1.4.0 FREE
1.4.4 LIPID
water intake of animals exposed to Arsenic and Manganese.
3.2 Average body weight gain of animals
exposed to Arsenic and or Manganese
3.3 Epididymal
weight gain of animals exposed to arsenic and or manganese.
3.4 Relative
epididymal weight gain of animals exposed to arsenic and or manganese.
Initial and final body weight gain of animals exposed to arsenic and or
3.6 Initial
and final weight of animals at the recovery phase of the study
3.7 Reduced
glutathione level in epididymis of animalsexposed to arsenic and manganese
3.8 Lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the
epididymis of animals co-exposed to arsenic and
3.9 Hydrogen peroxide concentration in the
epididymis of rats exposed to arsenic
and manganese
3.10 Activity of glutathione-S-transferase (GST)
in the epididymis of animalsexposed
arsenic and manganese
3.11The activity
of catalase in the epididymis of rats exposed to arsenic and or
3.12Activity of
superoxide dismutase in the epididymis of rats exposed to arsenic
and manganese
3.13 Sperm
characteristics of animalsexposed to arsenic and manganese.
In today’s industrialized world, exposure to
pollutants in which heavy metals like arsenic, lead, manganese are an example
is of high risk. These metals are present even in drinking water. Arsenic is
mostly present in underground water. These metals are highly distributed in our
environment and are thus consumed in quantities greater than what by the body
requires (Ferrer, 2003).
Increased levels of arsenic in the environment, is an
attribute to industrial product and waste, agricultural pesticides and
herbicides. Although manganese is an essential element, toxicity can be gotten
from drinking water, food, occupation and so on. Exposure to these heavy metals
can cause poison and damage to models (the human body. Effects of arsenic have
been reported in both human and experimental ATSDR a, 2012; Kannan et al.,
2001). Mn exposure can also cause neurotoxicity (ATSDR b, 2007). Manganism, a
consequence of exposure to high Mn levels, is a known neurological syndrome
with many symptomatic analogies to Parkinson’s disease (Santamaria, 2008).
Manganese and arsenic also target the same organ in the body, namely the brain
(ATSDR, 2007a,b,c).
their co-existence in soil and atmosphere, exposure to toxicity does not occur
in isolation (Kordaset al.,
2010). Indeed, in the real world, exposures
to complex mixtures are the rule, rather
than exception (Scherer, 2005). Over the last several decades, the
incidence of neurological diseases has increased (WHO, 2006).Mn poisoning
results in an irreversible condition known as “manganism,’’ a neurodegenerative
disorder that resembles Parkinson disease in both symptomatology and the
underlying cellular mechanisms (Ellingsen et al., 2008; Martinez-Finley et al.,
Neurological disorders induced by chronic
metal exposure can be progressive and manifest clinically decades after the
initial exposure (Gil and Pla, 2001). The onset of neurotoxic effects is
largely subtle, insidiously manifested and unidentifiable as a clearly defined
disease (Shy, 1993).
Exposure to arsenic- and lead-contaminated
drinking water has been associated with an increased occurrence of congenital
heart defects (CHDs). Groundwater is a vital hidden natural resource
and Krishna 2009; Lashkaripour and Ghafoori 2011). Groundwater can be found in
most environments and generally requires no prior treatment and can be found
close to the points of demand often at low cost (MacDonald and Calow 2009). Arsenic poisoning or arsenicosis is a condition
caused by the ingestion, absorption or inhalation of dangerous levels of
arsenic, higher than the normal 10ppb which the body can tolerate.
The male reproductive system consists of
two major parts: the testes, where sperm are produced, and the penis, according
to Merck Manuals.
The penis and urethra belong to both the urinary and reproductive systems in
males. The testes are carried in an external pouch known as the scrotum, where
they normally remain slightly cooler than body temperature to facilitate sperm
production.Metals may cause a wide spectrum of reproductive and
developmental adverse effects such as reduced fertility, abortions, retarded
growth at the intrauterine cavity, skeletal deformities, malformations and
retarded development especially of the nervous system.
Arsenic and manganese tend to decrease
motility of sperm in the male reproductive system even though the sperm are
The important mechanisms of action of arsenic
are placental transfer, oxidative stress, direct binding with thiol group etc.
toxicity of arsenic in male and female reproductive organs is also explained.
It also throws some light on the therapeutic strategies for metal toxicity.Manganese is a suspected reproductive
toxicant and exposure to it has the potential to negatively affect the human
reproductive system. The severity and nature of the adverse effect is variable
and can be influenced by factors such as level of exposure and individual
sensitivity to the chemical. Effects on the male reproductive system can
include such things as altered sexual behavior, altered fertility and problems
with sperm shape or count.
Manganese also have
some positive effects on the reproductive system, they include It
helps to produce sex hormones and sperm. Manganese acts as a catalyst for
breaking down fatty acids and cholesterol. Manganese has a positive effect on
the male reproductive system,It also enhances the brain's aptitude for
receiving and sending messages,Sex hormones are produced in the pituitary
gland, where a considerable amount of manganese exists. Because of this,
manganese is believed to assist in sexual health.
Studies have been carried out on the individual effect of
manganese and arsenic on the male reproductive system, this research however
concentrates on both their individual effect and also their combined effect on
the reproductive system. Earlier studies have shown that both accumulate in the
brain and affect production of hormones.
Apart from affecting the reproductive system of man,
arsenic and manganese cause other side effect including cancer. Arsenic and
manganese have been shown to induce oxidative damage in the membrane leading to
production of free radicals that may induce cancer and apoptosis. On the other hand some studies have
suggested that arsenic can aid cancer treatment as it assists blood thinning.
These studies however have not been confirmed.
The effects of arsenic and manganese can be assessed in male induced
rats using assays like H202, Lipid Peroxidation, GSH, GST, SOD etc.
Pollution of the environment by these heavy metals is
indeed a cause for alarm and have caused adverse effect to the human body as
stated by WHO, unsuspected sources like underground water have shown lack of
awareness by individuals.
