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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007736

No of Pages: 105

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Tins work introduced a numerical modelling of bending analysis of plates, continuous in two perpendicular directions. The model involved a finite element analysis including the design of mesh to determine the responses (deflection and stresses) of a typical two way plate These w ere synthesized in a finite element MATLAB program for the model The aim of the model was to develop coefficients for the internal stresses and displacements that could be used for two-way design of plates. By using a unit value of distributed load, moment coefficients for SSCS. CSCS. SSSC, CCCC, CCSS and CCSC were obtained for various aspect ratios ranging from 10 to 2.0. The analytical results of the two-way typical plate were compared to the British standard (BS8110) and the Indian standard (IS456) codes as well as that of the exact solution by Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Kxieger (1959). Finally, comparison was done for the coefficients of deflection and moments at various aspect ratios for the typical two-way plates and the ideal plates for different support conditions. From the comparison with the BSXI10 and IS456 it was observed that the maximum center moment (Mx) percentage difference recorded for SSSC and SCCS were 7 2% and 13.3% respectively; their center moment (My) vary above 25%. However, SSCS, CSCS, CCCC and CCSC had maximum center moment difference greater than 25%. These differences is due to the fact that the BSX110 and IS456 moment coefficients have been modified by factors or safety for design purposes while the coefficients obtained in this research work are results of pure and unmodified elastic analysis. Comparing the analytical results of the typical plate with the exact solution by Timoshenko and Woinowsky it was seen that SSCS, CSCS and CCSC recorded maximum center moment difference of 8 4%, 10.9% and 15.7% respectively. However. SSSC and CCCC showed maximum center moment variation of 84.6% and 24.5% respectively These differences are likely to disappear on refining the mesh The analytical results of the typical plate showed good agreement with the results obtained for the ideal plate in the deflection coefficients but the moment coefficients varied Based on the results of analysis, bending moment coefficients were proposed for the design of two-way plates in Nigeria.


Front Cover                                                                                                                             i

Title page                                                                                                                                ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Declaration                                                                                                                              iv

Dedication                                                                                                                              v

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                         xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xii

CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND OF STUDY                                                                  

1.1   Statement of the Problem                                                                                               3

1.2    Aim and Objectives                                                                                                        4

1.3   Scope of the Study                                                                                                         5

1.4   Significance of Study                                                                                                      5

1.5 Limitations                                                                                                                      6


2.1   Finite Strip Method                                                                                                        7

2.2    Finite Difference Method                                                                                               8

2.3   The Finite Element Method                                                                                            9

2.4   Why finite element method                                                                                            14

2.5   Deductions from Literature Review                                                                               15



3.1    Classification of Panels                                                                                                 18

3.2    Development of the Numerical Method                                                                        19

3.2.1 Idealization of the continuous surface                                                                           19

3.2.2 Selection of displacement models                                                                                 20

3.2.3 Relating the generalized displacement within an element to its nodal displacement.   20

3.2.4 Strain – displacement relationship                                                                                 20

3.2.5 Relating the internal stresses to the strains and to nodal displacements                       21

3.3   Application of the Numerical Method to known Plate Problems                                   21

3.3.1 Discretization or mesh generation                                                                                  21

3.4    The Finite Element Formulation                                                                                    21

3.4.1 Selection of displacement models                                                                                 23

3.4.2 Relating the generalized displacement within an element to its nodal displacement    24

3.4.3 Strain – displacement relationship                                                                                 25

3.4.4 Relating the internal stresses to the strains and to nodal displacements                       25

3.5    Program Development                                                                                                   26

3.6    Response Points                                                                                                             27

3.7    Application of the Numerical Solutions to known Plate Problems                               28

3.7.1 Properties of the rectangular Isotropic Plate                                                                  28




4.1      Result of the Typical Irregular Plate                                                                            30

4.2      Comparison of Numerical Result with Exact Solution                                                37

4.3      Comparison of BS8110, IS456 and Exact Solution                                                    98

4.4      Comparison of Numerical Solution with BS8110 and IS456:2000                            51

4.5      Discussion of Results                                                                                                   75

