This study investigated motivational factors as correlate of job performance of librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria. The general objective was to determine the relationship between motivational factors and job performance of librarians; using seven dimensions of motivational factors as measures: promotion, salary, training, communication, work environment, leadership style and rewards. To achieve this, the correlational research design was adopted. The population of the study consisted of 190 librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria. A questionnaire titled ‘Motivational Factors and Job Performance Questionnaire (MFJPQ) was used to collect data for the study. The questionnaire was pretested using Cronbach alpha statistics. A total of 190 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to respondents. Out of this number, 181(95.26%) copies were returned and found correctly filled. Eight research questions to guide the study and eight hypotheses were formulated for the study. Descriptive statistics (Mean and Standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that motivational factors to a high positive extent relate to the level of job performance of librarians in universities in South-East Nigeria. More so, the multiple regression analysis revealed that promotion, training, salary, communication, physical work environment, leadership style and rewards the independent variables significantly relate to the level of job performance of librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria. The results also revealed that the independent variables have contributed to high job performance of librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria. Following the results, it was recommended, among other things, that library managements should employ and improve good motivational factors for job performance of librarians. Strategic and effective management approaches should be adopted by the university management to motivate librarians for effective work.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of
Content vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
Abstract xii
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 11
1.3 Purpose of the Study 12
1.4 Research Questions 13
1.5 Hypotheses 14
1.6 Significance of Study 14
1.7 Scope of the Study 16
2.1 Conceptual Framework 17
2.1.1 University 17
2.1.2 Librarian 19
2.1.3 Motivation 21
2.1.4 Motivational
factors 27
2.1.5 Job
Performance 31
2.1.6 Relationship between motivation and job
performance of librarians 38
2.1.7 Problems affecting
motivational factors and Job performance of
librarians 40
2.1.8 Strategies for
improving motivational factors for enhancing job
performance 45
Theoretical Framework 50
Review of Empirical Studies 59
Summary of Literature Review 71
Design of the Study 73
Area of the Study 73
Population of the Study 74
Sample and Sampling Techniques 74
Instrument for Data Collection 75
Validation of the Instrument 76
Reliability of the Instrument 76
Method of Data Collection 77
Method of Data Analysis 77
Result Presentation 79
4.2 Major
Findings of the Study 88
Discussion of Findings 88
Summary 94
Conclusions 98
Implication of the Findings 99
Recommendations 101
Limitation 102
Suggestions for further Studies 103
4. 1: Correlation
matrix of motivational factors and level
job performance of librarians in public universities in
Nigeria 79
4. 2: Regression
analysis of motivational factors and
of job performance of librarians in public universities
South-east Nigeria 80
4.3 Correlation
matrix of promotion and job performance of
in public universities in South-east Nigeria 81
4. 4: Regression
analysis of promotion and job performance
librarians in public universities in
South-east Nigeria 81
4. 5: Correlation
matrix of salary and job performance
of librarians in public universities in South-east Nigeria 82
4. 6: Regression
analysis of salary and job performance of
in public universities in South-east Nigeria 82
4.7: Correlation
matrix of training and job performance of
in public universities in South-east Nigeria 83
4.8: Regression
analysis of training and job performance
Librarians in public universities in South-east Nigeria
4 .9: Correlation
Matrix of communication and job
of librarians in public universities in South-East
Nigeria 84
4.10: Regression
analysis of communication and job
of librarians in public universities in
Nigeria 84
4.11: Correlation
matrix of work environment and job
of librarians in public universities in
Nigeria 85
4.12: Regression
analysis of work environment and job
of librarians in public universities in
Nigeria 85
4.13: Correlation
matrix of leadership /management style
job performance of librarians in public universities in
Nigeria 86
4.14: Regression
analysis of leadership /management
and job performance of librarians in public universities in
Nigeria 86
4.15: Correlation
matrix of rewards and job performance of
librarians in public universities in
South-east Nigeria 87
4.16: Regression
analysis of rewards and job performance of
in public universities in South-East Nigeria 87
1.1: Schematic representation of the
conceptual framework
of the study 49
2.2: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
propounded by Abraham H.
