study investigated influence
of after school lesson on the cognitive
achievement of pre-schooler in Shomolu Local Government Area of Lagos State. Three research questions were
raised and answered while three hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05
level of significance. The descriptive research design was adopted for the
study. One hundred (100) participants comprise fifty (50) primary school teachers and fifty
(50) parents within Shomolu
Local Government Area of Lagos State
was used for the study. The research instrument used was modified four point
modified Rensis Likert Rating Scale Questionnaire type. Data analyses was done
using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages to answer
research questions while the hypotheses formulated were tested using PPMC,
Chi-square and t-test statistical tool at 0.05 level of significance. All
stated hypotheses were rejected. The study established various forms
of parental support in educational activities at home which were found to have
impact on the academic and cognitive development of preschool children. Based
on the result from the findings of this study, it was concluded that there
is a significant relationship between after school lesson and pre-schooler
cognitive achievement; there is a significant influence of parental involvement
on pre-schooler cognitive achievement and that there is a significant
difference in cognitive achievement of pre-schooler that attend after school
and those that did not. The study recommends that parents involvement in schools’ activities
should be encouraged and the government should consider developing and
implementing policies that support this. The collaborative effort enhances
children learning and that teachers should establish effective partnerships
with parents to support learners learning.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vii
Abstract vii
Background to
the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Purpose of the study 5
Research Questions
Hypotheses 5
Significance of Study 6
Scope and
Limitation of the Study 7
Concept of After
School Activities/Programme 8
Concept of
cognitive Achievement 11
Factors that
Affect Pre-Schooler Cognitive Development 15
Advantages and
Disadvantages of After School Lesson 20
Involvement in Children Cognitive Development 22
Role of Lesson
Teachers on Cognitive Development of Pre-schooler 24
Review of Empirical
related Work 26
Summary of the
Review 29
Research Design 30
Research Population 31
Sample and Sampling Techniques 31
Research Instrument 31
Validity of the Instrument 32
Reliability of the Instrument 32
Data Analysis 32
Presentation 33
Answer to
research Questions 36
Testing of Hypotheses 44
Discussion of Findings 48
Summary of the Study 51
Conclusion 52
Recommendations 52
Suggestion for Further Studies 53
Appendix I 59
Appendix II 61
Analysis of Demographic Data of the
Teacher Participants 33
Analysis of Demographic Data of the
Parents Participants 35
Teachers Response to After-School Lesson
and Pre-Schooler 36
Parents Responses to After-School Lesson
and Pre-Schooler
Cognitive Achievement 38
Teachers Responses to Influence of
Parental Involvement on
Pre-Schooler Cognitive Achievement 39
Responses to Influence of Parental Involvement on
Pre-Schooler Cognitive Achievement 40
Teachers Responses to Difference in
Level of Cognitive
Achievement of Pre-Schooler that
Attends After School and
those that did not 42
Parents Responses to Difference in Level
of Cognitive
Achievement of Pre-Schooler that
Attends After School and
those that did not 43
9. Relationship between After-Schooler Lesson and
Achievement 45
10. Chi-Square
Result of Influence of Parental Involvement on
the Pre-Schooler Cognitive Achievement 46
An Independent T-test Showing the
Difference in the Level
of Employee Engagement in Colleges of
Education Based on
Gender 47
Chapter One
Background to the Study
Children's after-school hours have been identified as an important
part of their day. It is then that children have an opportunity to play,
socialize, do homework, participate in sports, take music and other enrichment
lessons, and simply relax. The benefits of after school activities
for children are wide and varied, ranging from physical benefits due to the
promotion of increased activity, to psychological and social advantages.
Scientific research proves that encouraging children to engage in activities after
school could aid their development (Jenner, 2007). The most important years of learning begin at birth (Kane, 2004). During these early years, humans are
capable of absorbing more information than later on. The brain grows most
rapidly in the early years.
After-school activity is any organized programme which
invites children to participate outside of the traditional school hour. Some
programmes are run by a primary
school and some by externally funded non-profit or commercial organizations
(Gottfredson and Wilson, 2013). After-school lesson or programme can occur
inside a school building or elsewhere in the community, for instance at a community center, library, park, etc.
These activities are a cornerstone of concerted cultivation,
giving children experience with leadership and dealing with adults. Research
has shown that structured after-school programmes lead to better test scores,
improved homework completion, higher grades, and even improved psychosocial
development among students (Adoga, 2009).
Every parent knows
how important school is for their child’s growth during the early years.
However it doesn’t just end when the bell rings at 2 P.M. After-school
lesson/programme are a great way to further improve child’s development. After-school lesson offer the opportunity for
kids to not only work on their homework but to get help if they need it.
According to Apsler
(2009), children feel more comfortable working on school assignments in a
slightly less formal environment where they can ask questions at any time.