4.5.1   Comparison of numerical results of typical continuous

Plate with the Exact Solution                                                                                     76

4.5.2    Comparison of numerical results with BS8110 and IS456                                         76

4.5.3    Comparison of center deflection of typical continuous plate,

Ideal and Exact Solution                                                                                            77

4.5.4    Derivation of moment coefficient for the Nigerian use                                              78



5.1       Conclusions                                                                                                                 81

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      83






4.1:      Results for a plate perpendicular in two directions                                                    31

4.2       Result of the numerical analysis of the ideal plates                                                    34

4.3:      Deflection coefficients for typical plate, ideal plate and exact solution                    35

4.4:      Torsional moment coefficient from the numerical analysis                                        36

4.5:      Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.0.                 37

4.5.1:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.1.                 38

4.5.2:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.2.                 39

4.5.3:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.3.                 40

4.5.4:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.4.                 41

4.5.5:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.5.                 42

4.5.6:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.6.                 43

4.5.7:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.7                  44

4.5.8:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.8                  45

4.5.9:   Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 1.9                  46

4.5.10: Comparison of numerical results with exact solution for aspect ratio 2.0                  47

4.6:      Comparison of BS8110 and IS456 code values with exact

Solution for various aspect ratios                                                                                48

4.7:      Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.0 (Positive centre moments)                                 51

4.7.1:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.0 (Edge centre moments)                                     52

4.7.2:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.1 (Positive centre moments)                                 53

4.7.3:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.1 (Edge centre moments)                                     54

4.7.4:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.2 (Positive centre moments)                                 55

4.7.5:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.2 (Edge centre moments)                                     56

4.7.6:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.3 (Positive centre moments)                                 57

4.7.7:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.3 (Edge centre moments)                                     58

4.7.8:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.4 (Positive centre moments)                                 59

4.7.9:   Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.4 (Edge centre moments)                                     60

4.7.10: Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.5 (Positive centre moments)                                 61

4.7.11: Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456 in

percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.5 (Edge centre moments)                                     62

4.7.12: Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456

in percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.75 (Positive centre moments)                           63

4.7.13: Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456

in percentage (%) for aspect ratios 1.75 (Edge centre moments)                               64

4.7.14: Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456

in percentage (%) for aspect ratios 2.0 (Positive centre moments)                             65

4.7.15: Comparison of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456

in percentage (%) for aspect ratios 2.0 (Edge centre moments)                                 66

4.8:      Variation of the numerical results with BS 8110 and IS 456: 2000                           67

4.9:      Summary of the comparison of results of the typical plate with the

results of ideal plate in percentages                                                                            68

4.10:    The proposed Bending Moment Coefficients of Rectangular

Plates for the Nigerian use                                                                                          79

4.11:    The Proposed Bending Moment Coefficients of Rectangular

Plates for the Nigerian use                                                                                          80



3.1:      Numbering of the rectangular plates       16

3.2       Typical plate continuous in two perpendicular

direction *Referenced from TIMOSHENKO’S work (1959)                                   17

3.3:      Boundary Conditions Present in the Plate Model of Fig. 3.2                                    17

3.4:      Discretized typical plate continuous in two Perpendicular Direction                         22

4.1       Graph of typical and ideal solution for SSCS                                                            69

4.2       Graph of typical and ideal solution for CSCS                                                            69

4.3       Graph of typical and ideal solution for SSSC                                                            69

4.4       Graph of typical and ideal solution for CCCC                                                           70

4.5       Graph of typical and ideal solution for SCCS                                                            70

4.6       Graph of typical and ideal solution for CCSC                                                           70

4.7       Graph of typical, ideal and exact solution for SSCS                                                  71

4.8       Graph of typical, ideal and exact solution for CSCS                                                             71

4.9       Graph of typical, ideal and exact solution for SSSC                                                  71

4.10     Graph of typical, ideal and exact solution for CCCC                                                            72

4.11     Graph of typical, ideal and exact solution for SCCS                                                             72

4.12     Graph of typical, ideal and exact solution for CCSC                                                             72