Maslow (1943) 51
A university is
the place where knowledge is delivered to students. It is the place where
academic staff impart their knowledge to students, and ensure that students
gain knowledge from them and become successful in various fields in the future (Yee,
2018). Universities play a very important role in national development. As
higher educational institutions charged with the responsibility of awarding
certificates and degrees, they are expected to provide the right environment
where learning, teaching and research can thrive. More so the main determinants
of university's ranking according to Yee (2018), are based on the research performance,
teaching performance, consultancy, and contributions to society and
administrative work. These activities are very crucial for the development of
the society. To effectively deliver on their objectives, qualified, competent/skilled
and hardworking staff (academic and non-academic) in different faculties and
departments, as well as students are needed. For
any university to successfully attain the organizational objectives of learning,
teaching and research therefore, it is important that facilities such as functional
libraries are provided.
A university library
is an academic library established and maintained by the university. It exists
to support the needs of students and staff for learning, teaching and research.
According to Awoyemi and Fadehan (2017), it is seen as the hallmark of academic
activities and as such an important agent in the pursuit of academic excellence.
Two complementary roles are fulfilled by university library; to support the
curriculum of the school and to support university faculty and students' study.
The library ensures easy access to the print and non-print information resources
available to meet the educational needs of both staff and students of the
university through services such as Current Awareness Services (CAS) and
Selective Dissemination of Information services (SDI) and so on.
The importance
of university libraries in the mission of universities cannot be contested, without
a doubt they cannot achieve their laudable goals or perform their expected
social functions without human and material resources at their disposal. The
material resources include money and information resources in both print and
non print materials such as books, journals, reference materials, and computers
and so on, although the material resources are very important, it requires the
effort of the human resources to bring them to life. Zhang (2010) posits that
human resources remain the most indispensable of the two resources because
human beings give life and meaning to material resources. As a result, any
organization's future depends more on its workers than any other factor. This
is particularly so about libraries because they are service organization. Like
any other service organization, the productivity of any library is determined
by the services they offer to users, and this in turn depends on the librarians
responsible for efficiently and effectively providing the services. The
personnel in university libraries include the librarians, the library officers,
the library assistants, secretarial and maintenance staff. While these entire
staff play very critical roles in the mission of university libraries, the
librarians – the main focus of the study-stand out because they are the
individuals interested explicitly in the day-to-day library service provision
to users.
According to the
Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN, 2015), a librarian is a
qualified and trained person with a minimum degree in Library and Information
Science or in a related field of study. The American Library Association (ALA,
2002) adds that the librarian is the professional staff in libraries
responsible for carrying out tasks that require a special background and
education on the basis of which library needs are analyzed, goals are set and
original creative solutions are formulated for them. For the purpose of this
study librarian implies to library workers with a first degree in Library
studies or related fields, a postgraduate diploma, a master's degree or other
qualification in Library and Information Science.
Although the
duties of librarians differ significantly according to the library's size, the
Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN, 2015) further outlines their
duties to include, selecting,
developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources, answering
researchers’ enquiries, management of staff, including recruitment, training
and/or supervisory duties. Other duties performed by librarians include
supporting independent research and learning, assisting readers to use computer
equipment, conducting literature search, and providing library resources to
users. Their role also includes promoting and encouraging learning through
training students and staff in classrooms or virtual learning environments with
information retrieval skills. However, librarians are individuals with thoughts, emotions, values, aspirations,
views, perceptions, attitudes and other personal characteristics, there is no
doubt that the factors that affect them have a direct bearing on their job
performance. As a result, it is important that management of university
libraries pay serious attention to the factors that can affect job performance.
In agreement, Ekere (2010) posits that “it is very likely that these duties
will not be discharged if the authorities appear to think almost entirely of
their service, unless they give due weight to those who handle them in
universities”. It is important that librarians recruited have to be adequately
developed, motivated, and maintained to provide quality service. Every staff who
works in an organization such as the university library has certain jobs assigned
to him or her to perform. Such jobs are assigned based on qualifications and experiences
of such staff.
A job in the
context of this study is a role that an individual performs for which he/she is
paid. Furthermore, a job consists of duties, responsibilities, tasks and the
social and physical aspects of a job atmosphere. It is critical to pay
attention to these factors because of the role they play in job performance and
satisfaction of workers. Coleman cited in Usman (2016) defined a job simply as
a collection of tasks, duties and responsibilities assigned to a position or
individual in an organization. Job can also be seen as a set of duties and
responsibilities whose completion serves to further organizational objectives.
