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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003066

No of Pages: 80

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project is to look at the influence of leadership and the contribution of organisational performance in our society. Nowadays, an organisation’s Human Resource constitute one of it’s main type for transforming intention into reality in an efficient and effective manner, resulting eventually in the actualization of the organisation’s objectives. The employee of any organisation are not productive and the manner of carrying out their activities as a group is below expectation when leadership is not effectively and efficiently carry out. Thereby having bad/negative effect on the organisational performance. My project study is mainly concern with those factor that contributed to performances in organisation and identifying the problems of leadership.    


My finding from the study shall be made available. For future learning activities especially where people are inspired and motivated and used to achieved result. This is just the secret of high productivity in organisation leadership and organisational performance. It also attempts to establish performance indications of social responsibility functions as a crucial factor of business or organisation success in the emerging world.






Cover Page

Certification                                                                                 i

Dedication                                                                                   ii

Acknowledgment                                                                         iii

Abstract                                                                                       iv

Table of Contents                                                                        v


Chapter One 

1.1       Introduction                                                                      1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                        4

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                         5

1.4       Hypothesis                                                                         6

1.5       Scope and Limitation                                                        7


Chapter Two

2.0    Literature Review                                                               8

2.1    leadership                                                                          8

2.2    Characteristics and Qualities of a Leader                       9

2.3       The Situational/Structure Approach                               16

2.4       Organisational Performance Management Systems       17

2.5       Motivation                                                                          22

2.6       Type of Leadership Style                                                   28

2.7       Comparism of the Three Style of Leadership                   30

2.8       The Theory of Motivation                                                  31

2.9       Factors Affecting Job Attitude                                          35

2.10    View of Other Theorist                                                      38

2.11    Organisational Performance and Development in

         West African Examination Council/Centre                     40

Chapter Three

3.0       Motivation and Leadership in West African

         Examination Council                                                        45

3.1    History of the Council                                                       45

3.2       The Structure of the Council                                            48

3.3       The Council’s Examination                                               48

3.4       Factors Affecting Leadership and the

         Organisation Performance Communication

3.5       Motivating Workers in West African Examination Council         51


Chapter Four

4.0    Data Analysis and Interpretation                                     57

4.1    Analysis                                                                              57

4.2    Analysis of Hypothesis/Testing                                        61

4.3    Findings                                                                             64


Chapter Five

5.0    Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations               70

5.1       Summary                                                                           70

5.2       Conclusion                                                                        72

5.3       Recommendation                                                              73


References                                                                                   74

Questionnaire                                                                             76







In management of human resource leadership play a vital role and organisational performance determine the growth and development of an organisation.  One of the major problems in our society is how to lead people to perform their duties effectively. It is not very easy since many people derive only a minimal sense of accomplishment in what they do in their various organisation.


Understanding the concept of leadership is very important. Many workers leave for other organisation or leave their place of duty because of disagreement, lack of self esteem, lack of adequate communication between leaders and followers and bad management. These observation are general. Therefore there is a need for understanding the subject as such it is necessary to find out the problems and hence give recommendations to them.


For a leader to achieve his aim there is the need to accomplish some certain task. A good leader must be interested in people. He must spend time with people instead of things. He must take on interest in the career and progress of his subordinates. He should hold his team sympathetically in check when enthusiasm tend to step over the mark.


It is only when each member of staff has been stimulated to the point that he can give his best. Thereby the organisation’s performance will improve. House define leadership organizationally and narrowly as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organisation of which they are members. Organizationally leadership impact the effectiveness of cost, revenue generation, services satisfaction, earning market value share price, social capital motivation, engagement and sustainability. Leadership is the ability of an individual to set an example for other and lead from the front. It is an attribute that influence the environment. (Wikipedia.org)


Also leadership is the process of getting to know both the self and other(s) and establishing a relationship of mutual trust and awareness for the purpose of working together to reach a common goal. (Susan Wright & Carol Mackinna 2003)


Organisational performance can be regarded to be the achievement, product, characteristic or behavior of an establishment. Concerning what is meant for or in respect to the aims and objective of that establishment to that of the enabling environment. To know this we must understand that the organisation is a work place in which people of different background come together as a team to achieve a common goal.