Any foreign substance that enters the body is called
xenobiotics. These substances can undergo any of the following pathways;
Excretion from the body unchanged
Undergo spontaneous reaction of its own
Undergo metabolism.
Most xenobiotics undergo the third pathway, however if
the body is over exposed to a compound it will induce its own reaction and
might likely undergo the above second pathway. Arsenic and managanese are
foreign compounds which enter the body through various means.
Arsenic is a chemical
element with symbol Asandatomic
number 33. Arsenic occurs in many minerals,
usually in conjunction with sulfur
and metals,
and also as a pure elemental crystal.
Arsenic is a metalloid.
It can exist in various allotropes,
although only the gray form has important use in industry.A few species of bacteria
are able to use arsenic compounds as respiratory metabolites.
Trace quantities of arsenic are an essential dietary
element in rats, hamsters, goats, chickens, and
presumably many other species, including humans. However, arsenic
poisoning occurs in multicellular life if quantities
are larger than needed.
Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a problem that affects millions of
people across the world (Mameli et al., 2001).
Arsenic and its compounds, especially
the trioxide, are used in the production of pesticides,
treated wood products, herbicides,
and insecticides.
However, these applications are declining. Arsenic can be found naturally on
earth in small concentrations. It occurs in soil and minerals and it may enter
air, water and land through wind-blown dust and water run-off (Martinez-Finley
et al., 2012).
Despite its notoriety as a deadly poison,
arsenic is an essential trace element for some animals, and maybe even for
humans, although the necessary intake may be as low as 0.01 mg/day. Most arsenic is found in conjuction with
sulfur in minerals such as arsenopyrite (AsFeS), realgar, orpiment and
enargite. None is mined as such because it is produced as a by-product of
refining the ores of other metals, such as copper and lead. A very
high exposure to inorganic arsenic can cause infertility and miscarriages with
women, and it can cause skin disturbances, declined resistance to infections,
heart disruptions and brain damage with both men and women (Dhatrak and Nandi,
2009; Mejı´a et al., 1997).
inorganic arsenic can damage DNA. A lethal dose of arsenic
oxide is generally regarded as 100mg. Organic arsenic can cause neither cancer,
nor DNA damage. But exposure to high doses may cause certain effects to human
health, such as nerve injury and stomachaches.
occurs in nature as a monoisotopic
element, composed of one stable isotope,
As. As of 2003, at least 33 radioisotopes
have also been synthesized, ranging in atomic mass
from 60 to 92. The most stable of these is 33As with a half-life
of 80.30 days. All other isotopes have half- lives of under one day ( Gokcen,
N. A,1989).
1.1: crystal structure of arsenic
When heated in air, arsenic oxidizes
to arsenic
trioxide; the fumes from this reaction have an odor
resembling garlic.
This odor can be detected on striking arsenide
minerals such as arsenopyrite
with a hammer. Arsenic (and some arsenic compounds) sublimes
upon heating at atmospheric pressure, converting directly to a gaseous form
without an intervening liquid state at 887 K (614 °C). The triple
point is 3.63 MPa and 1,090 K (820 °C).
Arsenic makes arsenic
acid with concentrated nitric acid,
acid with dilute nitric acid, and arsenic
trioxide with concentrated sulfuric
acid.Arsenic compounds are used in making special
types of glass, as a wood preservative and, lately, in the semiconductor galliumarsenade,
which has the ability to convert electric current to laser light. Arsine gas
AsH3, has become an important dopant gas in the microchip industry,
although it requires strict guidelines regarding its use because it is
extremely toxic (Norman, Nicholas C 1998}. Arsenic compounds resemble in some respects
those of phosphorus
which occupies the same group
(column) of the periodic
table. Arsenic is less commonly observed in the
pentavalent state, however. The most common oxidation
states for arsenic are: −3 in the arsenides,
such as alloy-like intermetallic compounds, +3 in the arsenites,
and +5 in the arsenates
and most organoarsenic compounds. Arsenic also bonds readily to itself as seen
in the square As3−4 ions in the mineral skutterudite.[14] In the +3 oxidation
state, arsenic is typically pyramidal owing to the
influence of the lone pair
of electrons.
Arsenic forms colorless, odorless, crystalline oxidesAs2O3
arsenic") and As2O5
which are hygroscopic
and readily soluble in water to form acidic solutions. Arsenic(V)
acid is a weak acid. Its salts are called arsenates
which are the basis of arsenic contamination of groundwater,
a problem that affects many people. Synthetic arsenates include Paris Green
(copper(II) acetoarsenite), calcium
arsenate, and lead
hydrogen arsenate. These three have been used as agriculturalinsecticides
and poisons ((Martinez-Finley
et al., 2012),(Madelung, Otfried 2004).
All trihalides of arsenic(III) are
well known except the astatide which is unknown. Arsenic
pent fluoride (AsF5) is the only important
pent halide, reflecting the lower stability of the 5+ oxidation state.
A large variety of organoarsenic compounds are known. Several were
developed as chemical
warfare agents during World War I, including vesicants
such as lewisite
and vomiting agents such as adamsite.
acid, which is of historic and practical interest,
arises from the methylation
of arsenic trioxide, a reaction that has no analogy in phosphorus chemistry (Chisholm,
Hugh, et al., 1911)
Atomic number
Atomic mass
74.9216 g.mol -1
according to Pauling
5.7 at
Melting point
814 °C (36 atm)
Boiling point
615 °C (sublimation)
Vanderwaals radius
0.139 nm
Ionic radius
0.222 nm (-2) 0,047 nm
(+5) 0,058 (+3)
Electronic shell
[ Ar ] 3d10 4s2 4p3
Energy of first
947 kJ.mol -1
Energy of second
1798 kJ.mol -1
Energy of third
2736 kJ.mol -1
Standard potential
- 0.3 V (As3+/ As )
Manganese is a chemical
element with symbol Mn and atomic
number 25. It is not found as a free
element in nature; it is often found in combination
with iron,
and in many minerals.
Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy
uses, particularly in stainless
steels.Proposed to be an element by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1774, manganese was
discovered by Johan Gottlieb Gahn, a Swedish chemist, by heating the mineral
pyrolusite (MnO2) in the presence of charcoal later that year.
