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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002671

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 5

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This research examines “Impact of manpower training and development on the oil industry” using Shell Petroleum development company limited as a case study. The primary and secondary sources of data collection were used for gathering data. The primary sources used were the questionnaire, observation, personal interview, while the secondary sources involve the consultation of relevant magazines, internet journals and selected case study’s records. Based on the analyzed data, the following findings were made, that training and development assist employees to acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities that relevant tot the present and future job in the organization





Title Pag……………………………………………….i
Table of contents:…………………………………………..v

1.1     Background of the Study:…………………….1
1.2     Statement of Research Problem:……..2

1.3     Research Question………………………………3

1.4     Hypotheses Formulation……………………..4

1.5     Purpose of the study:………………..……..5
1.6     Scope of the Study:…………………………….5

1.7     Significance of the Study:……………………….6

1.8     Limitation of the Study………………….7
 1.9    Operational Definition of Terms:…….8
Literature Review
2.1     Concept of training and Development:……..10

2.2     Principles of training and Development…….15

2.3     Types of Training:……………………………17

2.4     Identifying Training Needs:………………….18

2.5     Employee Development strategy:………………19

2.6     Evaluation of Training and Development:………21

2.7     Challenges of Training and Development:…………22

Research Methodology
3.1     Research Design:……………………………….25
3.2     Population of the Study:……………………..25
.3.3    Sample Procedure:…………………………..25
3.4     Instrumentation:……………………………….27
3.5     Method of data collection / Analyses:……………..28
Data Presentation And Analysis

4.1     Presentation of Data:…………………….30

4.2     Analysis of data:……………………………..30

4.3     Test of Hypothesis:……………………………37

4.4     Discussion of findings:……………….44

summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1     Summary :……………………………….46
5.2     Conclusion …………………………….46
5.3     Recommendations:…………………………47



            One of the major components of operating system of any organization is manpower. The manpower runs first of any organizational resources. The manpower of the organization plays important role in the realizations of the organization objectives such efficiency and effectiveness of manpower should   constantly be improved.

             This study portrays the need for training and development of new employees of staff who are being promoted as self evident to the organization. The manpower when there is additional training for effective performance. It is used to denote of the technical skills.

            Lack of skilled manpower training and development has always been given as the reason for our failure to realize the objective of our national development plans in private sector the power of economy was developed rapidly as the industrial and commercial organization spreading up all over the country. Therefore, the nation wants to progress, it must plan for its future manpower training and development.

            Training and development is one of the ways in which staff efficiency and effectiveness can be proved. However, there are many employers in the country who do not believe in the philosophy of training and development so long as employees can be used to get the money, such employment programmes for their employees. To them training is costly and unnecessary, that attitude, however is an unfortunate one, which in the long run will do such organization more harm than good. Thee pressure to promote Nigeria to positions of higher responsibilities in industry and commerce and any company that is not prepare with trained people (workers) might find itself handling over the business to people who have not been trained to run such as business and such companies will not be able to cope with the competitive nature of the modern business environment in view of this, we wants to look at the role of manpower training and development in the oil industry using shell petroleum development  company as a  case study.


            After an employee has been recruited and inducted, his skills must be updated and developed to better fit into the job and the organization. The need for training and developing the employee not only arises from the fact that he might not fit in the job posses the necessary skill needed in the job but have the effect of the dynamic nature of the society influenced  by changes in the field of science and technology necessitated the continuous improvement of worker’s skill and the skill he expected to have in order better fit into the new job demands is bridged by manpower training.   

            Many organizations have over the years established good manpower training and development programmed in order incite better employee performance at work and increased productivity. Good development programmed have not always been easy to attain I organization because of  the forces include selections or recruitments problems, training procedure and inadequate facilities, government policy , the economy and labour legislation. The crucial problems this research will address include:

i.                    The problem of inadequate manpower resources in the oil industry in Nigeria.

ii.                  The lack of functional manpower development programmed

iii.                The under utilization of available manpower resources.

A critical analysis of these problems will be done with a view to determining their causes and consequences on the organization.


   1. Does training and development enhance organization productivity.

2 does training and development enhance workers to achieved new skills, abilities and knowledge for organization productivity.

