The study investigated the Impact of
Instructional Video on Students Achievement in Junior Secondary School. The
population for this study comprised 140 Junior Secondary School (JSS 1)
Students. A simple random sampling technique was used, where two out of the
fourteen schools were selected in Educational district 1. Quasi-experimental
design was adopted which involves two groups: experimental and control groups.
The experimental group was subjected to treatment using instructional video but
the control group was taught without instructional video (traditional method).
The instrument for the study is a 20 multiple-choice self-designed Social Studies Achievement
Test (SOSAT).The instrument was validated by
the researcher supervisor, three Educational Technologist lecturers. Three
research questions were raised and three hypotheses were also formulated to
guide the study. The research questions were answered using mean and standard
deviation while the hypotheses were tested using independent t-test at 0.05 level of significance.
The result of the analysis showed that there is significant different in the
mean achievement score of students taught social studies using instructional
video instructional video and those taught using traditional instructional
method. There is significant difference between the performance of students
taught with the use of instructional video and those taught without instructional
video. There is significant difference between the mean achievement scores of
the female and male students taught social studies using instructional video.
On the basis of these findings recommendations were made that Teachers should
be fully and adequately trained to make use of instructional video through
regular workshops and seminars. Teachers of Social Studies are encouraged to
search for necessary instructional video that can appeal to the senses of
learners, arouse their interest, encourage their participation, make learning
more meaningful and promote academic standard.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 6
1.3 Purpose of the Study 7
1.4 Research
Questions 8
1.5 Research Hypotheses 8
1.6 Significance of the Study 9
1.7 Scope of Study 9
1.8 Definition of Terms 9
2.1 Meaning
of Instructional Video Materials. 10
2.2 Types
of Instructional Video Materials 19
2.3 Scholars
views on Instructional Video Materials 25
2.4 Importance
of Instructional Video Materials to the Teaching/Learning Process. 27
2.5 The Impact of Video in the Learning
Process 28
2.6 Assessment
of Instructional Video Materials currently used in Teaching. 30
2.7 Empirical
Studies 31
Summary of Literature Review 34
Introduction 35
Research Design 35
3.2 Area of the Study 36
Population of the Study 36
Sample and Sampling Technique 36
Research Instrument 36
Validity of the Instrument 36
Reliability of the Instrument 37
Method of Data Collection 37
Method of Data Analysis 38
Analysis of research questions 39
Testing of Hypotheses 41
Summary of Findings 43
4.5. Discussions of the Findings 44
5.1 Summary of the Study 47
5.2 Conclusion 47
5.4 Recommendations 48
5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies 49
References 50
Appendix 54
1.1 Background
of Study.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills possible
through systematic interaction between teachers and learners. It happens in involvement
of teacher, learner, methodology and materials interaction. Parts of these
materials are known as instructional resources (Akerele, Aguele & Anyanwu, 2012). It has been proved that teachers
have an important influence on students’ academic achievement. If the teacher
is ineffective, students under the teacher’s tutelage will achieve inadequate
progress academically. This is regardless of how similar or different the
students are in terms of individual potential in academic achievement. Some of
the problems identified so far include poor teaching method, lack of qualified
teachers, poor infrastructure and inadequate laboratory facilities, teacher
centered instruction and non-availability and utilization of instructional
material (Yaki, 2011, Olorukoba, 2007).
traditional (or conventional) teaching methods are teacher-centered and include
the use of lectures and discussions while the problem solving element is
presented by and/or discussed with the instructor; the syllabus, the teaching
materials and the student assessments are determined by the tutor and
transmitted to students in various lectures (Cottel & Millis, 1993). The traditional approach to teaching, as ancient as formal
teaching itself, involves the directed flow of information from teacher as sage
to student as receptacle. One of the major problems faced by students is
poor method of teaching or teaching approach from the teacher to the student,
thus resulting to inability of the student to remember what has been learnt.
This problem is often caused by too much theoretical expression by the teachers
while learners are passive listeners. Students memorize and regurgitate facts
and concepts. These problems confronting the teaching and learning can be
handled using electronic media;(video recordings, audio recordings, multimedia
presentations, slide presentations, CD-ROM and online content) process and
other interactive media software facilities in which a student interacts with
and is guided by visual equipment aimed at achieving certain instructional
goals (Onasanya, 2002).
can be used to transform classroom instructions into a series of rich memorable
experiences and thus, reduce boredom and forgetfulness in teaching. In the
recent years, the development of microcomputer in the process of teaching and
learning has become widespread in educational institutions (Onasanya, 2002).
Abimbade (2000) reported that the use of computer (1) increases the time of
learners devote to learning , (2) enhance the speed of availability of data and
information, (3) provide immediate feed-back, (4) assist less qualified
teachers and (5) increase teachers efficiently and effectiveness. Adeniyi
(2002) pointed out that students taught civic education with visual aid
achieved higher cognitively than those taught without media aid.
