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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009425

No of Pages: 133

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Investigations were carried out on mellisopalynological analysis of honey produced by West African honeybee (Apis mellifera, Adansonii latereille) in selected guinea savanna states of NigeriaFresh honey samples from two sites (Nassarawa state and Plateau state) in guinea savanna zone of Nigeria were analyzed for pollen spectra, physico-chemical parameters, composition (abundance of pollen), phyto-chemical composition and microbial activities through the zone of inhibition (ZOI).  The result showed that pollen grains of myrtaceae and syzygium recorded the most abundant of 40.06 pollen grains in honey samples collected from Nassarawa state and 16.55 in Plateau state. 12 pollen grains of different plant species were identified in Nassarawa which are P. biglobosa, Dicranolepsis usambarica, Ceiba pentandra, Bombax buonopozense, Hygrophylia spp,Grewia spp, Azadirachta indica, Combretaceae/melastomataceae, Vernonia spp, Parkia bicolor, Ludwigia repens and Peltophorum pterocarpum. Ten pollen grains and two fungal spores were identified which are Syzygium guiniense, Eucalyptus spp, Asteraceae, Khaya senegalensis, Lactuca spp, Poaceae, Khaya spp, Diospyros spp, Mangifera indica, Sida acuta, Fungal spore and Sporaschisma spp were identified in Plateau while eight pollen grains of different families identified in the two study sites which includes Syzygium guiniense, Eucalyptus spp, Asteraceae, Parkia biglobosa, Dicranolepsis usambarica, Ceiba pentandra, P. biglobosa and Acanthaceae. Among the examined physico-chemical parameters, viscosity showed the highest mean value of 18.43 in Nassarawa state and 16.02 in Plateau state and Density with the lowest mean value of 1.41 in Nassarawa state and 1.41 in Plateau state. Colour intensity of 417.69 and 408.93 were recorded in the two study sites which indicated that the honey samples are dark amber in colour according to USDA, (1985). The moisture content of Honey sample ranged between 17.80-19.85 and 19.95-19.85 in the two states. The pH range (3.92-4.15  and 3.07-3.88) obtained in this study showed that all honey samples from the two states were acidic. Ash content of 0.28-0.34 for Nassarawa state and 0.34-0.37 for Plateau State was recorded. Crude protein of 0.24-0.32 and 0.21-0.37 was also recorded in the study sites. The macro nutrients observed includes Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, magnesium and Potassium where potassium had the highest value of 54.92 and 58.90 while nitrogen had the least mean value of 0.064 and 0.074 in the two states. The metals in the honey samples were present in small amounts. The range percentage Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose and TSS from the study was 21.39-25.28%, 32.61-2.79%, 2.32-2.79% and 62.09-63.43% for Nassarawa and 19.17-23.29% 28.88-31.39%, 2.30-2.79% and 62.09-65.81% for Plateau state. The result revealed that both honey samples contained vitamin B1, B2, B3, E, and B9. The result also revealed that all the bacteria and fungi species (Pseudomonas aeruginos,Escherichea coli, and Salmonella spp.) and (Rhizopus, Penecillium citrinum and Aspergillus niger) investigated were sensitive to the honey samples at all concentration levels and the positive control gave the highest zone of inhibition.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

Table of content                                                                                                                      vi

List of figures                                                                                                                          x

List of plates                                                                                                                           xi        

List of tables’                                                                                                                          xii

Appendices                                                                                                                             xiii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xiv



CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                                   

1.1       Statement of Problems                                                                                                3

1.2       Aims and Objective                                                                                                    3

1.3       Justification                                                                                                                3

1.4       Scope and Limitation of Study                                                                                   4



2.1       Plant Identification                                                                                                     5

2.1.1    Pollen                                                                                                                          5

2.1.2.   Pollen analyses of honey                                                                                            5

2.2       Honey                                                                                                                         6

2.2.1    Honey bees                                                                                                                 6

2.2.2    Categories of honeybee                                                                                              7

2.2.3    Beekeeping                                                                                                                 8

2.2.4    Beeswax                                                                                                                      9

2.2.5    Propolis and Royal jelly                                                                                             9

2.3       Honey Composition and Its Uses                                                                               10

2.3.1    Honey composition                                                                                                     10

2.4       Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Honey                                                       11

2.4.1    Viscosity                                                                                                                     11

2.4.2    Density                                                                                                                        11

