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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008992

No of Pages: 46

No of Chapters: 5

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This study appraised the current municipal solid waste management practice in Warri and Environs. Over the recent times, Warri metropolitan city is experiencing speedy urbanization leading to overcrowding and the development of slums and unorganised settlements with impoverished waste management practices. Urban denizen generally burn more resources than rural denizen, and so produce large amount of solid wastes. The research used quantitative research techniques to determine the status of municipal solid waste management practice in Warri and Environs. A total of 664 Warri metropolitan residents responded to the online interview evaluating their knowledge and perception toward waste management practice. The result showed that very high and significant (p<0.05) proportion of the respondents do not carry out solid waste segregation at the point of generation (66.9%) likewise their neighbours (53.6%). According to the survey results, waste management is not due to lack of awareness but weak institutional arrangement and capacity of local council who are in charge of municipal solid waste management at the metropolis. This paper suggest the encouragement of waste segregation at source of generation and activities that promotes sustainable waste to wealth practices. Also this study recommend examination of the solid wastes management practice tool in planning for environmental sustainability in Warri and Environs to ensure healthy environment for all.








1.1 Background to the Study - - 1

1.2 Statement of  Problem - - 8

1.3 Objective of the Study - 10

1.4 Research Questions- - - - 11

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis 12

1.6 Significance of  Study - 13

1.7 Scope of the Study - - 14

1.8 Definition of Key Terms - 15


2.1 Introduction - - - - 18

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - 33

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - 45

2.4 Empirical Review - - - 50


3.1 Research Design -- 56

3.2 Population of the Study - 57

3.3 Sample Size - -- 57

3.4Sampling Technique - 58

3.5 Method of Data Collection - 58

3.6 Technique for Data Analysis - 59

3.7 Model Specification and Variable Definition -59

3.8 Measurement of Variables - - 59


4.1 Presentation of Data - -- 60

4.2 Discussion of Findings - - 79


5.1 Summary - - 80

5.2 Conclusion - -- 80

5.3 Recommendations - 93

References - - 95

Appendix - - 98





1.1 Background to the Study

Waste management means the collection, transportation, storage, transportation, treatment, utilization, recycling and processing of the final disposed wastes into more useful materials. Proper waste handling means preventing breeding or harborage of flies and mosquitoes, rodents or other disease carrying vectors; preventing air and water pollution, conserving and protecting resources, preventing health and physical hazards associated with the handling of solid waste. Effective waste management handling would lead to encouraging the following practices in descending order of priority, Waste reduction, Waste recycling, energy recovery or incineration and Land filling.

Waste is undeniably, unavoidable component of human existence. If properly it is managed and disposed, poses no hazard to human existence. However, unmanaged waste, if left to litter and decay especially in unhabited locations, spells serious dangers not to only to health but to socio-economic well-being. The improper domestic waste management has gradually evolved into what appears to continuous crisis to the nation. However, with recent developments in managing waste and reduction techniques, there is an increased awareness of the need, not only proper disposal but also to conserve energy and material resources by passing selected waste products through industrial process. One such process, has proven to be successful, is recycling.

Ahmed (2012) Emphasized on the notion that, the task force handling the sanitation exercises with the council health workers,  will be active only on environment sanitation day (which comes up once in a month). Delta state was carved out and created from the defunct Bendel State (2011) offeredan ideal arrangement where sealed drums were placed in front of individual homes with certain amount paid to the local government council by individual. It also altered system in which bigger incinerators were put in some strategized positions in which heap of wastes were collected by the council. With the creation of Delta state, the waste disposal business was contracted out.(Contracted out to Ideal Nigeria Limited a company that specialized in waste disposal). It was charged with the responsibility of keeping to keep the environment clean and ensuring that wastes were properly disposed off in Warri as a new sometimes for constituted a health hazard. The town become cleaner during the period only of constructors because not were drum place n front individual home on private arrangement with the contractor, but also there were strategically placed all over the tractors come with their waste collection vehicles to where they disposed not to constitute a health hazard to the inhabitants of Warri.

