The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of petroleum product prices on sale performance of companies in the Nigerian oil and gas industry using the panel data framework. While three petroleum products; Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) and Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK), were considered, two outcome-based externally-oriented performance measures; total sales revenue and total cost of sales, were used. We also considered the moderating role of unobserved firm-specific factors such as organization’s culture, policies and procedures etc. in the relationship between petroleum product prices and sales performance. The study covered a period of 8years and included ten quoted companies from the oil and gas industry. The sample selection was based on data availability and consistency of financial reports. Empirical analysis was based on quantitative data obtained from secondary sources. Two panel data methods; fixed effects and random effects, were used to estimate our specified sales performance models. The empirical analysis was done using EViews software package version 9. The results showed that an increase in the price of PMS has a beneficial effect on the sales performance while an increase in the prices of AGO and DPK both have a negative effect on sales performance. The results further revealed that prices of the three petroleum products jointly have a highly significant effect on sales performance and that organizational culture and other firm-specific variables play highly significant moderating role in the relationship between petroleum product prices and sales performance. Therefore, we recommended that firms in the oil and gas should focus more on selling PMS and less on both AGO and DPK since changes in price of PMS have positive effects on their sales performance. We also recommended that government should adopt the guided deregulation policy (a deregulation that is also regulated) for both DPK and AGO but maintain the current regulated policy for PMS.
Key words: Petroleum product prices, sales performance, unobserved organizational factors.
Cover Page i
Title Page ii.
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Table of Content vii-xi
List of Tables xii
List of Figures xiii
Abstract xiv
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objective of the Study 8
1.4 Research Questions 9
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study 10
1.6 Significance of the Study 11
1.7 Scope of the Study 12
1.8 Definition of Terms 13
2.1 Conceptual Review 15
2.1.1 The Nigerian petroleum industry 16
2.1.2 Concept of prices 29
2.1.3 Organizational factors 33
2.2 Dimensions of Petroleum Product Prices 40
2.2.1 Prices of PMS 40
2.2.2 Prices of AGO 41
2.2.3 Prices of DPK 41
2.3 Sales Performance 42
2.4 Measures of Sales Performance 46
2.4.1 Sales revenue 46
2.4.2 Cost of sales 47
2.5 Organizational Factors 48
2.6 Empirical Review 50
2.6.1 PPMS and sales performance 50
2.6.2 PAGO and sales performance 51
2.6.3 Price of DPK and sales performance 52
2.6.4 PPP and sales performance 53
2.7 Theoretical Framework 61
2.7.1 Attribution theory 61
2.7.2 Self-perception theory 62
2.7.3 Theory of planned behaviour (TBP 62
2.7.4 Acquisition – transaction utility theory 64
2.7.5 Goal setting theory 67
2.7.7 Organization theory 67
2.8 Summary of, and Gap in, the Literature 69
3.1 Research Design 70
3.2 Population of the Study 71
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 72
3.4 Method of Data Collection 73
3.5 Method of Data Analysis 73
3.6 Model Specification 74
3.6.1 Model diagnostic tests 76
3.6.2 Model selection test 76
3.6.3 Apriori expectation 77
3.7 Method of Hypothesis Testing 79
4.1 Descriptive Analysis 81
4.1.1 Analysis of the independent variables 81
4.1.2 Analysis of the dependent variables 83 Total sales revenue 83 Total cost of sales 85
4.2 Empirical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing 87
4.2.1 Petroleum product prices and firm sales revenue 87 Petroleum product prices and firm sales revenue 87 Petroleum product prices and firm total cost of sales 90
4.2.2 Hypotheses testing 94 Hypothesis 1: price of premium motor spirit and total sales revenue 94 Hypothesis 2: price of automotive gas oil and total sales revenue 94 Hypothesis 3: price of dual- purpose kerosene and total sales revenue 95 Hypothesis 4: the joint effects of PPMS, PAGO, and PDPK on total sales revenue 96 Hypothesis 5: price of premium motor spirit and total cost of sales 96 Hypothesis 6: price of automotive gas oil and total cost of sales 97 Hypothesis 7: price of dual purpose kerosene and total cost of sales 98 Hypothesis 8: the joint effects of PPMS, PAGO and PDPK on total cost of sales 98 Hypothesis 9: The moderating role of organizational culture/management style
in the relationship between petroleum product prices and firm sales revenue 99 Hypothesis 10: The moderating role of organizational culture/management
style in the relationship between petroleum product prices and firm cost of sales 100
4.3 Discussion of Empirical Findings 100
4.3.1 Price of premium motor spirit and total sales revenue 100
4.3.2 Price of automotive gas oil and total sales revenue 102
4.3.3 Price of dual purpose kerosene and total sales revenue 103
4.3.4 The joint effects of PMS, AGO and PDK Prices on total sales revenue 104
4.3.5 Price of premium motor spirit and total cost of sales 105
4.3.6 Price of automotive gas oil and total cost of sales 106
4.3.7 Price of dual purpose kerosene and total cost of sales 107
4.3.8 The joint effects of PMS, AGO and DPK prices on total cost of sales 109
4.3.9 The influence firm-specific factors (e.g organizational culture) on the
relationship between petroleum prices and total sales revenue 110
4.3.10 The role of firm-specific factors in the relationship between petroleum product
prices and total cost of sales 111
5.1 Summary of the Study 113
5.2 Conclusions 114
5.3 Recommendations 117
5.4 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Studies 118
5.5 Contribution to knowledge 120
Reference 121
Appendices 130
1.1 Nationwide retail outlets 2009 census- summary distribution by zone 18
1.2 Refining operations of Nigerian refineries 2010 23 Listed companies in the Nigerian stock exchange 72
4.1 Summary statistics for PPMS, PAGO and PPDK 82
4.2 Panel estimation results for Model 1, p-values in parenthesis 87
4.3 Estimated unobserved firm-specific fixed and random effects (mode l ) 88
4.4 Hausman Test (model 1) 88
4.5 Panel estimation results for model 2; p-valves in parenthesis 91
4.6 Estimated unobserved firm-specific fixed and random effects (model 2) 91
4.7 Hausman Test (model 2) 92
1.1 Sector by sector performance of the Nigerian Economy 5
1.2 Industry sector performance 5
1.3 Federal Government revenue sources 6
2.1 Operational Framework 15
2.2 Port-Harcourt refinery (Alesa Eleme) 22
2.3 The physical flow of products: the retail route used by major and independent
companies in Nigeria 28
2.4 NNPC Mega retail outlet 28
2.5 PMS pricing template 35
2.6 PMS price per litre 36
2.7 Objective sales performance measures adopted for this study 46
2.8 A Model for sales revenue 47
2.9 Model for cost of sales and profitability 48
3.1 Causal link from petroleum product prices on sales performance and the
role of latent organizational factors. 70
4.1 Graph of PPMS, PAGO and PDPK 81
4.2 Mean and standard deviation of PPMS, PAGO and PPDK 82
4.3 Skewness and kurtosis of PPMS, PAGO and PPDK 83
4.4 Mean and standard deviation for TSREV 84
4.5 Skewness and Kurtosis for TSREV 84
4.6 Mean and standard deviation for TCOS 85
4.7 Skewness and Kurtosis for TSREV 86
5.1 Petroleum product prices and sales performance model 117
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