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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006685

No of Pages: 102

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Dietary practice is the outward demonstration of nutritional knowledge and this knowledge prepares one for a meaningful dietary practice. Nutritional knowledge has been proven to play a vital role in adopting optimal nutrition practices in the health of adolescent girls. The general objective of this study was to assess the lifestyle patterns and nutritional status of adolescent girls in Isi Uzo local government area of Enugu state. A cross-section  design was used the study, 391 adolescent girls were selected using a structured questionnaire and focus discussion technique, the data were collected using a questionnaire and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency and percentages. 

From the result, the socio-demographic characteristics of the adolescent girls showed that out of 391 adolescent girls interviewed 15.09% were between ages of 10-12 years,  23.02% were between 13-15 years and majority (61.89%) of the respondents were between the ages of 16-19 years. The result showed that 20.46% of the respondents were married, 0.51% were widowed, 0.46% were separated while 0.26% were divorced and majority (74.17%) of the respondents were single. The result also showed that 5.11% of the respondents had no formal education, 7.67% finished primary school, and 30.69% finished secondary school while majority 56.52% attended tertiary institution. The result of the Lifestyle Pattern showed that majority 93.86% of the respondents engage in physical activities,  majority 71.87% take soft drink, majority 74.68% ate twice a day, majority 93.86% of the respondents do not skip meals while only 6.16% skip meals. The result showed that 17.39% of the respondents consume nuts and seeds once weekly, 22.25% 2 times weekly, 29.41% 3-4 times weekly, while (20.20%) for 5-6 times weekly and 10.74%) for 7 times weekly. The result showed that 17.14% of the respondents consume butter once weekly, 19.69% 2 times weekly, 28.90% 3-4 times weekly, while 23.02% for 5-6 times weekly and 11.25% for 7 times weekly. The result of the importance of calcium in the body showed that majority 92.07% admits it helps in building strong bones and teeth, the dietary source of fibre showed that majority 86.96% of the respondents admits fruits and vegetables. Based on findings of this study, it can be concluded that meal skipping, particularly of breakfast, was the main unhealthy eating habit observed among adolescent girls in Isi Uzo LGA. It can also be concluded from this study that majority of respondents were within the normal range of nutritional status (i.e. BMI for age and the height for age). More education should also be geared towards enhancing good dietary practices and nutritional status among adolescent girls to prevent them from adverse nutritional deficits and complications prior to and during pregnancy. 


Title page                                                                i
Certification                                                            ii
Dedication                                                                iii
Acknowledgement                                      iv
Table of content                                                      v
Lists of tables                                                          x
Abstract                                                                    xi

1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 4

2.1 Adolescence 6
2.2 Nutritional Needs during Adolescence 7
2.3 Macronutrient Requirement of Adolescent Girls 7
2.4 Micronutrient Requirement of Adolescent Girls 9
2.4.1 Iron 9
2.4.2 Calcium 11
2.4.3 Folate 12
2.4.4 Riboflavin 13
2.5 Mets 13
2.5.1 Consequence of Under-Nutrition/Over-Nutrition among Adolescent Girls 15
2.6 Factors Contributing to Nutritional Problem of Adolescent Girls 17
2.6.1 Disease and Infection 17
2.6.2 Socio-economics Status 17
2.6.3 Lack of Nutrition Education at School Level 18
2.6.4 Peer Pressure 19
2.6.5 Eating Disorders 20
2.7 Lifestyle Pattern of Adolescent Girls 20
2.7.1 Meal Skipping Habits of Adolescent Girls 21
2.7.2 Snacking Habits of Adolescent Girls 22
2.8 Effects of Unhealthy eating Habits among Adolescent Girls 23
2.8 Methods of Assessing Nutritional Status of Children and Adolescents 24
2.8.1 Assessment 24
2.9 Anthropometric Measurement 25
2.9.1 Weight Measurement 26
2.9.2 Height Measurement 26
2.9.3 Height for Age 26
2.9.4 Weight for Age Index 27
2.9.5 Weight for Height Index 27
2.9.6 Head Circumference 27
2.9.7 Chest Circumference 28
2.9.8 Body Mass Index (BMI) 28

3.1 Study Design 29
3.2 Area Of Study 29
3.3 Population Of The Study 29
3.4 Sampling And Sampling Techniques 30
3.4.1 Sample Size 30
3.5 Ethical Approval 32
3.6 Tools For Data Collection 33
3.7 Data Collection 35
3.7.1 Questionnaire Administration 35
3.7.2 Interview 35
3.7.3 Anthropometric Measurements 35
3.8 Data Analysis 37
3.9 Statistical Analysis 37

4.1 Socio-Demographic Characteristics 38
4.2a Lifestyle Pattern Assessment of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo 41
4.3a Dietary Habit of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA. 47
4.3b Dietary Habit of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA. 50
4.4a Food Frequency 53
4.4b Food Frequency 56
4.5a Nutritional Knowledge of the Adolescent Girls 59
4.5b Nutritional Knowledge of the Adolescent Girls 63
4.5c Nutritional Knowledge of the Adolescent Girls 65
4.6 Anthropometric Measurements of The Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA. 68
4.7 Relationship Of Socio-Economic Status And Nutritional Knowledge Of The 70
Adolescent Girls.
4.8 Relationship Of Lifestyle Pattern And Anthropometric Status Of The Adolescent Girls. 72

