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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004765

No of Pages: 92

No of Chapters: 5

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This project work would discuss the motivation factor that led the researcher to the choosing of this topic in the introductory stage.

Therefore, based on the foregoing aims, this researcher has been able to carryout a successful project work on the subject matter (human motivation as an effective tools for an organizational development in the banking industry). The study would also stress the significant of the motivation to any service industry. The historical background of the industry as the socio-economical factors that brings effectiveness to the services of the industry (guaranteed Trust Bank) the rational and limitations of the study was also discussed and chapter one would be concluded with definition of necessary terms used in the project,

In chapter two, the contribution of various author on this subject matter which would also be acknowledged by reviewing the necessary literature.

Chapter three of this research work would emphasis the uses of observation method, direct interview and questionnaire would be distributed to the respondents.

Chapter four deal with data presentation, interpretation of data anlyasis, testing of hypothesis, summary of findings.

While the last chapter focuses on summarizing the findings of the study, conclusion would be drawn and necessary recommendations would be suggested for the organization to adopt.





Title page






1.1      Statement of the Problem

1.2      Objective of the Study

1.3      Significant of the Study

1.4      Scope and Limitations of the Study

1.5      Hypothesis Formulation

1.6      Historical Background of the Case Study

1.7      Definition of Terms


2.1      concept of motivation

2.2      Thories of motivation

2.3      Content theories of motivation

2.4      Money as a motivational tools

2.5      Enhancing employee motivation


3.1      Research method used

3.2      Research instrument used for data collection

3.3.     Research population and sample size

3.4      Statistical technique used in analyzing data


4.1      Data presentation

4.2      Data Analysis and interpretation

4.3      Test of hypothesis

4.4      Discussion of results


5.1      Summary of Findings

5.2      Conclusion

5.3      Recommendation







An organization can be defined, in terms of the machinery used, but rather it is the human beings in the organization that make up the organization. For an organization to achieve it’s objective, it has to entail the utilization of the available resource such as time, money and material resources such as machinery, raw materials and human resources.

The human resources of an organization are its most treasured reassured resources. This is because all other resources are of no importance without the involvement of the human resources (the Gordian 2004) the human resources coordinator, coordinates all other resources into whatever objective they are to achieve. Also, the survival, achievement of productivity and the importance of any organization rests on the human resources, because human resources can think, differentiate between good and bad, and have ability to know what is attainable.

An organization that wishes to achieve its object has to work beyond the survival and relevance of processes procedures, machine and indeed all technology but focus more on the human resources because all technology function as a result of the skill and willingness of the human resources, for the human to be highly motivated.

Motivation is the general term applying to the entire class of drives, desire, needs, whishes and similar force (Weltrich and Kootz 1993) to say an organization motivation employees means that is does those things which it hopes will safe those deserved and desired manner. Human motivation therefore is that which triggers or propels human beings to act in a required way. It can also be said as that something and make them willing to work hard in other to do it. But before an employee can be effectively motivated to carryout a task, he has to have a motive. These human motives are based on a need, they are either primary need such as their physical requirement for water, air, food, sex, sleep, shelter on secondary needs such as self esteem, status, affiliation with others, affection, accomplishment and self assertion (Weltrich and Koontz 1993) when these things are satisfied in a human being, he may feel highly motivated.

For an organization to effectively coordinate its employees’ because employees abilities are not fully productive without motivation. Motivation is a particular drive or desire in an individual and it moves them into performing an action that will enable them achieve a goal. An organisaiton has to know that it cannot achieve its objective by just employing an individual based on their technical qualifications, experience, credential and all material but rather, it should look at the individual person motive as well (Kelner 2000) for an employers to have a long term success than in any given job will depend for more on the energy and emotional engagement he brings to the job than on the training or qualification the person has obtain over a long time, the energy tends to differentiate those who enjoy their work and makes it easier for individual to excel.



The purpose of an organization is to achieve its objectives and to achieve these, it has to have effectives and efficient employees. This, however not the case in most organization what we see are employees who are lazy, slow, relevant to act and unconcerned about their jobs. They are said to lack the zeal, the brightness and the motivation of hardworking, people and generally they dislike hearing anybody talk about efficiency, dedication, honesty, competence and productivity all which characterize achievement of people in an organization (the guardian 2004).

Moreover, most organization does not consider motivation technique as one of the ways in which they can improve their employees productivity. They are mostly profit driven and don’t think that by appropriate motivation of their employees, they will achieve their objectives. These organization looks at the technical qualifications experience, credentials and the aims of the individual they employ such that these employees with right credentials, qualifications and experiences are not rightly motivated in their job or work condition, their performances tend to be below par.



The purpose of this study is to show that an organization can achieve its objectives motivating its employees. The study shows, to the organization, the ways to improve their goals. The study also shows the extent of motivation in the turnover of employees in an organization. The specific objective of the study are therefore to:

*         Identity the importance of human resources in an organization and also shows the importance of motivating the human resources in an organizational development.

*         It states clearly how the motivation of the human resources can help organization in achieving the objectives.

*         It identifies the organizational context of effective motivation and performance.