According to Cullen (2000), job is ‘a piece of work’, ‘a person’s regular paid
employment’, ‘a function or responsibility’.
Job performance
can be seen as actions or activities carried out to accomplish the aims of the
organization (Motowidlo, Borman and Schmit, cited in Al-Omari, and Okasheh, 2017).
Ideally, people should perform well when they have the necessary abilities and
skills. Al-Omari, and Okasheh (2017)
opined that performance is the product
of a person or group's work in an organization at a specific moment,
representing how well the individual or group performs the qualification of a
job in the task of achieving the purpose of the organization. For them performance is defined as ‘the act
or process of executing a task’, a level of achievement, success or efficiency
of functioning. Expectedly, people should perform well when they have the
abilities and skills. But beyond
abilities and skills, they need to have the motivation to do so and this is
most likely to happen where incentives are provided. Employees spend the better
part of their active hours in their work environment, and as such, it is
important that the necessary support and avenues for expression are provided.
Therefore, in order to influence employee performance positively, it is
mandatory for all managers to stimulate and induce the staff to put in their
best. Aarabi, Subramanian and Akeel, (2013) opined that it is important that
employers of Labour know the primary needs of workers to manage and address
them towards effective job performance. It is for this reason that there is
need to understand how the material and moral elements interact to impact on
the job performance of librarians.
According to
Inana (2008), employers of labour can enhance performance of their employees by
providing them with reasonable pay, welfare services, such as rewarding hard
working employees, promotion and in-service training, and punishing erring
employees. Employees are more likely to demonstrate good job performance if
they understand that doing good work increases their chances of advancement and
higher pay. All these are vital for employee’s success on the job. Any
organization's success is directly linked to performance, productivity and
commitment of its workers. According to Williams (1995), the livelihood of a
company is dependent on the employees. Librarians, who perform more complex and
intellectually vigorous jobs in the libraries, become much concerned about job
satisfaction in order to promote efficiency of library personnel in the realization
of the goals and objectives of librarianship (Murray, 1992). Good performance
could be enhanced upon by encouraging and developing harmonious and pleasant
work place. Clear and unambiguous job description, punishing poor job
performance in reasonable ways, and rewarding good job performance among others,
serve as a motivation to employees.
The foregoing
demonstrates that job performance is central to the growth and stability of an organization.
For purposes of this study, job performance is interpreted as the act of executing
a set of duties or responsibilities assigned to an individual working in an organization.
When the librarians’ needs are met, the
librarians are likely to take responsibility for their performance and thus
they will perform well to achieve their organizational goals. Ekere (2010)
opines that a person whose different circumstances are harmoniously tuned will
be more successful in his/her work place. Continuing, the author posits that the
atmosphere in the workplace should provide a positive, fulfilling and demanding
environment that will inspire every individual to unleash the potential within
Motivation is
seen as one of the most important factors affecting human behaviour and
performance. According to Aarabi, Subramanian and Akeel (2013), motivation is a
Latin word ‘mover’ which means ‘to move’. Cullen (2000), says that motivate is
‘to cause or stimulate a person to act. Durosaro and Ogunsaju (2000), Ukeje and
Okorie cited in Okodoko (2010), Ayub and Rafif (2011) and Ivu (2011) see
motivation as those factors that activate and energize human behaviour such as
needs, desires or expectation. As a drive or intrinsic force that makes him
want to contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives. Alhamdu et
al. (2010) posits that a well-motivated staff is a great asset to any organization
because he or she will always be production-hungry. Such a staff is usually
proud, ready, willing, available, and able to deliver on any assigned task no
matter the circumstance, making him to be highly efficient, focused and goal-oriented.
Motivated employees are happier and more productive. They perform duties
assigned to them with total commitment, concentration and dedication, the end
of which is a good result. Employees who are motivated to perform their duties
usually are conscientious workers who show pride in the quality and quantity of
their work. However, enthusiasm, commitment, pride and productivity are the
cornerstone of employee engagement (Alhamdu, 2010). Motivation helps people to
push or pull from bad situations, which are negative features in their lives.
Employees who are motivated enjoy their jobs. They care about the quality of
their work and they generally are what employers call ‘engaged’ workers who
enthusiastically embrace their duties and responsibilities.
