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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007677

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study investigated the influence of Federal Government budget allocation to the agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria using time series data from 2000 to 2016. The time series data adopted in the study were generated from the Central Bank of Nigeria annual statistical bulletin, 2016. The ordinary least square of multiple regression was used for the analysis. The results showed that the influence of Federal Government budget allocation to the agricultural sector was positive and significant. Based on the findings, the study concluded that Federal Government budget allocation to the agricultural sector is crucial to economic growth of Nigeria. Hence, it was recommended among other things that Government needs to increase its allocation to the priority sectors, especially the agricultural sector of the economy so as to spur productive activities in the country.


Title Page                                                                                                           i

Dedication                                                                                                          ii

Acknowledgements                                                                                            iii

Declaration                                                                                                         iv

Certification                                                                                                       v

Table of Contents                                                                                               vi

List of Tables                                                                                                     viii

Abstract                                                                                                              ix


1.1     Background to the Study                                                                         1

1.2.   Statement of the Problem                                                                        4

1.3.    Objectives of the Study                                                                            5

1.4.    Research Questions                                                                                  5

1.5.    Research Hypotheses                                                                               5

1.6.    Significance of the Study                                                                         6

 1.7.   Scope of the Study                                                                                   7

1.8     Limitation of the Study                                                                            7

1.9     Definition of Terms                                                                                 7


2.1     Conceptual Framework                                                                            9

2.1.1. Concept of Budget Allocation and Economic Growth                           9

2.1.2 Government Efforts on Agricultural Development in Nigeria                   12

2.1.3 Importance of Budgetary Allocations                                                      14

2.1.4. Importance of Agriculture Sector to Economic growth of Nigeria         15

2.1.5. Budget Allocations and Implications on Agricultural Development

in Nigeria                                                                                                 17

2.1.6. Types of Budget                                                                                       19

2.2.    Theoretical Framework                                                                            22

2.2.1. Neoclassical Theory                                                                                 22

2.2.2 Keynesian Theory                                                                                    22

2.3     Empirical Review                                                                                    25


3.1     Research Design                                                                                      34

3.2     Sources of Data                                                                                        34

3.3.    Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument                                     34

3.4.    Model Specification                                                                                 35

3.4.1. Description of Variables                                                                          36

3.5.    Analytical Techniques                                                                             36


4.1     Presentation of Data                                                                                 37

4.1.1  Trend analysis                                                                                          38

4.2    Analysis of the influence of Federal Government budget allocation

to agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria.                   41

4.2.1 Regression analysis                                                                         41

4.2.2  Test of hypotheses                                                                                   42

4.2.3  Discussion of findings                                                                             43



5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                   44

5.2 Conclusions                                                                                                 44

5.3. Recommendations                                                                                      45





4.1: Aggregate data used for the study                                                              37

4.2: Regression Analysis (dependent variable, RGDP)                                     41



1: Trend of RGDP                                                                                              38

2: Trend of FGBAS                                                                                           39

3: Trend of INFR                                                                                               40




1.1 Background to the Study

The history of federal government budget allocation in Nigeria can be traced to 1958 when colonial government appointed Jeremy Raisman and Professor Ronald Tress to review the federal fiscal structure. The committee recommended that the regions should have authority over produce sales tax and sales tax on motor vehicle fuel.  The committee also recommended the establishment of a Distributable Pool Account (DPA) for the purposes of sharing federally collectible revenues. The commission recommended that the then practice of returning mining rents and royalties to the regions should be discontinued (Omanukwue, 2015)

Olowononi (2015) opined that budget allocation can be defined as allocation of tax powers and the revenue sharing arrangements not only among the three levels of government but among the federal government sectors as well. Under government's distribution function, it allocates revenue to promote national unity and equity (Jimoh, 2013). In Nigeria revenue allocation is taken as the distribution of national revenue among the various tiers of government and difference sectors of the economy in the federation in such away as to reflect the structure of fiscal federalism

Nevertheless, part of the effort by the government to sustain the country’s agriculture sector is evidenced by its various revenue allocations to this sector in terms of lending and budgetary provisions. Budgetary provisions are often made for specific programmes or projects in agriculture, under numerous sub-sectors mainly; crops, livestock, fisheries, and forestry (Central bank of Nigeria , 2013).

Also, a budget allocation to agricultural sector remains important in the history of economic development in Nigeria. It generates employment for both skilled and unskilled labour, and contributes enormously to national and state gross domestic products. Agriculture helps to provide raw materials to the country’s industrial sector and foreign agro allied industry, and enhances both national and state food security. However, there has been a systematic neglect of the sector at both national and state levels since the discovery of crude oil in the country in the 1960s. Agriculture is the major source of livelihood in most rural Nigerian society (Adekunle, 2015); hence, neglect of the agricultural sector has opened the way for increased rural poverty, rural-urban migration, hunger and crimes

Over the years, government has almost been the sole provider of financial and other capital resources to support agriculture. Government has attempted to increase her expenditure on agriculture through budgetary allocation and through the provision of cheap and readily available credit facilities (Nwosu 2017).