5.1 Conclusion 74
5.2 Recommendation  74

List of Tables

Table 4.1 Socio-Demographic Characteristics 40

Table 4.2a Lifestyle Pattern Assessment Of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA. 43

Table 4.2b Lifestyle Pattern Assessment Of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo 46

Table 4.3a Dietary Habit Of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA. 49

Table 4.3b Dietary Habit Of Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA. 52

Table 4.4a Food Frequency 55

Table 4.4b Food Frequency 58

Table 4.5a Nutritional Knowledge Of The Adolescent Girls 61

Table 4.5b Nutritional Knowledge Of The Adolescent Girls 64

Table 4.5c Nutritional Knowledge Of The Adolescent Girls 67

Table 4.6 Anthropometric Measurements Of The Adolescent Girls In Isi-Uzo LGA.

Table 4.7 Relationship Of Socio-Economic Status And Nutritional Knowledge Of The Adolescent Girls. 71

Table 4.8 Relationship Of Lifestyle Pattern And Anthropometric Status Of The Adolescent Girls. 73


1.1 Background of Study
Adolescence (from Latin adolescere, meaning 'to grow up') is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority). (Wikipedia). Adolescence is usually associated with the teenage years, but its physical, psychological or cultural expressions may begin earlier and end later. For example, puberty now typically begins during preadolescence, particularly in females. Physical growth (particularly in males) and cognitive development can extend into the early twenties. Thus, age provides only a rough marker of adolescence, and scholars have found it difficult to agree upon a precise definition of adolescence. (Wikipedia).

A thorough understanding of adolescence in society depends on information from various perspectives, including psychology, biology, history, sociology, education, and anthropology. Within all of these perspectives, adolescence is viewed as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. It is a period of multiple transitions involving education, training, employment, and unemployment, as well as transitions from one living circumstance to another. (WHO, 2006)

The adolescent period is characterized by its rapid physical and psychological changes in the individual, together with increasing demands from and influence of peers, school and wider society. It is well documented that behaviors developed during this period influence health in adulthood. 

Female adolescents comprise 46.9 percent and male adolescents 53.1 percent of the total adolescent population. Most adolescent girls in Nigeria are faced with various health problems like under nutrition, high risk behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage 3 pregnancy and anaemia. (National health letter, premium Times). Lifestyle choices have an impact throughout life and it can be measured by health behaviour, leisure-time activities and social relations.

Poor diet and physical inactivity are established risk factors for chronic disease. In young people, physical activity and healthy diets including regular breakfast consumption and adequate levels of fruit and vegetables, have important short- and long-term health protective effects. For example, physical activity in young people may benefit cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, adiposity and bone health, which could influence health in adulthood. Child fruit and vegetable consumption has been associated with a lower incidence of respiratory symptoms and appears to be protective against cancer in adulthood. Also, cross-sectional and longitudinal research has shown that young people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight than those who skip breakfast. Despite such health benefits, young people are more likely to skip breakfast than any other meal and data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study shows that less than two-fifths of young people eat fruit daily, and only about a third eat vegetables daily.
The writer therefore, is of the view that lifestyle patterns of adolescent girls has a lot of effects on their feeding practices and nutritional status.

1.2 Statement of the Problem 
Adolescent girls in rural areas often see themselves in situations such as; ill-health conditions (like STDs), early sexual activities and early marriage; owing to the presents of challenges like poverty, poor education and poor access to health and nutrition services; all these adversely affect the health and nutrition status, as well as their individual lifestyle patterns. 

If this issue is left unattended, with the increasing risks of adverse outcomes of the challenges stated above, it will result into more adverse health conditions, malnutrition, unwanted pregnancy and inability to nurtured healthy lifestyle habits.  However, these effects would be more intense on girls from poor homes resident in the location of study.

This study will assess and evaluate Lifestyle patterns and nutritional status of adolescent girls in Isi-Uzo local government area of Enugu state and this research will generate enough information needed to improve food security of households in the said location. 

1.3 Objectives of the Study 
The general objective of this study is to assess the lifestyle patterns and nutritional status of adolescent girls in Isi Uzo local government area of Enugu state.

The specific Objectives include:

1. to assess the socio-economic status of adolescent girls towards their nutrition in Isi Uzo local government area of Enugu state.

2. to determine the nutritional knowledge level of the adolescent girls in Isi Uzo L.G.A of Enugu state.

3. to determine the relationship between socio-economic status and nutritional knowledge of the adolescent girls.

4. to show the relationship between lifestyle pattern and anthropometric status.

1.4 Significance of the Study 
The study of lifestyle patterns and nutritional status of adolescent girls in Isi Uzo L.G.A can be a guide for students and other individuals as well, to better inform them about the general lifestyle patterns and nutritional status of adolescent girls.

The project’s goal is designed to assess the lifestyle patterns of adolescent girls in Isi Uzo local government, their nutritional knowledge and its effects on their nutritional status.

 Fellow researchers reviewing literature and who wish to learn from the experience of previous researchers on a similar subject will also find the work both useful and stimulating. For future researchers, it will form a baseline for those interested in such Area of study. 

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