No matter the
size of a functional library as well as the scope and strength of the
collection, the manager of a library cannot meet his or her set goals if
members of staff are not well-trained, properly equipped and highly motivated. In
the world of work, a number of factors interact to affect both the quantity and
quality of workers’ efforts towards their job. How satisfied librarians are
with their jobs may affect their performance in their jobs, their relationships
with their co-workers, subordinates, clients, physical health, social lives and
adjustment. In the long-run these will affect the mental health, happiness and
longevity of the librarians. However, in any organization particularly in
university libraries, the critical factor required by any librarian today is
motivation. Furthermore, librarians providing such praiseworthy services should
be sufficiently motivated in order to anticipate high performance of the
professional librarians at these universities. The following motivational
factors are to be discussed in this study: promotion, training, payment of
regular salary, communication, work environment, leadership style and rewards.
Yaya (2018)
opined that motivation is of two types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic
motivation consists of an individual worker's in-built factors that energize
him or her to perform a particular role in the organization. These include:
positive recognition, growth that is (personal skills and experience),
advancement that is higher degrees gained to boost successful accountability
for service delivery, work itself and reward. Extrinsic motivation, on the
other hand includes certain factors or facilities offered by the organization
that enable employees in the organization to exercise their energy in the
performance of a given mission. These include: reasonable salary, promotion,
training, conducive work environment, information and communication and good
leadership styles. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors in the
university library can increase the work satisfaction and efficiency of
librarians and also provide powerful determinant of employee performance. However,
these factors are missing or diluted, the employee comes to work only for a
check. In this case, the employee is present at work in body only, leaving his
or her mind outside the gate. If employees are motivated to achieve certain
goals, they will be satisfied if they achieve these goals, usually by improving
their performance. There may be even greater satisfaction if they are rewarded
through extrinsic recognition or intrinsic sense of achievement. This suggests
that performance improvements can be achieved by giving people the opportunity
to perform, ensuring that they have the knowledge and skill required to perform,
and rewarding them through financial or non-financial means when they perform (Armstrong,
2007). Aniemeka (2003) and Senyah (2003), observe that Nigerian civil servants
are not adequately motivated. They lack working tools and equipment. This makes
the working situation to be frustrating for the civil servant. It gives rise to
a non-committal attitude to government programs, apathy and low morale which
leads to ineffectiveness, inefficiency and low productivity. This makes the
working condition to be unattractive. When employees are highly motivated, they
tend to direct their energies towards meeting organizational goals and to
display continuum levels of performance. Conversely, when motivation declines,
there is a tendency for employees to display such negative traits as apathy,
hostility and aggression. These traits also tend to undermine efficiency,
productivity and sustainability. The need to motivate and be motivated is
therefore continuous and constant.
To be
effective, management needs to understand what motivates the professional
library staff within the context of the roles they perform. Therefore,
motivation in libraries is absolutely important because it could change the
behaviour of employees in positive ways. Poopola, Ayeni and Tella (2007) opined
that no matter how automated a library might be, high productivity depends on
the degree of motivation and workforce performance. This is in line with
Chukwuemeka's view cited in Usman (2016) Although the employee's expertise and
skills are essential in assessing his work efficiency, these factors alone are
not sufficient. It is important to understand what motivates the person to
disclose how skills and abilities are triggered and their potential is
motivation can be characterized as the process of influencing, inspiring and
encouraging librarians to effectively perform their jobs. In addition,
motivation gives a person a goal and the drive he or she needs to accomplish
it. It allows people, with a negative feature in their lives, to push or pull
from a bad situation.
In Nigeria,
there are two kinds of universities: public (federal and state) and private.
Universities in Nigeria are known by the funding source. The researcher
concentrated more on public (federal and state) universities. In all, there are
five federal universities and five state universities in South–east Nigeria (National
Universities Commission; (NUC, 2016). The federal universities and the years of
their establishment are as follows: University of Nigeria Nsukka, (1960);
Federal University of Technology, Owerri, (1980); Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka,
(1992); Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (1992) and Federal
University, Ndufu-Alike; Ebonyi State (2011). The state universities include:
Abia State University Uturu (1980); Enugu State University of Science Technology,
Agbani (1981); Imo State University Owerri (1992); Ebonyi State University,
Abakiliki (1996) and Odumegwu Ojukwu University of Science Technology (2000), (formerly
Anambra State University of Science and Technology, Uli). While the federal
universities are owned and sponsored by the Nigerian federal government, the
state universities are funded by the respective state governments. The federal
universities offer admission to students from all over the country irrespective
of one’s state as long as the student merits it. More so, federal universities
recruit staff from various states of the country in line with job opportunities.
