The study is focused on the impact of corporate governance on corporate performance of CONROCK Nigeria Limited. The study tries to examine this concept in the light of finding out if there is practice of corporate governance, the extent it exists, it examines how best practices/ethical behavior is transformed into performance, the extent to which corporate social responsibility and operational environment accounts for CONROCK competitive advantage in the industry, if internally and deliberately induced professionalism accounts for its performance and to determine how shareholders interest is managed with sound institution of corporate governance. The study used test-retest validity measure and person product moment co-relation. Also SPSS chi-square (X2) statistic at alpha value (a=0.05) level of significance of testing the hypothesis was adopted. The study having gone through several literature and using the research questions and test of hypothesis discovered that there is little or no practice if corporate governance in CONROK Nigeria Limited ,that the extent at which it exist is marginal, that code of best practices/ethical behavior is not a function of corporate performance in CONROCK, that their competitive advantage in the industry is not a function of corporate social responsibility but a function of use of internally and deliberately induced professionalism and finally stakeholders interest is not properly managed with institution of sound corporate governance in CONROK Nigeria Limited. Based on the findings, the study recommends that CONROK Nigeria Limited should adopted the practice of corporate governance since it will improve performance, that introduction of corporate governance in construction industry in Nigeria should be made imperative to avoid future collapse, Corporate and Allied Matters Act should be strengthened to regulate the practice, a system of check should be put place for stakeholders to periodically review the practice and adherence to corporate governance in the construction industry and finally that CONROCK Nigeria Limited should continue to use their induced professionalism while trying to improve on the institution, practice and adherence to corporate governance hence better performance.
Table of Content
page i
Certification ii
Declaration iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Table of Content vi
of Table ix
Abstract x
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1 Background of the study 1-4
1.2 Statement of problems 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research Hypotheses 6
1.6 Significance of the study 6
1.7 Scope of the study 6
1.8 Limitation of the study 7
1.9 Profile of the organization CONROCK 7-8
Related Literature
2.1 Conceptual Framework 10-11
2.2 Theoretical Framework 12-18
2.3 Empirical Studies 18-21
2.4 Summary of the review related literature 21
2.4.1 Gap
in Literature 21
Introduction 22
3.1 Research design 22
3.2 Sources of data 22
3.3 Population of the study 22
3.4 Sample size determination 23
3.5 Description of the research instrument 23
3.6 Validity of the instrument 24
3.7 Reliability of the instrument 24
3.8 Methods of data analysis 24
Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Return rate of Questionnaires 25
4.2 Data presentation 25-31
4.3 Test of hypotheses 32-38
4.4 Discussion of results 39-40
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary of
Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Findings 41
5.2 Conclusion 41
5.3 Recommendation 42
5.4 Areas of further studies 42
References 43-44
Appendices 45-70
Questionnaires 71-74
List of Tables
Table 1: Framework for construction industry 18
Table 2: Respondents’ Profile 25
Table 3: Sex 26
Table 4: Length of Service 26
Table 5: Educational/Academic Qualification 27
Table 6: Existence of Corporate Governance 27
Table 7: Extent of Existence of Corporate
Governance in
CONROK Nigeria Limited 28
Table 8: Code of best practices/ethical
behavior and corporate
performance in CONROK 29
Table 9: Corporate Social Responsibility and
Operational Environment 29
Table 10: Internally and Deliberately invalid
and the performance of CONROK Nigeria Limited 30
Table 11: Management of Stakeholders interest
using sound corporate governance 31
Table 12: SPSS Output 32
Table 13: SPSS Output 33
Table 14: SPSS Output 34
Table 15: SPSS Output 35-36
Table 16: SPSS Output 37
Table 17: SPSS Output 38
Background of the Study
Corporate governance is a key element
for improvement to economic growth. In today’s global economy, the success of
the national economy depends on the crucial role of the organizations
competitiveness, transparency and governance structure which operate within her
territory, since organizations are the entities that create economic value
(ICAN, 2009). In the words of Wolfensohn (1998), corporate governance is on the
top of agenda for international development, since it is now as important in
world economy as the government of countries. This is so because indeed the
need for trust and transparency in governance of corporate organizations have
been one of the concerns for standard setters all over the world. This need has
obviously spurred renewed interest in the corporate governance practices of
modern corporations, particularly in relation to accountability and economic
Good corporate governance can help to
prevent corporate scandals, fraud and potential civil and criminal liability of
companies. It enhances image and reputation of a company and make more
attractive for investors, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders of the
company.Nwachukwu (2007), emphasized the growing consensus that good corporate
governance has positive link to a national economic growth and development. The
degree of trust accorded to the managers of companies by its owners is strengthened
through corporate governance.Directors without corporate governance mechanism
may paint misleading pictures of financial and economic performance of their
companies to lure unsuspecting investors.