4.13     Graph of typical, ideal, BS8110 and IS456 solution for SSCS                                 73

4.14     Graph of typical, ideal, BS8110 and IS456 solution for CSCS                                 73

4.15     Graph of typical, ideal, BS8110 and IS456 solution for SSSC                                 73

4.16     Graph of typical, ideal, BS8110 and IS456 solution for CCCC                                74

4.17     Graph of typical, ideal, BS8110 and IS456 solution for SCCS                                 74

4.18     Graph of typical, ideal, BS8110 and IS456 solution for CCSC                                74





                                                BACKGROUND OF STUDY 

One of the common structural members which is widely employed in many fields of engineering are plate structures. Plates are flat structural members which are always bounded by two parallel planes referred to as faces and edge (Vantsel, E. and Krauthemmer, T. 2001). Plates are used to model retaining walls, bridge decks and floor slabs (osadebe et al., 2016). Plates may be visualized as intersecting, closely spaced, grid beams and thus, are considered to be highly indeterminate. In fact, plate structures always have complex boundary conditions and loading patterns that are often difficult to find for the exact solution. Numerical approaches for these cases therefore serve as a good alternative approach. Therefore, the numerical modelling of the bending analysis of plates continuous in two perpendicular directions is a practically important case.

Analytically, the plate is a complex problem when it is continuous in two perpendicular directions. (Bari et al., 2004). Remarkable authors have proposed tentative solutions. Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Kreiger (1959) developed classic thin-plate solutions for an isotropic linear elastic thin plate. In the past years, plate problems have been treated by the use of Fourier series or trigonometric series as the shape function of the deformed plate. However, no matter the approach used, the use of trigonometric series (double Fourier series and single Fourier series) has been predominant. Most times, when it is becoming intractable to use the trigonometric series, trial and error means of getting a shape function that would approximate the deformed shape of the plate would be used (Ibearugbulem et al., 2011). Osadebe et al., (2016) worked on application of the galerkin-vlasov method to the flexural analysis of simply supported rectangular kirchhoff plates under uniform loads. Here, the Galerkin - Vlasov variational method was used to present a general formulation of the Kirchhoff plate problem with simply supported edges and under distributed loads. The problem was then solved to obtain the displacements, and the bending moments in a Kirchhoff plate with simply supported edges and under uniform load. Maximum values of the displacement and the bending moments were found to occur at the plate center. Several other methods were explored by researchers like Emmanuel et al., (2018), Okafor and Udeh (2015), Taylor & Govindgee (2004). These are generally accepted as approximate methods.


This research work introduces the numerical modelling of bending analysis of plates, continuous in two perpendicular directions. A finite element MATLAB program was developed for this model. Because of the irregular shape the data was designed for automatic mesh generation. The developed program was used to determine design coefficients as obtained in BS8110 and IS456. The aim is to compare the theoretical coefficients obtained in this work with that of the exact solution, BS8110 and Indian code, and hence, make a proposal for such coefficients that could be used in Nigeria. BS 8110 is the official code of practice used in the design of structures in Nigeria.

Accordingly, design tables and charts from BS 8110 are used to analyze and design structural elements such as columns, bases, slabs, beams, etc. This was the official practice to date before and after the independence of Nigeria. All the same, Nigeria's frequent building collapse is at a disturbing rate, with a moderately large impact.

Despite all the investigations, no serious and justifiable development is recorded to avert this happenings (Mansor et al., 2017). Findings from researchers (Tanko et al., 2013; Ede, 2013; Ayodeji, 2011; Abubakar et al., 2014) concluded that substandard construction materials are the real causes of structural failure and collapse in Nigeria.

The Nigerian Engineer has not taken any bold step to evaluate the suitability of this code (BS 8110) to the Nigerian construction industry particularly at this time, when there are several structural failure cases in Nigeria. India, a commonwealth nation, has taken the bold step to pull away from the British code (BS 8110) and established the Indian code of practice (IS456:2000) which serves her purpose better.