Dare (2013) stated notable contributions to keep Warri clean.  That some voluntary organizations such as the soropromise etc. in recent past donated some small waste incinerators and had them placed in some strategic areas in the town. Despite of all these effort, Warri is still in an unsanitary condition; these contractors try to emback on direct labour system to cut cost hence there is personnel and employment shortage. The gutter in Warri constructed do not drain any time wastes are heaped in front of home without being removedfor sometime week.Road users throw food items and other materials, they no longer want on the road, thereby making the road disposed for road user and at the same time displaying a highsense of irresponsibility. One of the serious problemsis to dispose their waste in rural area. The disposal of waste is the responsibility of households. This is relatively easy for them because they have enough space to dispose their waste using any amiable parefor composting, burning, controlled tipping and others. It is however very difficult for the city dwellersas Warri city is running out of need to have a well planned and organized waste disposal system especially making Warri the capital of the new state.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The gutter in Warri does not drain anytime there is rain fall. This has resulted into a breading, ground for many insects especially, mosquitoes leading to malarial sickness among the Warri citizens of Delta state Nigeria, it has also make very Untidy and at the same time smelling seriously due to period of stay of the stagnant water.

Secondly, waste are heaped in different part of the Warri city in front of so many home home’s thereby involving harmful insect to Warri city market men and women popularly know as traders throw waste all over the market place, thereby making the market environment to look dirty in addition, road users in Warri metropolis throw food items and other materials, they no longer wants on the road which renders, the nature of the road very poor and at the same preparing a ground for a mishap.

Nigeria, like other developing countries has been witnessing “urban explosion” in the past poor decades, and a number of environmental  problems associated with urbanization has risen one of the major reasons responsible for the deteriorating conditions of our cities is the rapid  rate of urban growth (SADA, 2001). According to Magbogunje, the  urban population of Nigeria was less than 6 million in 1960, but by 2011, this population had risen to well over 35 million people. (Magbogunje, 2011). This figure has been on the increase since then this increasing population has resulted in a situation which there are more waste generated than can be evaluated. As a  higherpopulation definitely implies a higher amount of  waste will be generated as a result of man’s activities.

A major problem posed by this population explosion, is the inability to provide an adequate means of disposing the tons of waste  generated by  this vast population of urban dwellers. Although the  habit of environmental sanitation have been part of the Nigerian society for a long time. this  exercise has not been effective in terms of clearing of waste such as dirts gathered during the environmental sanitation exercise are not properly disposed off. when it rains, these gathered waste are either wasted into the gathers or nearby stream water. Apart from the population increase which has led to the increase in waste generated as a result of various human activities, the attitude of  the people in the urban centers’ towards waste disposal is also responsible for the poor rate of waste disposal. Urban dwellers see the city as a “No mans land” where relationships are almost exclusively impersonal. In urban centers, maintenance of the environment is seen as a No man’s business as a result, waste are been dumped indiscriminately without thought to the effect if has on the environment and man. This situation was elaborately described by Onokerhoraye (1994). He observed that many families dump their waste  products in nearby streams, openyards and bushes. This unhealthy trend is very common in Warri (Delta State), where residents dump their refuse in gutters, openyards, rivers, etc some of the areas were waste are frequently dumped illegally in Warri includes: market places, streets, moats, etc. These dump sites serves as breeding nest for pest, such as rats, cockroaches, and insects such as flies, mosquitoes etc.

A survey by the United Nations international children’s emergency fund (UNICEF) estimated that over 2 million children die each year from illness related to unsanitary conditions (Awake 2011).

The world environmental day which was held on 15th June, 2008 was another opportunity to remind the world of the dangers passed by a dirty environment and the advantages that can be derived from maintaining a clear environment. Various attempts have however been made by individuals, the public and non governmental agencies alike to solve the problems of waste disposal, by providing suitable means for disposing  of wastes. One of such attempts is that made by the Delta State government on the  15th of April, 2008 when 11 trucks for waste collections were distributed among areas in Warri, to collect and dispose waste in these  areas. Large dustbins (Trash cans) were  also distributed among these areas.

The Niger Delta Development Company (NDDC) has also contributed towards solving the problem of waste disposal as they have provided receptacles for waste to be dumped in as well as waste disposal trucks in  various areas. However,  these attempts have not been made to yield the desired result as the waste disposal facilities provided are usually not enough  to carter for the people in need of it and  in most cases, the facilities are that evenly  distributed. Other problems like shortage of manpower, finance, attitude of people towards waste disposal, lack of disposal sites or location etc, have contributed to the continuous existence of uncontrolled or improper disposal of waste in the environment.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research is to examine the problems affecting proper waste disposal and management in a modern world using Warri as case study, with the view to suggest possible positive solutions to the problems.