*         It states how the management of an organization can use rewards and goals to motivate its employees.



The study is significant in the sense that it will enable the bank and other organizations to be aware of the importance of their human resources and also that by motivation, their human resource will improve their objectives.

The study will also provide information on factors which best motivates staffs of any organization, it is also hoped that this study will serve as a resourceful material for further research into this subject matter and also broaden over knowledge on motivation.



The study focuses on the way motivational techniques are being used in organization using the Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTB) Ilorin branch as a case study. It also tries to find out if the organization as ever used any motivational techniques with its employees and to know how the employees responded to such act.

This study is, however, limited as a result of time and resources. Due to the limited time made available to the researcher for the completion and submission of study and also the limited time in getting response from the respondents. It was quite difficult to cover all aspect of the study, although they will be covered and quite acceptable.

Finances has also being a limitation to this research work, it would have been ideal to use several topics is being used by the organization, but this would amount to little financial input than is available.

However, even with the limitation encountered during the course of the research, the quality of information gathered was impressive, and it is hoped that the study will serve as a reference point for other researches.



The hypothesis to be tested in the study are highlighted thus:

Ho -    Performance doesn’t increase it are recognized for doing a good job

Hi -     Incentives lead to improvement in employee’s performance.



Guaranty trust Bank plc was incorporated in July 1990, as a private limited liability company wholly owned by Nigerian individual as institution.

The bank was licensed as a commercial bank in August 1990 and commercial operation in February 1991.

In September 1996, Guaranty Trust Bank became a publicly quoted company, winning the prestigious Nigeria stock exchange “presidents merit award in its first year on stock exchange and gain in the year 2000 and 2003, the bank’s initial public offer in 2001 and subsequent offer in 2004 were largely successful, proof of general acceptance by the investment. The bank has always been committed to awarding excellent cash returns to shareholders on their investment.

In its second year of operation (1991) GT Bank declared a profit after tax of N42million, and promptly paid a divided of N1.25million to its shareholders. The following year 1993 and intern divided was paid for the first time. The sum of (N25million) was also paid from a profit after tax of N319million. This sets a lasting tradition and now the Bank remains an existing institution in Nigeria that pays both intern and fund dividends each financial year. Using a base period of November 2001, shareholders have reaped returns over 400% on their investment.

The bank obtained a universal banking license in February 2002 giving credence as an excellent financial services provider, the bank’s financial capacity to meet obligations as they fall has led to a credit risk rating by August and co-limited, one of the foremost credit rating agencies in Nigeria, the bank introduced e-banking services in the last three years, it has been rated as the best amongst those of other Nigerian banks. The bank was appointed as a settlement bank by the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) in 2003.

The bank has, over the years, been a recipient of several awards of superior financial performance, superior customer services delivery excellent share performance, management efficiency etc. In 2001, it clinched too pearl awards for quoted companies on the stock exchange in the dividend yield and sectored leadership categories in 2002, it received the corporate issuers table award from rulers-SBET Research in 2003, the bank was nominated for, a consumer sensitivity award in the banking sector for consumer services excellence.

The bank’s latest financial statement for 2006/2007, year ended February 28, 2008 shows a group profit before tax of N10.2 billion, total assets base plus contingents over N225 billion, return on average equity of 59% and earnings per share of 238 kobo on every ordinary shares of 50 kobo held.


The bank is committed to providing professional banking services from various facts of the Nigerian economy. To achieve this, it is divided in to units that offer specialized service to these various sector. These units include the institutional banking group (IBG). The commercial banking group (CBG), public sector group (PSG). Investment banking group and the personal enterprise settlement group.

The institutional banking group is changed with the responsibility of serving multinational and large corporate organization on the manufacturing services, energy, aviation, telecommunication, import and export sector among others. The commercial banking group is structured to suit the banking needs of middle market players such as government contractors, traders and medium scale corporate organizations. The public sector group, on the other hand, deals directly with government premarital at the federal, state and local government levels providing financial advisory services and other tailor made product portend. While Adventism (personal banking) is a response to the personal needs of the bank’s high net with customers. The bank has, however, been recognized into two arms, namely:

OPERATION AND MARKETING: these new organizational structures as approved by the management become operational in March 1, 2005 which marked the beginning of 2005/2006 financial year. The new functional configuration does not affect the unit but aligns guaranty trust banks human and material resources in its marketing units with the country’s geographical zones and recognized the expanding economic and business opportunities within and across these regions. It also addresses market competition issues and over internal operation team with a view to generating better efficiencies with each of these unit. GT Bank Plc operates on two fronts, participatory and professionals. On one hand, it strives to actively acquire the knowledge needed to service its customers and on the other hand, it imparts knowledge on how they can improve their business. This way, the bank provide total banking solution that meet its customer needs.

Guaranty Trust Bank’s primary business is the provision of a full range of financial services to select spectrum of cooperate and individual clients. They employ the best people processes and technology. The bank’s services are not limited to retail banking loans and advances, money market activities as well as foreign exchange operation. They also specialize in investment banking services and fund management services to the middle and top end of the Nigerian business market, the segment comprises top-level indigenous, enterprises and high net worth individuals.

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