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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004725

No of Pages: 88

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research work is a conceptual frame work of Human Resource Management and Local Government Productivity.


The aim of this research work is to investigate the Impact of Human Resource Management on Local Government Production level. with particular reference to Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area.


This study also covers the various principles of human resource management such as manpower planning or procurement; Training and Development Performance Appraisal, problems of Local Government etc. This research work will be beneficial to the local government managers, the populace of the local area, and other researcher in Local Government issues.


This study discussed the procedure for data through the means of secondary source aim at presenting analysis and interpreting the research findings. The null hypothesis tested was true. The result revealed that human resource management is a vital tool for local government productivity. On the basis of this result obtained, it is recommended that parochial considerations be removed from official business of local government, and competent people should man the local government offices. It is also hoped that this recommendation will be useful for the improvement of local government productivity.







1.1       Background to the Study

1.2       Statement of the Problem

1.3       Objective of the Study

1.4       Research Question

1.5       Research Hypothesis

1.6       Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.7       Significant of the Study

1.8       Definition of Terms

1.9       Organization of Study







Manpower Planning












Training and Development



Performance Appraisal



Compensation Management



Promotion and Transfer



Theoretical Framework




3.0       Introduction

3.1       Restatement of Research Questions

3.2       Restatement of Research Hypotheses

3.3       Research Design

3.4       Population of Study

3.5       Sample and Sampling Procedure

3.6       Data Collection and Instrument

3.7       Administration of Data Collection Instrument

3.8       Procedure for Data Analysis

3.9       Limitation of the Study




4.0       Introduction

4.1       Respondents Characteristics and Classification

4.1.1   Respondent Distribution by Gender

4.1.2 Respondent Distribution by Ethnicity

4.1.3   Respondent Distribution by Religion

4.1.4   Respondent Distribution by Length of Service

4.2       Presentation and Analysis of Data According

to Research Question

4.3       Presentation and Analysis of Data According to

Test of Hypothesis




5.0       Introduction

5.1       Summary of Findings

5.2       Conclusions

5.3       Recommendations








Personnel Management In an organization means the harnessing of human potentials for the performance of some vital fundamental functions in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


Personnel management in the sense of Human Resource Management can be said to be the contribution or the role of every person who is responsible for the work of the organization.


However, the Human Resource Management approach implies a very broad meaning of "Personnel Management" and does not tell anything about the particular areas of work in which personnel specialists make a distinctive contribution to an organization (Bankole, 2000).


Human resources is recognized as the most vital of all the resources required for the production of goods and services, infact it is the key to rapid socio-economic development and efficient service delivery. Without adequate, skilled and well-motivated workforce operating within a sound human resource management programme, development is not possible. An organization that underrates the critical role and underplays the importance of people in goal-achievement can neither be effective nor efficient (Armstrong, 2006).


Human resource or Man Power Planning has been defined as "the process of determining manpower requirement and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plans of the organization." Human Resource Management range of activities including aspects of team leadership such as grievance handling and employee counseling, personnel management function recruitment and selection, employee development, performance appraisal, disciplinary matters, motivation and management development.


Human resources has been identified as very important because of the dynamic nature of man, that is, man has the ability to think and reason which invariably make him to make choices in every given situation. On like other resources that are static which do not move unless they are moved, such as land, capital and machines, these resources are best managed by human beings to bring about organizational growth and development, (Gary, 2005).


Human resources management is critical to any organization; inadequate human resource can make or mar an organization. Most organizations de-emphasize the importance of human resources and this has led to the unproductive result been experienced in such organization. The management of human resources is crucial to the growth and survival of any organization particularly those of the 21st century who encounter on regular basis unhealthy rivalry in the global market.


Perhaps, it may interest you to hear that as important as human resources is to organization, it is the most difficult to manage. Difficult in the sense that, unlike materials, money and time, human beings have their faculties for reasoning, and the ability to respond or resist the various types of stimuli that may considered intolerable.


Nevertheless, of all the resources needed by organization, human beings combine the other resources to make them efficient and effective. Example, money which is usually scarce could not come on its own to the organization except human beings in the organization source them, and huge sums of money could disappear into tin air if not managed properly by human beings and this could nail the coffin of the organization concerned.


Similarly, land may be expensive and the location may be fraught with problems, but once it is acquired with efficient people around, it can be profitably utilized. In the same vein, materials are obviously needed to make the combination of land and money meaningful, yet without the right type of people in the system; the material and land even the money may not be handled in a way that desired results will be obtained.