Technology nowadays is
common among schools, offices, and to every individual, as this supports
learning and helps in developing knowledge, wherein, integration is the use of
technology to enhance, reiterate, present, and assess how students understand
the syllabus or the program (Edutopia, 2005). Video as a media in education comes as the invention of
educational technology. They are termed as instructional video. They are
created for use in classrooms or in other educational settings. They are
usually evaluated for language use, conflict and length and many of them are
packaged as multimedia resources that include students’ workbooks, teacher’s
guides, video transcripts and audio tapes. Agommuoh and Nzewi, (2003) reported
that video-taped instruction has the qualities of providing a semi-permanent,
complete and audio’s visual record of event.
Using instructional
videos in teaching is not new. They date back to prehistoric times when cave
instructors used 16mm projectors to show cave students examples of insurance
company marketing commercials in business courses (Berk, 2009). Instructional
Video as a change instrument in the classroom has undertaken a unique cycle of
adoption over time. Broadcast television and film were first used sparingly,
primarily as out-of-the classroom forms of enrichment (Greenberg, 2012).
Presenting the cycle in the year 1960-1970s, television films were on trend,
1980, video tapes were used, and 1990s marked booming of Two-way
videoconferencing, camcorders and video CDs. In the year 2000, DVDs, streaming
videos, the popularly youtube, and camera-enabled smartphones were in fashion
(Zanetis, 2012).
Instructional video
based materials boost student creativity. Access to video can help motivate
students and create a distinctive context for their learning experience. Based
on a true story- the incorporation of video in the classroom, it has allowed
students and teachers to help in broadcasting school announcements, use pre-
recorded classes to overcome teacher shortages and influence Internet-based
digital video to enhance self-directed learning (Umar, 2012).
video is of great effect in education. They have the capacity to stir emotions,
stimulate viewers, and alter attitudes. Illustrations, sounds, and words have
the power to seize attention, to simplify concepts, to help to overcome
physical difficulties and
of space, size and time. Moreover, use of Instructional video in teaching and
learning can accommodate for the students' preferences. Use of a combination of
modern educational technology, such as a computer, video, and hypertext with
its feature of combining text, graphic art, sound, and. animation, as teaching
tools in many educational institutions, marked a new era. The high level of
interaction which computer-based teaching provides is the key to its value.
The benefits of instructional video
as an important tool in teaching and learning of wide range of topics in social
studies could enable students understand and learn the subject better.
Instructors and even students rely or
use educative videos to learn, compare and understand concepts.
Videotape recorders can be used in a number of
different ways to enhance teaching and learning in both large groups and small
groups. A carefully arranged video can be a good starting point for initiating
student discussion of important issues in medical practice. In our profession,
it is also being observed that using video presentations explains and
demonstrates ideas and concept regarding our topics easier, hence beneficial on
our part (Harrison, 2003).
Video images can also
be made available via a website for students to view in their private study
time. Example includes illustrating clinical conditions, showing clinical
skills, and stimulating student discussion. When illustrating clinical
conditions, it is important that students become familiar with the principle
signs and symptoms of common clinical conditions. Movement disorders are more
easily seen than described. As for showing clinical skills, the correct
procedure for basic clinical skills can be presented on video before the
students attempt these procedures for themselves, thus, aiding in retaining the
skills before performing (Harrison, 2003).
Combination of video
and text makes sense, as it was believed that video is effective for more than
simply showing dynamic processes. Video itself is a tool for learning that when
properly applied obtains extensive benefits. It’s also a medium for
collaboration, and a language unto itself that is of universal appeal (Kareem,
The American Public
Broadcasting System’s (PBS) annual teacher survey on media and technology, the
percentages of teachers finding value in multimedia and video content has
increased each year since 2007. Result for 2010 shows that 68 percent believe
that video content stimulates discussions. 66 percent believe video increases
student motivation. 61 percent believe video is preferred by students. 42
percent believe video directly increases student achievement (Greenberg, 2012).
Generally, it implies that video usage increases and enhances students’
Hsin and Cigas (2013)
used short videos to enhance student satisfaction and motivation for an online
introductory course in computer science/mathematics. They achieved a
significantly higher percentage of involved students and their average grades
increased. Another method to engage and to motivate students is showing
entertainment videos (Steffes & Duverger, 2012). As Steffes and Duverger
reported, showing supplementary videos within an entertainment context at the
beginning of the class can be used to increase the positive mood of the
students. Both previous studies, Bravo et al. (2011) and Steffes and Duverger
(2012), emphasize the importance of the proper design of supplementary video
content and the methodology of displaying video to students.
The effects of using
supplementary videos are increasing student activity. An important issue is
establishing a methodology of embedding video clips in multimedia teaching
material in order to improve the learning process (Kay, 2012). The selection of
appropriate video clips and methodology for their display within the teaching
materials represents an important issue for curriculum design, leading to
positive learning outcomes (McConville & Lane, 2006). Using appropriate
teaching media and methods to organize and present only relevant information
may also increase the efficiency of the self-learning process (Ruiji, 2012).