Today, most manganese is still obtained from pyrolusite, although it is usually
burned in a furnace with powdered aluminum or
is treated with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to form manganese
sulfate (MnSO4), which is then electrolyzed. Manganese phosphating is used as a treatment
for rust and corrosion prevention on steel.
Depending on their oxidation
state, manganese ions
have various colors and are used industrially as pigments.
The permanganates
of alkali
and alkaline
earth metals are powerful oxidizers. Manganese dioxide
is used as the cathode
(electron acceptor) material in zinc-carbon
and alkaline
batteries(Lide, David R. et al, 2004.)
In biology, manganese(II) ions
function as cofactors
for a large variety of enzymes
with many functions Manganese enzymes are particularly essential in
detoxification of superoxide
free radicals in organisms that must deal with elemental oxygen.
Manganese also functions in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthetic plants.
The element is a required trace mineral for all known living organisms but is a
In larger amounts, and apparently with far greater effectiveness through
inhalation, it can cause a poisoning
syndrome in mammals, with neurological damage which is
sometimes irreversible ((ATSDR b,et al
Manganese is a pinkinsh-gray,
chemically active element. It is a hard metal and is very brittle. It is hard
to melt, but easily oxidized. Manganese is reactive when pure, and as a powder
it will burn in oxygen, it reacts with water (it rusts like iron) and dissolves
in dilute acids. Manganese is one of the most abundant metals in soils, where
it occurs as oxides and hydroxides, and it cycles through its various oxidation
states. Manganese occurs principally as pyrolusite (MnO2), and to a
lesser extent as rhodochrosite (MnCO3). More than 25 million tonnes
are mined every year, representing 5 million tons of the metal, and reserves
are estimated to exceed 3 billion tonnes of the metal. The main mining areas
for manganese ores are South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Gabon and
Australia. Manganese is an essential element for all species. Some organisms,
such as diatoms, molluscs and sponges, accumulate manganese. Fish can have up
to 5 ppm and mammals up to 3 ppm in their tissue, although normally they have
around 1 ppm (Rancke-Madsen, E., 1975)
Manganese metal and its common ions
are paramagnetic
Manganese tarnishes slowly in air and "rusts" like iron, in water
containing dissolved oxygen. Naturally occurring manganese is composed of one
stable isotope,
Mn. Eighteen radioisotopes
have been characterized, with the most stable being Mn with a half-life
of 3.7 million years, Mn with a half-life
of 312.3 days, and Mn with a half-life of 5.591 days. All of the remaining radioactive
isotopes have half-lives that are less than three hours and the majority of
these have half-lives that are less than one minute. This element also has
three metal states.The
most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color,
and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II)
sulfate (MnSO4) and manganese(II)
chloride (MnCl2) (Corathers, Lisa A.,
This oxidation state is also seen in the
mineral rhodochrosite (manganese
(II) carbonate). The +2 oxidation number of Mn results
from removal of the two 4s electrons, leaving a "high spin"
ion in which all five of the 3d orbitals contain a single electron.
Absorption of visible light by this ion is accomplished only by a
spin-forbidden transition in which one of the d electrons must pair with
another, to give the atom a change in spin of two units. Manganate (VI) salts can also be produced
by dissolving Mn compounds, such as manganese
dioxide, in molten alkali while exposed to air. Solutions
of potassium permanganate were among the first stains and fixatives to be used
in the preparation of biological cells and tissues for electron microscopy (Corathers,
L. A.; Machamer, J. F., 2006).
Atomic number
Atomic mass
54.9380 g.mol -1
according to Pauling
at 20°C
Melting point
1247 °C
Boiling point
2061 °C
Vanderwaals radius
0.126 nm
Ionic radius
0.08 nm (+2) ; 0.046 nm
Electronic shell
[ Ar ] 3d5
Energy of first
716 kJ.mol -1
Energy of second
1489 kJ.mol -1
Standard potential
- 1.05 V ( Mn2+/
Mn )
Arsenic and many of its compounds are especially
potent poisons. Arsenic toxicity inactivates up to 200 enzymes, most notably
those involved in cellular energy pathways and DNA replication and repair,
and is substituted for phosphate in high energy compounds such as ATP.
Unbound arsenic also exerts its toxicity by generating reactive oxygen
intermediates during their redox cycling and oxygen intermediates during
their redox cycling and metabolic activation processes that cause lipid
peroxidation and DNA damage. 29As III, especially, binds thiol or
sulfhydryl groups in tissue proteins of the liver, lungs, kidney, spleen
gastrointestinal mucosa, and keratin-rich tissues (skin, hair, and nails) (Vigo,
J. B., and J. T. Ellzey, 2006)
disrupts ATP
production through several mechanisms. At the level of the citric
acid cycle, arsenic inhibits pyruvate
dehydrogenase and by competing with phosphate it
uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, thus inhibiting
energy-linked reduction of NAD+, mitochondrial
respiration, and ATP synthesis. Hydrogen peroxide production is also
increased, which might form reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress.
These metabolic interferences lead to death from multi-system organ
failure (see arsenic
poisoning) probably from necrotic
cell death, not apoptosis.
A post
mortem reveals brick red colored mucosa,
due to severe hemorrhage.
Although arsenic causes toxicity, it can also play a protective role. Studies
have demonstrated that the oxidative stress generated by arsenic may disrupt
the signal transduction pathways of the nuclear transcriptional factors.
PPAR’s, AP-1, and NF-κB, as well as the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-8 and
TNF-α. The interference of oxidative stress with signal transduction pathways
may affect physiological processes associated with cell growth, metabolic
syndrome X, glucose homeostasis, lipid metabolism, obesity, insulin
resistance, inflammation, and diabetes-2. Recent
scientific evidence has elucidated the physiological roles of the PPAR’s in
the ω- hydroxylation of fatty acids(Vahter M, Concha G July, 2001).