Therefore, the present research work examines the bending moment coefficients from BS 8110 used to analyze and design two-way slab continuous in two perpendicular directions, using a numerical approach (FEM)

The finite element analysis method is generally the most powerful, versatile and precise analytical method of all available methods and has quickly become a well-known technique for the computer solution of complex engineering problems. It is very effective in analyzing complex structures such as modeling a plate, continuous in two perpendicular directions; with complex geometrical properties, material properties and conditions of support and subject to a number of conditions of loading.

Finite element modelling involves the description of the domain, discretization of the continuum into sub-domain of appropriate shape called finite elements and selection of the interpolation function that will be used to reduce complex plate bending equations into simple differential and integral equation which are solved simultaneously so as to get the stiffness matrix, Daniel (2015).

Finite element analysis has several advantages in comparison to other methodologies for numerical analysis. It is very powerful and applicable in many engineering issues such as structural system displacements, stress-strain analysis, etc.

A few applications of finite element modelling that have been used for engineering research are seen in the research works of Mustafa et al.,2013; kanber and bozkurt 2005; bari et al.,2004;Agrawal et al., 2016 etc


Given a typical plate and a number of ideal plates, all of which are continuous in two perpendicular directions; it is required to carry out structural analysis of such plates. Over the years, dividing the typical model into a number of ideal plates has been the normal practice for such analysis. Again, the BS8110 has been the official code of practice used in the concrete plates (slabs) as a structural element.

Based on the knowledge of numerical analysis, the present work developed a numerical model that will carry out structural analysis of such plate wholistically. The formulation of the model shall be synthesized in a finite element based MATLAB program.

The developed MATLAB program will be used to study the structural response (bending moment coefficients) when the analytical structures (plates) are subjected to unit loads. These results will be used for a proposal of bending moment coefficients for the Nigerian use. It is expected that this proposal will form the bed rock in future in case Nigeria decides to have her own code.


The aim of this work is to develop a numerical model for the structural analysis of plates, continuous in two perpendicular directions using a MATLAB computer program for the determination of the static response of a two-way slab using the finite element method. The objectives of this research work are:

  1.  To develop a finite element MATLAB program for the numerical analysis of the two way plate model.
  2. To validate the model by statistically comparing analytical results (responses) obtained with the program to other results in published literature.
  3. Application of the finite element program to the model in other to determine the responses of the two way plate model.
  4. To determine bending moment coefficients using the developed program and compare the results with exact solution, BS8110, IS456. The analytical structures here will be a set of ideal plates, all of which are continuous in two perpendicular directions.
  5. Based on the comparison in 4 above, make a proposal for bending moment coefficients for use in Nigeria. (Note that Nigeria has not developed any such coefficients, BS8110 has been in use in Nigeria).


This study is limited to the analysis of two-way slab. There are other types of slabs which are not of interest to this work. The MATLAB program to be developed for this work is for the elastic analysis of the static response of two-way slab. Plastic analysis is, therefore, not within the scope of this work. Also, dynamic and stability analysis will not be considered.


The present work introduced the numerical modelling of bending analysis of plates continuous in two perpendicular directions. The following are the significance of the study:

i.          The result of this study will be used as a standard for the construction of two-way plates taking into consideration the fact that local requirements are often different compared to the provisions of BS8110 which has been the official code of practice.

ii.         Serpell et al., (2002) observed that the development process of standard is difficult, cumbersome and unstable. This research will be a contribution to the body of literature in this area of construction standard and regulations in Nigeria, thereby constituting the empirical literature for future research in this subject area.

iii.      Finite element analysis of irregularly shaped rectangular plates continuous in two perpendicular directions will obviously involve a mesh design which is very crucial and challenging. The mesh design in this research will therefore present a knowledge based approach to other researchers, which is necessary to experience in this aspect of finite element analysis.

iv.      The bending moment coefficients that will be obtained from this work, after being appropriately enhanced by a factor of safety, could serve as a proposal for a possible Nigerian code of practice in this regard.



One way slab is not considered in this study. Again, the response obtained in this research are linearly elastic. Plastic analysis is not considered.


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