The decree establishing the Federal universities
is usually passed by the National House of Assembly. State-owned universities
are established primarily to give the indigenes of the affected state
opportunity to secure admission to further their education thereby reducing
problems of admission since securing admission into federal universities
sometimes become very competitive.
Establishment of state universities goes a long way in offering job
easily to indigenes of that state. State universities award degrees and
certificates as federal universities do. The edict establishing state universities
is usually passed by the state House of Assembly. In the same vein, senior
staff appointments and those of principal officers come from the state.
Obiozor-Ekezie (2015)
noticed that a peculiarity about the university in the South-East zone is that
they are heavily populated with students. The implication of this is that the
libraries in these universities have a very large users’ base. Expectedly, the
librarians are looked upon to ensure that the research, teaching and learning
needs of students and staff are satisfied. To perform this role, it is
important that the librarians are committed to performing their jobs according
to expectations. Obiozor-Ekezie (2015), further observed in dismal that the
university libraries in this zone are faced with a lot of problems that hinder
them from satisfying their users. Nwamefor (2007) is of the view that one of
the problems that hinder satisfaction of library user is the general
insensitivity and passiveness among the librarians. Ugwuegbu (2007) in agreement
posited that there is visible laxity and lack of interest in library work among
librarians in academic libraries in South-East Nigeria. This is suggestive of a
lack of job satisfaction resulting to poor job performance. Nwamefor (2007) attributes
the negative attitude among librarians in this zone to the fact that they are
not motivated by their university library managements. This is suggestive of
lack of motivational factors in these libraries. The fact that the librarians
are the professional staff who also have administrative functions over other
staff and users of the library presupposes that their negative attitude to work
would rub off on the other library staff and users and in turn affect their job
In this
scenario, it is imperative to find out the factors in the university libraries
in this zone that have the tendency to impact positively or negatively on the
librarians job performance and satisfaction. With a view to encourage library
managements in the zone to ensure that librarians experience job satisfaction
necessary for very high job performance. With the suggested capacity of
motivational factors as correlate of job performance, there is need to conduct this
research to identify the link between motivational factors and job performance of
librarians in public universities in South- East Nigeria.
motivation is important because it determines the efficiency, engagement,
productivity and job satisfaction of employees. Motivated worker are happy and
productive. On the other hand, demotivated workers are less productive, less
committed and more likely to exhibit negative behaviors such as lateness to
work, absenteeism, truancy and lack of dedication
interaction between the researcher and librarians in some public university
libraries in the South East revealed an apparent desire of some librarians in
the state owned universities to leave for federal universities despite the fact
that there is no difference between salaries and other allowances of librarians
in the two university systems. On the other hand, some librarians in the
federal universities also desire to leave the university library for the
library schools or to leave the university system for jobs in multinational
companies. Moreover, literature observes that workers’ productivity has
continued to dwindle in public university libraries in South- East Nigeria. This
observation appears to be in tandem with the preliminary observation made by
the researcher which revealed that many librarians in public university
libraries display negative work behaviour such as indolence, lateness,
absenteeism, abscondment and apathy towards their job. This might be as a
result of the absence of certain motivational factors which if present would
boost staff morale and enhance their productivity. The absences of these
motivational factors invariably result to lack of job satisfaction and
performance. Given the role of motivation on job performance, there became the
need to empirically investigate the cause of this problem; therefore, the
statement of the problem of this study arises thus: Do motivational factors
relate to job performance of librarians in public universities in South-East
zone Nigeria? This study then becomes peculiar because there are few studies on
Motivation and job satisfaction of librarians but not on Job performance of
public universities in South –East Nigeria. This is the gap the study stand to
fill. The aim of this research was to find out the relationships among these
variables; specifically, it was to ascertain the extent to which motivation
influence the job performance of librarians in public university libraries in South-East
The general aim
of this study was to establish the link between motivational factors and job
performance of librarians in public universities in South East Nigeria. Specifically,
the study attempted to:
find out the relationship
between promotion and job performance of librarians in public universities in
South-East Nigeria.