2.4.3    Hygroscopicity                                                                                                           11

2.4.4    Color                                                                                                                           12

2.4.5    Crystallization                                                                                                            12

2.4.6    Hydroxyl-methyl-furfural (HMF)                                                                               13

2.4.7.   PH and free acidity                                                                                                     13

2.5       Analyses of Modern and Traditional Bee Keeping                                                    14

2.6       Contaminants from Environmental Sources                                                               15

2.6.1    Heavy metals                                                                                                              15

2.6.2    Organic contaminants                                                                                                 15

2.6.3    Other contaminants                                                                                                    16

2.6.4     2.6.4 Conventional Knowledge of honeybee keeping (Honey Hunting)                      16

2.6.5    Modern beekeeping                                                                                                    17

2.7       Hive type Need not Determine Honey Quality                                                         17

2.7.1    Fixed comb hives                                                                                                        18

2.7.2    Movable comb hives                                                                                                  18

2.7.3    Movable-frame hives                                                                                                  18

2.8       Harvesting of honey                                                                                                   19

2.9       Role of Beekeeping in Forest Sustainability                                                              19

2.10     Benefits of Beekeeping in Livelihood Activity                                                         21

2.10.1  Enhancing local skills, knowledge and traditions                                                      21

2.10.2  Integration into the farming system                                                                            21

2.10.3  Dietary contribution                                                                                                   22

2.10.4  Traditional medicinal value                                                                                        22

2.10.5  Beekeeping and farm processing                                                                                23

2.10.6  Improved income of beekeeping                                                                               24

2.10.7  Social benefits of beekeeping                                                                                     24

2.10.8  Environmental benefits of beekeeping                                                                       25



CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHOD                                         

3.1       Study Area                                                                                                                  26       

3.2       Materials                                                                                                                     31

3.3       Methodology                                                                                                              31

3.3.1    Inventory and field survey                                                                                          34

3.3.2    Procedure for honey sample collection                                                                      34 Identification of plants visited by honey bees                                                                        35

3.4       Pollen Analysis                                                                                                           36

3.4.1    Extraction of Pollen from Samples of Honey                                                            36

3.4.2    Acetolysis                                                                                                                   36

3.4.3    Temporary Slides                                                                                                       37

3.4.4    Pollen identification and composition                                                                        37

3.5       Proximate Analysis                                                                                                     37

3.5.1    Determination of moisture content                                                                             38

3.5.2    Determination of total ash                                                                                          38

3.5.3    Determination of Crude Fibre                                                                                    39

3.5.4    Determination of protein                                                                                            39

3.5.5    Determination of fat content                                                                                      40

3.5.6    Determination of carbohydrates                                                                                 41

3.6       Determination of Minerals                                                                                         41

3.6.1    Determination of Phosphorus                                                                                     41

3.6.2    Determination of Calcium and Magnesium                                                               42

3.6.3    Determination of Potassium and Sodium                                                                   43

3.7       Heavy Metal Determination                                                                                       44

3.8       Determination of Vitamins in Honey Sample                                                            44

3.8.1    Determination of Folic Acid (B9)                                                                               44

3.8.2    Determination of Riboflavin (B2)                                                                               45

3.8.3    Determination of Thiamine                                                                                        45

3.8.4    Determination of Niacin                                                                                             46

3.9       Quantitative Determination of The Phytochemical Constituents Of Honey                    47

3.9.1    Alkaloid Determination                                                                                              47

3.9.2    Flavonoid Determination                                                                                            47

3.9.3    Phenols Determination                                                                                               48

3.9.4    Saponins Determination                                                                                             49

3.9.5    Steroid Determination                                                                                                49

3.9.6    Tannin Determination                                                                                                50

3.10     Microbial Analysis                                                                                                     51

3.10.1  Preparation of microorganism for the experiment                                                     51

3.10.2  Sample Preparation                                                                                                     51

3.10.3  Sensitivity Test of honey on the microorganism                                                        51



4.1 The Composition and Abundance of Pollen Grains Identified in Honey Samples          53

4.2 Pollen Spectra In Honey Sample From Study Areas                                                       53

4.3 Physicochemical Compositions Of Honey Samples From Study Area                                    54

4.3.1Physical composition of honey samples                                                                                                                       58