Arsenite inhibits not only the
formation of acetyl-CoA but also the enzyme succinic dehydrogenase. Arsenate
can replace phosphate in many reactions. It is able to form Glc-6-Arsenate in
vitro; therefore it has been argued that hexokinase could be inhibited.
(Eventually this may be a mechanism leading to muscle weakness in chronic
arsenic poisoning.) In the glyceraldehyde-3-P-dehydrogenase reaction arsenate
attacks the enzyme-bound thioester. The formed 1-arseno-3-phosphoglycerate is
unstable and hydrolyzes spontaneously. Thus, ATP formation in Glycolysis is
inhibited while bypassing the phosphoglycerate kinase reaction. (Moreover, the
formation of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate in erythrocytes might be affected,
followed by a higher oxygen affinity of hemoglobin and subsequently enhanced
cyanosis) As shown by Gresser (1981), submitochondrial particles synthesize
Adenosine-5’-diphosphate-arsenate from ADP and arsenate in presence of
succinate. Thus, by a variety of mechanisms arsenate leads to an impairment of
cell respiration and subsequently diminished ATP formation. This is consistent
with observed ATP depletion of exposed cells and histopathological findings of
mitochondrial and cell swelling, glycogen depletion in liver cells and fatty change
in liver, heart and kidney (Hughes MF July, 2002).
Experiments demonstrated enhanced
arterial thrombosis in a rat animal model, elevations of serotonin levels,
thromboxane and adhesion proteins in platelets, while human platelets showed
similar responses. The effect on vascular endothelium may eventually be
mediated by the arsenic-induced formation of nitric oxide. It was demonstrated
that +3 As concentrations substantially lower than concentrations required for
inhibition of the lysosomal protease cathepsin L in B cell line TA3 were
sufficient to trigger apoptosis in the same B cell line,
while the latter could be a mechanism
mediating immunosuppressive effects. Another aspect is the similarity of
arsenic effects to the heat shock response. Short-term arsenic exposure has
effects on signal transduction inducing heat shock proteins with masses of 27,
60,70,72,90,110 kDa as well as metallotionein, ubiquitin, mitogen-activated
[MAP] kinases, extracellular regulated kinase [ERK], c-jun terminal kinases
[JNK] and p38. Via JNK and p38 it activates c-fos, c-jun and egr-1 which are
usually activated by growth factors and cytokines. The effects are largely
dependent on the dosing regime and may be as well inversed (Gresser MJ June,
As shown by some experiments reviewed
by Del Razo (2001), ROS induced by low levels of inorganic arsenic increase the
transcription and the activity of the activator protein 1 (AP-1) and the
nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)
(maybe enhanced by elevated MAPK levels), which results in c-fos/c-jun activation,
over-secretion of pro-inflammatory and growth promoting cytokines stimulating
cell proliferation. Germolec et al. (1996) found an increased cytokine
expression and cell proliferation in skin biopsies from individuals chronically
exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking water.
Increased AP-1 and NF-κB obviously
also result in an up-regulation of mdm2 protein, which decreases p53 protein
levels.] Thus, taking into account p53’s function, a lack of it
could cause a faster accumulation of mutations contributing to carcinogenesis.
However, high levels of inorganic arsenic inhibit NF-κB activation and cell
proliferation. An experiment of Hu et al. (2002) demonstrated increased binding
activity of AP-1 and NF-κB after acute (24 h) exposure to +3 sodium arsenite,
whereas long-term exposure (10–12 weeks) yielded the opposite result. The
authors conclude that the former may be interpreted as a defense response while
the latter could lead to carcinogenesis. As the contradicting findings and
connected mechanistic hypotheses indicate, there is a difference in acute and
chronic effects of arsenic on signal transduction which is not clearly
understood yet (Hu Y, Su L, Snow ET September, 1998).
The major
site of absorption is the small intestine by an electrogenic process involving
a proton (H+) gradient. The optimal pH for arsenic absorption is 5.0,38 though
in the milieu of the small bowel the pH is approximately 7.0 due to pancreatic
bicarbonate secretion. The absorbed arsenic undergoes hepatic biomethylation to
form monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid that form
monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid that are less toxic but not
completely innocuous. About 50% of the
ingested dose may be eliminated in the urine in three to five days.
Dimethylarsinic acid is the dominant urinary metabolite (60%–70%) compared with
monomethylarsonic acid. A small amount of inorganic arsenic is also excreted
small amount of inorganic arsenic is also excreted unchanged. After acute
poisoning electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry studies show that the
highest concentration of arsenic is in the kidneys and liver (Vahter M,
Concha G July 2001).
chronic arsenic ingestion, arsenic accumulates in the liver, kidneys, heart,
and lungs and smaller amounts in the muscles, nervous system, gastrointestinal
tract, and spleen. Though most arsenic is cleared from these sites, residual
amounts remain in the keratin-rich tissues, nails, hair, and skin. After about
two weeks of ingestion, arsenic is deposited (Styblo M, Thomas DJ April,
Manganism or manganese poisoning
is a toxic condition resulting from
chronic exposure to manganese. It
was first identified in 1837 by James Couper.Chronic exposure to excessive
manganese levels can lead to a variety of psychiatric and motor disturbances,
termed manganism. Generally, exposure to ambient manganese air concentrations
in excess of 5 micrograms Mn/m3 can lead to Mn-induced symptoms(Kulig et al., 1996).
In initial stages of manganism,
neurological symptoms consist of reduced response speed, irritability, mood
changes, and compulsive behaviors. Upon protracted exposure symptoms are more
prominent and resemble those of idiopathicParkinson's
disease, as which it is often misdiagnosed, although
there are particular differences in both the symptoms (nature of tremors, for
example), response to drugs such as levodopa, and
affected portion of the basal ganglia.
Symptoms are also similar to Lou
Gehrig's disease and multiple
sclerosis(Santamaria, 2008).
Excess manganese interferes with the
absorption of dietary iron.
Long-term exposure to excess levels may result in iron-deficiency anemia.
Increased manganese intake impairs the activity of coppermetallo-enzymes.
