Chapter One
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Aims and Objectives 4
1.2 Purpose of the Study 5
1.3 Limitation of Study 6
1.4 Formation of Hypothesis 6
1.5 History of Sona Breweries 7
1.6 Organisational Structure of Sona Breweries 10
1.7 Organisational
Structure of Sona Breweries Limited,
Sango Otta 12
Chapter Two
2.0 Theories of Motivation 14
2.1 McGregor Douglas Theory X and Y 16
2.2 Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs of Theory
2.3 Hierarchy of Needs 21
2.4 Diagrammatic
Representation of the Hierarchy of
Needs in an Ascending order (Abraham Maslow Theory) 22
Chapter Three
Approaches and Techniques of Measuring
Motivation 23
3.1 Basic Needs 24
3.2 Wages and Salary 24
3.3 Job Security 25
3.4 Higher Needs 26
3.5 Promotion 26
3.6 Setting objective and Appraisal 27
3.7 Increased Responsibility 28
3.8 Authority and Accountability 29
3.9 Understanding the Subordinate Goals 29
3.10 Money 30
3.11 Research Methodology 30
3.12 Restatement of the Research
Questions/Hypothesis 31
3.13 Research Design 32
3.14 Study Population 32
3.15 Sample and Sampling Procedures 33
3.16 Sample Design 33
3.17 Type and Source of Data 33
3.18 Research Instrument 34
3.19 Statistical Method of Data Analysis 34
3.20 Validity 35
Chapter Four
and Analysis of Data 36
4.0 Introduction 36
4.1 Personal Observation 36
4.2 Observation Tabulation of Data 37
4.3 Interpretation of Data 41
4.4 Data Analysis 46
Chapter Five
5.0 Summary 47
5.1 Recommendation 48
5.2 Conclusion 51
The management
of every organisation has specific function to perform for the smooth running
of the organisation. These functions include forecasting, planning, organizing,
controlling, communicating and leadership.
Before taking a
look at “motivation” I will briefly explain the other functions of management:
Forecasting: Involves estimating and
considering alternative courses of action when the most appropriate set of
forecast has been found, these form the bases for the plans to be carried out
and are incorporated into budgets.
Planning: Is the process of setting
goals and objectives for an organisation and determining how to achieve such
goals and objectives. It is an anticipating decision in designing an
environment for effective performance of individuals working together in
Organizing: Is that function of
management that involves establishing roles for people to fill in an
organisation. It is establishing roles and responsibilities for people in an
Coordinating: Is the essence of management
for the achievement of harmony of individual’s efforts towards the
accomplishment of group goals. Each of the managerial function is an exercise
contributing to coordination in organisation; it is possible for one or more
individuals to pursue certain objective which are at variance with the
corporate objectives.
Controlling: Planning and control are
basic to the attainment of organisational objectives within a given environment.
While planning us a rational approach to pre-selected objectives as stated
above, control is the measurement and correction of performance of activities
in order to ensure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain
them are being accomplished.
Communication: Is the process of
transmitting of instruction and information to all interested parties that is
the employee, customer, suppliers, shareholders and the general public pears,
anxieties mistrust and other enemies of efficient management can all arise from
lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of information that has been given.
Leadership: Is the process of
influencing the activities of an individual or a group in their efforts towards
the accomplishment of goals and objectives of the organisation. A person is
said to be a leader when he is able to inspire others to work willingly towards
the achievement application of this personal capabilities and equalities.
Motivation: Is the drilling force
within an individual that impress him or her to act in specified way without
any form of coercion. It can also be describe as how behaviour gets started, is
organised, sustained, directed and stopped and what kind of subjective reaction
is present in the organisation while all this is going on.
This definition
points at the things:
1. Motivation
is a process and this means that it is possible to identify at a point in time
during which an individuals is motivated or not.
2. There is
a subjective reaction which is present in and underline the behaviour of a motivated
individuals. Motivation is therefore the force that organizes, energizes,
directs maintains and sustain behaviour towards a given goals in an
1.1 AIMS
The aims and
objects of this project is to show the significance of motivation in any
organisation setting. Without motivation in any organisation, that organisation
will not be able to achieve his goals and objective, reasons are:
1. To meet
pre-determined objectives in any organisations co-operation that exist among
workers and subordinate or this can only be achieve through motivation.
2. Increase
production, efficiency and effectively.
The aim and
objective is to let management know the importance of motivation if business is
to succeed.
This study will
attempt to find out how motivation as one of management functions will enhance
the effective growth in any organisation. Sona Breweries limited was
established in the year 1980 but started production in the year 1982. The factory
is located at Sango Otta, started with an installed capability of 600,000
hectares of beer per annum and kept full capacity production. The
administrative Head Office is at Plot 85, Akanbi Onitiri close, off Eric Moore Road,
Iganmu Industrial Estate, Lagos.
It is a Joint Venture between the French Group B.S.N.N a leading Agro-Allied
Industry in France
and in laks group of companies, both with 4% equity share holding and Nigeria with
60% shareholding. This research work will enable us to look into how the
management of Sona Breweries Limited been able to make use of motivation
effectively that has improve the success of the organisation.