4.3.2    Macro and micro nutrient of honey samples                                                              63       

4.3.3    Percentage sugar content in honey samples                                                               66

4.3.4    Phytochemical composition of honey samples                                                          67

4.3.5    Vitamin composition of honey samples                                                                     67




5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  78

5. 2      Recommendation                                                                                                       79

         References                                                                                                                    80





                                                     LIST OF TABLES


1: Composition and Abundance of pollen grains in honey samples from study area             54

2: Results of Mean and Ranges of physical content in honey samples                                          59

3: Ranges and mean of vitamin content in honey samples                                                           70

4: Antibacterial activities showing zone of inhabitation at 50mg/ml. 100mg/ml and

150mg/ml in Nassarawa State                                                                                            72

5 Antibacterial activities showing zone of inhabitation at 50mg/ml. 100mg/ml and

150mg/ml in Plateau State                                                                                                  73

6: Antifungal activities showing zone of inhabitation at 50mg/ml. 100mg/ml and

150mg/ml in Nassarawa State                                                                                            76

 7: Antifungal activities showing zone of inhabitation at 50mg/ml. 100mg/ml and

150mg/ml in Plateau State                                                                                                  77







1. Map showing North Central state of Nigeria                                                                     30


2. Means of physical composition of honey sample from

 Nassarawa State and  Plateau state.                                                                           60


3. Mean of physical composition (colour intensity) of honey

              samples from Nassarawa State and Plateau state                                                     61

4. Means of proximate content (moisture contents,

    dry matter, carbohydrate) in honey samples                                                                     61

5. Means of proximate content (Ash and crude protein)in honey samples                                 62

6. Means of Macro nutrient composition of honey samples                                                  64

7. Means of Macro nutrient composition of honey samples                                                  65

8. Rangers and Means of Micro element content in honey samples  66

9. Means of sugar content                                                                                                      68

10. Means of phytochemical contents in honey samples                                                       69












1.     Traditional bee keeping practice using log wood in Bokkos L.G.A of Plateau state       32

2.     Traditional beekeeping practice mud using house hives in Akwanga L.G.A. In Nasarawa state.           33                                                          

3.     Modern beekeeping practice using Kenyan top bar hives with artificial                         33

shade in Karu L.G.A. in Nasarawa state                                                                           33

4.     Modern beekeeping using Kenyan top bar with natural shade                                         34

      (Tectona grandis stand) in Jos north L.G.A in Plateau state.                                           34                                                                                                                 

5.      Showing honey samples collection procedures                                                               34

6.     Showing honey samples collection procedures                                              35       

7.     Showing honey bees on identified plant                                                                          35

8.     (i-ix) Identified pollen spectra of honey samples from study sites                                55

            (Nassarawa State)                           

9.     (i-ix) Identified pollen spectra of honey samples from study sites                                56

            (Plateau State)                                                                                                        

10. (i-viii) Identified pollen spectra of honey samples from study sites                                      103

            (Nassarawa and Plateau State)











1.     Analysis of variance for Pollen grains                                                                              91

2.     Plant species within study area                                                                                          93

3.     Table (3a-g) Result of Ranges and Means of physico-chemical composition of            

honey sample from Nassarawa State and Plateau state.                                                     95

4.     Table (4a-f) Result of antimicrobial activities of honey samples from the study area                     103

5.     Honey colour grading chart                               105








    Honeybees provide pollination for various plant species. Honeybee products are also useful in food, honey and wax for cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries (Tammy 2008). Honey collection is a long aged traditional activity throughout most parts of Africa. Traditional Beekeepers use simple hives made from calabash, clay pot or hollow wood logs, closed at both ends with a hole as an entrance for the bees. The empty hives are then placed on trees and become occupied by-passing swarms and in due course are plundered by bee keepers, the above methods of harvesting or beekeeping practice have led to a poor yield of low quality honey. However, now modern beekeepers practice the management of Bees with modern bee hives like the Kenyan- top bar hives and the langstroth hives which are placed within apiaries to   maximize the goods and services delivered by the honey bees (Amulen et. al., 2019).


   The benefit of keeping bees are numerous, most people think of the rewards of harvesting their own honey or the positive impact which the increased pollination will have on their garden while these are great reasons to have a beehive does not count out the many other bee products you can harvest from a hive. The positive impact the bees will have on the extended environment around you or remarkable adventure of bee keeping (Joanna et. al., 2018).

   Honey is a fascinating substance; bees make honey out of flower nectars for use as a food source which is stored in combs. Honey does not only taste great but also   can be beneficial to those with   allergies.