Manganese overload is generally due to industrial pollution. Workers in the manganese processing
industry are most at risk. Well water rich in manganese can be the cause of excessive manganese intake and can increase bacterial growth in water. Manganese poisoning has
been found among workers in the battery manufacturing industry (Stansbie, John
Symptoms of toxicity mimic those of Parkinson's disease
(tremors, stiff muscles) and excessive manganese intake can cause hypertension
in patients older than 40. Significant rises in manganese concentrations have
been found in patients with severe hepatitis and
posthepaticcirrhosis, in
patients and in patients suffering heart attacks.
Manganese influences the copper and ironmetabolism
and estrogen
therapy may raise serum
manganese concentration, whereas glucosteroids alter the manganese distribution
in the body. Calcium
deficiency increases manganese absorption. Elevated calcium and/or phosphorus
intake suppress the body's ability to absorb manganese, while an increase in Vitamin C
improves cellular exchange. Manganese overload is generally due to industrial
pollution. Workers in the manganese processing industry are most at risk.
Drinking water should be analyzed when manganese toxicity is suspected. Long
term parenteral
nutrition has been associated with high blood concentrations of manganese in
children who displayed symptoms of toxicity (Silva Avil et al,2013).
Dark hair
dyes can contain
manganese and thus falsely elevate hair levels. In the case of extremely high manganese levels obtained from
scalp hair, pubic hair should be tested as a control.Manganism is a biphasic
disorder. In its early stages, an intoxicated person may experience depression,
mood swings, compulsive behaviors, and psychosis. Early neurological symptoms
give way to late-stage manganism, which resembles Parkinson's
disease. Symptoms include weakness, monotone and
slowed speech, an expressionless face, tremor, forward-leaning gait, inability
to walk backwards without falling, rigidity, and general problems with
dexterity, gait and balance. Unlike Parkinson's
disease, manganism is not associated with loss of
smell and patients are typically unresponsive to treatment with L-DOPA.
Symptoms of late-stage manganism become more severe over time even if the
source of exposure is removed and brain manganese levels return to normal( Finley,
John Weldon; Davis, Cindy D. ,1999).
Establishment of the maximum contaminant level that
regulates the concentration of arsenic in public water supplies in the United
States was a protracted process. The Public Health Service (PHS) set an interim
standard of 50 ug/I in 1942 and stated that the goal should be 10 ug/L in 1962,
but it was another forty years before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
actually lowered the standard to 10 ug/1. Despite extensive epidemiological
evidence of significant cancer risks accumulated over many years, the US flip-flopped
on the drinking water standard before and after the transition from the Clinton
to the Bush Administrations. One problem is that regulators, and many
scientists, having learned the terms "confounding" and "exposure
misclassification", appear to be more comfortable with the results of
experimental animal studies than human epidemiological studies. In the case of
arsenic, there are clear increased risks of human cancer once concentrations
reach 200ug/L in drinking water, whereas there is little response in standard
animal bioassays, even at concentrations of 50,000ug/L and above. Furthermore,
at concentrations above 500ug/L, the human risks are extraordinarily high, with
one in ten exposed persons dying from arsenic-caused cancers. Such contrasts in
cancer risks between animals and humans are unprecedented. Furthermore, the
lung may be the main site of long-term human health effects from ingestion of
arsenic in water (which is hard to swallow), and epidemiological data suggest
that the risk from arsenic inhalation may be equivalent to that from ingestion
(also hard to swallow). There are important lessons to be learned from the
history of arsenic drinking water regulations and a lot more yet to learn from
epidemiological studies of the health effects of human exposure to arsenic.
The epididymis is a tube that connects a testicle
to a vas deferens
in the male
reproductive system. It is present in all male
reptiles, birds, and mammals. It is a single, narrow, tightly-coiled tube (in
adult humans, six to seven meters in length connecting the efferent
ducts from the rear of each testicle to its vas
Fig1.2: structure of epididymis
The epididymis can be divided into
three main regions:
- The
head: The head of the epididymis receives spermatozoa
via the efferent ducts
of the mediastinium
of the testis.
It is characterized histologically
by a thin myoepithelium.
The concentration of the sperm here is dilute.
- The
- The
tail :This has a thicker myoepithelium than the head region, as it is
involved in absorbing fluid to make the sperm more concentrated.
In reptiles, there is an additional
canal between the testis and the head of the epididymis and which receives the
various efferent ducts. This is, however, absent in all birds and mammals
Role in storage of sperm and ejaculant
Spermatozoa formed in the testis enter the caput
epididymis, progress to the corpus, and finally reach the cauda region, where
they are stored. Sperm entering the caput epididymis are incomplete—they lack
the ability to swim forward (motility) and
to fertilize an
egg. It stores the sperm for 2–3 months. During their transit in the
epididymis, sperm undergo maturation processes necessary for them to acquire
these functions. Final maturation is completed in the female
reproductive tract.
During ejaculation,
sperm flow from the lower portion of the epididymis (which functions as a
storage reservoir). They have not been activated by products from the prostate
gland, and they are unable to swim, but are transported via the peristaltic
action of muscle layers
within the vas deferens,
and are mixed with the diluting fluids of the seminal
vesicles and other accessory glands prior to
ejaculation (forming semen)
The epithelial cells of the epididymis
possess numerous apical modifications that are often referred to as
stereocilia, as under the light microscope they look like cilia. However, as
electron microscopy has revealed them to be structurally and functionally more
similar to microvilli, some now refer to them as stereovilli.
The human body is constantly under attack from free radicals. A
free radical is any chemical specie capable of independent existences and possessing one or more
unpaired electrons, an unpaired electron being one that is alone in an orbital.
Free radicals are generated by biological chemical redox reactions that occur
as normal body process. They are highly unstable and have electrons that
readily pair with organic substrates. Free radicals are generated when cells
use oxygen to generate energy as a result of ATP production by the
mitochondria. Exposure to environmental factors like heavy metals in which
arsenic and manganese belong to ,ultra-violate light, cigarette smoke ,
environmental pollutants and gamma radiation (Demasi et al., 1996; Emanuelliet al., 2003; Juknatet al., 1995).