The increasing incidence of corporate
fraud relating to exaggerated and fleeting reports have reinforced the renewed
global emphasis on the need for effective corporate governance. One of the
characteristics of globalization is the ease of engaging in business
transaction in the global financial markets. The exploration of this market has
however exposed a high degree of diversity and inconsistency in business
practices in the various markets. As these inconsistencies increase the risk of
doing business, investors are identifying various mechanisms to standardize
business practices. A key mechanism is the consistent definition of and
adherence to good corporate governance practices -Al.Fake, (2006).
Good corporate governance practices
extend beyond financial requirements to include the corporation’s business
behavior in its operational environment. As an extension to this requirement,
the operational environment, in good corporate governance term includes the corporations
social and environment performance. Investors are therefore guided as much by
the financial statement of an enterprise as they are by the enterprise business
behavior.Consumers too are increasingly supporting those products that can
demonstrably show an appropriate response by the enterprise to its operational
environment. Increasingly, consumers are avoiding products produced by
enterprises that fail in performing due diligence in the manufacturing and
marketing of those products-Maria, (2013)
Llewellyn, (2016), says with the
exception of listed Construction enterprises, the construction industry has
thus far escaped such scrutiny, for a variety of reasons. However, many of its participants such as
investors, the workforce and material manufacturers are being subjected to good
corporate governance requirements. Government and consumers too have due
diligence expectations, much of which is being translated in statutory
regulation. Regrettably, there has thus far not been an adequate and proactive
response from the construction industry as a whole. In line with the position
above, in 2006 CBN reported that despite the significance of good corporate
governance to national economic development and growth, corporate governance
was still at rudimentary stage as only 40% of publicly quoted companies
including the construction companies had recognized corporate governance in
place. The separation of ownership from
the management of business organizations via construction companies spurs a
divergence of interest amongst the parties. The divergence of the interest of
management and its owners has undermined investor’s confidence in the
board. Hence, investors are interested
about the level of accountability displayed by the board of directors. The
outcry of investors and other stakeholders are results of mismanagement and
inadequate financial disclosures given by the management has deemed it
necessary for the institution of sound corporate governance, procedure,
policies, rules, processes, practices, programs and institutions used in
administering, directing and controlling the operations and affairs of an
organization generally constitute the elements and instruments of its corporate
governance, and therefore the elaborateness, clarity and the degree of compliance
with these elements and plans reflect the extent to which an organization is
likely to experience good corporate governance.
Lambe (2014), says that empirical
evidence in the corporate world suggest a positive association between
corporate governance and organizational performance. In this regard,
sub-optimal or outright failure of governance system can therefore be argued to
be a major contributor to the collapse of many of the well establishedorganization
ns that abound in the world’s corporate landscape. This failure, which
translates into an inability of organizations to meet the expectations of their
various stakeholders, has often been traced to weaknesses in the internal
control infrastructures and operating environment still, and a lack of commitment
to high ethical standards. These weaknesses are sometimes deliberately or
intentionally induced by organizational designers and controllers, and at other
times they may be a result of the naïve assumption that those entrusted with
management responsibilities will always act in a way that suggests or promotes
enlightened self-interest, which should ultimately have a positive implications
for all stakeholders (Donaldson and Preston, 1995). However, evidence emerging
from some of the recently collapsed organizations with construction companies
inclusive the world over hitherto is assumed to be run professionally or on
sound principles, succinctly demonstrate the point that there is indeed a lack
of good corporate governance culture among corporate organizations, with its
attendant effect of enormous financial losses to both the stakeholders and the
society as a whole.