The theory is that since bees collect pollen where you live, eating the small amounts of pollen present in local honey can actually immunize the body against the pollen so there is minimal irritation during allergy season. Honey also have anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial properties which can be used for wound treatment especially for burns and has also been used for centuries as skin and hair beautifiers, and recipes for face mask, shampoos and bath oils among others. The highly industrious bees also create a variety of other fascinating substances including propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly.  Honeybees also help in pollination which can make flowers and plants to be more profuse and fruit and vegetable yields to increase dramatically   (Robyn et. al., 2015). Not only do honey bees have enormous positive impact on gardens but their nectar gathering range allows them to also fly outside their range and pollinate an extended area. Pollination helps the ecosystem to remain diverse and sustainable.

Parasites of diseases on the, other hand, pesticides, have wiped out most of the native varieties of honeybees. Honeybees belong to the order: hymenoptera (i.e. insects with membranous wings which also include wasps, sand fly and ants). Honeybees are members of super family: Apodiaei, family: Apidae,

Sub-family: Apinae, Tribe: Apini, Genus: Apis and can be divided into three (3) branches based on how honey bees nests are made.

The giantv-open nesting    honey bee, the dwarf single combined honey bees Apis florae.

   The different honey bee species thrive in extreme habitats such as deserts, rain forest, tundra, but most people only know Apis mellifera, the agricultural darling (Crane1980). However, Beekeeping is a branch of forestry and agriculture with major concern on effective and efficient pollination service which is useful and beneficial to man and his ecosystem.

   Honeybees also produce honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis, bee venom, and royal jelly which serve very useful purpose in various industries. Beekeeping does not involve much human labour; the honey bees do the real work of collection and conversion of nectar into honey which influences colony growth and yield (Bradbear 2009).

  Furthermore, the management skills and concept of every bee keeper should be focused on the interactions of the honey bees and its immediate environment (vegetation belt). This is because honeybees visit various pasture plants during foraging. However, climatic condition also affects honeybee activities and invariably honey yield.


    The continuous increase in human population at the rate of 3.1-3.2% per annum on fixed area of land has resulted in shortage of not only food but also of food products, medicinal plant and other raw materials (Varole et. al., 2019). Shifting cultivation system used in food production in the study area is no longer viable because of land shortage. Continuous destruction of forest and different vegetation zones as a result of incessant demand for land is affecting honey bee population resulting in decrease in population of honeybee and invariably pollination of plants, honey yield and loss of gene pools. The current status / extent of this decrease needs to be investigated in the study area (the guinea savannah zone in Nigeria) via this research project.


The aim of this study was to identify some of the plant species visited by honey bees in the guinea savanna region of Nigeria through pollen analysis.


The research specifically has the following objectives, 

i.       To determine the composition and frequency of occurrence of pollen grains in various honey samples in the study area.

ii.       To determine pollen spectra of the study area.

iii.       To determine the physico-chemical and phyto-chemical compositions of the honey samples collected from study area.

iv.     To determine antimicrobial activities in honey sample from study area


   Beekeeping is practiced all over the world. However, honey quality as well as quantity varies widely depending on several factors like floral composition of various vegetation belts and other prevailing environmental conditions. This study will be of immense benefit to beekeepers and other forest allied industries. There is need to increase food production and other raw materials. The increase in availability of information on plant species visited by honeybees will guide beekeepers on the type of   melliferous plants to be protected and propagated and this will also increase honey yield.

Since there is shortage of land for use in practicing shifting cultivation, pollination by honeybees becomes one of the best alternatives. Also there is need to increase honey and other honeybee products which are useful in various industries such as food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic etc. this can only be achieved by identifying forage sources of honeybees and increase their availability.

It will also create direction to health communities on where to source choice quality honey because of its medicinal benefit to humans.


   The scope of this study is to identify the pollen composition of honey produced by West African honeybee (Apis mellifera adansonii) within the guinea savanna vegetation zones of Plateau State and Nasarawa State in order for plant species to be protected, propagated and conserved by beekeepers.

  The laboratory analyses to identify pollen compositions of each honey sample from various study sites were carried out at Archeology and Anthropology Department of University of Ibadan, Oyo state using Acetolysis method and while proximate composition of honey samples was carried out at Plant Pathology Laboratory of   National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike  Abia State.




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