etc.
these things have to be carried out manually and if the library is large in
content handling is also a problem. On the other hand keeping large amount of
maintenance workers may cost a lot and it will not be efficient for a library.
Manual record keeping is also not a reliable method as people tend to forget
the borrower’s point of view, in manual system borrower can’t find a book
exactly at once as they are not ordered well. Sometimes user might be searching
for a book that is not available in the library in such situations people get
annoyed or depressed. Therefore there should be a reliable way to manage the
library system.
definitions of the proposed system are listed below:
Online system is
Internet is needed
Web page is needed
for heavy backup.
Security is needed
for login and password.
If internet is not
available at any moment then the system will be disturbed.
Each and every
entry of book transaction has to be entered in web site.
aim of this project is to develop a system that can handle and mange the
activities involved in a library in an efficient and reliable way.
specific objectives are as follows:
To develop a
system that can replace the manual library managing system.
To maintain proper
inventory of books.
To develop a
database which stores user details & book detail.
To develop the
system documentation with detailed UML specification.
This reviews the existing information system in an attempt
to define the nature and scope of the project. It also present the methodology
adopted in designing an online library management system for students and staff
of LASU.
In developing of an online system the method of
feasibility study were used, development of an online library management system
for LASU is more of developing an information system; however the information
in this scenario has to be more relevant to the outside world and in a good way
to the university community. In carrying out a preliminary survey for the
development of LASU online library, the present mode of information
dissemination was looked into for necessary appraisal.
The most common means of managing or operating LASU
library is by manual, and this has a lot of lapses and setback in our
technology age. Some of the other limitations identified are;
Manual processing
of information which results in slow data retrieval, access and slow rate of
information transmission.
information is susceptible to corruption.
involves a lot of problems.
Inefficiency and
slowness in information update.
There is tendency
of having data duplication as a result of lack of security of the data.
In the outside
world, there is a low level of awareness about what LASU library and what she
has to offer. Etc.
Online library is an electronic information system
posed at solving the above problems, by making available to users within and
outside the university, an automated information system of key operations in
the school library. It is also aimed at making the existence of LASU library
known through the graphical, distributed and hypertext-based information system
on the internet.
The functionality of the system (all circulation,
cataloging, reporting, searching) can be accessed at any work station on the
college wide area network with a standard Browser (internet explorer, Mozilla
fire fox).
The scopes of this project are as follows:
To introduce new
technology system into library management system of Lagos State University
through automation.
The college can
make any portion of the library management functionality available via the
internet for home and/or community access.
The system
requires no local application programming inorder to become operational.
The system does
not require any library management client applications to be installed on the
work station.
The system can
work in a proxy environment.
The institution
can make use of it for providing information about author, content of the
available books.
Make a database of
Make a list of
students/faculty that would be using the system.
Create the
front-page of the system giving a brief description about the system and a
login box.
Create the
help-pages of the system in the form of Q&A. this will help you also when
implementing the system.
Create other
sub-system like automatic notification, screens for various functions (like
reservation, cancellation of reservation, purchase request for new books,
approval page for the librarian etc.
It can be used in
campuses and modifications can be easily done according to requirements.
In view of the stated research problem and underlying
purpose of study, there are great benefits of the present research to LASU and
its external campuses. There will be greater efficiency, also mutual borrowing
of knowledge, skills and right attitudes on best practices in relation to
Online Library Management.
Similarly, other higher institutions both public and
private libraries will also find the results of this study very useful to their
operations. Moreover the study will serve as a useful template for whoever
wants to know more and better about online library should be done to promote a
friendly environment to the users and administrators.
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