Apart from being the user of other resources in ways that will yield the best result, human resources are themselves the most dynamic, complex and unpredictable.


Therefore, it is not an overstatement to conclude that the survival of an organization is largely enhanced or guaranteed by the ability of effective and efficient human resource management to attract, retain, motivate and develop employees.

Scholar (1995:5}; acknowledged that the much attention which human resource management received in recent time was not unconnected with the global recognition that much could be gained from a better handling of human resource management.


According to Giwa (1990); ''without the organization and management of human resource, there perhaps will be no nation-state, and life would be nasty, brutish and short." Perhaps it is in full endorsement of this inescapable truth with local government, in the Lagos plan of action (1981) stated categorically that "since African's greatest asset is it's human resources, full mobilization and efficient utilization of labour force for local government development and social progress should be a major instrument of development.


Having shown that effective management of human resource is fundamental to the survival of any organization, it becomes imperative for any organization who desires to survive, to put in place, policies, programmes, and practices that can ensure optimal acquisition and utilization of human resources. This study therefore centres on Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area. In order to determine the extent to which the Amuwo Odofin Local Government appreciates, the overriding benefits attained from proper management of human resources on the local government productivity.



It IS obvious that some organizations encounter low productivity inspite of improper management of its human resource. However, local governments have not really been impressing towards rapid decrease in productivity.


Therefore, the likely problems facing local governments, most especially Amuwo Odofin Local Government are as follows:

i.        Failure to identify and address various approaches to human resources management.

ii.       Improper analysis of staffing process

iii.     Putting round peg in a square hole in terms of training its employees which eventually leads to under-development of the organization.

iv.      Also, negligence of manpower planning which result to low productivity.



The main objectives of this study are to investigate the impact of human resources management and how it affects local government productivity.

i.        To identify the various approaches to human resources management

ii.       To analyze the staffing process in Ojo Local Government Area.

iii      To analyze the effect of training and development of employees on local government productivity

iv.      To investigate the impact of manpower planning or local government productivity.




In an attempt to find solutions to the problems of human resources management and local government productivity, the researcher sought answers to the following questions.

i.        How can human resource management approach increase the level of productivity in the local government?

ii.       What is the effect of improper staffing process on local government productivity?

iii.     Does training and development improve the level of productivity in the local government?

iv.      What is the impact of manpower planning on local government productivity?



The following research hypotheses will be tested in this research work.

i.       there is significant relation of human resource management to local government productivity

ii.       There is a positive relationship between performance appraisal and promotion in Ojo Local Government Area

iii.      That frequent training and development programmes can improve the performance of employees in Ojo Local Government.



The study will be focusing on the impact of human resource management and local government productivity with special reference to Ojo Local Government Area. The study intends to cover the various principles of human resource management. Man-power planning, training and development, staffing process, performance appraisal and problems of local government in question.


The limitation likely to encounter In the course of this study are, the time frame, financial constraints, responses from respondents, and the secrecy of the local government to release data for the research work.



This research work will be making contribution to knowledge as well as assisting the local government to take informed decisions as it concern human resource management and productivity. Other researchers will equally benefit from this study as some of them may review such study in the course of their own research work. The populace of the local government areas will be able to know the problems and hindrances of local government productivity.



Human Resource Management: This has to do with a series of activities in which the job, the individual and the organization, all interact towards changes and development.


Local Government: This is the third tier level of government that serves as a grassroots government created for the purpose of efficient and effective administration of the local areas or localities.


Man-power planning: This is the acquisition plan of an organization for the right number and the right kinds of people at the right place of work, at the right time, doing the right kind of things for the maximum benefit of individuals and the organization.


Productivity: This is a measure of the production efficiency of an organization when measured with the ratio of input of output.


Staffing Process: Deals with the process of acquiring workers or employees for the execution and achievement of an organizational goals and objectives.



The study will be organized in five (5) chapters, chapter one (1) will comprise of the introduction and background of the study.


Chapter two (2) will be focusing on the literature review of scholars who have previously worked on this study, and theoretical framework of the study.


Chapter three (3) will be giving insight on the research methodology, how the data's will be collected for analyses.


Chapter four (4) will be on data presentation, analysis and interpretation.


Chapter five (5) will be showing a summary of the findings of this study, conclusion and recommendations.

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