There are other programs that introduce kids to mathematics and the sciences,
getting them excited about these subjects. This can lead to better efforts in
school courses and less absent days due to skipping because the child may be
more interested (Honore, 2008).
Some working
parents wish for their children to be more supervised during after-school hours
and this is leading reason for student enrollment in structured after-school
lesson. According to Wu and Van Egeren (2010) parents enroll their students in
after-school programs in order to give them a supervised, safe place to spend
time. Many after-school activities take place in the afternoons of school days,
on the weekends, or during the summer, thereby helping working parents with childcare.
Cognitive skill development in children
involves the progressive building of learning skills, such as attention, memory
and thinking (Chen and Lu 2009). These crucial skills enable children to
process sensory information a.nd eventually learn to evaluate, analyze,
remember, make comparisons and understand cause and effect. Although some
cognitive skill development is related to a child's genetic makeup, most cognitive
skills are learned. That means thinking and learning skills can be improved
with practice and the right training.
One of the most
important cognitive shifts in the preschool years that occurs between three- to
four-year-olds is the development of symbolic thought. Symbolic thought is the
ability to mentally or symbolically represent concrete objects, actions, and
events (Cook, 2010). The most obvious sign of the development of symbolic
thought in four-year-olds is the significant increase in their use of
make-believe play, which becomes more elaborate as they grow.
Some proponents
of after school lesson for preschooler argue that if children left
unsupervised, children may fall into undesirable activities such as aggressive
behaviour, fighting and rough playing. On the contrary, Levine (2006) argue that spending
so much time in organized after-school activities, and missing out on time or
emotional closeness with their families, children fail to develop
self-management which is a powerful precursor to both psychological inner
strength and academic achievement.
There is dearth
of empirical study on influence of after school lesson in relation to cognitive
achievement of a preschooler in Nigeria as a whole and Lagos state in
particular. It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to investigate
the influence of after school lesson in the cognitive achievement of a
preschooler in Shomolu Local Government Area of Lagos State.
of the Problem
play a vital role in the development of children cognitive skills. Children’s
development of the cognitive skills needed for later success in school is best
supported their parents. Enrolment
of preschooler in after school lesson reduces time preschooler spent with their
after-school lesson and activities appear to benefit children, there are
several other factors that need to be considered in evaluating their impact. As
noted, children spend their time after school in many different ways and with a
significant range in supervision.
after-school lesson provide supervision, as well as academic assistance, studies
have also shown that involvement of preschooler in after school lesson is also
shape children moral, attitude and behaviour toward their peer and parents.
Students may development good behaviour; attitude and moral so also can easily
learn bad attitude and behaviour (Jordan, 2000 and Mahoney & Cairns, 2007).
After school lesson for preschooler can be blessing to child cognitive
achievement it can also turn out to be course to child cognitive achievement.
It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to investigate the influence
of after school lesson on the cognitive achievement of preschooler in Shomolu
Local Government Area of Lagos State.
Purpose of the Study
main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of after school
lesson on the cognitive achievement of pre-schooler in Shomolu Local Government
Area of Lagos State. Specifically, the study seeks to:
whether after school lesson relates to pre-schooler cognitive achievement.
out the influence of parental involvement on pre-schooler cognitive
whether there is any difference in cognitive achievement of pre-schooler that
attend after school and those that did not.
Research Question
following questions were raised to guide the study.
To what
extent do after school lesson relate to pre-schooler cognitive achievement?
does parental involvement on pre-schooler influence cognitive achievement of
there be any difference in level of cognitive achievement of pre-schooler that
attends after school and those that did not?
Research Hypotheses
For the
purpose of this study the following null hypotheses were postulated to guide
the study.
is no significant relationship between after school lesson and pre-schooler
cognitive achievement.
is no significant influence of parental involvement on pre-schooler cognitive
is no significant difference in cognitive achievement of pre-schooler that
attend after school and those that did not.
Significance of the Study
The work of this nature will help parents to be aware of the role of
parents on children´s well – being and how such affect the child positively or
negatively in relation to their academic performance.
It will encourage parents to make their children relatively comfortable
by providing them with what they need to be successful in schools. The study
will educate parents the pros and cons of sending their children to after
school lesson.
More so, educational and curriculum planners would be guided in
planning the curriculum without rigidity to suit children from diverse home
environments. In addition, the teachers would be aware that a cordial teacher -
parent relationship would improve and influence cognitive achievement of
Finally, the research when completed will add to available literature
and would encourage further research on the topic.
and Limitation of the Study
This study centred on influence of after school lesson on the
cognitive achievement of pre-schooler. Content wise, the study is delimited to variables such as after
school lesson, pre-schooler and cognitive achievement. Geographically, the
study is limited to Nursery and Primary Schools within Shomolu Local Government
Area of Lagos State. Shomolu was choosing as the study area because it nearness
to researcher institution. Thus, researcher has easy access to most of the
school and this facilitates easy data distribution and collection.
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