Free radicals react with organic substrates such as lipids,
proteins and DNA. Oxidation of these molecules can damage them, disturbing
normal functions and may contribute to a variety of disease state like cancer,
apoptosis etc. (Aroumaet al., 1998)
Ø Lipid peroxidation: free radicals initiate damage to fat components in the
body causing them to turn rancid and release more radicals.
Ø Membrane damage: the integrity of the cell membrane is damaged due to
reaction of free radicals. This in turn interfers with the cell’s ability to
take in nutrients and expel waste.
Ø Lysosomal damage: the lysosomal membrane containing hydrolytic enzymes
is ruptured as a result of free radicals, hence this enzyme spills out of the
lysosome into the cell causing digestion of critical compounds and molecules in
the cell.
Ø Cross linking: free radicals reactions cause protein or DNA to fuse together
(Brillaet al., 1995).
Interest in free radicals began with the work of Moses Gomberg
(1), who in 1900 demonstrated the existence of the triphenylmethyl radical
(Ph3C·). A free radical is any chemical species (capable of independent
existence) that possesses one or more unpaired electrons, an unpaired electron
being one that is alone in an orbital.
Atoms are mostly stable in their ground state. An atom is considered to
be in their ground state when every electron in the outermost shell has a
complimentary electron that spins in the opposite direction. A free radical is
easily formed when a covalent bond splits and one electron remains with each
newly formed atom. Free radicals are incapable of existing alone and readily
look for an atom or molecule to extract electrons from, to complete their lone
orbitals. The following literature review concentrates on radicals with an
oxygen center; these are referred to as reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS
contain two unpaired electrons in their outermost shell. Once radicals form,
they can react either with another radical or with another molecule by various
interactions. This leads to formation of a chain of free radicals (Juknat et al., 1995). Free radicals can be formed from
various reactions in the body. Some of the include;
1. Generation of ATP (universal energy currency) from ADP in the
mitochondria: oxidative phosphorylation
2. Detoxification of xenobiotics by Cytochrome P450 (oxidizing
3. Apoptosis of effete or defective cells
4. Killing of micro-organisms and cancer cells by macrophages and
cytotoxic lymphocytes
5. Oxygenases (eg. COX: cyclo-oxygenases, LOX: lipoxygenase) for
the generation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which have many regulatory
In the electron transport chain, oxygen acts as the electron acceptor.
This literature suggests that anywhere from 2 to 5 percent of total oxygen
intake during both rest and exercise have the ability to form highly damaging
superoxide radical via electron escape. During exercise oxygen consumption is
increased and also electron escape from the electron transport chain is
enhanced about 10-20 folds.
Types Of Free Radicals
The simplest form of free
radical is the hydrogen atom which consists of one electron. However this study
is based mostly on the reactive oxygen species which contain unpaired electro
on their outermost shell. Examples of free radicals include;hydroxyl (OH·),
superoxide (O2·−) nitric oxide (NO·), and peroxyl (RO2·). Peroxynitrite
(ONOO−), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen 1Δg
(often written as 1O2), and ozone (O3) (often written as 1O2), and ozone (O3)
are not free radicals but can easily lead to free-radical reactions in living
Reactive oxygen species have long been known to be a component of
the killing response of immune cells to a microbial invasion. Recent studies
indicate that ROS play a key role as a messenger in normal cell transduction
and cell signaling. Here we briefly describe the biology behind some of these
molecules and means of their detection. ROS is a phrase used to describe a
number of reactive molecules and free radicals derived from molecular oxygen.
The production of oxygen based radicals is general for all aerobic species.
These molecules are produced as byproducts during biological reactions like
mitochondrial electron transport chain reaction or by oxireductase enzymes and
metal catalyzed oxidation and have deleterious effects on the body. It was
originally thought that only phagocytic cells were responsible for ROS as part
of their defense mechanism. Recent studies have however demonstrates that ROS
play a role in the following; cell signaling, including apoptosis, gene
expression and activation of cell signaling cascades (Orreniuset al)
Types of Free Reactive Oxygen
superoxide (O2-) anion
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
peroxyl (ROO-) radical
the very reactive hydroxyl (OH-)
nitricoxide (NO.)
Hydroxyl radical
Hydroxyl radical (OH) is the most damaging free radical and has
devastating effect on the body. It is a third generation radical and is derived
from H202 hydrogen peroxide which is derived from superoxide radical through
the enzyme superoxide dismutase. Hydrogen
peroxide is reduced to hydroxyl radical by the enzymes glutathione peroxidase
and catalase in the presence of transition metals like iron and copper. The
dangers of OH have been highlighted by Dr Reiter as follows; ‘if the function
of radical is to destroy molecules and tissues, then the OH is the radical’s
radical. It reacts at diffusion rate
with virtually any molecule found in its path including macromolecules like
DNA, membrane lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. In the DNA, it can induce
strand breaks as well as chemical changes in the purine and pyrimidine bases
and can cause proteins to lose their efficiency.
Peroxyl radicals
This contains a superoxide molecule with the chemical formula (O2·−). The systematic name of
the anion is (1-). Superoxide anion is particularly important as the
product of one electron reduction of dioxygen which occurs widely in nature.
With one unpaired electron, the superoxide ion is a free radical.
Ozone is a powerful oxidant and has many industrial and consumer
applications related to oxidation. This same high oxidizing potential causes it
ozone to damage mucus and respiratory tissues in animals and also tissues in
plants above concentration of about 100 parts per billion. However, the so
called ozone layer which is a portion of the stratosphere with a higher
concentration of ozone is beneficial preventing damaging ultra violet light
from reaching the earth”s surface, to the benefit of both man and plants.
Superoxide anion
Superoxide is biologically quite toxic and is developed by the
immune system to kill invading microbes.
In phagocytes, it is produced in large quantities by the enzyme NADPH
oxidase for use in oxygen –dependent killing mechanisms of invading pathogens.
Hydrogen peroxide
It is a reactive metabolic by
product that is a key regulator in a number of oxidative stress related states.