1) To examine the various types of waste generated in Warri.

2) To examine the  methods of waste disposal and management

3) To examine the factors responsible for the high rate of waste generation in Warri.

4) To suggest solution to the problems of the present method employed in disposing waste.

1.4 Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between income levels and quantity of waste generated in Warri.

Hi: There is a significant relationship between income levels and quantity of waste generated in Warri.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is very necessary, as waste disposal and management poses a great problem to man and the environment. Although there are available literatures on the topic, not much is known by a vast number of the population about the adverse consequence of accumulated waste in the environment; the presence of undisposed waste in Warri poses a very great threat, not only to the environment, but also to the residents in Warri.

It is not unusual to find heaps of refuse along major roads, streets, market places, moats, etc in Warri the presence of this undisposed waste has greatly defaced the environment and also poses a great threat to human life. This study high-lights the dangers of indiscriminate dumping of waste, benefits of proper waste management etc. it will also give useful information on the importance and need for proper waste disposal in Warri with respect to health and the environment. In conclusion, the study is to aid in upgrading available information on waste disposal and management in Warri.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is limited to the disposal of waste in Warri metropolis. Focus will be on the method of storing, collecting and disposing them. For the purpose of selecting valid result, the research instrument was also administered to public health workers, institute and traders in Warri metropolis and Nigerians as a whole.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

In the course of this research work, there are confrontations which the researcher faced, they are;

Time Limitation: The time given to the researcher to carryout this study is obliviously short, therefore make it difficult for the researcher to really go deep into this study.

Finance:  The researcher is faced by financial constrain, and without finance little or nothing can be done.

Respondents:  Like it is stated, limitations of the study some people do not respond when they are given questionnaire, some are reserved when it comes to giving vital information.  Adequate and complete information on hardly gotten from respondent.

1.8 The Study Area

Warri is a town (City) located in the southern part of Nigeria (Niger Delta Area and Delta State in particular). Warriis one of the hubs of petroleum related businesses in the southern Nigeria. The city is known nationwide for its unique Pidgin English. Warri was once a provincial capital to British rule. The Lagos and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria was formally united as Colony Protectorate of Southern Nigeria on 28 February 1906 and Walter Egerton was appointed as the Governor of new Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria, holding office until 1912. In the new Southern Nigeria, the old Lagos Colony became the Western Province, and the former Southern Nigerian Protectorate was split into a Central Province with capital at Warri and an Eastern Province with capital at Calabar. Warri sits on the bank of River Warri which joined River Forcados and River Escravos through Jone Creek in the lower Niger Delta Region. The city has a modern seaport which serves as the cargo transit point between the Niger River and the Atlantic Ocean for import and export. The city's history dates back to the 15th century, when it was visited by Portuguese missionaries. Subsequently it served as the base for Portuguese and Dutch slave traders. Warri became a more important port city during the late 19th century, when it became a centre for the palm oil trade and other major items such as rubber, palm products, cocoa, groundnuts, hides, and skins. Warri was then established as a provincial headquarters by the British in the early 20th century. The economic base of the city lies in the presence of a refinery and other oil and gas companies. Also, there is the steel company, Delta Steel Company, which is located in OvwianAladja area of Udu. The Beta Glass Plant is located nearby, outside the town of Ughelli, where the land is rich in silica and silicates, raw materials required for the manufacture of glass, ceramics and cement. The Power Holding Company, one of Nigeria's power generating stations, is also located at Ughelli, which is just 15 minutes away by car.

Population: There have been a tremendous growth in the population of Warri; it has grown from being a rural area to an urban area; it is a commercial city in Delta State, Nigeria, with a population of over 311,970 people according to the national population census figures for 2006. The area is predominantly rural of about 10% in Delta state; the city is one of cosmopolitan cities in southern Nigeria comprising mainly Itsekiris, Urhobo and Ijaws.Warri is predominantly Christian, as is most of Southern Nigeria.

Demography: Warri is regarded as a modern metropolitan area with expanded infrastructural development in other Local Government Areas (L.G.A.) such as Uvwie, Udu, Ughelli and Okpe in recent years, with various road networks linking these places into one. Each of these L.G.A has its own administrative structure.