Corporate governance provides the
structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined. It is all
about running an organization in a way that guarantees that its owners or
stockholders receive a fair return on their investment, while the expectations
of other stakeholders are also met. (Magdi and Nedareh, 2002).Corporate
governance addresses the need for organizational stewards or managers to act in
the best interest of the firms core stakeholders, particularly, minority
shareholders or investors by ensuring that only actions that facilitates delivery
of optimum returns and other favorable outcomes are taken at all times.This is
typically facilitated by creating an operational base which promotes the
observance of codes of conduct that entrenches accountability, transparency,
fairness, ethical behavior, responsibility and other values designed to act as
safeguards against institutional corruption and the management of scarce
organizational resources.
code of best practice (2003) identifies three ‘key players’ in the
implementation process and prescribed the functions and responsibilities for
each of them. The principal actors are the board of directors, shareholders and
audit committees. The board expectedly, will be an assemblage of distinguished
individual from diverse backgrounds. Effective corporate governance is an
enduring factor which enables an establishment to evolve business excellence.
It is capable of enhancing board competence and team work which will result in
much improved benefit to the shareholders. Uche, (2004) says that, the board
has to be structured in such a way that it can achieve three ends which are
stated thus:
(a) Proper understanding of, and capability
to contend with, the matter of the company
(b) Effective review and appraisal of the
output of the management, and
(c) Exercise of incisive and unbiased
Statement of the Problem
A lot of construction companies had
sprung up in the recent past but have also failed to heed and observe sound
corporate governance codes. There have been cases of collapsed companies in the
construction industries caused by lack of commitment to high ethical standard,
use of substandard materials, contractor-contractee dirty dealings, corruption,
shady execution of jobs, and inadequate attendance to corporate social
responsibility. Conflict of interests, compromising integrity, disclosure of
official secrets, destruction of official documents for financial benefits and
many other practices against moral principles and ethical standards which are
the major problems besetting performance in construction industries in Nigeria.
Corporate governance demonstrates responsibility which is an approach to adopt
and manage the impact of a company’s operation exert on society and the
environment. The interest of the firm
and that of the society should be harmonized such that, none suffers or operate
at the detriment of the other even if the firm has an overriding advantages
over the society. Due to poor commitment to corporate social responsibility,
organizations are unable to compete successfully among rivals .It is against
this background that this study is being undertaken.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
main objective of the study is to determine the impact of corporate governance
on corporate performance of CONROK NIGERIA LTD. Based on the study; the
specific objectives are as follows
1 To
determine if CONROK Nigeria Limited Practice Corporate Governance
2 Ascertain
the extent to which Corporate Governance exist in CONROK Nigeria Limited.
3 Examine
the relationship between best practice/ethical behavior of CONROK Nigeria
limited in terms of performance.
4 Ascertain
the extent to which corporate social responsibility and the operational
environment is accountable for the CONROK Nigeria Limited competitive advantage
in the construction sector.
5 Determine
whether there are internally and deliberately induced professionals in CONROK
Nigeria limited which is accountable for its performance in the construction
6 Determine
how stakeholder’s interest in CONROK Nigeria limited is managed with a sound
institution of corporate governance procedures, policies, rules, programs,
practices etc.
This study is
anchored on the following research questions
1 .Does
CONROK Nigerian limited practice corporate governance?
2 To
what extent does corporate governance exist in CONROK?
3 What
relationship does code of best practices/ethical behavior have with the
performance of CONROK Nigeria limited?
4 Does
corporate social responsibility and operational environment affect the extent
to which CONROK Nigeria limited gain competitive advantages in the construction
5 Does
internally and deliberately induced professionalism in CONROK Nigeria limited
account for its performance in the construction industry in Nigeria?
6 How
are the stakeholders interest managed with the institution of sound corporate
governance, procedures, policies, programs, rules in CONROK Nigeria limited?
Research Hypotheses
H01 : There
is no significant impact to show that corporate governance is practiced in CONROK Nigeria limited.
There is no significant impact to
show the extent to which corporate governance exist in
CONROK Nigeria limited.
There is no significant
relationship between codes of best practice/ethical behavior and corporate performance of CONROK Nigeria
H04: Corporate social responsibility and operational environment does
not significantly affect the extent to which CONROK Nigeria limited gain
competitive advantage in the construction sector.
H05: Internally and deliberately induced professionalism does not
significantly account for the CONROK
Nigeria limited performance in the construction industry in Nigeria.
H06: Stakeholders interest is not significantly
managed with institution of sound corporate
governance procedures, policies, programs, rules in CONROK Nigeria Limited.
of the Study
This study focus on the impact of
corporate governance on corporate performance of CONROK Nigeria limited
It will be beneficial to the
government, the construction industry, particularly construction industries in
Nigeria, shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, management and the
general economy at large.