Functioning through NFKB and other factors, its mediated pathway has been
linked to asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetic vasculopathy, osteosporosis, a
number of neurodegenerative diseases and down’syndrome. It is generated invivo
by the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well as by a range of oxidase
enzymes. It is eliminated via the actions of catalases and peroxidases.
Hypochlorous acid:
It has simply been thought of as a transient by product in the ubiquitous
chlorine chemical family. However, it has been shown to carry fewer negative
hydroxides. HOCL as a stand-alone chemical, separate from chlorine has not been
available in the market until now.
Measurement of free radicals:
Free radicals are difficult to trap and measure, because they have
short half-life. However multiple methods have been devised for their
measurement. Radicals can be measured using electron spin resonance and spin
trapping methods where exogenoius compounds that have high affinity for the
radicals are used. The compound and the radical together form a stable entity
that can be measured. This method is however not so accurate. Another method is
using free radical markers. These markers of oxidative stress are measured
using a variety of assays which are decribed below. When a fatty acid is
peroxidizes, it is broken down into aldehydes which are excreted. Aldehydes
such as thiobarbutric acid reacting substances (TBARS) have been widely
accepted as a general marker of free radical production egmalonaldehyde (MDA).
The TBA test has been questioned because of its lack of specificity,
sensitivity and reproducibility. The uses of liquid chromatography instead of
spectrophotometry techniques help reduce the error. Lastly conjugated dienes
(CD) are often measured as indicators of free radicals Oxidation of unsaturated
fatty acids result in the production of CD. These are measured and provide a
marker of the early stages of lipid peroxidation. A newly developed method uses monoclonal
antibodies and may prove to be the most accurate method (Dillard et al,Kanter et al)
Physiological effects:
Usually, the body is able to handle free radical production using
antioxidants, however, during increased oxygen flux; free radical production
may exceed that of removal resulting in lipid peroxidation. Free radicals have
been implicated in the etiology of diseases like cardiovascular diseases,
cancer, Alzheimer diseases and Parkinson’sdisease. The literature review will however review
lipid peroxidation and its driving force.
Importance of free radicals;
This review has based on the
negative effects of free radicals; however they might actually play some
important roles in the body. Free radicals are naturally produced by some cells
in the body like the phagocytes as a host defense mechanism. The immune system
is the main body system that utilizes free radicals. Foreign invaders or
damaged tissue is marked with free radicals by the immune system. This allows
for determination of which tissue need to be removed from the body. Because of
this some question that the need for antioxiudant supplementation as they
believe it can actually decrease the effectiveness of the immune system.
Lipid peroxidation is one of
the most widely used indicators of free radical formation, a key indicator of
oxidative stress. Unsaturated fatty acids are present im the biological
membrane are are easy targets of free radicals. This reaction occurs as a chain
of reaction where a free radical will capture a hydrogen molecule from an
unsaturated fatty acid to form water. It contributes to the development of
cardiovascular diseases, such as preeclampsia and atherosclerosis, and the
end-products of this process [particularly cytotoxic aldehydes, such as
malondialdehyde (MDA) and
4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)] can cause damage to proteins and to DNA. Peroxidation
causes impairment of biological membrane functioning, e.g., decreases fluidity,
inactivates membrane-bound enzymes and receptors, and may change nonspecific
calcium ion permeability. It can be initiated by a free radical that has
sufficient reactivity to abstract a hydrogen atom from a poly unsaturated fatty
acid (PUFA) side chain in membrane lipids or plasma lipoprotein particles.
Lipid peroxidation is a free radical mediated process. Initiation of a peroxidative sequence is due
to the attack by any species, which can abstract a hydrogen atom from a
methylene group (CH2), leaving behind an unpaired electron on the carbon atom
(•CH). The resultant carbon radical is stabilized by molecular rearrangement to
produce a conjugated diene, which then can react with an oxygen molecule to
give a lipid peroxyl radical (LOO•). These radicals can further abstract
hydrogen atoms from other lipid molecules to form lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH)
and at the same time propagate LP further. The peroxidation reaction can be
terminated by a number of reactions. The major one involves the reaction of
LOO• or lipid radical (L•) with a molecule of antioxidant such as vitamin E or
α-tocopherol (α-TOH) forming more stable tocopherolphenoxyl radical that is not
involved in further chain reactions. This can be ‘recycled’ by other cellular
antioxidants such as vitamin C or GSH. This can be ‘recycled’ by other cellular
chain reactions.
LH + •OH → L• + H2O
L• + O2 → LOO
LOO• + LH → L• + LOOH
LOO• + α-TOH → LOOH + α-TO•
The process of LP, gives rise
to many products of toxicological interest like malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-
hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) and various 2-alkenals. Isoprostanes are unique products
of lipid peroxidation of arachidonic acid and recently tests such as mass
spectrometry and ELISA-assay kits are available to detect isoprostanes
(Yoshikawa et al. 2000). TBARS have been shown to react with these
aldehyde products to form coloured complexes which absorb radiation at specific
wavelengths. This reaction has been used to access the extent of lipid
The relation between free radicals and disease can be explained by
the concept of ‘oxidative stress’ elaborated by Sies (1986).12 In a normal
healthy human body, the generation of pro-oxidants in the form of ROS and RNS
are effectively kept in check by the various levels of antioxidant defense.
However, when it gets exposed to adverse physicochemical, environmental or
pathological agents such as atmospheric pollutants, cigarette smoking,
ultraviolet rays, radiation, toxic chemicals, overnutrition and advanced
glycation end products (AGEs) in
diabetes, this delicately maintained balance is shifted in favor of pro-oxidants
resulting in ‘oxidative stress’. It has been implicated in the etiology of
several (>100) of human diseases and in the process of ageing.
The damaging of the DNA which is caused by carcinogenic ionizing
radiation is known to be mediated through the mutagenic effects of hydroxyl
radicals and due to cancer being strongly correlated with age, normal aging
which is attributed to the accumulation of unrepaired mutagenic DNA lesions and
oxidative stress has been implicated in the free radical theory of aging (Ames
et al., 1983) and (Beckman et al., 1980).