Nwosu (2016) found that over the years, the government budgeting allocation has become an important determinant of agricultural output in Nigeria. FAO (2017) reported that in terms of budget allocation to agriculture in Nigeria, it was an average of 4.74 percent from 1970-1980. But, from 1980-2000, it rose to 7.00 percent and 10 percent from 2001-2017, though revealing an increase, but still falls short of Food and Agricultural organization (FAO) recommendation that 25 percent of government capital budget be assigned to the agricultural development capital budget.

Akpokodjie and Nwosu (2016) stressed that government allocation to agriculture is relatively low and that actual expenditure falls short of budgeting expenditure and the rate of under spending is usually higher for agriculture than for other economic sectors.  Economic growth is the increase in the amount of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product, or real GDP. Growth is usually calculated in real terms, i.e. inflation-adjusted terms, in order to net out the effect of inflation on the price of the goods and services produced. In economics, economic growth or economic growth theory typically refers to growth of potential output, i.e., production at full employment, which is caused by growth in aggregate demand or observed output. Economic growth is generally distinguished from development economics. The former is primarily the study of how countries can advance their economies. Hence, the study will examine the influence of federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria from 2000 to 2016.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

One sector that has a critical role to play in economic growth  in Nigeria is the agricultural  sector as over 40% of the gross domestic product (GDP) comes from the sector and it employs about 60% of the working population in Nigeria (Nwafor et al., 2012). However, the agriculture sector has the highest poverty incidence and tackling poverty entails tackling index of agricultural production in the country. However, agricultural sector may have in recent years contributed significantly to improved agricultural production in Nigeria, its actual contribution appears to be much short of overall potential.

Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (FMA, 2015), pointed out that one major problem of agriculture sector is that budget allocation to  the sector  has fluctuated tremendously during the last two decades. Statistics showed that over an 18 year period of 1980 – 1997, Nigeria spent only 1.45 percent of her annual agriculture GDP or about 0.1 percent of the total budget on agricultural research. An average of 3.1 percent of the total budget was spent on agriculture between 1999 -2001 (Federal Government budget, 1999; 2001). This was far below the recommended rate between 12% and 15%. (FAO, 2013).

Adefila and Jenyo (2014) observed that the inadequacy of funds; the limited quantum available of budget allocation to agricultural sector has at an adverse effect of the economic growth of the country for the past few years. This is clear when comparing the performance of agriculture sector to other sectors in the economy of the country.

In view of this scenario, the basic problem to tackle by this research is to examine the influence of federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria from 2000 to 2016.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to examine the influence of federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria from 2000 to 2016. The specific objectives are;

1.    To determine the influence of federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector on  economic growth of Nigeria

2.    To ascertain the effect  of inflation rate  on economic growth of Nigeria

1.4. Research Questions

1.    To what extent has federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector affected economic growth of Nigeria?

2.    How far has inflation rate affected economic growth of Nigeria?

1.5. Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses was stated in null form

H01: Federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector has no significant effect on economic growth of Nigeria.

H02: Inflation rate has no significant effect on economic growth of Nigeria.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The study focuses on influence of federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria from 2000 to 2016. The study was of immense benefit the following group;


The findings and recommendations of the studyassistsgovernment in implementing policies that will help in proper allocation of revenue to agricultural sector of the economy

Policy makers:

Policy makers utilize the result of the study in formulating policies that helped the country in proper allocation of revenue to agricultural sector of the economy.

The economic planner:

Economic planner utilizes the result of the study in restoring the safety and soundness of the economy of Nigeria. Far-reaching negative effects on the national economic well-being caused by poor economic policies of the present administration, corruption, misappropriation of money allocated to agricultural sector in the Nigeria was minimized by adopting the recommendations of the study that will be made by the researcher.

Researchers and Students   

Researchers and students interested in a similar field of study in future finds this work useful conceptual guide and reference material

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study focuses on influence of federal government budget allocation to agricultural sector on economic growth of Nigeria. The study covers from 2000 to 2016. The choice of this period by the researcher was based on the availability of data under this period.

          1.8.        Limitation of the Study

The major limitations of the research work was time constraint as the researcher combines the research work with the other academic activities required for the award of (B.SC), thus, there was little or no time left, especially with the short duration of the semester.

Financial problem in term of transportation cost of photocopying relevant materials, departmental specification and accessories, general economic conditions with regard to cost of material and other accessorily cost

          1.9.        Definition of Terms


Agriculture is defined as the cultivation of land for crop production and rearing of animals for the use of man and also for the feed of animals (livestock).

Budget Allocation

Budget allocation can be described as a method of sharing the centrally generated revenue among different tiers of government and how the amount allocated to a particular tier is shared among its components for development

Economic growth

Economic growth is define as the increase in the amount of the goods and services produced by an economy over time

Government Revenue 

Government revenue is money received by a government. It is an important tool of the fiscal policy of the government and is the opposite factor of government spending.

Sales  Tax

sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the government on the sale of goods and services

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