The effectiveness of
using podcasts as teaching tools has been investigated to identify how these
educational videos could be used to help with exam revision (Hill & Nelson,
2010). Hahn (2012) suggests that videos are effective when used to enhance
information literacy courses, using a student survey to measure the
effectiveness of video lectures. Hahn’s study showed that the majority of the
students found the videos useful in supporting the lectures they had
participated in. Students are also comfortable using written materials, since
these are often quicker and better designed, but the students who preferred
written materials also used the recorded video lectures.
video is a kind of multimedia that can transmit verbal and non-verbal with the
combination of Audio and Visual materials. It develops continuity of thought
and offers a reality of experience that stimulates self-activities on the part
of the students (Nwoji, 2000). In instructional video, teacher produces an
instructional video package which is played on a video player connected to a
television monitor which is put on, for the learner to view. At interval he may
choose to stop playing and explain certain points or factors or probably wait
till the end of the lesson. Students have the opportunity to repeat the lesson
over and over again (Orisabiyi, 2007).
1.2 Statement
of Problem
pattern of teaching and learning process today is expected to shift from the
traditional method to a more dynamic and flexible one, which is
learner-centred. Evidences abound that instructional video can be used to
effectively facilitate learning. Report on effective use of instructional video
in teaching social studies in junior secondary schools in Lagos state however
remains unknown. Noteworthy, the presence of instructional video alone will not
stimulate significant changes in learners without a teacher. Teachers are
important in the implementation of instructional video in education. Without
the teachers, students may not be able to effectively enjoy available
potentials inherent in instructional video on their own. Teachers need to
actively engage the use of instructional video in teaching and for teachers to
effectively do this; they need to have the requisite skill and competencies
needed in use of instructional video.
little attention has been given to the improvement of teaching and learning of
social studies in recent decades. The available evidence from the last few
years shows that passive learning based on traditional methods of “chalk and
talk” seems to be the most widely used teaching method. The persistent use of
this method makes students passive rather than active learners. As a result of
advancement and development of modern technology varieties instructional
materials can be used to make learning more vivid and effective. This means
that students can perform better wherever they are taught with these instructional
materials particularly instructional video aids as their comprehension and
demonstration are expected to enhance tremendously in teaching-learning
process. Unfortunately, most of the social studies teachers neglect the use of
instructional video in teaching the subject. Probably, due to class size,
population, non-availability of the materials or lack of techniques for using
them and Poor teaching methods adopted by teachers at junior secondary school
level in Nigeria have been identified as one of the major factors contributing
to poor performance of students in social studies. Consequently, growing
concerns have been raised over a number of years about the impact of teaching
methods on student achievement, and there are criticisms of a lack of knowledge
and skills among the junior secondary school and their inability either to
apply school knowledge to real life situations. This study, therefore, intended
to examine the Impact of Instructional Video on Student Achievement in Junior
Secondary Schools of Lagos State.
1.3 Purpose
of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to
examine the impact of Instructional Video on Students Achievement in Junior
Secondary School. Specifically, the study aimed to:
Effect of instructional video and traditional
instructional method on students’ mean achievement scores in social studies.
of gender on students’ means achievement scores in social studies when taught
using instructional video.
1.4 Research
Based on the problems stated above, the
following research questions were raised:
What are the mean achievement scores of
students taught social studies using instructional video and those taught using
traditional instructional method?
What are the performance of students
taught with the use of instructional video instructional and those taught
without instructional video instructional
What is the effect of gender on students’
mean achievement scores in social studies when taught using instructional
1.5 Research
The following research
hypotheses were formulated to guide this study:
There is no significant different in the mean achievement score of students
taught social studies using
instructional video instructional video and those taught using traditional
instructional method.
There is no significant difference between the performance of students taught
with the use of instructional video instructional and those taught without
instructional video instructional.
There is no significant between the mean achievement scores of the female and
male students taught social studies using instructional video.
1.6 Significance
of the Study
The study will invariably be of tremendous importance
to students, teachers and researchers in social studies accordingly. The work
will enable students to read and understand instructional videos that
facilitate teaching learning process, particularly video show. The Study will
serve as reference to teachers who wish to find out the impact of instructional
videos on students’ academic achievement particularly in junior secondary
schools. It will also highlight the appropriate materials of teaching social
studies which will bring about students’ interest and active participation in
the subject. The work will enable the teachers to understand that the success
of any teaching-learning activities is determined by how much the students are
able to learn or gain from teaching. This can be achieved through the use
appropriate audio-visual aids.
The study will serve as a reference to researchers who
wish to embark on further research on impact of instructional videos on
students‟ academic achievement. The work will also enable researcher to
understand the impact of comprehension, demonstration and co-operation in the
use of instructional video in teaching-learning process.
1.7 Scope
of Study
This study on the impact of instructional video on
students’ achievement in junior secondary schools. The study will cover two
selected secondary schools in Education district 1,
Lagos State. However, the findings would not be limited, but should be generalized
to what obtained in most of the junior secondary schools in the state.
1.8 Definition
of Terms
Instructional video: A video or motion pictures prepare to
teach culture and social value.
Student Achievement:
Is the outcome of education, the extent to which a student has achieved his/her
educational goals
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