Exposure to free radicals from
a variety of sources has led organisms to develop a series of defence
mechanisms (Cadenas, 1997). Defence mechanisms against free radical-induced
oxidative stress involve: (i) preventative mechanisms, (ii) repair mechanisms,
(iii) physical
defences, and (iv) antioxidant
defences. Enzymatic antioxidant defences include superoxide dismutase (SOD),
glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT). Non-enzymatic antioxidants are
represented by ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), _-tocopherol (Vitamin E), glutathione
(GSH), carotenoids, flavonoids, and other antioxidants. Under normal
conditions, there is a balance between both the activities and the
intracellular levels of these antioxidants. This balance is essential for the
survival of organisms and their health (Brillaet al., 1995)
Antioxidant Defenses
Antioxidant means against.
Antioxidants work in the body to reduce and prevent damage of cellular
components by free radicals. They are effective because they are willing to
donate their electrons to free radicals and in this way prevent them from
extracting electrons from the cellular components. Antioxidants are naturally
built to accommodate this electron change within them and though they become
free radical by definition after releasing this electron, they are not harmful
to the body. Antioxidants are manufactured within the body and can also be
gotten from food like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, meats and oil. There are
two lines of antioxidant defense in the body. The first line found in the fat soluble
vitamin E, beta –carotene, and coenzyme Q. of these, vitamin E is considered
the most potent chain breaking antioxidant.
Inside the cell, water soluble scavangers are present. These include
vitamin, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase. These are
discussed below.
Glutathione is a cysteine containing peptide that is found in most
forms af aerobic life and is not required in diet but is synthesized within the
cell from constituent amino acids. It is a tripeptide of glutamate, cysteine
and glycine containing an unusual peptide linkeage. The existence of the bond
between them prevents hydrolyzation by most peptidase. Its antioxidant property
is due to the fact that the cysteine moiety is a reducing agent and can be
reversibly oxidized and reduced. It is maintained in the reduced form in the
cell. It is present in high
concentration in the cell. A major function of GSH as an antioxiudant is the
reduction of H202 and other peroxidases by a reaction catalyzed by glutathione
peroxidase. It also takes part in non-enzymatic reductions. The oxidized form
of glutathione is (GSSG) and is converted back to GSH by an enzyme glutathione
reductase in an NADPH dependent manner.
Glutathione peroxidase contains four selenium ions and is found in
different fraction of cells and tissues in the body. It is the only known enzyme that requires Se
for its activity in the body and this may be related to the current interest in
the dietary supplements of Se to prevent cancer (Anderson et al., 1998)
Glutathione S- Transferases
GST are a major group of detoxification enzymes possessed by all
eukaryotic species and can be cytosolic or membrane bound. The cytosolic enzymes are encoded by five
distantly related gene families whereas the membrane bound enzymes, microsomal
GST and leukotriene C4 synthetase are encoded by single genes and both have
arisen separately from soluble GST. GST has been considered among several
others to contribute to the phase 2 biotransformation of drugs. They do this by
conjugating these compounds with reduced glutathione to facilitate dissolution
in the aqueous cellular and extracellular media and from there out of the body.
Reduced Glutathione (GSH)
GSH protect the cell from free radicals by oxidation. It can only
function in its reduced state so that it can readily neutralize free radicals
by bonding with them. It bonds and converts to its oxidized form and is
converted back to its reduced state by glutathione reductase. The ratio of its
oxidized form to its reduced form can be used to measure cellular toxicity. 90
percent of cellular GSH is in its reduced form.
Vitamin C and E
Vitamin c isa monosaccharide found in both plants and animals. It
is gotten from dietary intake. Most animals produce it in their body and do not
need to take them in food. It’s also called ascorbic acid. It is required for
conversion of procollagen to collagen. It is maintained in its reduced form by
its reaction with glutathione which can be catalyzed by protein disulfide
isomerase and glutaredoxins. It is a redox catalyst and can reduce and therefore
neutralize free radicals. Vitamin e also known as alpha tocopherol is a fat
soluble vitamin found in vegetables oilseed, fishoil, whole grains, apicrotsetc
its biological activity is to maintain polyunsaturated fatty acids and membrane
qualities, it functions as a peroxyl scavenger that terminates chain
reactions. There are important
differences between various vitamin E forms with respect to their antioxidant
activity when measured invitro.
It is a common compound found in all living organisms that are
exposed to oxygen and catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water
and oxygen. It is a tetramer of four polypepetides chains, each over 500
amino-acid long (Boon et al., 2007). It contains four porphyrinheme irons.
→ H2O + 1/2O2
The true biological significance of catalase is not always
straightforward to assess: mice genetically engineered to lack catalase are
phenotypically normal, indicating that this enzyme is dispensable in animals
under normal condition (HoYSet al., 2004). A catalase deficiency may increase
the likelihood of developing Type2 Diabetes (Lazlo et al., 2008). Some human beings have very low levels of
catalase (acatalasia) yet show few ill effects. It is likely that the
predominant scavengers of H2O2 in normal mammalian cells are peroxiredoxins
rather than catalase. Human catalase
works at an optimum temperature 0f 37c.
The catalase test is also used by microbiologist to identify the species
of bacteria. The presence of catalase enzyme in the test isolate is detected
using hydrogen peroxide. If the bacteria possess catalase (i.e., are catalase
positive), when a small amount of bacterial isolate is added to hydrogen
peroxide, bubbles of oxygen are observed.
Catalase can also catalyze
the oxidation, by hydrogen peroxide by hydrogen peroxide of various metabolites
and toxins, including formaldehyde, formic acid, phenols, acetaldehyde and
alcohols. It does so according to the following reaction;
While the complete mechanism
of catalase is not currently known (boon et al., 2007), the reaction is
believed to occur in two stages:
(IV)-E+O2 (. +)
The administration of the
toxicants would last for two weeks after which we are to sacrifice and extract
the organs needed and make experimental observation by comparison to control.
Out of the sixty four animals bought, 31 would be sacrificed after first two
weeks of treatment, the remaining would be left without treatment with toxicant
and then sacrificed after another two weeks and experiment carried out on
extracted organs.
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