Climate: The region experiences moderate rainfall and moderate humidity for most part of the year. The climate is equatorial and is marked by two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The dry season lasts from about November to April and is significantly marked by the cool "harmarttan" dusty haze from the north-east winds. The rainy season spans May to October with a brief dry spell in August, but it frequently rains even in the dry season. The area is characterized by tropical equatorial climate with mean annual temperature of 32.8 °C and annual rainfall amount of 2673.8 mm.

Vegetation: There are high temperatures of 36 °C and 37 °C and the natural vegetation is of rainforest with swamp forest in some areas. The forest is rich in timber trees, palm trees, as well as fruit trees.

Economy, Infrastructure and Security: There is the Warri Refinery and Petrochemicals located at Effurun, Ubeji and Ifie-Kporo were majority of international and local oil companies operating in Nigeria having their operational offices close by. One of the nations major sea ports is sited within Ugbuwangue, Warri. Delta Steel Company located at Aladja and Otorogu Gas Plants at Otor-Udu, Warri.Warri is garrisoned by the Amphibious Infantry battalion (Warri Army Base) located in Warri, a nearby town to Warri and is administratively under the Brigade HQ in Port-Harcourt. The Nigeria Navy operates from its facilities in Warri. The 61 Nigerian Air force Detachment also operates from its facilities in Warri.

Sports and Media: Warri has an international stadium with a capacity of 30,000, which has hosted two editions of the African WomenFootball Championship in 2002 and 2006 respectively and was in contention as one of the venues to be used for theFIFA Under-17 World Cup in Nigeria in 2009. The stadium was used to host the African Youth AthleticsChampionship (AYAC) in 2013. Warri Wolves, a professional football team based in Warri plays in the Nigerian Premiership football league. The many prominent footballers like Best Ogedegbe, Wilson Oruma, Efe Ambrose, Victor Ikpeba and EkighoEhiosun.Warri has a state-operated television and radio station (Delta Rainbow Television and Delta State Radio).

Transportation: In 2013, construction started on a standard gauge railway from the steel mills at Ajaokuta to the port of Warri, about275 km away. By 2006, the standard gauge lines had reached 329 km in length, but the final 27 km Warri section isstill incomplete. In 2010, work recommenced to complete that final section to Warri.Major road networks within Warri Metropolis has been improved upon by the state government to improve theimage of the city. Transportation within the city is mainly by bus and motorcycle. The federal government hascompleted the Warri-Benin Road expansion project and is presently working on the East West Road Projectwhich will connect Warri-Port Harcourt.

Transport by air into the city is through Osubi Airstrip (also known as Warri Airport) which is located in Osubi, anearby town.Arik Air and Aero Contractors are some of the main airlines operating commercial flights on this route while majoroil companies like Shell and Chevron use the airport for transportation of their staff to offshore locations.Movement of goods by sea is through the Nigerian Ports Authority (Delta Ports) at Ugbuwangue, which is mainlyfor export and import of goods by major companies. Also located on the main Warri riverside are markets and jettiesused by local traders, which act as a transit point for local transport and trade. There are local boats which are usedfor movement from one location to another.

In terms of tourism there are investment opportunities in the tourism sector within Warri and in nearby towns. Abraka is just one of these towns, a favourite destination for domestic and international tourists. It is just 30 minutes away from Warri by car.

The Abraka beach is famous for its natural flowing spring water, and has sports and recreational facilities for outdoor activities like canoeing, fishing, swimming, barbecue, and picnicking.There are various tourist sites to visit while in Warri: The Abraka Golf Course, Red Mangrove swamp, Warri City Stadium, Word of Life Bible Church Building, Udu Bridge, Warri Garden Park, Osubi Airport, Main Warri Market, Delta Ports, NNPC and the Nana Living History Museum.


1.10 Definition of Terms

For the purpose of the readers and those who may find this study useful, certain operational term use are herby defined;

Waste: This includes solid or dry waste

Garbage: Waste resulting from preparing of cooking and serving food.

Public Health Instruments: Is for sanitary inspection.

Environmental Sanitation: Is the arrangement for the removal of waste in a community.

Disposal of Waste: Is the collection and disposal of solid waste in a community.

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