However Organisation performance can be determine by the way the people of the organisation behave i.e. the behaviour of the human resources. The roles of leaders, and employees are becoming difficult. Many leaders are now imploring the ideas of employee into decision-making processes rather than simply follow order. For better achievement need. (Organisation behaviour Stephen Robbins & N. Langtin).


McClleland learned Needs Theory is called ACHIEVEMENT NEED, POWER NEED AND AFFILIATION NEED. He asserts that a unique thing about achiever is ability to think that is they spend a lot of time thinking.


Rennis Likert. (The Human Organisation). He advocate the ideal organisation and developed a system which placed a greater emphasis on the morale of employees and on their need to interact within work group.

Chris Argyris: (Psychology of the individual) His theory is centres on the “the matured individual” and the integration of individual and the organisation, Elton mayor one of the father of humanistic organisation and is the intellectual starting point of the humanistic view of the organisation with his work known as the Hawthrone studies, Burns and Stalker. Gartt;H.L. (Task and Bonus System) and others.


The assumption is that leadership determine the efficacy of an organisational performance. Research work is design to show the role of leadership in an organisation and to check the behaviour, factors that contributed to performances of organisation lacking into problems of leadership and profer solution.



It has been observed and identified that the major problem of various organisation is that leaders fail to carry out their duty effectively, to save guard the interest of the. Human Resource need. Many leaders seems not to have interest of the workers at heart in their organisation, lack of motivation. No or low training and development of workers in order to update the skill and to meet the new challenges. Adequate maintenance of the human resources are not put in place, in-ability to establish indicators to monitor process and provide feed back to people involved in the achievement of goal and objectives.


Some of the problems faced by most organisations are quest for the best approach to creating a good leadership style, motivational technique, effective communication, compensation and adequate remuneration to employee and labour relations.


These are the areas to focus on because of the poor nature of the relationship between workers and the management. Effective and efficient organisational performance could not be attain.



It is true that several efforts has been made to enhance the effectiveness of workers to boast the growth and development of the organisation. But the fact is that all these efforts have proved abortives and has not been for reaching. Therefore this research work is designed to throw more light on the courses, effect and how to motivate and lead workers in organisation. To look at the influence of leadership and those contribution of organisational performance in our society.


For these reason the purpose of the study is to:

1.           How to show significance of leadership as a tool for successful organisational performance

2.           How to ascertain which leadership style and is most acceptable or vital in an organisation          

3.           How to check problems associated with administration and the leadership style employed in an organisation

4.           How to know whether motivation affect workers performance

5.           How often training can be carry out for workers in organisation  

6.           Are there cordial relationship, good communication, compensation and adequate remuneration are given to workers.



1.           H0:    Cordial Relationship between subordinate and superior improve organisation performance.

         H1:      Cordial Relationship between subordinates and superior does not help to improve organisation performance.

2.           H0:      Leadership style have positive influence on performance

H1:     Leadership style does not have positive influences on performance 

3.           H0:    Staff training helps to improve organisational performance

         H1:    Staff training does not help to improve organisational performance

4.           H0:   Open supervision in an organisation motivate workers.

         H1:    Open supervision in an organisation does not motivate workers

5.           H0:    Provision of history and transport facilities motivate workers.

         H1:    Provision of history and transport facilities does not motivate workers



Although this research study is to reflect the situation in various organisation so that the efficiency and productivity of the leadership is enhanced and good labour relation is promoted by the outcome of organisation performance. The target for the study population is supposed to be all the private organisations, corporate individuals and also government parastatals but because time constraint. This is limited to the worker and Management representatives of West African Examination Council Yaba. Lagos WAEC. 

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