 3 Does training and development reduce employee turn over in an organization.


            The following hypotheses which are stated in the null, shall be tested.

Hypothesis 1

Ho: Training and development do not enhance organizational productivity.

Hi: Training and development enhance organizational productivity.

Hypothesis  11

Ho: Training and development does not make employees to acquire new skills, ability and knowledge for greater productivity

Hi: Training and development makes employees to acquire new skills, abilities and knowledge for greater productivity

Hypothesis 111

Ho: Training and development does not reduce employees’ turnover in the industry.

Hi: Training and development reduce employees’ turnover in the organizational.


            The objective of this study is designed to examine and clarify the following issues.

i.                    To identify the manpower training and development of the organization.

ii.                  To determine the impact of manpower training and development  on workers performance

iii.                To identify the problems which negatively affect the successful implementation of trainings and development programmed and achievement of the desires result.

iv.               Make recommendation on ways of ensuring greater successes in future.


            According to Gary (2009) training and development provide workers skills they need in their daily work and helps to set standard for quality in an organization.

            The research focused on impact or manpower training and development in the oil industry. This study intend to cover department of petroleum resources inspectorate in shell development company it will cover their conditions of services of workers that enable management enhance organizational productivity, to give workers, development training, refresher training, n the job training and how this type of training will benefit the employees and the organizations.


In Nigeria today, the desire of rapid economic development and technological advancement make this study a subject of significance. To this end, various debates, researchers, conferences and seminar have been conducted by workers. This study will be of valuable assistance to management development institutes, employers of labour, the government policy makers, administrators, human resources personnel researcher study and future administrative leaders.

        It is expected that the study will inform the head of organizations that to increase workers performance and enhance organizational productivity there is the need to have and retain well trained and motivated employees. Finally, The study will aid management to introduce modern scheme for training and development to be able to meet the challenges to change in the future.                                                 


            In the process of carrying out this project work  on the impact of manpower a training and development in the Oil Industry Shell Petroleum Development Company Warri as a case study, efforts were made to arrive at logical conclusions. But the work I subject to certain limitations.

            In the first place, the study was done under time constraints, it was a difficult task for me to combine both the class work and fieldwork. This has minimized the extent to which this research work would have been done to a more meaningful conclusion, since the case study restrict he work to shell petroleum development company Warri, it will not be a representative of all the oil industry in Nigeria.

            In the second place there was a lot of financial limitations as a result of high cost of transport fair to warri to collect data, cost of material to bring this work to a good standard.   

            In the third, pace problem of getting information from the internet, difficulty in getting questionnaires return was also a problem.

            Finally some officials refused to give out information saying that the disclosure of sure information  was to expose the company’s secret and that they may loose their job by disclosing these information, most senior staff were always very busy with their work, there by postponing schedule typed, interview. This lead to visiting the company several times to administer questionnaire and personal interview.


            The following terms are defined as used to enhance understanding.

Development: Cole (2007) define development as a process that enables individuals to grow in skills and experience in order to be of greater potential use to the organizations in the future.

Employee appraisal: This the concerned with the assessment of employee potential and inadequacies in respect to take refinal decision in such areas like promotion, transfer, dismissal and termination etc.

Industry: Online dictionary (2013) industry is the production of an economic good or service within an economy. 

Learning: Cole (2007) defined learning as the act by which the individual acquire skill, knowledge and ability which result in a relatively permanent change in his or her behaviour.

Management by objectives (MBO): This is management technique that encourages employee involvement in organization related activity and integrates their individual goals to motivate higher performance.

 Manpower: Cole (2007) this is human resources of an organization. They are the required hands that work synergistically to attain organizational objectives.

Organization: Iboma (2008) This is an entity that is made up of various departments coming together to achieve a  common goal.

Performance: Carter (2009) This is the aggregate result of the effort of worker towards achieving the organizational goals

Trainee: Cole (2007) This is the person who undergoes some form of training

Training: Cole (2007) defined training as a process of updating old skills as well as developing new skills in a particular job.

Trainer: Sole (2007) This is the person who trains workers in the organization.

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