ascertain the relationship
between regular salary and job performance of librarians in librarians in public universities in
South-East Nigeria.
find out the relationship
between training and job performance of librarians in public universities in
South-East Nigeria.
determine the relationship
between communication and job performance of Librarians public in universities
in South-East Nigeria.
find out the relationship
between work environment and job performance of librarians in public universities in
South-East Nigeria.
ascertain the relationship
between leadership style and job performance of
librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria.
determine the relationship
between rewards and job performance of
librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria.
This study was designed to provide answers to the following
- What is the relationship between
promotion and job performance of librarians
in public universities in South-East Nigeria.?
- What is the relationship between
regular salary and job performance of librarians
in public universities in South-East Nigeria.?
- What is the relationship between
training and job performance of librarians
in public universities in
South-East Nigeria.?
- What is the relationship between communication and job performance of librarians in public universities
in South-East Nigeria.?
- What is the relationship between
work environment and job performance of
librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria?
- What is the relationship between leadership style and job performance of librarians in public
universities in South-East Nigeria?
- What is the relationship between
rewards and job performance of librarians
in public universities in
South-East Nigeria.?
- What is the relationship between motivational factors and job
performance of librarians in public universities in South- East Nigeria?
The following null hypotheses were
tested at 0.05 level of significant to guide the study:
H01: There is no significant relationship between promotion and job
performance of librarians in public universities in
South-East Nigeria
H02: There is no significant relationship between regular salary and job
performance of librarians in public
universities in South-East Nigeria.
H03: There is no significant
relationship between training and job performance. of librarians in public
universities in South East Nigeria .
H04: There is no significant relationship between communication and job
performance of librarians in public universities in South East Nigeria.
H05: There is no significant relationship between work environment and
job performance of librarians in public universities in South East Nigeria.
H06: There is no significant relationship between leadership style and
job performance of librarians in public universities in South East Nigeria.
H07: There is no significant relationship between rewards and job
performance of librarians public universities in South East Nigeria
H08: There is no significant
relationship between motivational factors and job performance of librarians in public
universities in South East Nigeria:
The findings
from this study are expected to beneficial to several groups of people such as
library administrators, university management, librarians, students,
researchers, and the field of library and information science.
The finding of
this study are expected to be beneficial
to library administrators, it will help them determine the strength of
those motivational factors that would bring about effective and efficient job
performance and also, those factors that are detrimental to good job
performance. The findings are also expected to provide them with information on
the effect of their policies, rules and regulations and factors that librarians
perceive as enhancing their job performance.
The findings of
this study are expected benefit university management, as it will assist them
in understanding the motivational factors of university libraries and its
impact on job performance of librarians.
It will broaden management’s insight to the primary needs of workers and
how to manage and address them towards great job performance in the university
library. It will enable them to provide good working conditions and environment
for enhancing librarians’ job performance.
The findings of
this study are expected to be useful to librarians in that it will provide them
with information that will assist them to better understanding each other. By
so doing it will help them to establish better interpersonal relationship and communication.
The result of the study may avail librarians of the practical approach to staff
The findings of
this study are also expected to benefit students and researchers they will in turn
receive better services arising from improved motivational factors and job
performance among librarians.
The findings of
this study are also expected to be of immense usefulness to the academic and
research community as it will provide empirical support on the relationship
between motivational factors and job performance of librarians. More so,
recommendations from the study if further investigated will help to generate
more literature in this and other related field of motivational factors and job
performance as it pertains to the field of library and information science.
This research
was based on motivational factors as correlate of job performance among
librarians in public universities in South-East Nigeria. In addition,
librarians with first degree and above in the field of librarianship working in
these universities constituted the population for this study. In this study,
the following motivational factors namely regular salary, promotion, training,
communication, physical work environment leadership style and rewards were
considered. The seven dimensions established the degree and nature of the
relationship between the independent variable of motivational factors and the dependent
variable of job performance. The study covers South East Nigeria which comprises
five states namely: Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo states. Each of these
states has public universities (federal and state). Private universities and
their libraries in the zone were excluded while public universities were
considered in the study.
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