It will also serve as a dependable
material for any individual/group of persons who may wish to conduct further
research on this area of study.
Scope of the Study
This study is focused on the impact
of corporate governance on corporate performance of CONROK Nigeria limited, the
construction company that is located in Amasiri – Afikpo North Local Government
Area, Ebonyi State, South East Nigeria.
of the Study
The researcher did not have access to
all the relevant official records and thiswas a major constraint that the
researcher faced in this study, hence, the researcher made use of the available
libraries in the construction industry where these official publications were
In view of the unpredicted nature of
human beings, the researcher discovered that not all respondents sampled for
this study gave the needed co-operation for the completion of the questionnaires
that were administered on them. This made
it difficult for the questionnaire to be returned hundred percentage. The
researcher made adequate follow up to the respondents to ensure that not less
seventy five percent of the questionnaire were retrieved.
Profile of CONROK Nigeria Limited
CONROK Nigeria limited is a
Construction Company that has both national and international presence. Its
international office is located in 106 Des Alpes, saint Lambert, Quebec Canada
while its Nigeria registered office is in 387 Agege Motor Road, Mushin Lagos
with Zonal and of course its operational office in kilometer 65,Okigwe-Amasiri
Highway, before Afikpo junction, Ebonyi state.
Their scope of service covers road works and earthworks, infrastructure
projects, crushing and screening and asphalting, water retaining, structures
and concrete works. It has a pool of transitional, human, material and
technological resources that is capable of assuming total project
responsibility and of providing a comprehensive project
delivery program which includes
design, engineering, construction, management, procurement, materials
management, logistic and site support services.
The mission statement of CONROK
Nigeria limited is a group of companies operating in Nigeria and Canada, fast
growing, diverse and pro-active; CONROK is synonymous with efficiency, ethics
and cost effectiveness. They answer the real needs of public and private sector
clients. They are committed to fulfilling the expectations of the clients by
developing relationships through integrity, professionalism and service to
provide the highest quality projects through dedication, teamwork and
expertise, CONROK stands out from the competition by addressing the demands of the high end
market. To accomplishing this they offer superior service and expand into new,
promising markets, their solid approach to work uses the full potential of our
network of firms and the diverse expertise of our professionals. They value
their personnel, the spirit of partnership and transparency, they rely on the
talent, competence and dedication and motivation of our team who make our
company a successful and innovative network. Because of this their performance
and productivity are optimal which translate into high client satisfaction. CONROK
has developed the experience and system to mobilize within a short period of
time, technical staff, management, personnel and labour, to organize them into
fully integrated project teams and to deploy them to execute a variety of small
or large projects.
Vision, our success can be attributed
to our vision, the implementation of sound ideas and the development of new
plans through years of dedication and expertise. They evolve by expanding their facilities
while focusing on international growth, fleet diversification, infrastructure
development and business integration. CONROK’s vision is to answer the evolving
needs of client and markets by building our experience, innovating, further
developing our core engineering business, enhancing new skills and branching
out into new activities. In light of
this, we are committed to open communication with client’s flexibility,
multiculturalism and quality services.
Environment, health and safety:
CONROK places high premium on matters relating to environment, health and
safety (EHS). The company operates a carefully formulated and robust EHS
policy. The policy is the basis of our
environment, health and safety management system which provide a frame work for
setting our EHS objectives and targets.
CONROK is committed to actions geared towards promoting the good health
and welfare of employees, provision of safe working conditions and protection/
conservation of the environment. In the course of our construction activities,
adequate measures are in place to prevent accidents, injuries, pollution and
adverse effects on the environment. Issues relating to environment, health and
safety are methodologically approached through a structured risk assessment
program while identified hazards and impacts are promptly resolved. Our goal is to keep our workers safe and
healthy; we care for the environment and strive to keep our planet clean.
In line with our research, the
mission, vision, and the environment, health and safety policy of CONROK
Nigeria limited are geared towards institution of sound corporate governance in
the system as they speak volumes.
1.10 Operational
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarity, it is
necessary that certain terms used in this study are defined. These terms among
others include the following:
this has to do with the input-output ratio of a corporate body in turns
of efficiency of management of scarce resources.
Ethics: Is an acceptable norms and values of standard
in a corporate organization.
it has to do with how effective the organization interact and respond to
its operating environments
Transparency: it has to do with doing things such that
there will be no room for doubt.
Accountability: a concept that deals with giving account of
everything you are entrusted with to the understanding of all stakeholders
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