It must be
pointed out at this point that despite the great example the researcher has in
this topic resulting from his belief in great importance of motivation as a
tool for enhancing productivity in an organisation, the research study could
still not be regarded as been perfect. This is as a result of problems faced
during the course of the study. It is obvious that motivation plays a very
vital role in the success of an organisation.
Hypothesis is an
assumption, a tentative or conjectural statement about the value of parameter
or an observed fact of a distribution or population under consideration. In
testing the truth or otherwise of the hypothesis, it enables the researcher to
make valid conclusions either to accept or reject the assumptions.
Null Hypothesis H0: Motivation
has a significant effect on the growth or success of an organisation.
Alternative Hypothesis HA: Motivation
has no significance effect on the growth or success of an organisation.
“There is no man
that can proclaim full originality without following the history of his birth.
Therefore all men must definitely remember their day of birth”
Sona Breweries
limited was established in the yea 1980 but started production in the year
1982. The factory is located at Sango Otta, started with an installed
capability of 600,000 hectares of bear per annun and have kept full capacity
production. The administrative head, office is at plot 88, Akanbi Onitiri
Close, off Eric Moore Road,
Iganmu Industrial Estate, Lagos.
It is a joint venture between the French group B.S.N.N a leading Agro-Allied
industry in France and Inlaks Group of Companies, both with 40% equity share holding
and Nigeria with 60% shareholding. The investment has plant, building machines
and working capacity in tune of N35 million the breweries labour force is about
four hundred and fifty (450) Nigeria
of which ninety seven (97) are in managerial and supervisory position. The
company is into training and development programme especially for junior staffs
to assume more responsible positions. The Brewery being relatively new before
commencement of production sent batch of trainee to the technical partners for
raining in brewery and bottling technology.
Due to lack of
import license, the brewery have not been able to complete plans to double
production capacity up to 1,200,000 hectares per annum.
the brewery could be able to reach capacity of 850,000 hectares with the same
equipment by landing new products. These new products are made of fifty percent
(50%) local raw materials according to the Federal Government directives.
The first of
these new products is MALTONIC. It is a non alcoholic drink and its
acceptability in the market is very encouraging. Also Gold special and Gold
export have been introduced into the market.
Since the
inception of the company in February 1982, the company financial contribution
to both the Federal and State Revenue cannot be overemphasized, it has been
pumping in about N23,000,000 per annum into the Federal and State governments
(offers, this amount is made up to taxes (including personal and with holding
taxes) exercise duty etc. Its general contribution towards the national economy
recovery fund is very significant. Over the yeas, the company has made
tremendous progress in the area of research and development to ensure continued
high quality of its Gold Bear. The high quality of Gold Beer today at test to
the fact that the company has a good management, maintains good quality,
tireless researchers and development programmes, as well as vigorous advertising
and marketing policy which has helped its brand to achieve a national
reckoning. In compliance with the Federal Government directive on local sources
of raw materials, the company has acquired a total of 6,000 hectares of land at
Abogbutu in Edo for the cultivation of rice
and maize. This mechanized form which is under the supervision of experts, has
over one hundred and seventy permanent staff and over 300 casual workers at the
Besides these,
the company has been actively involved in the sponsorship of sporting invent
over the years raging from Gold, Watch Tennis and the National Challenge Cup
soccer Competition.
All these and
are things and more are things that Sona Breweries contributed to Nigerian’s
economy and man power development as well as the general well being of Nigeria.
structure is a visual device that shows the various departments and how they
related to one another. The organisation structure helps the employees, the
board of directors and shareholders to see at a glance the division of
responsibility line of authority in an organization.
At Sona
Breweries, there is the Board of Directors elected by the shareholders, they
make policies which the managing directors is responsible for executing with
the management and he reports back to the board. Under the Managing Director, there
is the factory Manager, Financial controller, Marketing Manager, Chief Engineer
and Corporate Affair Manager. All the managers represent man department of the
company which are the Production, Marketing Administration, Engineering and
Account Department.
The factory
manager and his department (production) is directly responsible for the brewing,
bottling and packaging o the company’s products.
While the
accounts and internal audit department which is headed by the financial
controller is responsible for keeping proper account of all the financial transaction
of the company. The engineering department headed by the Chief Engineer is in
charge of maintenance. The department sees to the proper functioning of the
plant, building and other mechanics used by the company for its operation.
Corporate Affairs
Manager is in charge of the company, which basically comprise taking care of
employing, discussing, promoting, training and development of staff, public
relation, union etc. This department is also responsible for motivating the
workers which forms the main focuses of this project section. Each section is
headed by manager and they form the main components of the marketing efforts of
the company. All the manager mentioned about have their assistants and clerks
working under them.
There are two
mina categories of structure
Line structure verse line and state
Organic verse mechanistic structures
The type of
structure Sona Breweries is using is LINE AND STAFF STRUCTURES in this
structure not all officers are immediately involved in producing or marketing
the products of the business, decisions are made by the line officers with
advice from staff officers for examples the production manager may seek advise
from personal minister of labour seeking advise from his special assistant on
whom to use. The staff executive are expert in their field and very often take on
this task which their line superior are not able to do well.
The staff assistant
assist the line executive who whom they are attached to but do not have the
authority to act on behalf of their superiors.
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